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Angels of the Zariman: Dev Workshop PREVIEW


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I don't use Dash as mobility myself much, but I saw vids how people use it when mastered - it takes quite amount of skill to have it in full control. I feel there should be a compromise here, tap to old dash and hold for new dash. This way you could use it both as mobility and combat support.

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Please let the warframe maintain the operator/drifters momentum and velocity when transferring back to your frame from void dash so that we can sling our warframes into enemy groups or to add some spice to parkour by giving us another tool. In honor of wall fling.


Also, bring back wall run. It would be neat if with the new system, if the 'landing/distance' marker hits a wall/vertical surface and you melee into (or transfer back in) it puts you into a wall run. 


Yall really didnt have to remove wall run (or wall fling in my opinion ((which was just a strong dismount)) for that matter)  and bringing them back will for a lot of players make warframe FUN again. It will put the ninja back in space ninja. 


ninja scroll GIFChannel 9 Run GIF by Australian Ninja WarriorDog Running GIF

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36 minutes ago, Koften said:

I know alot of people are complaining about the speed of void dash, that it has been slowed down, it think DE is trying to figure out a way to cut out brain dead gameplay, I think they want to initiate more skill into the game, without slowing down the game( which is gonna take alot of work), that's why some eximus changes are being made. I think it's all just to make gameplay more rewarding, Warframe feels good but not so rewarding. I dunno if this the direction the devs wanna take the game but I support it and want Warframe to grow and be the best it is, keep up the good work DE 💪

thats fair but people use void dash for certain focus and arcane abilities too though, and being able to pop out zip over and back then pop back in, in the blink of an eye, is necessary for some gameplay and considered advanced (though not technically difficult) gameplay technique.  like magus lockdown and disruption targets. 


a lot of people are saying 'tap for old dash, hold for new dash' and i kinda like that but it defeats the purpose to a degree and most will simply tap still.

if they were going to do that, i would suggest tapping void dash would give you a smaller limited range teleport. like, perhaps the distance from standing in the arsenal to standing at your mod terminal or maybe less. It would also be cheap to use. Holding would start the distance at that range and move forward consuming more operator juice the farther you let it go, with no limit to distance outside of how much juice you have. That would be a fair compromise in my opinion. People that still just wanna tap tap tap tap tap can do so still and use an Energy Pizza if they need to go for longer than their operator fuel tank allows. 

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Speaking in the name of, maybe not all, but most of Warframe veterans:

The game does not need more nerfs. Neither to the weapons or warframes, nor to existent mecanics like the Void Dash (the new animation is awesome, but the new mechanic should be optional through config). We've all seen it before: you nerf an item that's become meta, a couple of days later the community has a new one, you nerf it, and so on.

Why not adding more difficulty to the enemies we have to face? Maybe one that rises according to the Mastery Rank, or a rework.

I will list things regarding enemies that could improve the gaming experience:

• Increasing the difficulty of bosses that are nearly a joke to kill, such as: the Sergeant, Phorid, the Grustrag Three, the Hyena Pack, or Corrupted Vor..

• Rethinking missions that take an impressively high amount of time to complete, but with little to do in the meanwhile (low level enemies / too few), such as: Jordas Golem or the Ambulas in Pluto.

Other things that would encourage people to improve their builds and face new challenges:

• Daily sorties for Steel Path, but with better rewards and/or a higher chance to get the best ones.

• Void Fissures for Steel Path, but with a higher chance of getting a golden part. Maybe with minibosses (besides the acolytes).

• New parts for modular weapons (zaws and kitguns), adding new types of weapons (like tonfas).

 That is all. We would like more enganging enemies like the ones you showed us on the latest Devstream, but in all missions.

We love the work you pour into the game, all it needs is more difficulty. Both for veterans who would love to keep facing challenges to their best builds in the game, and for new tennos who are just starting their journey and would find motivation in it as well.

