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34 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

I do agree they could adjust the price. But how many do you think would accept a reduction that is lower in value than full priced plat. We've already seen math here about how the bonus plat is effectively worth 1:1 compared to platinum bundles. In reality, the $20 pack could possibly be reduced by $5 or something no doubt, but some people assume the plat has the full worth, so in such a case they wouldnt be happy unless the reduction was around $13 or so. Which is just insane and ridiculous.


Adjusting the price isn't necessarily my point, nor attempting to speculate on how many would accept or still take issue with value adjustments, I am not sure what specific maths you are referring to, to know whether I agree or not. I would personally agree that in a vacuum, based on the limited knowledge I have, a reduction of $5 to the $20 would seem fairer and more reasonable than a $13 reduction. I wouldn't necessarily say the latter is insane and ridiculous though. Hypothetically, if Regal Aya/Aya system was a permanent feature, but we were told, that we could occasionally the same style of discount vouchers as we do for Plat, thats another factor that would shift the entire context of value. To a lot of people, Regal Aya might seem steep and like too much, the same way a lot view current Platinum packs, but they'd be willing to wait for a 50% or 75% voucher. 

Alternatively, in an alt reality where Warframe didn't have Platinum vouchers, someone could suggest that DE should, and a person could make a similar point about how it would be insane of them to do that, to lose out so much, reduce by so much. I don't say this to imply anyway is right or wrong inherently, Nor is my example intended to be a comparison to Regal Aya, since there is a lot thats obviously different. DE as a business, with Warframe seems to thrive by making adjustments and looking at figures, patterns and so on. Another hypothetical, lets say they could see into the future, and in the future where Regal Aya packs come with Platinum, thats the one where they make more profit and thrive. Then they'd probably plan around that. Of course its not certain since they can't look into the future, and of course we also don't necessarily know every detail about why Regal Aya is being introduced, there are so many complications and variables to consider, I again, don't envy the position of the people who have to make such decisions. 

Not you, but I have seen some other users, making reference to other players "whining about Plat", but the thing is... that doesn't help DE. If I had a business with the goal of making profit, and I had 1000 people I could be making money off of, if I made some small changes, but I had 3 people defending my current plans, calling those 1000 others "whiners", those 3 people aren't actually helping me. Also not saying that this is the current actual situation here, or that I would automatically just go listen to a 1000 random opinions. Also ideally the 1000 complaints would be more well mannered and polite lol (I feel like many in this thread are guilty of shooting the messengers) but its in a businesses interest to sift through the hyperbole, and insults and all that to make their decisions. Again tends to be complicated. DE may have also anticipated a certain amount of backlash, and the current amount might accurate to that prediction, but then if not, they are prepared to make small adjustments, if not now, later. 

Its why me emphasis in our discussion, focused on how earlier you made a comment about how the Plat included wasn't a significant factor for you. Which created conflict with a bunch of others. If for a large amount of people who use real money in Warframe, and the Plat is significant, but they also value and appreciate choice/flexibility, then Regal Aya isn't necessarily an alternative model, its a competing model, which DE should be aware of. It means effectively a lot of people will spending more than they planned on, in order to get flexibility and choice on a limited time event, but also what they already were planning on, to get some Plat. For the Warframe players who don't care about the Plat or who can afford to spend more with worry, then its not a competing model. 

Competing currency isn't necessary a bad thing business wise, DE could say "Regal Aya is priced this way because you are paying for the advantage of not having to wait 9 months to get 2 armour pieces, and then 14 months to get that Syandana you always wanted" but eh, that carries with it complications too, that could be its own conversation. Depends on the transparency and delivery. Personally and just speaking for myself, if this Christmas, there was a bundle to get the next Prime Access Accessories, with a little bit of Plat and a little bit of Regal Aya (as opposed to the Plat you would normally get), I'd rather that, than any pack excluding one or the other.

