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Echoes of Veilbreaker: Update 32.1


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Thanks for the hotfix!!

Two elephants in the room: 

Cross Platform Players Cannot View Builds from Another Platform: 

I.E. PC player pastes a build, Xbox players cannot see them, and vice versa

And the most Major Problem at the moment:

Panthera PRIME is still not working properly as well as the listed off other assortment of weapons, with punch through mods. 

Not typing them all out again, just having it here as relevance because NOTHING was spoken about them. 

Happy to add the Kompressa now to the bunch, because now that isn't working with Punch Through Mods.

Yes, the config shows the 2.1 Punch Through with Seeker equipped, the bubbles just don't go through enemies. 

On 2022-10-20 at 10:30 PM, Halo said:

New Evidence has come to light in Primary Weps that can or do explode just not working at all with Punch Through: 

My Scourge Prime... My beloved speargun... is now rendered USELESS

Primed Shred's 2.2 Punch Through on the wep is basically null and voided, not going through the first enemy AT ALL

Also tested environment, does not go through anything as well...

I want it to be known I'm talking about the primary fire of the speargun, not the obvious 'yeet and headshot with any other wep' mode. 

Its even worse when you continuously shoot at a dead corpse(s) and watching the body slowly fall and the bullets / projectiles not go through it like it is supposed to AND USED TO, MIGHT I ADD

Please DE, fix this for all weps of this sort of variety when it comes to Punch Through as a whole...

My Panthera "PRIME" is suffering, and now my Scourge Prime is too... 

Adding onto this, the Ogris (Kuva Variant) with Primed Shred (any source of punch through) also DOES NOT go through enemies ANYMORE

The rockets stop dead on the first enemy you hit, not how they used to function as per going through the first enemy or so (depending on levels of punch through given by rivens and or Primed Shred) and then detonating either on the floor, a wall, or the next available enemy...

Further addition, the Basmu, a completely niche wep that requires a riven to save itself, is also not functioning properly with punch through mods on it. 

I even had PT on my riven for fun stuff, but have now re-rolled it due to it not being functional, got a better roll, but Primed Shred, back-packing all the weight of this update, has no effect on the wep. 

The projectiles used to go through enemies, however they do not anymore. 

I might or might not jot down all of the weps that are not working properly here with punch through, cause it seems that all weapons that can explode / some sort of AoE function / can stagger or knockdown the player, are just completely broken for absolutely no reason.  

Chakkhurr, Aeolak Alt Fire, Trumna, Stahlta Alt Fire, Tenet Tetra Alt Fire, Sporothrix, Tonkor / Kuva


Edited by Halo
Kompressa cannot catch a break
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13 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

General Additions:

  • Iron Wake is now home to a very special memorial to the late Tenno, Datareaper, located just behind Clem’s Fort. Datareaper created the character Clem and, with it, brought joy to many fellow Tenno. His memorial displays his favorite and most used Warframe, and his custom-colored Kronen Prime, as the Kronen was also his creation from a Contest long ago. Clem Forever <3. 

Aw you got me all in my feels. Thanks for showing love to a legend. 

Valentines Day Love GIF by Dave Gamez

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Awesome sauce!

Hey - can we always, like every time, get a 'copy _____ colors' button? Drifter seems to be missing one. 

Edit: Also, since I don't think it's done for every frame now when armor pieces come out (like it used to be years ago), can we just get a scaling slider for armor pieces? They look ridiculously huge, even the smallest ones. Moreso on Drifter than a frame - but there are also tons of frames that look hideously huge as well. IE - Wisp, IIRC. Chest pieces so large that even the smallest ones are massive. Please and Thank You. Not sure why stuff like this has fallen by the wayside when I'd venture 90% of your profit is from appearance customizations. 

Edited by I.V.A.R.A
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  • Fixed Archon Hunts awarding progress towards Sortie Nightwave Acts that are intended only for the (Sortie Specialist and Sortie Expert). 

by little bypass almost made the 3 sortie one^^

still can't play sortie cause I am over the  riven limit, but I can buy veiled rivens and play archon hunt

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8 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:



No mention of what the reward is after facing them? I am really hoping it is a set stock amount that isn't capped per week. Also no mention of what the fight entails? Cause I can predict with 90% certainty there is a mobile defense component associated with them which is not engaging at all.

10 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

The Skaut can be purchased via in-game Market or in Chipper’s offerings in Kahl’s Garrison for Stock once you have completed the Veilbreaker Quest. 


11 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

The Archon Shard Ephemera Blueprints can be found in Chipper’s offerings in Kahl’s Garrison for Stock. 


Yeah still working on getting Styanax into helminth will probably get this in about 6 months unless the Sprag fight gives out a generous amount of stock.

13 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:
  • Chipper is now the Defense target in Archon Hunt Defense missions. Protect him as he scans for Narmer’s purpose in the sector! 


It is still 10 rounds of doing the same boring stuff over and over again, there should really be a hard lock that prevents defense from showing up as the second mission for 90% of the time, maybe making it so that it can only appear at most once per rotation(3 archon hunts).

14 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:
  • Cumulative Challenge Change: Progress on Break Narmer Challenges now persist between mission runs, rather than being reset for incomplete challenges. 

    • The Break Narmer mission progress screen will now show your challenge progress. 

  • Changed the “Kahl Kill Quick” challenge from “Get 5 kills in 3 seconds” to 5 seconds. 

