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Angels of the Zariman: Dev Workshop PREVIEW


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If a "melee attack" input summons the warframe to do a melee attack, then the "Stealth Attack" and "Mercy" prompts and input should summon the warframe for a stealth attack or Mercy finisher.   


I understand slowing down Void Dash: It's a good step forward to first person VR for the operators.

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I have ALWAYS used my operator and frame in tandem since I got him. I notice that a lot of players, in squads, seem to not like when I play this way. If my frame starts to die and I can’t stop it I hop out with my operator, clear the area, and give my frame a recovery break. I’m a little worried about the rework adversely impacting my play habits. I use Unairu main. So it’s gonna be a lot of change directly impacting my play, but, I understand why it’s being done and it is good. I love playing with my operator like I do and I hope others will enjoy it like I do. I always saw him as an extension of my frame. He’s powerful and can really turn the tables in a lot of situations. All in all, I LOVE the coming update and can’t wait. You guys do amazing work and it just feels like the game is continually blooming. Thanks guys!

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Just make an abyss dash toggle (new/old version) and let them switch as needed without distracting from the gameplay. In regards to the schools of focus changes, I would suggest that players should be able to choose which school ability they want to unbind. And most importantly, before nerfing anything, consider whether it might be worth bringing other aspects up to this level, and not lowering a good idea to the level of others, possibly less successful.

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I really hope you know what you are doing with Void Dash.

Void Dash is one of the few things about operator gameplay that does not feel broken. Parcour gameplay with Warframes is extremely well done and the current Void Dash can be integrated in map traversal very well, once you get used to it's mechanics and don't have transference lag of course. I enjoy the current implementation of how warframe and operator can be used in combination alot. It's a major reason why I still play WF regularly, even if there is nothing really left to farm and grind for.

I really don't think WF needs more slow and clunky movement. We already got Necramechs and Archguns for that.

Please, don't "fix" things that aren't broken.

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Please do not change or nerf void dash it is great as it is that new void dash looks boring/not fun and slower. Being able to void dash like it is now is one of the best thing about the game and don’t get why you are removing the void blast it was useful with the zenurik school to void blast enemies so they get knocked down and slowed i don’t get why you need to remove that not a fan of any type of nerfs to operator to me they were great as they are now.

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Please reconsider making new skins, which are the only ones, that material changes will work on and put the effort into making EVERY skin able to change their materials. Otherwise it misses the point...

Yes, i know, it must be A LOT of work, but you said yourselves, in the stream, that it actually is possible and you have the technology for that now, you just don't want to do it, because it is so time consuming. But seriously, again, making this option available only for new skins, specifically designed for that, is missing the point.




Bring back self-damage and channeling!




So, am i just not finding my way there, or is that a bugged medal spawn ?

https://imgur.com/a/owoPo68 (I somehow can't manage to make "insert image from URL" to work)

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Please DE, a void dash rework is not needed in the slightest, and if you deem it so necessary for tile sets, please make it optional to use. The new void dash seems very slow and will probably actually lead to worse traversing across tile sets. The void dash has been the literal bread and butter of every speed run in warframe spare Profit Taker, and the only way to have a good team equipped to speed run eidolons predicates on the fast mechanics of the void dash. Y’all even say it is slow for tile sets, well that is not the case for open world, there are hundreds of lake shields clips on POE where people can get all the way to frickin far spawn (about 150m) in less than 3 seconds and have the eidolon down in less than 3.5 seconds. With the new void dash, none of these times will be possible, and most speed runs will be slower forever. There is no need to rework something that is already extremely useful. As for unairu changes, there are thousands of hunters that rely on void blasting to spawn unairu wisps, please do not change this mechanic, it is very niche and nobody is asking for you all to change it, it is fine how it is as a cool projectile that gives you a neat buff. 

watch this video and tell me that the new “un spammy” void dash is gonna be able to get these times… oh and by the way, void dash can’t be spammed or else it will  get stuck, you have to time the button/space bar press….

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My clanmate @KuroNeko5 stated that void dash should instead just be 1 dash, you press and hold jump to dash and your operator goes in a straight or curve line and when you let go spacebar you simply stop the dash.

Right now 1 dash is to much, you need to aim at an angle away from the optimal position because you end up missing a door, in other words to much range has it's drawbacks, in more open areas you may need to dash 5 times, pressing spacebar 5 times

With the idea my clanmate gives, all you need is to control how much time you press spacebar, you can do minimal adjustments and dash the equivalent to 5 dashes by pressing and holding spacebar once.

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20 hours ago, (PSN)Quantaminum said:

but... we can already do that...

Not exactly.

Current Heat Eximus: They knock you down and deal some damage. If you roll it will bump you slightly upwards without even getting staggered and resist that damage.

Proposed Heat Eximus: They knock you down, deal more damage and inflict a heat proc. If you roll it doesn't knock you down, nor does it bump you upwards, nor does it inflict a heat proc. I'm not sure if it still only resists the damage by the roll's 75% or if it completely ignores that too.

Similar but not the same.

20 hours ago, (XBOX)Big Roy 324 said:

But that Second Chance ability.

On death you transfer out and can revive yourself with kills. Second level is 18% (6 kills will get 100%)

Probably won't be too useful at high level. But seems neat. 

