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Warframe speculation: Joe mad's werewolf


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So we got the concept art of the wolf frame. Now it may not be the final design* though but looking at it has me wondering what abilities should we expect.

Initial design thoughts have me thinking that this frame will probably not transform into a werewolf or a wolf. The enormous head piece might have a tranform function but probably similar to nidus and less like sevagoth. 

The large wolf pieces however has me thinking we will be focusing on summon wolf spirits either as temporary pets or projectiles or both. Honestly if this is the case I am hoping they go with a reverse voltron situation. Where each ability summons a companion that performs a different function either for a short duration or permanent pets. Making ... lets call her: Medeina (Lithuanian wolf deity), a full on summoner frame.

But what are your thoughts based on the frames visual design?

*I'm anticipating the 3d model to have additional tweaks to the final concept.

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I don't like the visual design at all. I know that it's very stylized and some people will really love it but it's just not my thing on a personal level. 

A pet class could be fun, Warframe has not really executed that well yet? 

Summoner from PSO2 is my favourite pet class so far, it's weird because the design is almost like controlling puppets more than anything, you switch between pets on the fly to use different skills and handle different situations, the pets have unique movesets like grouping, DoT, dash attacks and melee combos, a lot of the skills have dodge and gap close mechanics built so you get to also control that.. Maybe it's a bit too involved for one Warframe though? ^^;

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personally i like the design, but then i like darksiders styles, spawn ect , i dont expect everyone to like the style, as most frames and skins are a mix regardless 


See the source imageSee the source imageSee the source imageSee the source imageSee the source image




reviewing the images and process shown in tennocon art panel , it looks to be a evolving type kind of like nidus with a spectral  ghost monsters /summons?  that trail around her and are used for offense  

so from the design she wont become a werewolf but more a wolf armored monster , a very aggressive shoulder mouths and energy tail/ and spirits could make her a combo of 

nidus, grendel, nekros kind of merged kit  , I am hopeful the next devstreams will touch on her and maybe some wip or development on her 

On 2022-09-20 at 6:43 PM, (XBOX)Nightseid said:



So we got the concept art of the wolf frame. Now it may not be the final design* though but looking at it has me wondering what abilities should we expect.

Initial design thoughts have me thinking that this frame will probably not transform into a werewolf or a wolf. The enormous head piece might have a tranform function but probably similar to nidus and less like sevagoth. 

The large wolf pieces however has me thinking we will be focusing on summon wolf spirits either as temporary pets or projectiles or both. Honestly if this is the case I am hoping they go with a reverse voltron situation. Where each ability summons a companion that performs a different function either for a short duration or permanent pets. Making ... lets call her: Medeina (Lithuanian wolf deity), a full on summoner frame.

But what are your thoughts based on the frames visual design?

*I'm anticipating the 3d model to have additional tweaks to the final concept.


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2 minutes ago, (XBOX)Nightseid said:

Ooo, an evolving frame. That would be pretty neat. I'm trying to imagine how that would work exactly but sounds cool

yea i think it sounds fun , as its technically a evolving wolf monster thats bipedal, it works , honestly when i watched the reveal and discussion i was initially shocked at the route of the design, but the  look & style of in combat made a really interesting concept for me personally , it was a nice surprise 

Now given its darksider ish roots, id assume it buffs via kills /souls/ something and develops more power/form/armor as you are playing same way nidus stacks and from works 

possibly you use the stacks to spawn a soul hunting spirit (like sevagoth shadow does on 1) and have them attack as a summoner type frame ? 

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An evolving passive. Get a chunk of extra max health and armor in stages. Heal from one or more of her abilities. Fourth ability gets stronger by the amount of wolf mouths she has from her passive, when active drains from her passive via her burning tail and wolf spirits.

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I had already made some crazy suggestions for the Zauron fan concept in terms of abilities.

One of the suggestions was "Eat or be eaten" which causes the Warframe to passively and through abilities generate life above the maximum, in order to survive the Warframe must keep killing.
Looking at Gyre and Styanax's 3he ability and the heads on this werewolf, it could go in that direction.



This Warframe has heads on hips and shoulders, I guess the shoulders will be optically swappable like Lavos.

If this Warframe bloated like Nidus, then Nidus wouldn't be as unique, but likes the idea of the Warframe becoming more visually appealing as well.



Would have something appropriate if this Warframe needs to be earned at a Halloween event, or at least a special skin.

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So... from the discussion on the reveal, things we should not expect:

Common fantasy werewolf tropes such as transformation, berserker modes, and the weird obsession with claw slashing that wolves don't actually do, yet somehow fantasy werewolves commonly do...

But, Pablo is now one of the head designers. So I suspect what we'll get is a mechanical hook and then the abilities themed around it from the material.