Alternatively, most feedback I have seen around normal Aya has been positive, and maybe the goodwill and engagement based off that is what DE was banking on, since they know feedback around paid currency is always going to be contentious (though I like to think thats not how they operate either) 

Sorry my reply is long and not concise, I just woke up! Thank you for your reply! 

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3 minutes ago, iPathos said:

Thank you for clarifying, I also would prefer if SneakyErvin would expand on their accusations when the "clarification" so shown wasn't something literally posted 2h ago while I was mid-sortie and at approximately 2:30am.

We've known this for days though.

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1 minute ago, iPathos said:

Read my followup reply to PublikDomain, I'm done trying to convince you of anything at this stage.

You are this invested in the whole subject and you cant keep up with the info that has been given over these days since the workshop opened? The prices have been showed by DE in videos showcasing the vendor, it is info that has been there for days. And I snapped up that video info without even watching that video/stream. Really hard to come by obviously.

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1 minute ago, SneakyErvin said:

You are this invested in the whole subject and you cant keep up with the info that has been given over these days since the workshop opened? The prices have been showed by DE in videos showcasing the vendor, it is info that has been there for days.

Still dosent mean its right to exploit there players 

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2 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Oh I'm sorry... Am I only allowed to be negative and carry pitchforks  here? 

The same way there are people wanting to burn DE for setting their own prices for prime accessories, there are people that think it's a good deal because they get to choose. 

As far as I know, DE hasn't forced anyone to buy anything or charged anyone's account without knowing. 

Oh, you're more than welcome to be happy for paying the same amount for half. I just think you should keep that to yourself. Trying to convince your fellow Tenno that the obvious decrease in value isn't a big deal is tacky.

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6 hours ago, (PSN)Reaper330011 said:

A hundred thousand times this. I doubt that many people even bought the regal Aya anyway…


I was honestly going to buy cus I wanted to buy some Prime cosmetics that I never got before but the prices are honestly ridiculous idk what to do I don’t want to wait essentially ANOTHER YEAR it’s so messed up and scummy 

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8 hours ago, (PSN)Rainbow_Neos1 said:

You completely misread what I'm saying and instead decided to be condescending. I'm asking what purpose does the mod booster play. As far as I can see, the majority of the endo comes from drops and not the mods afterward. 

Your analogy is incorrect. I clearly stated "that slowly adds up" in my statement meaning ism acknowledging it'll mean something eventually. You'd rather be negative I guess. 

I'm not going to look through the rest of this thread to see if someone else answered you. Endo is considered a mod drop so mod drop chance boosters increase the Endo drops. That's the bit you were missing.

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3 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

You are this invested in the whole subject and you cant keep up with the info that has been given over these days since the workshop opened? The prices have been showed by DE in videos showcasing the vendor, it is info that has been there for days. And I snapped up that video info without even watching that video/stream. Really hard to come by obviously.

Sorry, I also have a real life to deal with including a recent car break-in and moving to a new address. Get over the fact that I care about the game enough to weigh in on subjects without keeping my nose so close to the ground that I catch every single change the second it happens.

If you actually read the aforementioned response to PublikDomain, you'd understand at least partially where I'm coming from - but you seem to have trouble keeping up with info here.

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24 minutes ago, Perfectly_Framed_Waifu said:

That would make site-buying work for all platforms, no?

No, DE has to go through Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo and they all have different policies and regulations when putting items up in their stores. So even though it's cross platform they still have to conform to the other company's regulations. 

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6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Adjusting the price isn't necessarily my point, nor attempting to speculate on how many would accept or still take issue with value adjustments, I am not sure what specific maths you are referring to, to know whether I agree or not. I would personally agree that in a vacuum, based on the limited knowledge I have, a reduction of $5 to the $20 would seem fairer and more reasonable than a $13 reduction. I wouldn't necessarily say the latter is insane and ridiculous though. Hypothetically, if Regal Aya/Aya system was a permanent feature, but we were told, that we could occasionally the same style of discount vouchers as we do for Plat, thats another factor that would shift the entire context of value. To a lot of people, Regal Aya might seem steep and like too much, the same way a lot view current Platinum packs, but they'd be willing to wait for a 50% or 75% voucher. 