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4 hours ago, (PSN)BdotRASS said:

You already have control of the distance, just look at the ground where you want to end up and dash.

It's really not that hard and after a few hours getting used to that you'll find void dashing really fluid, fast and fun.

The new void dash is a snails pace by comparison, we don't need bullet jump type movement on the operator when we already have it on the frame. This change goes against the idea of using the operator and frame in concert, it instead reinforces just always using your frame.

Thats not control over the distance. That's not even close to what I want. I can navigate fine with void dash, but dashing down being the only way to control your distance is ridiculous. 

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5 hours ago, -KyloRen- said:

What will you gain from this change that you didn't had before? I'm really curious to know what were the problems with dashing for players like you...
If you only want change just for the sake to change something, then that could have more negative outcome instead of positive one.

Better control over length of the dash for starters. 

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hace 19 horas, (PSN)BdotRASS dijo:

Any surface will suffice & there's not much need to stop in a specific area in the middle of the air.

Going by your need to reply to almost everyone in the thread that has a differing opinion to you; I'd argue that it is you who is trying to force an opinion on others.


As I mentioned to someone else, the 'wait and see' approach is kind of moot. We know intimately how the current system feels and how it looks, so it's easy enough to extrapolate a good idea of the new system's feel from what we've seen already. 

In addition to the de stated it is categorically a speed nerf and is designed as such. Going slower in the game feels bad for many players, it's one of the reasons so many people use volt/wukong/titania/etc. and unless de are planning an extensive rebuild of every oversized, empty and complicated to traverse tile in the game, as well as completely recoding the objective spawning procedures and shrinking dead space in open worlds; this change is nothing but a qol nerf that solely hurts the playerbase.

Well said, pal. I was gonna reply to that Lutesque person, but I can't understand the language of bootlickers. After reading their replies, it's more than obvious that person doesn't even know what game we are talking about here. Just someone who wants to contradict everyone, but with no arguments and poop emojis instead.

Back to your point, I completely agree there. WF is a fast paced game, with a fluid gameplay that forces you to stay on the move most of the time. That's the most attractive feature we got, imo. Void Dash was to me one of the only reasons to hit the transference key while in combat, specially on SP (as a panic button to avoid dmg and travel to a safer spot) and Eidolon hunts (in case I were pushed away). Most tilesets in the game are terrible and outdated to travel with conventional frames, so we void dash through those for sake of not wasting time. What DE is doing is wrong, and we must let them know, not to "cry like babies and adapt to it" like that other person suggest.

Damn! I can't even imagine how would be possible to run SP Rolypoly without current void dash; and that is just one example of how they will make simple tasks more complicated for no reason.

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On 2022-03-13 at 4:05 AM, (PSN)Nalvis14HRM said:

Please DE, a void dash rework is not needed in the slightest, and if you deem it so necessary for tile sets, please make it optional to use. The new void dash seems very slow and will probably actually lead to worse traversing across tile sets. The void dash has been the literal bread and butter of every speed run in warframe spare Profit Taker, and the only way to have a good team equipped to speed run eidolons predicates on the fast mechanics of the void dash. Y’all even say it is slow for tile sets, well that is not the case for open world, there are hundreds of lake shields clips on POE where people can get all the way to frickin far spawn (about 150m) in less than 3 seconds and have the eidolon down in less than 3.5 seconds. With the new void dash, none of these times will be possible, and most speed runs will be slower forever. There is no need to rework something that is already extremely useful. As for unairu changes, there are thousands of hunters that rely on void blasting to spawn unairu wisps, please do not change this mechanic, it is very niche and nobody is asking for you all to change it, it is fine how it is as a cool projectile that gives you a neat buff. 

watch this video and tell me that the new “un spammy” void dash is gonna be able to get these times… oh and by the way, void dash can’t be spammed or else it will  get stuck, you have to time the button/space bar press….

Yo that me :) well dps

But yes the majority of the eidolon community are quitting, of course we will try it out but our hopes are very low. 