A lot of the frames have some mechanical function that specifically creates their kit, such as Nidus with his 2-1 combo that then builds his Passive, and his Passive is how you cast his 3 and 4. Or Hildryn where casting her 2 powers the rest of her kit by generating her Shields, weakening her enemies and so on. Or Gauss who uses heat and cold to balance his Battery passive, which you can unlock with his 4 and generate multiplied effects of his other abilities (he also has the much-underrated combo of his 2 draining Battery to generate Energy while you then use Energy to cast and generate Battery, which is not to be sniffed at). Or Garuda, who sacrifices Health to generate Energy, and uses Energy to generate Health while dealing Damage. 

So think mechanically on the theme.

What mechanical hook could be useful on a frame that is being themed around mythological wolves? Especially one with all those spirit wolves in the artwork?

I'm thinking we're going to have a variant on a Totem frame, a frame that builds their effects sequentially by activating abilities that are persistent, buffing her and the team. Think Reservoirs for Wisp, but a specifically sequential mechanical theme that stacks to make a stronger effect.

Then we use that with the visual Wolf theme. And to that I think we're going to get something more Native American, where the 'Wolf' is more a being of spirit, a god in some aspects, one that is closely linked with creation, medicine, hunting and protection.

Combine 'creation', 'medicine' and 'protection' and I think we're going to have a self/team buffing frame. Maybe something similar to the way Baruuk's Desolate Hands works, where she creates totems in an AoE that offer protection and are passed to allies for shared effect.

One I can think of would be a first ability that generates totems that have some base function. Maybe a team buff. Then a second ability that infuses the totems with another function that buffs her and the team further. A third ability that interacts with the totems in another way, maybe expanding their area or applying the inverse effects to enemies (cursing them). And then a fourth ability that causes some kind of detonation effect for damage based on whether the other three abilities have been used or not.

Maybe... her 2, 3 and 4 would work at a base level without the Totems too. So you have the option to do a radial burst with her 4 that has a certain effect, her 2 generates a radial buff, and her 3 generates a radial curse... but it all has a combo multiplier with the totems you generate, just like the multipliers we have with Wisp's 3 and her 1 and 2, or the bonus effects you get on Wisp's 4 if you have all her Reservoirs active.

This way, even if you don't have Totems up, you maintain the buffs you have until you cast them again, and you can even do a smaller radial 4 to things that are directly in your own range, which would allow players the option to Helminth off the 1st ability if they wanted to experiment, or the 4th ability if they just liked having constant Buffs active.

These Totems then could be themed around the visuals we see in the concept art.

Summoning a pack of wolf spirits that float around her for her 1, which maybe deals light damage to enemies and duplicates to allies if they touch the radius, maybe offers an enemy stun on contact like Silence. Infusing herself and the spirits with protective energy for her 2, which also affect allies that picked up their own spirit friends. Infusing herself and the spirits with enemy cursing energy for her 3, which could be a damage multiplier, or making them more vulnerable to certain damage, or even something really simple like a slow aura. Then a howl burst that deals damage in a radius, which is then multiplied by the number of Spirits you've called to your side, and gains effects based on whether you have your 2 and 3 running or not. A good team could spread out for the effects of this 4, too, to have the effect cover more area.


I mean, this was all off the top of my head, so...

Eh, I think it has some merits ^^

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On 2022-09-20 at 8:59 PM, (XBOX)EternalDrk Mako said:

reviewing the images and process shown in tennocon art panel , it looks to be a evolving type kind of like nidus with a spectral  ghost monsters /summons?  that trail around her and are used for offense  

I just want to note they were probably trying to define the outline before the final exploration, which served as a base for doing a final pass on the Warframe. I don't expect evolving  mechanics on her.

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I speculate it will be a let down. The concept does absolutely nothing for me besides seeing a Horde shaman armor on a warframe. Guess we will have our first Warframecraft character soon. Nothing about it says werewolf or even wolfman/shewolf to me. Spirit wolves, uhm wut, why? It just feels more and more like they completely forgot the werewolf concept and snowed in on some shamanistic spirit walker totem/fylgia mish-mash thingy frame. Which in itself is cool, if it wasnt for the fact it is supposed to be a werewolf frame.

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4 hours ago, NightmareT12 said:

I just want to note they were probably trying to define the outline before the final exploration, which served as a base for doing a final pass on the Warframe. I don't expect evolving  mechanics on her.

i don't expect  it, but i think it would be neat and make sense with the werewolf theme 


this was the final concept design as noted in 2022 tennocon , so maybe she dosnt evolve , but it would make sense either way,   as we only have nidus with that mechanic iirc , so dosnt seem to far fetched for the theme. though per the final draft we can see similarities to the wip exploration draft  ? hopefully next devstream reb will talk more about her

I kind a hope she has the name Bane or something wolf themed/mythos ect 


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I don't think there's any chance I'll like this frame as a werewolf theme'd frame. It may be just fine mechanically, it may play well in the game, it might even be fun to play... but I don't think werewolf when I see that design, and I don't think werewolf, when I hear shaman.

