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Cross-Play & Cross-Save Megathread - The Soonening(TM)/Public Test Edition


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I asked the support team about how the cross-save feature was going to be implemented, however, since the feature was only teased and is not fully fleshed out yet I will bring my thoughts to the forums. I started Warframe as a founder way back when and took a break a bit after arch-wing's launched into the game. I came back once Warframe released the xbox version since I had my core group of friends on that platform at the time. When the initial account migration period happened, I missed it because I was out of the loop and not on the xbox version yet. Thus we come to 2021 with the announcement of cross-save/crossplay coming in the next DLC. I have a mixed bag of blueprints, prime frames/weapons, and some microtransaction items across both accounts and I am hoping that the team can implement a linking of associated player accounts and merge them together so that players do not lose any frames, weapons, blueprints or items that they have acquired across multiple accounts that have been played on. My main concern is losing access to Excalibur prime, should I decided my xbox account has the better grouping of frames/ items if the implementation of cross-save asks the player to choose one platforms' account to carry over to all platforms.

Have a good day my fellow Tenno.

Edited by A_GreatWhiteApe
Missing word inside a sentence
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This is a very interesting and likely unique situation you're in, if I'm understanding you correctly. You have founder status on PC but all your gameplay hours are on Xbox, correct?

My bet is that each platform account is unique (when I migrated to Nintendo Switch I had to make a separate forum account so maybe they all have unique identifiers). When you load up the game we may get a choice of which account to use (This is how I'd implement it) if we have multiple linked to a single email address. I really don't think there is a clean way to implement absorbing the qualities of one account (or profile in this case) into another. So your PC account and Xbox account will most likely remain separate, and your founder status will be linked only to the PC account (profile).

This is my best guess, anyway. Trading with our other accounts/profiles will probably only be possible with tradeable goods via an intermediary to hold the items for us. 

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4 hours ago, (PSN)SHINOBISERPENT said:

If you show which console players are on and create a chat filter for certain consoles... like an xbox player only wants to see messages and have messages be seen by "xbox" and "pc players". This would still SOMEWHAT be exclusive behavior. But pubs could still be fair game. 

I'm not sure why this is even a thing. People want to stay separate in chat?

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14 hours ago, (NSW)mrEkli said:

I'm not sure why this is even a thing. People want to stay separate in chat?

This would give players the option to avoid ending up with a person using their phone in a 5x3. We have a fraction of this with chat filters. But being put with players that are not prepared for a particular game mode is uncomfortable and frustrating. Some players have already proposed the hope of the option to turn off crossplay entirely which I believe is a little excessive. It also would be a bit weird if a person were to join you squad, then try to invite their friend who has been trying to join as well on their phone or switch or other console. Either one player gets stuck with an ill-equipped teammate or a teammate misses out on their friend joining. This is similar to a host having on invite only. It's a difficult and touchy subject. 

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The best way to implement this is to just merge accounts. They need to devise a way to have something in their systems look at ALL the accounts you wish to be involved in this merger for Cross Progression/Save and see what all you have across everything such as Warframes, Weapons, Companions, Mods (maybe no Rivens if they think that would be too broken), Cosmetics, Helminth, Decorations, Ayatan, Credits, Endo, Kuva, Ducats, Void traces, Relics, Ect. Overlays the account to compare which one has what and just merge them into a Super Account that has everything BOTH accounts have.


I have an account on PC that is MR 17 and a MR 18 PS4 account. 17 has a lot of the Gold Status mods and Damage type mods that I bought from Baro that took A LOT of Ducat Farming to get. Additionally I have a lot of Prime Frames on 18 as well as weapons and companions that I did not build on 17 that I would want to keep. Additionally I have a few good Rivens across both accounts but once again 18 takes the prize from this one as well. If we could merge accounts, have them overlayed and just make an account that has all of our stuff from all accounts I think it would be awesome.


If this thread is used to see what people want most, my vote is for MERGING.

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13 hours ago, (PSN)SHINOBISERPENT said:

This would give players the option to avoid ending up with a person using their phone in a 5x3. We have a fraction of this with chat filters. But being put with players that are not prepared for a particular game mode is uncomfortable and frustrating. Some players have already proposed the hope of the option to turn off crossplay entirely which I believe is a little excessive. It also would be a bit weird if a person were to join you squad, then try to invite their friend who has been trying to join as well on their phone or switch or other console. Either one player gets stuck with an ill-equipped teammate or a teammate misses out on their friend joining. This is similar to a host having on invite only. It's a difficult and touchy subject. 

Poorly equipped / skilled players exist on all platform Why should it matter if someone is on their phone or not? None of your points disqualify another platform.


Edited by (NSW)mrEkli
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3 hours ago, (NSW)mrEkli said:

Poorly equipped / skilled players exist on all platform Why should it matter if someone is on their phone or not? None of your points disqualify another platform.


Well if a person is master rank 30 with 1000+ caps, they'll still be a liability to play with on a phone or switch. Yes, they are a competent player which may mislead a person into believing they are well equipped. Not only are phone controls going to be a little iffy in theory, the loading times would be a problem. There's no desire to be seperate from other communities, just a fear of this cross contamination. I suppose that yes, player skill and competence is a good measurement to matchmake based on. But platform power and efficiency is a factor that isn't so easily determined without the option to include/exclude players that may be a liability. This is just for high tier gameplay, but it's an even bigger reason to have an option. Pc load times are nearly instantanious while ps4 times take up to a minute. And having a liability in a time gated game mode is a major nuisance. 

Addition: Who knows? Maybe phones have enough processing power to beat pcs xD. Or DE can make it be efficient. But let's be honest. It's very unlikely. And isn't switch missing two bumpers compared to other controllers?