A good idea would be actually utilize the spoiler mode version or different interactions like hold spacebar to shoot hologram

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2 hours ago, PookieNumnums said:

thats fair but people use void dash for certain focus and arcane abilities too though, and being able to pop out zip over and back then pop back in, in the blink of an eye, is necessary for some gameplay and considered advanced (though not technically difficult) gameplay technique.  like magus lockdown and disruption targets. 


a lot of people are saying 'tap for old dash, hold for new dash' and i kinda like that but it defeats the purpose to a degree and most will simply tap still.

if they were going to do that, i would suggest tapping void dash would give you a smaller limited range teleport. like, perhaps the distance from standing in the arsenal to standing at your mod terminal or maybe less. It would also be cheap to use. Holding would start the distance at that range and move forward consuming more operator juice the farther you let it go, with no limit to distance outside of how much juice you have. That would be a fair compromise in my opinion. People that still just wanna tap tap tap tap tap can do so still and use an Energy Pizza if they need to go for longer than their operator fuel tank allows. 

It's almost like ... people don't want this unneeded update??? If most people want to use the old mechanic then I don't know why you feel like we should bend over and get whatever is given to us. How about the bullet jump is kind of OP and I can't control it, how about we revert back to parkour 1.0

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hace 3 minutos, ask-the-mentors dijo:

It's almost like ... people don't want this unneeded update??? If most people want to use the old mechanic then I don't know why you feel like we should bend over and get whatever is given to us. How about the bullet jump is kind of OP and I can't control it, how about we revert back to parkour 1.0

exactly GIF

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hace 1 hora, Stomno dijo:

Speaking in the name of, maybe not all, but most of Warframe veterans:

The game does not need more nerfs. Neither to the weapons or warframes, nor to existent mecanics like the Void Dash (the new animation is awesome, but the new mechanic should be optional through config). We've all seen it before: you nerf an item that's become meta, a couple of days later the community has a new one, you nerf it, and so on.

Why not adding more difficulty to the enemies we have to face? Maybe one that rises according to the Mastery Rank, or a rework.

I will list things regarding enemies that could improve the gaming experience:

• Increasing the difficulty of bosses that are nearly a joke to kill, such as: the Sergeant, Phorid, the Grustrag Three, the Hyena Pack, or Corrupted Vor..

• Rethinking missions that take an impressively high amount of time to complete, but with little to do in the meanwhile (low level enemies / too few), such as: Jordas Golem or the Ambulas in Pluto.

Other things that would encourage people to improve their builds and face new challenges:

• Daily sorties for Steel Path, but with better rewards and/or a higher chance to get the best ones.

• Void Fissures for Steel Path, but with a higher chance of getting a golden part. Maybe with minibosses (besides the acolytes).

• New parts for modular weapons (zaws and kitguns), adding new types of weapons (like tonfas).

 That is all. We would like more enganging enemies like the ones you showed us on the latest Devstream, but in all missions.

We love the work you pour into the game, all it needs is more difficulty. Both for veterans who would love to keep facing challenges to their best builds in the game, and for new tennos who are just starting their journey and would find motivation in it as well.


Extended post here ↑

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2 hours ago, PookieNumnums said:

a lot of people are saying 'tap for old dash, hold for new dash' and i kinda like that but it defeats the purpose to a degree and most will simply tap still.

if they were going to do that, i would suggest tapping void dash would give you a smaller limited range teleport. like, perhaps the distance from standing in the arsenal to standing at your mod terminal or maybe less. It would also be cheap to use. Holding would start the distance at that range and move forward consuming more operator juice the farther you let it go, with no limit to distance outside of how much juice you have. That would be a fair compromise in my opinion. People that still just wanna tap tap tap tap tap can do so still and use an Energy Pizza if they need to go for longer than their operator fuel tank allows. 

