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Ok so what does Vauban do?

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Nothing related to me getting mag and zephyr (current frames I'm trying to obtain as mentioned in a previous post).

What does Vauban do? I've heard he is a cc frame, but then I heard people talking about dpsing with him, so I decided to ask what you can do with him. Any Vauban mains able to answer?

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16 minutes ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

What does Vauban do?

It does Vauban stuff...


I don't believe anyone will be able to explain any better without an actual context for your question than the bare scraps you've provided. It simply sounds a lot like "What does this button do?" to which anyone will just answer "Stuff." because that's what a button does.

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3 minutes ago, Uhkretor said:

It does Vauban stuff...


I don't believe anyone will be able to explain any better without an actual context for your question. It simply sounds a lot like "What does this button do?" to which anyone will just answer "Stuff." because that's what a button does.

How do people play Vauban? I don't use Vauban. What do Vauban players do to utilize him efficiently?

For example, I can say that ash turns invisible, uses his shurikens to strip armor, and then can use his 4th ability to boost combo and deal a lot of dmg. 

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1 minute ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

How do people play Vauban? I don't use Vauban. What do Vauban players do to utilize him efficiently?

For example, I can say that ash turns invisible, uses his shurikens to strip armor, and then can use his 4th ability to boost combo and deal a lot of dmg. 

You really have to be more specific if you want people, especially Vauban mains, to offer actual practical advises about it, including what Vauban can actually do in a given content... Otherwise, people will just post a link for you to read... like (PSN)LadyAmbush did.

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12 minutes ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

Ok so what does Vauban do?

Vauban is a Strategist. His abilities range from damage to Debuffing and Crowd Control.

His 1st ability releases servos that deal electric damage and stun enemies,

His 2nd is a tool kit with fragmentation grenades and gadgets to push or knock down enemies.

His 3rd is an Orbital strike

His 4th is 2 abilities in 1:
- Bastille which suspends and incapacitates enemies, great for locking down an area.
- Vortex which is triggered by holding down the button with an Active Bastille, sucks enemies up towards it and is great for grouping enemies up.

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6 minutes ago, Uhkretor said:

You really have to be more specific if you want people, especially Vauban mains, to offer actual practical advises about it, including what Vauban can actually do in a given content... Otherwise, people will just post a link for you to read... like (PSN)LadyAmbush did.

Lol don't bring me into this. I clarified that Vauban was both a DPS and CC frame and gave tenno source of detailed information. Better than 

13 minutes ago, Uhkretor said:

Vauban stuff...

I didn't see a question how I personally play with him. Completely different then most people. Because 1 people don't understand kit and just spam 4th. 

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44 minutes ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

Nothing related to me getting mag and zephyr (current frames I'm trying to obtain as mentioned in a previous post).

What does Vauban do? I've heard he is a cc frame, but then I heard people talking about dpsing with him, so I decided to ask what you can do with him. Any Vauban mains able to answer?

Vauban's kit has some useful CC, buff and DPS options. He lacks ability-related damage reduction and relies fairly heavily on his CC. He is quite strong against the horde but doesn't really accel against eximus units.

A basic breakdown of his kit is as follows:

The first ability is small damage with fairly reliable stun procs

The second ability serves multiple purposes:
*Tether coil is very useful CC
*Flecehtte Orb is basically a turret with scaling damage
*Vector pad is a speed boost (I've never been a fan of this one)
*Overdriver is a team damage buff

The third ability is straight scaling blast damage

The fourth ability is both a denial CC and a grouping CC

Vauban can be fairly effective in multiple roles but without in-built damage reduction he can be kind of flimsy. 

I put Vauban in the category of frames that have a little nuance to their playstyle which can be confusing for people when they are learning the kit. Having said that, many players who aren't that experienced with Vauban just go ham on ability range and spam vortex and tether, foregoing his other abilities. This is pretty effective so it is common to see people doing this and it is fairly uncommon to see people use the full kit.

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42 minutes ago, (PSN)LadyAmbush said:

Lol don't bring me into this. I clarified that Vauban was both a DPS and CC frame and gave tenno source of detailed information. Better than 

I didn't see a question how I personally play with him. Completely different then most people. Because 1 people don't understand kit and just spam 4th. 

... Please, can you point out where I said otherwise?

I might've missed it.

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Prior to the eximus rework, what Vauban did was lock down an entire map for an entire mission. With overguard, he only disables 99% of enemies for an entire mission. Then he shoots the remaining 1% and it's all good.

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Bastille strips armour and locks down enemies in an area, then collapses (or can be manually collapsed) into a vortex so that all of the enemies are in one spot. While players are in the Bastille, they get any armour that's stolen from enemies, and it only starts to disappear once you leave the area. You can have multiple active.

His 3 literally just does a big damage blast in a modest AoE. Easy to combine with the Vortex or any grouping of enemies.