    • Kills made by Kahl’s Brothers now also count towards this challenge. 

Cumulative challenges sucks since it highlights how bad the challenges are, see my post below for a more in-depth explanation from me.

Kahl Kill quick change, thanks for the change! It did not feel right that I had to spend over half an hour attempting to get it. It made me understand how Kahl's movement and fighting works but having it being made nigh impossible to complete until the very end when you got the kuva aygana just made it one of the worst ones out there since there wasn't any variety to the challenge.  Hopefully extending the kill count to 5 seconds and allow Kahl's brothers able to help you with will be better. 

21 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Added new Break Narmer Challenges: 


All really good. Thanks for adding them!

25 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:
  • Fixed the Primed Sure Footed Mod having a very tiny chance of not preventing knockdown at max rank. 


That was a bug??????????????? From my understanding this wasn't a bug since it was just how the mod ranking system worked that allowed it to only reach 99.9% knockdown chance instead of 100% chance which is what showed due to rounding up.

26 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:
  • Fixed magazine capacity from Mods reverting when turning Titania’s Razorwing on and off. 


Thank you for fixing this so fast after I reported it!

27 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:
  • Fixed Kompressa’s additional bubbles (after the first 4) not exploding with radial damage as intended when modded with Multishot. 


Another awesome fix!

28 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:
  • Fixed Panthera’s primary fire punch-through not working if the first target is killed.


Another great fix!

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1 minute ago, XHADgaming said:

Yeah still working on getting Styanax into helminth will probably get this in about 6 months unless the Sprag fight gives out a generous amount of stock.

Styanax takes 270 stock, that's only 3 weeks of bounties and dedicating the stock to him. 

Most people did this for the first 3 to 4 weeks of Veilbreaker's initial release, and is not that hard. 

Patience is a virtue, and not having an itchy spending finger on other such in the shop. 

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  • Changed the Azima’s Alt-Fire disc maximum duration to 30 seconds.

    • In Update 32, we set this to 11 seconds as a reaction to players using the Azima with a very specific Mod configuration which resulted in a math bug and the disc unintentionally lasting over 5 minutes. That kind of AFK strategy is not what we want to encourage in Warframe. After further review and reading feedback, we agreed with the feedback that 11 seconds is too short and cuts into what you could achieve with legitimate Modding. With the new duration of 30 seconds we hope to strike a compromise between having your Mods and Abilities matter, without returning to an entirely AFK gameplay strategy.

You know what would have made this less frustrating? If you included that change as party of the original patch notes for Veilbreaker. No one was sure if the 11 second duration was a change or a bug. 

  • Fixed Equinox’s other half from her Duality Augment Mod using the player’s Archgun instead of their Primary/Secondary/Melee weapon from their loadout. 

    • This falls in line with other AI fighters like Excalibur Umbra and Wukong’s clone - they only use your loadout weapons and not spawn in weapons. 

Equinox's Duality augment also:

* Has a short duration

* Costs energy each cast

* Due to the constant cycling of forms makes it difficult to rely on the other parts of their kit. 

Was that considered before making this change to something that was, in retrospect, pretty balanced?

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34 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Alias that are the exact same on PC and Xbox will now have a “#xxxx” number suffix next to their names to distinguish them from one another. 

  • These suffixes will also show in your Profile in case you need to reference it for invites, etc. 

why is the number random? and they are also only 3 digits... wtf is going on

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Just now, Halo said:

Styanax takes 270 stock, that's only 3 weeks of bounties and dedicating the stock to him. 

Most people did this for the first 3 to 4 weeks of Veilbreaker's initial release, and is not that hard. 

Patience is a virtue, and not having an itchy spending finger on other such in the shop. 

Yeah I should have mentioned that I am getting all the shards which means I really am only getting about 15 stock. per week realistically. 

And keeping Max MR was more important than worrying about getting Stayanax into helminth. 

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37 минут назад, [DE]Megan сказал:

Crate Smash - Kills Moas with a crate in the Veil Factory. 

I've managed to do it only once. Other times at least one of the MOAs couldn't jump up onto the platform if it was raised, and then MOAs starting to attack me while I was controlling the camera.

It's gonna be quite a buggy task to do.

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Hey DE, did you know that Warding Halo often does not provide its 90% damage reduction and sometimes even increases the damage dealt to Nezha?

This causes Nezha to randomly die in high level content and it would be nice to have it addressed in a future hotfix.



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5 minutes ago, Grimm said:

why is the number random? and they are also only 3 digits... wtf is going on

i am a PC player with what many would consider to be a rare name. very unhappy about this. at least make my number 0001 or 001, de.

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Really? Still no fix for the Raptwing ephemera arms not tracking arm movements... Pls DE, this ephemera is such a cool idea, and we've had no word regarding a fix, I really just wanna know what's going on with it... :( The other fixes are nice though, I guess.

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42 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Iron Wake is now home to a very special memorial to the late Tenno, Datareaper, located just behind Clem’s Fort. Datareaper created the character Clem and, with it, brought joy to many fellow Tenno. His memorial displays his favorite and most used Warframe, and his custom-colored Kronen Prime, as the Kronen was also his creation from a Contest long ago. Clem Forever <3

Please, add some cool Daily/Weekly Steel Path Clem challenge with some nice reward.
And Please add something cool to his Clone to be somewhat useful in Steel Path. Some passive aura (reload speed/ammo efficiency%) or some Dispensary-like ability to help.

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