The stated reason on devstream was, if I remember correctly (I might not), to make void dash easier to use and less likely to slam you into a wall.
If so, then letting people who don't need that slow-aiming crutch (which, honestly, you already kind of have with the slowed fall operators get in void mode) allows DE to introduce the new Slow Dash for those who want it while retaining Void Dash for those who don't. It doesn't defeat the purpose.
Now, the original post of this thread said something about them wanting to reduce spam, but if you go that route, then you're forcing everyone into Slow Dash, which is as undesirable and unrewarding as the 3-second cooldown blink they put on archwings when they removed the ability from Itzal (and gave the archwing ripline for some bizarre reason). It's been years since that change with a 'try it and see' attitude against the criticisms at that time. The cooldown still feels bad to use, but there's no sign of change for the new blink.

I admit I've lost my train of thought as I had to pick up a phone call, so I'll just conclude with this: the tap-to-Void-Dash option allows player to choose their playstyle and keeps a quick and fun mobility option in the player's back-pocket. You might say that no one would use the Slow Dash if they have to option to Void Dash instead, but in that case it's clear that the Slow Dash was not needed or wanted. If you do go with the option to just nerf Void Dash in favour of Slow Dash, then you just want Void Dash nerfed. Why? I don't know. Maps and tiles can be very large and empty. Quick movement makes for more consistently exciting gameplay by getting you to where the action is (especially if you join a fissure mission and need to catch up to the team with a frame that doesn't have mobility options).

Edit - Removed a bit of excess text I forgot about due to the phone call. Mea culpa on the bad grammar.

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11 minutes ago, Frame-5858 said:

The stated reason on devstream was, if I remember correctly (I might not), to make void dash easier to use and less likely to slam you into a wall.
If so, then letting people who don't need that slow-aiming crutch (which, honestly, you already kind of have with the slowed fall operators get in void mode) allows DE to introduce the new Slow Dash for those who want it while retaining Void Dash for those who don't. It doesn't defeat the purpose.
Now, the original post of this thread said something about them wanting to reduce spam, but if you go that route, then you're forcing everyone into Slow Dash, which is as undesirable and unrewarding as the 3-second cooldown blink they put on archwings when they removed the ability from Itzal (and gave the archwing ripline for some bizarre reason). It's been years since that change with a 'try it and see' attitude against the criticisms at that time. The cooldown still feels bad to use, but there's no sign of change for the new blink.

I admit I've lost my train of thought as I had to pick up a phone call, so I'll just conclude with this: the tap-to-Void-Dash option allows player to choose their playstyle and keeps a quick and fun mobility option in the player's back-pocket. You might say that no one would use the Slow Dash if they have to option to Void Dash instead, but in that case it's clear that the Slow Dash was not needed or wanted. If you do go with the option to just nerf Void Dash in favour of Slow Dash, then you just want Void Dash nerfed. Why? I don't know. Maps and tiles can be very large and empty. Quick movement makes for more consistently exciting gameplay by getting you to where the action is (especially if you join a fissure mission and need to catch up to the team with a frame that doesn't have mobility options).

Edit - Removed a bit of excess text I forgot about due to the phone call. Mea culpa on the bad grammar.

Exactly what I was getting at, if DE wanted to change this and remove the old way, call it a nerf not a crutch for players and frankly stating have skill issues. With how DE stating that they want to return to 2015 sluggish movement and not thinking of two possible ways to combine old movement and whatever atrocity they've come up with points more towards to a movement nerf rather than catering to these closed in areas DE were talking of

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I'll never understand why DE does this.  They constantly take things that work and purposely seem to make it painful.  It's like how they have assassination missions that take 5x longer to get there than to perform the mission and then 5x longer to get back to extraction, but instead of making a better mission, they penalize the ability to perform the mission.  