His 1 sends out balls that stun nearby stuff, his 2 is a swiss army knife featuring a tether mine, an AoE of bullets, a boost pad and a damage buff.

Basically, Vauban is all about controlling areas by CC'ing and weakening enemies. He stays alive by hanging around his Bastilles and making sure enemies don't have the opportunity to shoot at him for long. Great for defensive missions, notably Interception as he can have a Bastille on all 4 points, but he's somewhat better at moving around than other defensive frames, as it's really easy to just toss out another Bastille whenever you need it.

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2 hours ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

What does Vauban do?

Vauban is kind of like the Batman of warframe, in that he has a utility belt that can do everything (and he also looks best in black!)

- Tesla Nervos is a cheap option for stunnign and damaging enemies, you can have a bunch active at once and the Augment for it stores damage dealt to the Tesla itself and then releases it. it's actually really effective, seen a few meme builds of it.

- Minelayer has 4 functions: Vector Pad is just a speed boost thing, kinda useless outside of fun times. Overdriver gives team buffs, Tether Coil slows people down further (can be used in place of Bastille for emergencies where you have minimal energy., but by far the most useful is Flechette Orb because it's damage scales incredibly well, it fires constantly in all possible directions and can practically defend an area by itself, no joke. usually one is all you need, but a couple will cover any room for as long as it's duration is active: ain't nobody flanking you with a Flechetee on your back.

- Photon blast isn't as great as it should be, but goddamn if it ain't fun to just summon a big-a$$ laser from the sky and zap people, and it still does ok on non-steel path. problem is that it's blast damage, which is the worst damage type: IMO it should be pure Void (would be even more fun to use on Sentients lol).

- Bastille literally locks down an area all around you, then when it's duration ends, any surviving enemies and loot is sucked into a Vortex: Bastille and Vortex used to be seperate abilities back in the day, but they're a lot better combined as one and you can get some serious range on it to become the primary CC'er of any squad.

Vauban is great, especially in defensive modes, which is really what his kit is most suited for, but you can still have a lot of fun with a Tesla Bank/flechette/Photon Blast build on other mission types as well. his only real downside is that he's squishier than he looks, but since you should be preventing enemies from moving/attacking freely anyway it's not that much of an issue.

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2 hours ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

How do people play Vauban? I don't use Vauban. What do Vauban players do to utilize him efficiently?

Crowd Control is the most common way to describe Vauban, but he's a mixture of damage with area lockdown:

  • Passive

Extra 25% against enemies incapacitated by Vauban's abilities or certain Status procs is nothing scoff at.

  • Tesla Nervos

Set and forget, but the Nervos provide free Electric procs making it quite nice. 

  • Minelayer (Tether Mine, Flechette Orb, Vector Pad, Overdriver)

Tether Mine is very limited, just tethering up to two enemies. You can latch the mine onto allies if you desire.

Flechette Orb is a "turret" for Vauban, but the catch here is that the Orb deals scaling damage. It will need help against highly armored Grineer/Corrupted.

Vector Pad is a relic of Vauban's old kit, but it still has some niche in Defection moving Defectors fairly quickly or even getting them unstuck.

Overdriver is a damage boost, but it can be tedious to apply it to a large group of people (players, Companions, etc.)

  • Photon Strike

Arguably the weakest ability, as it's just damage. While the damage scales, it's not as impressive as Flechette Orb. Still offers a quick damage burst against unarmored/relatively weakened enemies.

  • Bastille

Two parts: the energy containment field that I will refer to as the Bastille and the Vortex.

The Bastille suspends enemies into the air, while stripping armor by percent. Both the amount of enemies the field can hold along with the armor strip scales off of Strength.

The most popular application of Vauban is to solely use the Vortex, by holding down the ability button (Bastille fields convert into Vortexs or do it by base). Clump all enemies in range into a giant ball.

My preferred way of playing Vauban involves almost his entire kit, but it's understandable why people resort to only Vortex as that involves quite a bit of micromanagement (timers and placing your abilities in the right positions).



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How I run him (Str/Range?):

Little Shocky guys: Drop em and let them torture and/or kill things while I explore. Capable of dropping guys as far up as Zariman Bounties.
Nailbomb: I'll be honest, I don't use his other mine abilities, I just use this as area denial.
Orbital Strike: Great group clearer, has downside of being blinding.
Vortex/Bastille: Bastille used to be how I cheesed Infested Def (when it was a standalone ability), but I don't use it much now. Sometimes I'll be remotely intelligent and combo it with the nailbomb or Orbital Strike, but still don't use it much these days.

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Vauban is for defense and mobile defense missions when you don't really want to do defense or mobile defense missions.  Toss out Flechette Orbs at doors and entryways where enemies will come in from, drop your shock squad that will go get enemies, then spend around 30 seconds laughing at other players having to do work in the mission.  Rinse, lather, repeat.

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I like Vauban, there are a few different ways you can build and play him. 