Someone used the full value of the plat in their calculation regarding what the plat was worth in a pack, the full value ended up an avarage between 2 packs at 11-14$ in that calculation. And that is even when the critics here have pointed out it is "discounted" plat being offered. So basing a price reduction on the full value or even close to it when it is "discounted" would be very odd. Which is why $5 would seem right in such a case because that would mean the platinum was around 60% off in the specific bundle. Sure one can say that it is only 1% of in the pack to fuel an agenda regarding how much of a priority the plat has in the bundle compared to the actual products.

The it would also really come down to which platform, since platinum is valued differently across them all aswell, just as adding in the potential of 1-bundle platinum discounts or general period discounts between the platforms. We have 1-time bundle discounts on PC, you have period discounts on console. Where should the value of the plat from a access bundle end up to be even for all platforms and work for future cross-features?

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9 minutes ago, DukeRukasu said:

That still makes zero sense: Using Primes more =/= having the majority of primes

And that the majority of the players just want the accessoirs is also just guessing on your part

And for the very last time: I never made that justification!

How are players using more primes if they don’t own them? please ur just slow and that’s okay :)…

and 2 if that want the case why are so players complaining about the price of Regal Aya? But at the end of the day it’s still an issue lol don’t know what you get from being a boot licker 

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9 minutes ago, iPathos said:

Sorry, I also have a real life to deal with including a recent car break-in and moving to a new address. Get over the fact that I care about the game enough to weigh in on subjects without keeping my nose so close to the ground that I catch every single change the second it happens.

If you actually read the aforementioned response to PublikDomain, you'd understand at least partially where I'm coming from - but you seem to have trouble keeping up with info here.

We all have a real life, that gives us no reason to jump another players neck without the info. You managed to call it Ironic, having lack of awareness and be ridiculous and flimsy. And ontop of it, instead of looking for actual facts, you instead took time for a screendump cut out that you've also had time to upload during your seemingly "busy" real life.

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vor 1 Minute schrieb (PSN)RB3-Reloaded:

How are players using more primes if they don’t own them? please ur just slow and that’s okay :)…

and 2 if that want the case why are so players complaining about the price of Regal Aya? But at the end of the day it’s still an issue lol don’t know what you get from being a boot licker 

Lol, I am the slow one? Ok, cool. Let me be clear then: If you have Wukong Prime for example and you use only him, you are using more primes than non primes. But you still only own ONE prime. How ist that so hard to understand?

And your second argument (if you even want to call it this way) is laughable. Do you have numbers? All I see is small handfull of loud people being pissed and a lot of people parroting.

The only reason I got so involved here is because I dont like when people throw around wrong numbers. Also IMO this is a non-issue, and yes I get nothing from it. But so do you and you going ad hominem now for the second time kinda shows...

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4 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

1. I love how you think I love to think you will buy RA. Are you not aware of the universal use of "you"?

2. It also needs to be set up to interact with the game each time, which in WF's case we know requires patching for every new PA or UA. Which is why DE also changes it to be a part of the game through a vendor that can be rotated as needed through the backend without a patch. They pretty much gave the very reason for why they want to have it inside the game.

3. Yes, alot, such as national verification requirements (like implementing bank-id app interaction straight to the game), payment options etc. that is not programmed into the game at a "first part" level. Everything, even their own store front is handled by a third party, with further parties involved depending on region. Xsolla handles their store by the looks of it, while in Europe purchases go through something called DigitalRiver in Ireland.

1. You evidently don't know how the universal "you" works in combination with "will". Compare these three sentences:
"People will come to realise that Regal Aya is a scam."
"The vast majority of people will come to realise that Regal Aya is a scam."
"You will come to realise that Regal Aya is a scam."

2. Set up to interact with the game each time? That's one way to prove you're no programmer. Just because the option to buy something in the store is temporarily disabled doesn't mean the setup to receive the items in-game if a purchase is made magically vanishes. The DE devs aren't that inept at programming.