It seems unfathomable to them that they continue to place things in the game that encourage us to ignore any semblance of teamwork or depending on others but then act like we should want to move about slowly and have actual teammates that can give us energy or support.  But the reality is 99% of the "meta" of this game is some try hard speeding through the game as fast as possible, firing off one of the numerous newer AOE weapons without even looking at what they just encountered and getting out of the mission without even realizing what frames their teammates were using.  And the solution iphere is....make something useful like void dash crippled so we all do it the same apexact way, just slower.   Ok.

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On 2022-03-10 at 10:43 PM, [DE]Megan said:

Beyond Focus school reworks, Operator combat flow is getting improvements. Whenever you are in Operator Mode, the Melee input will now instantly bring your Warframe to your location to execute a melee attack. This replaces ‘Void Blast’. Any interactions that relied on Void Blast will be audited to ensure everything still works with other Void combat abilities!

Also, days later:

This is not an improvement and nor one I've ever seen anyone actually ask for.  Operator-only runs are fun challenges and this will absolutely kill the ability to do them.  At most this should be a toggle option and not forced on all players; we have for years been asking for "operator melee" and we almost had it in the form of TNW's Rumblejack, but this is a gigantic step backwards and away from what's been asked for.  Smoother or not, this is a huge downgrade.


Please, I hope you reconsider this choice or make it a toggle.

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3 minutes ago, feralknights said:

Also, days later:

This is not an improvement and nor one I've ever seen anyone actually ask for.  Operator-only runs are fun challenges and this will absolutely kill the ability to do them.  At most this should be a toggle option and not forced on all players; we have for years been asking for "operator melee" and we almost had it in the form of TNW's Rumblejack, but this is a gigantic step backwards and away from what's been asked for.  Smoother or not, this is a huge downgrade.


Please, I hope you reconsider this choice or make it a toggle.

Whether its something thats been asked for or not a change is definitely needed. From what I've seen in videos, played myself etc. the current system is just straight up ridiculous. I really hope they don't leave operator movement as it is now or have it as a toggle, its just too ridiculous. 

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Just now, NecroPed said:

Whether its something thats been asked for or not a change is definitely needed. From what I've seen in videos, played myself etc. the current system is just straight up ridiculous. I really hope they don't leave operator movement as it is now or have it as a toggle, its just too ridiculous. 

Legit, I don't care about the movement.  People can argue that all day.  I'm specifically talking about the melee.

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8 hours ago, (PSN)BdotRASS said:

Any surface will suffice & there's not much need to stop in a specific area in the middle of the air.

There's not much need for Void Dash To begin with so that's not really an Argument....

Not to mention I would rather not Face Plant against Various Surfaces just to Stop....

8 hours ago, (PSN)BdotRASS said:

Going by your need to reply to almost everyone in the thread that has a differing opinion to you; I'd argue that it is you who is trying to force an opinion on others.

Then Prove it for Every single Response I Made.... Other wise you just wrong.... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

8 hours ago, (PSN)BdotRASS said:


As I mentioned to someone else, the 'wait and see' approach is kind of moot. We know intimately how the current system feels and how it looks, so it's easy enough to extrapolate a good idea of the new system's feel from what we've seen already. 

It isn't.... Mostly because what we saw wasn't even Finished.... 

8 hours ago, (PSN)BdotRASS said:


In addition to the de stated it is categorically a speed nerf and is designed as such. Going slower in the game feels bad for many players, it's one of the reasons so many people use volt/wukong/titania/etc.

Then they shall continue to use those.... I don't think I've seen anyone use Void Dashing as a means of Traversal when they can simply void Dash to build up energy for The Actual Practical Methods of Traversal... Hence Wukong's Popularity... 😝

8 hours ago, (PSN)BdotRASS said:

and unless de are planning an extensive rebuild of every oversized, empty and complicated to traverse tile in the game, as well as completely recoding the objective spawning procedures and shrinking dead space in open worlds; this change is nothing but a qol nerf that solely hurts the playerbase.


But that's because they are changing the purpose of Operator's.

