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Angels of the Zariman: Dev Workshop PREVIEW


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On 2022-03-11 at 4:04 PM, Kontrollo said:

Some really neat things you've showed there, lots of things to like. I guess if I'd had to pick one thing, especially that you decided to put some emphasis on parkour in one of the new modes. Looking forward to seeing how that'll shake out.

Am worried about it, parkour is nice but that wasnt really parkour, just jumping in the air after bubbles, ENDLESS mission type to. No need to wall hop, slam attack, wall latch, air flip, or any of our other parkour moves that could help keep things interesting or create satisfying moments. Instead, Just jump up to grab bubbles, or sometimes chase bubble, forever. I can easily see 1 getting very bored VERY fast, so repetitive and so little for you to do. That map didnt look like it offered any use for other parkour moves either so you cant really get creative with chasing orbs.

Edit: It would be a different story if there were launch pads for you to jump great distances, frictionless floors for an intense boost of speed when you activate the slide button, some long-ish gaps with holes to aim glode through, etc my eyes would light up just a little bit more (and i do mean little bit). But from what was shown, im not really feeling it

Hope those mini bosses r good

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On 2022-03-10 at 7:43 PM, [DE]Megan said:

Beyond Gameplay:

We are adding a cosmetic Focus shop to spend your unused points in! Things like Landing Craft ornaments and more await students of their favorite Focus School. 

Finally, something I can invest all my excess points into! 

grace zabriskie 90s GIF

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3 minutes ago, (XBOX)RAG is NAROK said:

So... why did we skip Khora Prime? Why did you skip my favorite frame that I was waiting 3 months for (and now have to wait another 3 months for)? 

De haven't gotten any idea how to design the Prime.

All the good designs has been taken by Liger Inuzuka and/or Tennogen designers. Aside from that, they probably gonna tweak (read: nerf) her kit again, and releasing that with this patch full of nerfs gonna make the collective rage even harder.

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On 2022-03-10 at 8:43 PM, [DE]Megan said:
  • Void Dash is changing to be a more controlled movement tool and ‘less spammy’. We are generally inspired by the change from Coptering to Bullet Jumping. Not that the current Void Dash is an unintended movement, but redoing it to better fit our combat is the goal. 

  • Void Dash: this is now a telegraphed movement tool with more interdirectionality and pivoting potential to better traverse the game’s tiles and combat spaces. Chained-forward traversal is still a valid option, but it has been redesigned. 

Just noticed that there was already a workshop so I'll leave my feedback here as well.

Void Dash is so useful because it's spammy. It's because it doesn't have "interdirectionality and pivoting potential" (whatever that means) that it's already able to so effectively traverse the game's tiles and combat spaces. It's simple, it's fast, it's effective, it's reliable, it always goes where you point it. Void Dash is one of the very few parts of the Operator that doesn't need any major changes. The preview shown in the Devstream does not look intuitive, fluid, or effective. Making the forward movement slower and adding additional inputs isn't going to make it faster or better, it's going to make it slower and clunkier.

Just make the same thing we've already spent years getting familiar with but you keep going as long as you hold the button or something.

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Gonna have to add my voice to the chorus and say the new void dash looks worse.  I can see what you were going for since it might make it easier to not smack into walls in tight, closed in spaces... but even then I put the points into the schools to get max range.  It feels good to spam it and zoom through a larger room or an outdoor area in the tilesets that have it.  That exit area on earth tilesets, for example? I can skip that slow run up the hill to the exit point and just zip there over the gap in a second.

This looks like I wont be able to get the instant snaps off, instead I have to wait for it to hit max range first? Can I even spam it? How will that work when I am mid-air and over a gap with no ground to touch?

Operator already feels less fluid than Warframes due to general movement, this just seems like it will make things feel worse and for what? Traversal in tight spaces? Switch back to your Warframe for that. I can only assume that you're planning for more operator missions in the future, but even then... void dashing into a wall isn't a reason to remove a super fast traversal method every player has, no matter the frame they have equipped.

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I remember the days when people were complaining about coptering being removed and how bullet jumping was so much worse etc. etc.

Maybe y'all should get a tighter grip on your horses. We've barely seen any of it, much less know the mechanics, and even still less the effect of any tree upgrades. DE has a pretty good track record with the way they design movement in the game, at least.

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30 minutes ago, ShogunGunshow said:

I remember the days when people were complaining about coptering being removed and how bullet jumping was so much worse etc. etc.

Maybe y'all should get a tighter grip on your horses. We've barely seen any of it, much less know the mechanics, and even still less the effect of any tree upgrades. DE has a pretty good track record with the way they design movement in the game, at least.

Harsh as it may be, I still prefer being able to maximize my movement and will never forget how Itzal's blink was massacred. So I'll hold off my optimism for believing that the movement is going to be just as fast. Now if it was an optional setting, that would be fine.

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The implementation of Player Housing leaves a lot to be desired, tbh.

It's just another Personal Quarters-esque space that doesn't improve much.


Would have been more interesting to have it be tied to clans & dojos.


As an example, adding a room to a dojo that provides an elevator to a player's "home". Those in the squad of that player could join them when the elevator gets called.