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Motion and gyro controls on Switch atleast Maybe phones too? are as natural as a mouse and keyboard. Sure 30ish fps is not ideal but it did'nt hurt my attempts at clearing high tier content. (i play WF on Switch and a high end esports grade PC setup).

Also there are still people on PC playing the game on 10 year old IGP's.

Edited by CarrotSalad
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10 hours ago, (PSN)SHINOBISERPENT said:

Well if a person is master rank 30 with 1000+ caps, they'll still be a liability to play with on a phone or switch. Yes, they are a competent player which may mislead a person into believing they are well equipped. Not only are phone controls going to be a little iffy in theory, the loading times would be a problem. There's no desire to be seperate from other communities, just a fear of this cross contamination. I suppose that yes, player skill and competence is a good measurement to matchmake based on. But platform power and efficiency is a factor that isn't so easily determined without the option to include/exclude players that may be a liability. This is just for high tier gameplay, but it's an even bigger reason to have an option. Pc load times are nearly instantanious while ps4 times take up to a minute. And having a liability in a time gated game mode is a major nuisance. 

Addition: Who knows? Maybe phones have enough processing power to beat pcs xD. Or DE can make it be efficient. But let's be honest. It's very unlikely. And isn't switch missing two bumpers compared to other controllers?

Everyone could suck and people are playing on older PCs too that some phones outclass. Switch is not missing any buttons.

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10 hours ago, CarrotSalad said:

Motion and gyro controls on Switch atleast Maybe phones too? are as natural as a mouse and keyboard. Sure 30ish fps is not ideal but it did'nt hurt my attempts at clearing high tier content. (i play WF on Switch and a high end esports grade PC setup).

Also there are still people on PC playing the game on 10 year old IGP's.

Have you seen some Fortnite kids play on phones? They are so used to touchscreens it's so natural for them. I can't imagine playing like that myself but I wouldn't stop them from if they're just as good as other players.

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16 hours ago, CarrotSalad said:

Also there are still people on PC playing the game on 10 year old IGP's.

Yeah. I guess this is true. There's no option to avoid these people sometimes. And I don't think it would be a problem if they optimized it to be comparable. I have faith in DE. But if it isn't... it would be nice to have the option to prepare for an intense mission without having to interrogate players with doodoo internet or less powerful hardware. These phones are pretty good these days though. And warframe is actually VERY optimized. I got faith in DE. If there's an issue that's that bad, players will DEFINITELY bring it to attention to the devs. Things sort themselves out in tbis game. I'm just using foresight to suggest a potential fix for a potential issue.

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8 hours ago, (PSN)SHINOBISERPENT said:

Yeah. I guess this is true. There's no option to avoid these people sometimes. And I don't think it would be a problem if they optimized it to be comparable. I have faith in DE. But if it isn't... it would be nice to have the option to prepare for an intense mission without having to interrogate players with doodoo internet or less powerful hardware. These phones are pretty good these days though. And warframe is actually VERY optimized. I got faith in DE. If there's an issue that's that bad, players will DEFINITELY bring it to attention to the devs. Things sort themselves out in tbis game. I'm just using foresight to suggest a potential fix for a potential issue.

Of all the games I play Warframe is the most demanding on my components, this game gets hotter than any other game despite having way lower specs than lots of my other high graphical games. It would seem it's actually poorly optimized no? Why does it run so hot if it's not even a whole lot to process.

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I can't wait to bring my 3000 hrs switch account over to my ps5. Once I downloaded on ps5 ND saw the difference I can't believe I spent 2 years on the switch. Great port and great use of the consoles abilities but they are just severely limited compared to ps5 or even ps4. 

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Hi, I have a question that touches on the topic of new cross-saves.

Will it be possible to merge two accounts from Xbox and PC into one so that I can have progress from both platforms on one account?

Or cross-saves will be limited only to moving one account to many platforms?

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6 minutes ago, enderman10220_ said:

Hi, I have a question that touches on the topic of new cross-saves.

Will it be possible to merge two accounts from Xbox and PC into one so that I can have progress from both platforms on one account?

Or cross-saves will be limited only to moving one account to many platforms?

Players haven't been told much about this yet. Steve mentioned something about merging accounts, but that's all he did was hint at a merger. Maybe during this Friday's Dev stream on twitch we will hear more about cross save. 


Looking forward to this as my potential most favorite update to drop in WF in a long time. 

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Cross save is planned to be a permanent feature, not a one-time action. You'll be able to play from different platforms as much as you like.

Yes merging is planned. DE has not released much information except that they are planning to allow merging. (See picture).

For more information on what we DO know, check out the official thread. Everything important has been put into the very first post, so it's easy to read.






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8 minutes ago, enderman10220_ said:

Or cross-saves will be limited only to moving one account to many platforms?

I don’t know that anyone can provide an answer to this yet. I am not sure if DE have it all figured out either.


My assumptions: any content real money was spent on will be preserved; quest progress will take whatever has more completed; and unique items/things will be kept.

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I have 2 accounts.  I have bought plat on both accounts on playstation and on PC.  (around MR 18 on one and MR 14 on the other)


Have we gotten any news on if we can merge accounts?? What that looks like? I am unsure if I should even keep playing on both accounts, because what if I lose all progress on one account?


Can you please give us some information, for those of us who have multiple active accounts?

Edited by ktothekay008
MR adding
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I have another concern. Once cross save and cross play are instituted, will Baro's offerings be synchronized?

Right now the consoles are six weeks behind the pc in terms of Baro's inventory. Will they be synchronized or will they continue to be separate?

I suppose it would help to know if there is a reason for the six week gap. Does anyone know?

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