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Echoes of Veilbreaker: Update 32.1


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Also if you're going to take swipes at Duality could you at least make it so the clone stops reloading twice back to back? I don't mean it reloads, shoots once, and reloads - I mean it reloads, and then immediately reloads *again*, doubling the length of the reload a lot of the time. 

Also making it so clones can actually use the arcanes on the guns would be nice since that's how we're scaling damage now.

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Cool update but these archon shard ephemeras are such a missed opportunity. They are clipping nightmares and honestly don't look good at all. I think a better idea for archon shards would have been making them hang off of wing like appendages sorta like the touhou character Flandre Scarlett.

Here is an example:

Wallpaper wings, crystals, grey background, cap, in profile, vampire,  Touhou Project, Flandre Scarlet, Project East images for desktop, section  игры - download

Flandre's Wings by Jollepoker on DeviantArt


Since there are only 5 shards on a warframe, you make it so each wing reflects the 5 shards of your warframe.


Please make it happen DE.

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Just my 2 cents: the Shard Hex ephemera looks very nice in the Arsenal, but I can't say I'm a fan of the effect where the shards fly out of your frame. Looks kinda goofy, not a fan of uncolorable cosmetics in general, the chime sound gets repetitive quickly - and the cool smokey effects aren't visible otherwise. Personally I'd love a version that's literally just how it appears in the arsenal.

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DE, please comment on the Magus Cloud problem that has not been corrected for a long period of time.
We have already reported the reproducibility of this bug, but if you need further information we will investigate.
What is preventing you from fixing it?




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57 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed Kompressa’s additional bubbles (after the first 4) not exploding with radial damage as intended when modded with Multishot. 

You finally got this fixed. My gratitude to you 

Now if you can fix Index energy orb spawns breaking when Dispensary is used, and fix the damage Spearguns lost when thrown because you didn't investigate the game code before the rework (this resulted in Javlok, for example, to lose half it's damage), everything I've complained about will be solved.

Still, thank you for at least making this gun more playable.

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Ty for all the fixes! Please fix Propa not dealing proper headshot damage, add toggle for pre/post new war Plains/Fortuna/Cetus/Vallis after completing new war, and make Arbitrations permanently unlocked for anyone that's already unlocked them, not just people that unlocked them after doing the Zariman nodes. Also Ogris and Zarr got overnerfed, as well as the Knell Prime dispo imo.

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Not bad. Especially the "get 5 kills in 3 seconds" part.

One question tho:

Any plans to finally add an ability to craft Tau-forged shards from multiple Normal Archon Shards? Please?
reminder: you can make us pay plat for rushing the crafting process, as always. Also you can make us play certain modes, by also adding their resources to the recipe. Like, say, stock.

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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed an issue where skin tone might not apply to all Operator customization slots if you owned more than 3. 

Unless this is meant as a coy way of referring to a certain paradoxical individual, I'm not quite sure what this means. As far as I'm aware there is no way to get more than the default 3 appearance slots for the Operator specifically.

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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

Known issues: 

  • The Sepulcrum does not charge alt-fire from kills by DOT inflicted by the weapon.

I think this is affecting many or all similar weapons.  Trumna and Battacor I know for sure.

1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

Iron Wake is now home to a very special memorial to the late Tenno, Datareaper, located just behind Clem’s Fort. Datareaper created the character Clem and, with it, brought joy to many fellow Tenno. His memorial displays his favorite and most used Warframe, and his custom-colored Kronen Prime, as the Kronen was also his creation from a Contest long ago. Clem Forever <3. 

Thank you for doing this.

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9 hours ago, Cellbound said:

Still no fix for raptwing ephemera...over 4 month.

I reported an issue with the textures on the Pathocyst glaive two years and nine months ago. Still not fixed.

The energy color on the pox has been broken for over a year too.

Seinfeld Whatever GIF by MOODMAN

Edited by xcrimsonlegendx
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Shard Bane Ephemera - Cannot Resize

We were promised the ability to scale the shards if I'm not mistaken, and the new ephemera is really not looking like what we hoped for, scale wise. 

The first image is what the ephemera looks like on a Nidus Prime, with the prime parts toggled off, and without a syandana, to show off how deep in they are on a frame that has back bits. 


Overall, I will never use it on him due to the nature of the ephemera and how it looks. 

I cannot emphasize this enough, please give us the ability to rescale the shards individually like you said we would be able to. 

If we physically never will, thats understandable, and this one will gather dust. 

However, on other frames, that have little to no back interference, they look pretty nice. 

The next image is of Mesa Prime with prime parts toggled on, and no syandana


Overall frames with little to no back interference or details that obstruct the ephemera, its pretty nice. 

However due to the majority of the player base using syandana's that cover most of their backs, this specific ephemera will see less usage compared to its brother, the Shard Hex Ephemera. 

These are just my opinions, fashion however you see fit, and please see if there is a way to let us resize the shards for this ephemera. 

Edited by Halo
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1 minute ago, Halo said:

We were promised the ability to scale the shards if I'm not mistaken, and the new ephemera is really not looking like what we hoped for, scale wise. 

It's entirely possible I missed it(not likely but possible) but in the 2-3 DevStreams that have talked about the ephemera I don't recall any promise or mention of allowing us to scale them. Given that would be a brand new feature to ephemera options it seems like at best that may be something someone asked about or suggested but would take a considerable amount of work for implementation. The fact the colors synchronize with the shards we have imbedded is already a rather nice touch on their part. The scaling/positioning aspect though is just gonna be one of those issues that comes with some widely unique shapes of the frames(I haven't got it yet but I'd bet they're barely visible on Grendel)

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1 minute ago, LucianDeRomeo said:

It's entirely possible I missed it(not likely but possible) but in the 2-3 DevStreams that have talked about the ephemera I don't recall any promise or mention of allowing us to scale them. Given that would be a brand new feature to ephemera options it seems like at best that may be something someone asked about or suggested but would take a considerable amount of work for implementation. The fact the colors synchronize with the shards we have imbedded is already a rather nice touch on their part. The scaling/positioning aspect though is just gonna be one of those issues that comes with some widely unique shapes of the frames(I haven't got it yet but I'd bet they're barely visible on Grendel)

Thanks for double clarifying on that. 

Still, the Shard Bane looks hideous on any of my Nidus' due to how his spine structure works. 

If at all possible, grab the Shard Hex one and save your stock. 

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