3. "a lot", as in the sentence "you sure talk a lot about programming purchases directly into the game for some weird reason".

21 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Oh dear Hel. No it isnt a scam, it is an option if a player doesnt want to spend time cracking those relics or buying them at all. You arent forced to give up your Aya for anything, you are allowed the option to buy whatever you want for them. It is no more a scam to get 5 ducats for an Aya than it is leaving a relic uncracked in an inventory.

Just because there's non-scam options doesn't mean that one of them isn't a scam. Just because you're free to choose to not spend your currency, or to indefinitely refrain from consuming a product bought with your currency, doesn't mean that one of them isn't a scam. 5 ducats for an Aya is a scam, pure and simple.

24 minutes ago, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

I just watched gaz video and I agree dont buy regal aya because there literally trying to see if were stupid enough to buy it there collecting data seeing if there player base are morons 

There trying to see if we're easy to exploit and moronic enough to buy more for less 

I would love to upvote this to show unity, but this 40 page thread is so choke-full of good takes such as this one that I've legit ran out of Likes to give. I didn't even know you could do that!


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25 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

Oh, you're more than welcome to be happy for paying the same amount for half. I just think you should keep that to yourself. Trying to convince your fellow Tenno that the obvious decrease in value isn't a big deal is tacky.

No, I've always paid $20 for cosmetics. Are we really trying to convince everyone that plat is what you pay for and the cosmetics are extra? 

trying to convince players to demonize, and boycott a company over the pricing of completely optional, narrow range of cosmetics with no gameplay value in their f2p game is tacky. 

someone is even trying to organize some kind of Twitter harassment campaign over it. 

I'm simply stating why I think it's a value the same way you think it's not.

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19 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

The reality is that for this inaugural launch we are unable at this time (right before launch) to add Platinum to the packs due to technical and compliance limitations across all Warframe’s platforms. We want to avoid doing any changes midway through the event as well, with it becoming a logistical challenge on the backend setup and unfair to the players who were early participants.

If only you had some way to gather opinions and feedback from players ahead of time. Say, some kind of "developer workshop" where you discuss future updates and work together with the community to refine and polish the ideas. Or even some kind of "test server" where you can implement updates for players to test.

As someone who's been here for a long-time, these "dev workshops" are purported to be a way for you to gather feedback, but in reality you're just posting patch notes ahead of time. In 99% of cases, user feedback goes totally ignored and even when there's a massive backlash the update comes out completely unchanged. It's really demoralizing and makes it feel pointless even trying to give you feedback, because you don't listen and it changes nothing.

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vor 1 Minute schrieb Hypernaut1:

No, I've always paid $20 for cosmetics. Are we really trying to convince everyone that plat is what you pay for and the cosmetics are extra? 

trying to convince players to demonize, and boycott a company over the pricing of completely optional, narrow range of cosmetics with no gameplay value in their f2p game is tacky. 

someone is even trying to organize some kind of Twitter harassment campaign over it. 

Yes the mob has decided. It was always about the plat!

And we need to find a Youtuber now, so more people can join this storm in a teacup!

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1 minute ago, Hypernaut1 said:

No, I've always paid $20 for cosmetics. Are we really trying to convince everyone that plat is what you pay for and the cosmetics are extra? 

Correction: You've paid $20 for cosmetics and 200 Platinum, if it's the Prime Vault Accessories pack you're referring to. If you've paid $20 for the sole intention of gaining the cosmetics, that's another question, but fact remains that you've paid $20 for cosmetics and 200 Platinum. It's really that simple.

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29 minutes ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:
55 minutes ago, Perfectly_Framed_Waifu said:

That would make site-buying work for all platforms, no?

No, DE has to go through Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo and they all have different policies and regulations when putting items up in their stores. So even though it's cross platform they still have to conform to the other company's regulations. 

Are you trying to say that a PC player post cross-platform would have to buy their items under the regulations of both Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo? You don't think this sounds a little, Iunno, silly?

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