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Update 29.10.0: Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack


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The only bad things i found so far was that I cannot see my teammates in the turrets having fun(no kidding the way the turrets are now is boring)
and the second thing is that i cant full prepare my ship before going in the missions...Why was this changed?

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Just now, -LordDarky- said:

where tf is the arsenal on railjack???!!!??

Bro where you go inside the railjack its right infront of you and on your back. if you have crew members and they use them already you cant find that usable spot
Bad decision not being able to see my crewmates fighting the outiside. BORING



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16 hours ago, PrinceMeliodas said:

I mean didnt the community whine 24/7 about railjack being to disconnected from the game, boring, repetitive etc? People wanted to whine about it and this is what we get. NOW YOU WHINE WHEN WE GET IT? Tf is wrong with the community? Can you never be fckn happy for once? They fckn listened to make Railjack Better and more connected. 

I can't speak for everyone but thats not what I would have said 'integrating' railjack meant. I would have just asked for the void storm functionality that is coming for railjack IN THE RAIJACK. Or mission types like invasions or kuva or liches to be done, IN THE RAILJACK. Some minor missions to disembark as we had it. This is just replacing the landing craft with a 30 second railjack entry then back to normal missions within the mission. That is not connecting the disconnected game types to me. Thats just making normal missions clunky and wasteful to players time.

If I wanted to just do a defense why wouldn't I just go do a standard defense mission? All this does is add layers of unnecessary complexity and the addition of even more bugs and player problems for no reason. This makes no sense from a design perspective or from the player experience. 

Edit: Just want to note here that the new additions for the actual Railjack gameplay in Pluto and the Void are actually very fun. I like how the solo side missions give bonuses and work like caches. The corpus ships and gameplay are awesome. Just keep that with a repeatable purpose (ie fissure, kuva, or some other farm new or other currency). The forced 4 man regular mission in the railjack mission is just out of place, clunky and unnecessary. 

Edited by Arbalest2
typo and update after some playing
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3 minutes ago, PrinceMeliodas said:

I mean didnt the community whine 24/7 about railjack being to disconnected from the game, boring, repetitive etc? People wanted to whine about it and this is what we get. NOW YOU WHINE WHEN WE GET IT? Tf is wrong with the community? Can you never be fckn happy for once? They fckn listened to make Railjack Better and more connected. 

The update notes go on and on about how "we wanted to make Railjack missions flow better!" when they flowed fine as is. Now there is no flow. now there's a screeching halt as the railjack content of a railjack mission is minimized in favor of doing the same stuff that's already in a regular mission. If connecting railjack missions to regular missions means removing the railjacks, then I'd rather it stay a content island.


Even if you didn't want to build your own it was still worthwhile to grind out your intrinsics to do void proxima missions for the Pennant, the Quellor, and the Shedu, as well as access to one of the most efficient affinity farms in the game. That's all the connection it needs if you ask me.


The update didn't make railjack any less of a content island, it took the railjack out of railjack and took away the best reward the game mode offered.

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Is it just me or are crew mates not accounting for all the mods on a weapon? I had a crewmate with a viral hunter munition Supra proc toxin and slash rather than viral, and one with a kuva ogris not create fire from nightwatch napalm 

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I am finally able to test this update for myself, but before I go in I am already noticing people talking about problems that were known about before the update even went live.

1: Flux to warframe energy has not only made people want to take high energy frames with despensers/energy pizzas/hildryn, its practically a must from what some people are saying (battle avionic costs are higher than what some builds allow for. This is why having a separate pool was nice)

2: Railjack being removed from Railjack. I need to see this for myself, but if I am new to warframe why should I bother building a railjack at all if its just the same gamemodes as the rest of the game (not to mention one can just join another crew to go farm all the useful stuff, then never touch it again).

3: Bugs, but this one is to be expected at this point... I just hope nothing ends up like that bug with that one grineer station door...

Alright, time to see what is going on for myself.


Edit: I forgot 4: lack of modularity of the modding system with current polarity system. I'll be making another post for what I think of everything once I actually try this all out

Edited by ShadeOhNiner
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6 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

As part of the transition from Railjack-based Avionics to player-based PLEXUS, Battle/Tactical abilities will now be fueled by Warframe energy, and Flux Energy will be completely removed from the game (any Avionics that relate to it will be converted to Endo). This allows players with existing tools for Energy generation to better integrate those tools into regular Railjack gameplay, further intertwining the two sides of the game. For non-Energy consuming Warframes like Lavos and Hildryn, cool downs and Shield-as-energy on Railjack will apply, respectively. 