Simply put.... DE is Renovating the Guest Bedroom into an Office and you complaining about it is the same as Complaining that the desk is too hard to Sleep on....

Ofcourse it is.... It's not a Bed Room anymore....

Same applies to What they want to do with Operators.... They no longer want them to be Mobility Focused.... Hence evaluating their Mobility now is just silly.... Now stop whinging and Bullet Jump like a normal Space Ninja Robot Thingy.... 👀

8 hours ago, Fey_Yoshida said:

Oh boy! Now the MR30 test is going to be even harder! Hooray!...

Actually it will be easier.... But Slower.... 

Besides that test is Completely Random Anyways....

8 hours ago, Fey_Yoshida said:

Seriously, tune down the Nox in that thing at least, that damned gas-bag does NOT die unless you drop them into the death plane..

I think I killed them.... I don't remember because I was using the Tarca Plasmor and it's not ideal for Shooting Down Noxes... 🤔

8 hours ago, (PSN)Birdnestbaby said:
11 hours ago, ChainsOps said:

Do we need to farm focus again?

No. The post says there will be a "full respec". This means everything will be wiped clean and all your spent focus will be refunded, so you can reactive all the NEW focus abilities.

Don't forget what they did to Railjack....

We also got a full Respec of that but then they added a whole new Category so Everybody had to Farm Intrinsics again....

The good news with Focus is there's no Solid cap.... So anybody who kept Farming can Simply use those Excess Focus Points to grab any Nasty Surprises DE might have waiting for us....

It would suck to be a new Player Though.... As if Catching Up wasn't bad enough already.... 😱

8 hours ago, Rise said:

After looking through the forum post, is there any way we'd be able to get the option to use the older Void Dash instead of being forced to use the new one?

Definitely not....

The older Void Dash is in conflict with DE's vision for what Operators are suppose to be.... Hence they have to change it ....

8 hours ago, Rise said:

I think that'd be a win-win for players that rather keep the old Void Dash versus the players that prefer the newer one.


8 hours ago, Rise said:


This way, you can choose which Void Dash fits your gameplay the best. It allows for more build customization in a way, which is a good thing.


Does it ?

I wasn't aware Operator's Had "Builds".... 👀

6 hours ago, PookieNumnums said:

Please let the warframe maintain the operator/drifters momentum and velocity when transferring back to your frame from void dash so that we can sling our warframes into enemy groups or to add some spice to parkour by giving us another tool. In honor of wall fling.

I would like Momentum Conservation 👍 !!!!

6 hours ago, PookieNumnums said:

thats fair but people use void dash for certain focus and arcane abilities too though, and being able to pop out zip over and back then pop back in, in the blink of an eye, is necessary for some gameplay and considered advanced (though not technically difficult) gameplay technique.  like magus lockdown and disruption targets.

To be fair.... I Think Disruption is a Flawed Game Mode Anyway....

5 hours ago, Stomno said:

Why not adding more difficulty to the enemies we have to face?

That's literally just another Nerf....

This is what Damage Attenuation is.... It's an Indirect Nerf to All your progress....

5 hours ago, Stomno said:


• Increasing the difficulty of bosses that are nearly a joke to kill, such as: the Sergeant, Phorid, the Grustrag Three, the Hyena Pack, or Corrupted Vor..

So you would rather they changed these Bosses instead of Mutalist Salad V, Vayhek and Sargus Ruk ?

Yeah no.... If those are your Priorities then I just Disagree...

5 hours ago, Rigtis said:

Well said, pal. I was gonna reply to that Lutesque person, but I can't understand the language of bootlickers. After reading their replies, it's more than obvious that person doesn't even know what game we are talking about here. Just someone who wants to contradict eveyone, but with no arguments and poop emojis instead.

Hey.... I have Feelings.... Probably.... 🤔

5 hours ago, Rigtis said:

Void Dash was to me one of the only reasons to hit the transference key while in combat, specially on SP

The fact that you are ignoring everything else Operators are Capable of and using Void Dashes Exclusively is exactly why it got Nerfed....