One way I like, is for solo Steel Path Interception, Mobile Defence, Excavation, etc you basically go big range for your Bastille/Vortex to lock down a part of the map with a lot of enemies, or say near the Excavator. You can have more than one. Flechette Orb is great for choke points and entry points. Vector Pad can be great at panels, as enemies won't be able to take over an Interception point if they can't touch the panel. Your 1 is a great basic CC, I use more in Extermination and Capture to scout ahead. My Vauban is very squishy, most because I invest mods into range, strength duration. Vortex can also be fun for weapons/melee that is effective against tight knit groups. I also really like his 3. Its not that popular, but I think it looks cool. 

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6 hours ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

Ok so what does Vauban do?

Well.... Booben plays with his Balls..... That's literally all he does...

6 hours ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

I've heard he is a cc frame

Thats what he used to be before his Rework....

6 hours ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

but then I heard people talking about dpsing with him,

This is because all of Booben's Abilities Factor in Enemy Level into their Damage Formulas....

Allowing him to Maintain a Consistent Time To Kill On enemies Regardless of Level... As long as they don't have Armor....

6 hours ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

How do people play Vauban? I don't use Vauban. What do Vauban players do to utilize him efficiently?

Naturally thats going to Depend on the Mission Type....

6 hours ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:


For example, I can say that ash turns invisible, uses his shurikens to strip armor, and then can use his 4th ability to boost combo and deal a lot of dmg

Indeed you can..... but he Doesn't Do All of that at Once.... Infact he needs Augments to do 2 Of those Things....

19 minutes ago, cute_moth.npc said:

Every Vauban player I have ever seen in game basically stacks range and uses vortex to make defense / interception missions very easy and boring, sometimes I leave. I guess he also does other stuff but that's what I know him for ^^

Pretty Much This.....

I hate encountering this Specific Type Of Booben In Defense because they make the Enemies get Stuck but Can't be bothered to Unstuck them and expect their Team Mates to Do it For Them.....


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6 hours ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

Ok so what does Vauban do?

Well.... Booben plays with his Balls..... That's literally all he does...

6 hours ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

I've heard he is a cc frame

Thats what he used to be before his Rework....

6 hours ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

but then I heard people talking about dpsing with him,

This is because all of Booben's Abilities Factor in Enemy Level into their Damage Formulas....

Allowing him to Maintain a Consistent Time To Kill On enemies Regardless of Level... As long as they don't have Armor....

6 hours ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

How do people play Vauban? I don't use Vauban. What do Vauban players do to utilize him efficiently?

Naturally thats going to Depend on the Mission Type....

6 hours ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:


For example, I can say that ash turns invisible, uses his shurikens to strip armor, and then can use his 4th ability to boost combo and deal a lot of dmg

Indeed you can..... but he Doesn't Do All of that at Once.... Infact he needs Augments to do 2 Of those Things....

19 minutes ago, cute_moth.npc said:

Every Vauban player I have ever seen in game basically stacks range and uses vortex to make defense / interception missions very easy and boring, sometimes I leave. I guess he also does other stuff but that's what I know him for ^^

Pretty Much This.....

I hate encountering this Specific Type Of Booben In Defense because they make the Enemies get Stuck but Can't be bothered to Unstuck them and expect their Team Mates to Do it For Them.....


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He's a swiss army knife. Little drones for automated area stuns, four mines for trapping areas with utility or damage, an orbital cannon blast with damage that scales with enemy level, and a perma-armor strip suspension field or an anti-shields vortex for grouping.

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Vauban is one of the best CC frame with scaling damage in addition to CC a full room.

Also he's arguably one of the best "melee" frame as any trash tier melee still deal tremendous damage to enemies locked in his vortex.

His "worst" ability is his 3rd which more than half the warframe roster could envy.

Vauban semi afk SP survival have been toned down with overguard.

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vor 14 Stunden schrieb (XBOX)Upl0rdYT:

Nothing related to me getting mag and zephyr (current frames I'm trying to obtain as mentioned in a previous post).

What does Vauban do? I've heard he is a cc frame, but then I heard people talking about dpsing with him, so I decided to ask what you can do with him. Any Vauban mains able to answer?

you can group opponents in a small radius. there is nothing more. and skill is bad. there are tons of warframes that are way better than him.

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14 hours ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

What does Vauban do? I've heard he is a cc frame, but then I heard people talking about dpsing with him, so I decided to ask what you can do with him. Any Vauban mains able to answer?

He's an engineer frame using constructs/gadgets the likes of Protea, Lavos, and Ivara but his are more centered on area control
The bulk of what he does is traps to lock down rooms, areas, or chokepoints (like Hydroid without the flailing and flapping noises) but he also has items that can actually do damage too.

Where Hydroid relies on his movement and his strongest abilities center on himself as a melee oriented CC caster,  Most (not all) of Vauban's abilities are deployable and stationary. 

If you like the notion of a CC/Trap-Gadgeteer-Frame I'd, personally,  put Vauban near the top of the list.

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