The home could have had all the functions of an Orbiter, but with a direct in-game tie to a player's clan. Potentially even having a teleporter with all of the options that the dojo has (though at a cost of a load screen most likely if it isn't cached already). This could even just be listed at the elevator entrance within the player's homebase.


Like I said, would be more interesting than some other disconnected node for people to dump their excess decorations into.


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10 hours ago, Ace-Bounty-Hunter said:

And this, fellow Tenno, is a prime example of knocking something before trying it.

Wait until the test cluster or release before you throw your toys out of your pram.

I strongly doubt it based of Itzal's blink.


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1 hour ago, ShogunGunshow said:

I remember the days when people were complaining about coptering being removed and how bullet jumping was so much worse etc. etc.

Maybe y'all should get a tighter grip on your horses. We've barely seen any of it, much less know the mechanics, and even still less the effect of any tree upgrades. DE has a pretty good track record with the way they design movement in the game, at least.

Quoting you, because yours is the latest comment at my time of reading that's going in the "just wait and see/test" direction. There are a bunch of other such comments before.

First of all, yes. I'd be inclined to agree, that all these Focus (and for me right now in particular the Void Dash) changes are worth testing on the test server (which is way too locked down with that lottery thing and then just one weekend worth of testing time), before dismissing them as bad.

BUT! As much as DE might have a good track record with movement design, they also have an incredible track record with ignoring test server based feedback, or feedback on nerfs in general. Remember how they missed to put the Khora nerf on the test server, then not acknowledging the issue for ages. That's the primary reason I believe why people (me included) are concerned about the previewed iteration of the (Void Dash) changes. Chances that there will be major iterations/revisions after the rework drops to the test server and live server are honestly slim. Regardless of people liking the changes at that point or not.

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As for the grounds keeper bot I came up with dialogue it could say if it’s a character


HI my name is Botany Bot 327 but you can call me BB!


literally we need to call it BB short for botany bot it’s too cute and whatever the designers come up with I’m calling it that period 

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On 2022-03-10 at 9:43 PM, [DE]Megan said:

We are adding a cosmetic Focus shop to spend your unused points in! Things like Landing Craft ornaments and more await students of their favorite Focus School. 


My tens of millions of points are salivating in anticipation.

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DE DE DE please reconsider the Void Dash changes!!! You are going to destroy one of the most unique style of movement and not just in Warframe. What you showed us is just slow, clunky, unusable. It seems that you dont play your own game, like you dont know the mechanics. 
You are going to ruin the complete game with this change. Void Dash is a major part of the game, please hear our voices and dont take it away from us! After almost 2000 hours in game, I am pretty sure it is wrong. Just read the comments. You can clearly see that the community doesnt want it and find it wrong. 

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Pretty excited to see the focus changes. Personally not too fussed on the void dash changes, as it will really need to be viewed in the context of the overall operator ability/focus rework.

I hope Zenurik energy regen is added to warframes +1/+2/+3 energy per second at level 10/20/30, with Zenurik giving a burst of energy regen when switching into operator (eg: 2/3/4x energy regen for y seconds). This will be a significant QoL improvement for everyone, and reduce the requirement of arcane energize or energy pizza usage for energy management if not using zenurik, whilst still maintaining zenurik as the resource school.

I can see why the dedicated Eidolon hunters would be a bit ticked off however lets be honest, void dash with energy pizza spam and void strike are both problematic from a balance point of view. Negating the entire fight through the stacking of mechanics means the only problematic aspect of the encounter is actually the Cetus door. I'd rather have non-trivialized fights that may take longer, but offset with the option to endlessly spawn alternating Gantulst/Hydrolyst via the altar and not need to return to Cetus. If DE are worried about exploits or too many kills, cap it to 4 additional uses to start with and go from there.

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15 hours ago, An8rchy said:

The new void dash is beyond disappointing
it looks slow, it felt slow to watch and i will bet it will be slow to play around
the current void dash at least is snappier and lets us get to places much faster

Hoping some focus skills make it function better, but from seeing it in action it's fairly obvious it was redesigned for mobile players in mind...

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The new Void Dash looks like it would be a lot of fun to use. Really reminds me of Blink from Dishonored, kind of like a slingshot. But as many others have mentioned it does seem really slow and clunky, maybe make the changes more like Wisp's Wil-O-Wisp ability. Tap to quickly go full distance similar to how it currently works, or hold to choose how far you go like what is being implemented in the update. The operator also should get frozen in place while doing that, falling while trying to aim it is going to make it increadibly hard to control in a rush or while trying to get up high.

As for the rework to Garuda's passive, the risk-reward of having to stay on low health was one of the aspects that made her unique and fun to play. Basing it on killing instead is going to make her just like all the other frames. feralknights suggestion to make it an augment instead would be more interesting. Maybe default behaviour would be like the new change and augment would add additional bonus on top of that if you are on low health.

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8 hours ago, (XBOX)RAG is NAROK said:

So... why did we skip Khora Prime? Why did you skip my favorite frame that I was waiting 3 months for (and now have to wait another 3 months for)? 