When are you people going to learn.... DE always Hammers Down the Nail That Dares to Stick out from the others.... 👀

5 hours ago, Rigtis said:

What DE is doing is wrong, and we must let them know, not to "cry like babies and adapt to it" like that other person suggest.


Sorry... Couldn't Resist... 😝

5 hours ago, Rigtis said:

Damn! I can't even imagine how would be possible to run SP Rolypoly without current void dash; and that is just one example of how they will make simple tasks more complicated for no reason.

What are you even Talking About.... Nobody Void Dashes For The Ropalolyst Boss.... 🤔

4 hours ago, ask-the-mentors said:

But yes the majority of the eidolon community are quitting, of course we will try it out but our hopes are very low. 

That's unfortunate.... But if that kills Eidolons forever then Good !!!

I hope that Game Mode burns in hell.... 😈

4 hours ago, ask-the-mentors said:

It's almost like ... people don't want this unneeded update???

Speak for yourself.... I want it....

I'm not saying I like it but if DE says this is the only way Client Side Transference is gonna happen then Screw It... Sign me up !!! 😁

4 hours ago, Frame-5858 said:

The stated reason on devstream was, if I remember correctly (I might not), to make void dash easier to use and less likely to slam you into a wall.
If so, then letting people who don't need that slow-aiming crutch (which, honestly, you already kind of have with the slowed fall operators get in void mode) allows DE to introduce the new Slow Dash for those who want it while retaining Void Dash for those who don't. It doesn't defeat the purpose.
Now, the original post of this thread said something about them wanting to reduce spam, but if you go that route, then you're forcing everyone into Slow Dash, which is as undesirable and unrewarding as the 3-second cooldown blink they put on archwings when they removed the ability from Itzal (and gave the archwing ripline for some bizarre reason). It's been years since that change with a 'try it and see' attitude against the criticisms at that time. The cooldown still feels bad to use, but there's no sign of change for the new blink.

There's really no need to guess or speculate... DE themselves have stated exactly why they are doing this....

They even. Added Bullet Points to make it easier to Read because they knew you guys were going to overreact.... 👀

4 hours ago, Frame-5858 said:

If you do go with the option to just nerf Void Dash in favour of Slow Dash, then you just want Void Dash nerfed. Why? I don't know.

Then Look it up.... I even did the Heavy Lifting for you.... Or just continue doing whatever it is you are doing..... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

3 hours ago, feralknights said:

Operator-only runs are fun challenges and this will absolutely kill the ability to do them. 

Exaggerating like this is not going to get you what you want.... 👀

3 hours ago, NecroPed said:

Whether its something thats been asked for or not a change is definitely needed. From what I've seen in videos, played myself etc. the current system is just straight up ridiculous. I really hope they don't leave operator movement as it is now or have it as a toggle, its just too ridiculous. 

They are not focusing on Operator Movement so I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you....  That's just Unnecessary Drama waiting to Happen...👀


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On 2022-03-12 at 5:09 AM, (NSW)RATHURUE said:

DE: we keep killing Warframe so you can finally be free from this game!


No, really. with EACH update you force-fed players with DOWNGRADES instead of UPGRADES. 'Warframe is a constantly evolving game!' Yeah, but in this case it's evolving from dinosaurs to chicken. 

Conntent is good the problem is it is short and we don't realy have it for hours. Keep in mind that what did they show can be changed ( just like railjack). So is it a downgrade? I would say no. We got free archwings for open world, railjack, sisters and liches.

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Il y a 11 heures, PookieNumnums a dit :

a lot of people are saying 'tap for old dash, hold for new dash' and i kinda like that but it defeats the purpose to a degree and most will simply tap still.


If people (especially who know what they're doing), given the choice (and a bit of time to learn it) don't use the new system over the old one, it means the old system is simply better than the new one.

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