If this were just revealed as a new shaman frame with wolf lore themes... I could probably get behind it... but they're trying to put it out there like "Hey, here's that werewolf frame you guys have wanted for years! Except it's a female frame, and it doesn't transform, and ... um... yeah, it's not what you wanted, but ignore all that. WEREWOLF!"

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I think she (at least right now the frame looks to be female) is gonna have either some kind of bite attack ability or alternatively, her passive might be that the wolfs heads on her hips and shoulders snap at enemies that come too close. At least, they are quite pronounced (then again, Joe Madden does put mouths on everything, so maybe there's nothing to it).

I think there's a good chance for some kind of howl ability as well, possibly for buffing teammates or debuffing enemies.

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2 hours ago, (XBOX)Graysmog said:

They did say she was kind of shaman-esque with her abilities, so they're going with the old school skinwalker werewolf concept. 

But when were skinwalkers ever synonymous with shaman? When was that ever an old-school thing?

Old school werewolf = Dude or dudess going nut batty during fullmoon, or simply during the night due to either a curse, a bloodline trait or a connection to some deity.

Middle school werewolf = Dude or dudess going nut batty during fullmoon due to a curse. Yaddiyaddi pure at heart, wolfbane bloom and so on romanticized hooey dung.

Shaman = Wise dude or possibly dudess attuned to spirits of their tribe/people. Might have the ability to speak with animals or "run" with them.

Skinwalker = "Evil" witchy witch that can shapeshift into animals.

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Her design looks okay to me, but im worried they wont sell off the wolf vibe well like they did with Chroma. Instead of you being the wolf, its probably going to be more watching summons be wolves just like how Chroma is not really you being a dragon, just your summon is the dragon. Chroma is more known for just being a indestructible tank than he is for being anything dragon related, and im sorta worried this wolf frame might fall into that boat as well.

I could be wrong, and the abilities could really make the player feel like theyre playing horrifying wolf with a deadly wolf pack, i just doubt it for some reason.

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2 hours ago, LillyRaccune said:

It would be nice if Ms.Furry does transform. I'm trying not to build expectations.

While Nidus is the only frame that transforms visually, there are others that have transformative mechanics.

Atlas has Rubble
Baruuk has Restraint
Ember has Immolation
Sevagoth has Shadow

evolution sounds fun like nidus i enjoy that mechanic even though it can be double edged due to slow build up (without augs) 

needless to say design wise its on point 

4 hours ago, (XBOX)Graysmog said:

They did say she was kind of shaman-esque with her abilities, so they're going with the old school skinwalker werewolf concept. 

druidic and shaman powers on a Skinwalker is actually something id like also (not like de cant mix it all up )

i just want a howl or rawr power to have some intimidation , and see spirit beasts eat people for GP 

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So, let's try to cut out our wishful thinking and narrow down the possibilities based on what we know and how Warframes were otherwise created.

What we know about the "Werewolf Frame by Joe Mad".
-No fur, sci-fi wolf, armor has hints of fur.
-Hands will remain free for weapons, no claws but many mouths with teeth.
-You can see his style in Airship Syndicate and Darksiders games.
-The Warframe is meant to be radical, a hunter.
-Joe Mad was also fascinated by demons, monsters, dragons, dinosaurs and other creatures that roughly guess what a deluxe skin the Warframe is being prepared for.
-Transformation will probably not exist, neither did Chroma and Sevagoth.
-At the head of Archon Amar you can roughly see what is meant by wolf in the Warframe universe.
-Similar to CiG for Star Citizen, artists and programmers are working together more to keep it within the scope of the gameplay, the Warframe isn't going to freak out completely.
-We can see an energy tail and ghost wolf heads coming out of the shoulders and hips.
-DE likes to reuse mechanics to rafter work, Titania=archwing animation.
-Should be very fast and agile.
-What DE means by feathers can already be seen in the Void Angels, with fur/fur it will be no different.
-The Warframe will have a wolf theme, but probably not really werewolf.
-The DE audio team will love the Warframe, sounds like a fun soundscape for the wolf and things he does like howling.
-Statement "The Warframe will get a weapon we put a joke on", Maul occupied fist gun? Blade and whip with mouth and tail?


Possible Direction Abilitys:

DE could use Archon Amar's movement animation again, so the ghost heads take control of enemies and have similarity in battle as Amar.

The Warframe uses a howl, but the effect will need to be something that isn't too reminiscent of Banshee, Valkyr, and Rhino.

Lots of teeth and maws sounds like puncture and cut damage that will probably be very snappy.

Wearing a power tail, armor with hard fur, and something like blades on your forearms, beating this warfame in melee will probably be something you'll regret quickly.


PS: Since it's more or less a female furry, YouTube channels TqLxQuanZ and Zita Wup will 100% make up a joke.

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I just know I will automatically hate it if it comes out like sevagoth where you have to forma the frame and the wereframe.  I will automatically hate any frame they put out like that again, so long as we have this outdated polarity system.


Barring that, I'm into it.  I like the idea of a werewolf theme.  I don't think warframe leans into the horror themes inherent in the lore and concepts anywhere near enough.  

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