It's more important to release it during tennocon. It'll be warmer outside, life will feel more alive etc. 

It's like asking why block buster movies aren't released in January....there's nothing special then, life gets better after the winter.

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Before I get into this, here is a post talking about operator improvements, please take a look and use them for inspiration.

Here is what you can find on the post:



Focus System Rework

Void Melee Weapons

Operator Game-Modes

Operator Cosmetics

QOL, Bugs, Changes & Improvements

What I want out of Duviri Paradox

Starting on page 4, I have come up with other ideas for the operators, go to page 4, press CTRL + F, then type vexx-info to view them. I will be updating it when I come up with new ideas.


I have some concerns about the focus rework:

I understand the idea of playing both operator and warframe but at the same time you have made the operators more of a tool for warframes. The operators need to be good on their own, they need to be able to survive on their own as well as have ways to deal with enemies without the assistance of warframes and have abilities that they can use in combat, what we currently have now just needs improvements.


Instead of removing what we have why not add them both, give use the new abilities and improve on what we have.

Here is a snip from the post of improvements for Naramon`s abilities:


Mind step

Bold = improvements

·      Increase the movement speed of the Operator by 50%.


Void stalker

·      Void Mode increases Critical Chance of melee attacks by up to 50% over 2s. This chance gradually decreases over 30s when the Operator leaves Void Mode. This ability costs an additional 2 energy/s. or can be duration based.

·      when operators get melee weapons, it will work for them also.


Void hunter

·      Void Mode reveals enemies within 30m through walls. This will stay active up to 20s before it disappears when the Operator leaves Void Mode. This ability costs an additional 1 energy per second or it can be duration based.


Executing blast

·      It will open enemies up to finishers and increase finisher damage taken by 50%. (swapped with Executing Dash)

·      Enemies affected will have a coloured highlight indicator on them (colour is depending on chosen energy colour).

·      Enemies hit with void blast will be knocked back instead of a small ragdoll (similar to enemies affected by Ash`s smoke screen)


Disarming blast

·      Enemies hit by Void Blast will have a 100% chance to be disarmed.


Disorienting dash

·      Void dash will confusing enemies for 20s, causing them to be unable to distinguish friend and foe. (swapped with Disorienting Blast)

·      Enemies affected will have visual radiation indicator.


Surging dash

·      Creates a wave while dashing, increasing the damage by 60% and the area of effect around the Operator by 12m.

·      Enemies hit will have a slash proc which can stack with multiple dashes.


Power spike

·      When operators ever have melee weapons this will work on them also.


Again, please look at the post of improvements I have linked.

Just to talk about one of them here, I would like to see void melee for operators. Here is a snip on how it works:


·       The melee weapons that operators use are made up of void energy, they can summon it from within themselves (visually like excel 4th ability).

·       Since it`s pure void energy, the colour is based on the operators energy colour.

·       Void weapons will work the same way as normal melee weapons. (option)

·       The weapons have their own stance however you can also use existing stance mods on them.

·       blocking incoming damage to give them survivability by giving operators 90% damage reduction.

·       Void damage will be included with the other stats.

·       When attacking an enemy, any bullets that stray near the enemy your attacking will reflect the damage back at the enemy that fired them. (the opposite to bullet attractor)

·       Using void weapons will use the same button as the one using void blast. To use void melee, you have to hold the button.

·       If the operators have their void melee weapon equipped while transferring into the warframe, the operator will have it equipped still when transferring out.

·       Operator can preform melee finishers while in void mode.

·       Since this does mostly void damage, they are highly effective against sentient enemies.

Operator void sword by Aaronj-c

Operator Narissa with blades by Aaronj-c


Here are suggestions if you decide to continue with this:


·       I personally like the void dash (it more like a teleport) but I think there should be an option to have both. Press for the current void dash while hold to teleport.

·       Give use the ability to pick and choose what node we want to use instead of disabling other abilities.

·       I don`t like that void blast is remove in favour of bring warframes to melee, DON`T ADD THIS.


I have a suggestion for abilities that need void mode void dash and void blast.

On the controller there are 4 extra buttons that don`t do anything I think those abilities should be onto those buttons.


Here are some suggestions for the naramon focus schools.


·       Void stalker & void hunter can both combine into each other making it one ability.

·       Mind step should increase operators sprint speed by 50%.

·       Void stalker & void hunter should be combined into one ability.

·       Void hunter should be able to see enemies through walls within 30m, and should have

·       Executing dash should be blast instead of a dash (executing blast)

·       Disarming blast & executing blast should both combine into one ability.

·       Surging dash can be combined into the void dash instead of it being made as an ability.

·       Abilities like void stalker, void hunter, executing dash, disarming blast and power spike would work well if operators had melee weapons.


Even though I gave some suggestions I still would rather have both current and new ideas. Please just improve what we have instead of completely replacing it.

Just to add changing this too much will make eidolon hunts complicated, that is the only game-mode that’s not about damage, damage, damage. There are frames that are very useful there, frames that are not consider a must in the majority of the game. Again, keep the current focus school abilities and add the new ones to it.


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