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Coming Soon: Devstream #155 Monday @ 1:00 ET!


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Devstream155_Yareli_Monday.jpgHi Everyone!

We are doing a special Monday Devstream on May 31! Big things are coming! Join us for our last Devstream before both our next Major Update Sisters of Parvos AND Tennocon 2021 on July 17!

Watch the Devstream to be the first to see Yareli in action! This aquatic darling will be sure to steal your heart (while destroying your enemies). We’ll be doing a deep dive into all things Sisters of Parvos, and share some parting words as we look toward TennoCon 2021!

We’ll also be going over community questions - post them in this thread! We’re locking things Monday at 10:00 ET!

Join us on twitch.tv/warframe and earn a Requiem Mod - which of the 8 Requiems will it be? Fate will decide!

See you Monday, May 31 @ 1:00 PM, Tenno!

Nintendo Switch Tenno who want to watch from their portable console can do so by installing the YouTube app for free at the Nintendo eShop. Head to the Warframe YouTube channel when we're live to tune in!

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I have multiple concerns that I wish will be addressed, if not during the devstream, then in the imminent future.


First off, where are the faction syndicate operator suits? It baffles my mind that the Vent Kids got them long before the main six.


Secondly, since the team has been making Warframe quests, I believe that we're still owed quests relating to the Arbiters & Steel Meridian. The Arbiters derive many parallels from the Red Veil regarding their admiration of the Tenno, they deserve to be fleshed out & they deserve their own Harrow of sorts. With the Steel Meridian quest, we could possibly receive the Grineer counterpart to Protea; a Warframe intrinsically linked to the Twin Queens & their militaristic brutality.


Thirdly, I beg of you not to give up on the Leverian! Its simplistic nature has charm to it, almost reminiscent of the Prime trailers. Regardless of how big or little the lore implications seem to be, I still derive enjoyment from Drusus & his stories.


My fourth point is a simple request; provide us with a unique slot for On Call crewmates. Allow us to choose between whoever we've recruited instead of limiting it to just one of the three active crewmates.


A fifth point of contention revolves around two unique weapon skins, the Manticore Scindo skin & the Fragor Brokk skin. These are the only two weapon skins in the game that have stats tied to them, and it seems like an oversight not to turn them into legitimate weapons.


Finally, I believe it's time to address the issues revolving around the Kingpin system & Valence Transfer. Valence Transfer as a concept is executed wonderfully in Railjack, the same cannot be said for the Kingpin system. Due to the lengthy process of acquiring & dispatching nemeses, we need to make major adjustments to the system in order to add more depth & speed up the process. Valence Transfer is the only feasible method of upgrading weapons & changing their elemental bonus, but there should never be just one method towards perfection, correct? I believe that unique resources like Kuva should be used in these scenarios. As for Requiem mods & relics, I'm perplexed at the decision to make the mods an uncommon drop given that these relics exist because of the mods. If you aren't going to make these mods permanent, at least make them common drops, maybe even provide an entirely new method to acquire them. The Entrati family & the Requiems have a deep connection, we should tap into that potential. The wildcard mod will mean next to nothing if the other mods are still far too annoying to acquire. Now, let's address the murmur grind. It's a dull, mundane process that takes way too long when you run solo. If you aren't going to reduce the amount of murmur progression required, at least allow successful nemesis mission runs to provide a decent amount of progress on par with a Parazon stab. Maybe even provide sensible applications of progression, such as an ounce of progression when you hack into a spy vault without tripping alarms, capture a target or defend a terminal. The gameplay should be used to tell a story, one revolving around a deadly game of cat & mouse, not some monotonous slaughterhouse that we've grown accustomed to. And did I mention the fact that the Liches still lack moddability or skill points when you finally do acquire them as crewmates?

Vaas Montenegro's quote on insanity is poignant when describing the many, many problems of Warframe. If success is defined by the amount of hours you've made your players waste doing the same thing over & over again, then you run the risk of stagnation. All I ask for is innovation, improvement & dedication to balancing grind with rewarding gameplay. Enough of the shallow schlock already!

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Will we ever see a waypoints/mission markers 2.0?

With misleading waypoints and objective markers lingering indefinitely on screen after objective completion it seems that the system needs a good overhaul

And the pet rework?

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Any updates on skin availability for Primary Kitguns? I bought an Oscira skin and realized after the purchase that I cannot actually put it on my Kitgun I made and that kinda made it put it down, despite it really being a decent weapon overall. I really don't like how some kitguns look.

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is there any plan to redo the way affinity works as currently there feels like far too many options to level, and you are always stuck in defense/sanctuary onslaught to level weapons, as opposed to just gaining it more passively while playing the game. Also, can you make it so max leveled weapons without a lens will not take affinity away from weapons that are not max rank?

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Can't wait! I do have a question:


Are we going to eventually see Solaris as railjack crew options? I would really love to be able to have them, the solaris are my favorite faction by a longshot, and it would be nice to have them on my Solaris United themed railjack.




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Will there be any chance that ALL somachord pieces that spawns in open world nodes be available in fixed locations around PoE, Orb Vallis and the Cambion Drift instead of having just ONE spawning in a somewhat random location per session?

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