There's also the "[PH] Emergency" Node. "Amp and Void Beam Damage increases by 10% per second during [PH]Second Chance" at Rank 3 out of 4.

With Second Chance having a duration of 15s, it would be up to +150% Damage, which could be pretty significant. If we furthermore optimize our Amps to be good against regular Enemies instead of Eidolons, lets say by getting ones with decent Status and Fire Rate, plus using the Virtuos Trojan Arcane, it might be able to scale well enough.

As long as its a viable option up to Veil Void Fissure Grineer and Steel Path Incursion Grineer, I'll be happy.

6 hours ago, QQQQMkII said:

If a "melee attack" input summons the warframe to do a melee attack, then the "Stealth Attack" and "Mercy" prompts and input should summon the warframe for a stealth attack or Mercy finisher.   

They will! "Melee instead of doing the little melee with the Operator will actually immediately switch to your Warframe and Melee right there, same for Finishers."

I'm not sure if this includes Mercy Kills, but both it and regular Finishers are triggered with the "Interact" Action and both trigger Finisher Arcanes, so I'll assume that these systems are so interlocked that by just including regular Finishers, Mercy Kills get auto included too. If not, DE please and thank you.

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I think it's cool that the Warframe can catch up with the Operator and melee when hitting that, but my worry comes with Void Dash because if  you slow that down and take away the distance...we're using that more often to get to places fast and cover long distances our Warframes can't manage.  It's useful outside of combat as it stands so I would think it would be a bad choice to slow it down this much and also I'd hope that our investments in making Void Dash go the distance isn't messed with.  Otherwise, things look pretty cool and I'm interested to see how the changes go.  Maybe I'm weird but I also don't mind Unairu, but hope it's cool and still useful in Eidolon fights.  

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I have just one, very simple, very basic request:


Please do not remove the ability to turn off our focus powers.  


Okay, it's niche, okay, it's minor, and in theory 'not useful'.  I am not entirely confident that there will be all side effects and knock on effects from every power  at all times.


Just let me turn them off so if there -is- a problem, or even a visual or cosmetic effect I do not like, I can shut that power off.  Give me 6 different warnings about it, by all means default to on, just leave that door open rather than being 'sure that nobody will ever want to turn this off' because that rings every alarm bell in my brain on this sort of matter, and it's such an easy switch to just leave in player's hands.



Really should note that auditory issues are probably more likely to be a problem, and maybe an extreme one for some players.  It's just a matter of leaving the ability to toggle things off if something happens to come up, and it would be -strongly- appreciated.  

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Enjoyed the Dev Stream.  

If the new void dash has quick tap (spam) and hold ("tactical") functionality I think it will be fine.  Just have to use a few more energy pizzas.

My real reason for posting is this.  Why not put player housing in the dojo?  It could be accessed using the same elevator mechanics used in the upcoming update. Make the dojo useful by allowing us to do everything we can do in the orbiter in the dojo. Also, give players the option to start the game in the dojo or the orbiter. Clans spend a lot of time and resources designing their dojo why not make them relevant?

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If you're going to rework operator mode, could you please consider bringing back the "ultimate" that we had before Focus 2.0? Honestly, for me, that was the best state of operators. The current state with Focus 2.0 is a downgrade. The upcoming state shown in this dev workshop looks like a further downgrade to me.

In the old days, we filled the Focus bar slowly over time, from playing with our warframes. When the bar was filled, we could press 5 to unleash a powerful attack, CC, heal, etc. with our operator. It was a brief, strong burst of power. It felt impactful. It felt like our operators were incredibly strong void demons that we were trying to contain. Now it feels like they're just ghost kids.

I understand you want operators to be more playable, and it's probably never going back to the old days where we couldn't control them. But still, the "ultimates" were nice. Maybe you could bring that back still. Have it so we can hold 5 to unleash it, whereas tapping 5 switches?

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How about naming the new gardener drone Goodfellow, after the alias of Puck (you could go with Puck, but I think that's on the nose too much), as depicted in A Midsummer Night's Dream. In the play, Puck is tasked with collecting a special flower for the creation of a love potion. Seems fitting for our little gardener.

Puck also exists within folklore beyond A Midsummer Night's Dream, where it is also called Hob. It's a helper house spirit that can do chores for you. So I think maybe Hobbes might be another good option!

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The new void dash looks good to me, but I think we can have the best of both worlds.
Why not tap to instantly dash the maximum distance, and hold to do the more controlled dash? This would keep it feeling useful for quick repositions or long-distance movement in more open tiles or free roam areas without losing the control for tighter areas as well.


Also, I think the drone should be named Lily! ...or just be named by the player outright, like the Helminth can be.

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Void dash is perfectly fine right now and does its job super well, if it isn't broken there is no reason to fix it. so far what I've seen from your new void dash, its super slow and clunky and will not fit well with the rest of the movement in the game

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On 2022-03-10 at 10:43 PM, [DE]Megan said:

Beyond Gameplay:

We are adding a cosmetic Focus shop to spend your unused points in! Things like Landing Craft ornaments and more await students of their favorite Focus School. 

Definitely a fan of this as I don't like having millions of excess Focus per school! Though I hope there are some evergreen items like Relic packs or Potatoes/Forma along with the cosmetics to counteract the inevitability of hoarding Focus again once all cosmetics are purchased.

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