Revert this immediately, there was negative feedback for this change on the Dev Workshop post then, and this was a well known fact, Energy Restores allow infinite spamming of abilities. If the point is to prevent constant use of these abilities, regardless of Flux Energy supplies is to just put these abilities on a Cooldown.

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This is all great and great but... god damn it more Forma investment, now in Railjack! Wasn't it enough with Lich weapons needing 5 forma to get all the mastery?! Just stop it at 30! Don't force people to spend 5 forma for every weapon! NOW INCLUDED IN RAILJACK!

Still love you to bits, DE <3

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5 hours ago, DrinkingRock said:


I can't give valid critique yet because I'm optimizing cache, but this seems like a really bad way to "improve" our guns. This mod setup will only apply to a miniscule number of guns, and you've effectively nerfed the crit potential of other guns by making Critical Delay and Creeping Bullseye mutually exclusive with the regular crit mods.

On top of that, there is zero reason to ever use Creeping Bullseye over PPG except in the incredibly niche case of Hemorrhage, and on rifles offers a miniscule crit increase for a harsh penalty.

Not only that, but I'm going to need a TON of forma to respect where those mods were formerly used.

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Can you make a feature that people can change the host by voting :' )

And make liches come with us to places we go on RJ since all they do is defending the ship.

Also reworking on Gauss and making his first ability to get faster as it's used and time passes :' )

Edited by Ozgun_
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1:1 for Dirac to Endo conversion feels wrong. Those rare mods need so much Endo to max out comparing using Dirac. Plus they require so much credits as well now. My suggestion would be make the mods have 5 or 7 ranks to max so it's comparable to using Diracs. Right now it's just like I need to pay 1.5M credits and 35K Endo to use what was mine before this patch and that's just for 1 mod. FYI players do not have access to GM commands to create credits and endos from nothing. 

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6 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Removed the ability to sell the Mutalist Alad V Assassinate Blueprint from the Patient Zero Quest.

  • This prevents players from potentially locking themselves out from getting Mesa components. 

Could you please add the keys to Simaris's artifact archive so those of us who unfortunately did sell our keys can at least get new ones?

Also on a related note, why is it possible to buy infinite Limbo and Mirage blueprints from the market, yet impossible to sell them? currently the only option is to fully build the duplicate Limbos and Mirages if you accidentally buy more blueprints than you intended.

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I was excited to see this update coming up, but as good as new things could be, i'm quite disappointed.
First, i agree with many of the previous comments saying new RJ missions are like doing normal mission but with a "briefing phase" of less than a minute onboard the RJ.. nothing more. (i felt quite disappointed when i got into the mission and found out it was nothing else than the worst defense map ever made, it took several minutes to do 5 waves, since we got there equipped for "general use".
Second, new content is bugged as hell. RJ Defense extraction is bugged and makes you fail the mission, also going from 1 mission to another without going back to drydock, leaves you stuck in the loading phase without any chance to exit or abort apart from alt+f4 (or maybe i had this bug due to the "failed extraction i said before, don't know).
Third: not only there's a lot of bugs in the new content, but also normal stuffs bugged out. i've been twice in the ESO trying to exp a sentinel, and even if when i pressed esc i saw it was gaining affinity, it didn't show up by pressing tab. When i got back to the orbiter i noticed it was back to lvl 0.

I'm done for today, hope to see some fixes tomorrow because this only makes me upset.

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Great. Been waiting like 6 months for any sort of content and instead come back to "congratulations on having all your avionics maxed out, here's a bunch of half-ranked crap and about 6 months of credit and endo farming just to be at the same place you were yesterday."

What a slap in the face, especially with how pitiful those "early adopter" bundles are.

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That overhaul update is bad in my opinion, they removed too many RJ missions, and copy pasted ground missions to RJ corpus missions with extra steps to replace them.
Most of the mods are pretty useless to begin with and some that were pretty neat are just useless ( RIP Tether shot ).
I was hoping to see something new and better for the gameplay, but instead it's just recycling ground missions with a railjack sticker on it and corpus design.
For an update that has been waited for so long, just to receive a downgrade copy-paste/replacement, it's pretty disappointing.

Sure, some stuff are added but that doesn't coppe with all of the minus for the Railjack.
The loot table got some nice stuff in general, tho Oberon as a bonus reward is ridiculous imo.
I appreciate the UI change for the navigation.

But again, that's my opinion.

Edited by Exilphir
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