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Nyx needs a buff.

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I know I'm in the minority but I absolutely love nyx and she is my favorite frame. Her 2 and 3 are extremely good and her 4th isn't near as bad as some think. Being invincible (the augment is unfortunately required) should have drawbacks unlike revenant and ops suggestions sound fair. That said, it is definitely obsolete compared to other abilities and her 1 is straight up awful.

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2 hours ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

I know I'm in the minority but I absolutely love nyx and she is my favorite frame. Her 2 and 3 are extremely good and her 4th isn't near as bad as some think. Being invincible (the augment is unfortunately required) should have drawbacks unlike revenant and ops suggestions sound fair. That said, it is definitely obsolete compared to other abilities and her 1 is straight up awful.

I'm not saying Nyx is bad by any means. I find her to be pretty fun.

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22 minutes ago, (XBOX)GearsMatrix301 said:

Naw, just rework her. She’s had countless buffs over the years that have done nothing for her.

better to start fresh than keep trying to patch up an apple that’s too many years out of date.

The problem with that is that she's been there for years. DE isn't about to ruin Nyx for the people that use her just so everyone else can have yet another cc + damage + buff frame. 

Not to mention that she's already fine as is minus the fact her 1 and 4 need buffs (and again, her 4 would take nothing more than an energy drain cap to make it viable to build towards for any mission type at any level).

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42 minutes ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

The problem with that is that she's been there for years. DE isn't about to ruin Nyx for the people that use her just so everyone else can have yet another cc + damage + buff frame. 

Not to mention that she's already fine as is minus the fact her 1 and 4 need buffs (and again, her 4 would take nothing more than an energy drain cap to make it viable to build towards for any mission type at any level).

Screw em. Disregarding the fans improved Ember.

Just because people like garbage doesn’t mean the garbage is actually good. It just means those people have garbage taste.

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

The problem with that is that she's been there for years. DE isn't about to ruin Nyx for the people that use her just so everyone else can have yet another cc + damage + buff frame. 

Not to mention that she's already fine as is minus the fact her 1 and 4 need buffs (and again, her 4 would take nothing more than an energy drain cap to make it viable to build towards for any mission type at any level).

I actually like her 1. Since the eximus rework a mind controlled eximus unit is not a bad thing.

The 4 is problematic though. I typically subsume it away because it's never really needed unless built specifically for its use.

Her 2 and 3 are fantastic though and even if these are her only abilities I would say she is considerably more useful than hydroid and inaros. 

Chaos is one of the few abilities that can effectively be used against eximus units and her 2 is great against pretty much everything.

Some qol I would like to see:

The aforementioned energy drain cap on absorb. Explosion causing guaranteed impact proc at a rate of 200%

Mind control targets automatically marked so it is easier to spot them in a crowd

Psychic bolts being more consistent when client

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11 hours ago, Mr.Holyroller said:

I totally forgot about that.
I don't use her 4th ability that much.
I just use the 2 and 3 augment and spam pacifying bolts for armor strip. its pretty strong

I've been using her 4th skill back when there wasn't the prime version, it's great for self protection combined with dispensary.

It's funny in the steel path circuit after getting a few decrees and then picking a movement one, you fast run around the place with the 4th skill bubble active.

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9 hours ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

I know I'm in the minority but I absolutely love nyx and she is my favorite frame. Her 2 and 3 are extremely good and her 4th isn't near as bad as some think. Being invincible (the augment is unfortunately required) should have drawbacks unlike revenant and ops suggestions sound fair. That said, it is definitely obsolete compared to other abilities and her 1 is straight up awful.

drawbacks to having invincibility is well and good but I feel the drawbacks on nyx 4 is a bit too much for very little gain, at base.

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14 hours ago, (PSN)Madurai-Prime said:

No one is obligated to use your made up design bible.

Then use them.....no one's forcing you to use every frame, nor is anyone obligated to cater to the needs of a few meta players.

I do use them. 

I rarely touch nyx at all. The only time i will is if im playing The Circus and shes the least S#&$ty option for a frame. Which is rare because she's one of the S#&$tiest frames. 

But "just use something else lol" doesnt mean something has to remain bad just because some contrarian on the board is threatened by change.

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18 hours ago, ReddyDisco said:

There are a billion ways to gain energy easily, rather have absorb drain more energy in exchange for being able to move freely. The snail walk is just too limiting, and i dislike having to use operator to move around. 

You can try make a super fast melee build since melee has forward momentum. Some weapons lets you go forward really fast. Still wont give you jump but it will let you move pretty fast. :D

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Nyx is one of the worst frames in the game. And my personal least favorite frame.

1. Mind control: Enemies still suck at killing other enemies. The ability to boost its damage by shooting it helped, but usually, in the time it takes to boost its damage to decent levels when it would actually matter, you could kill more enemies by shooting them instead.

2. Psychic Bolts: This is her best ability, but it's still very, very bad. We have access to armor strips like pillage which you give shield gating, terrify which gives you cc, fire blast which gives you cc, and applies heat procs ETC. And those are just helminth abilities. If you look at none helminth abilities, even a frame like frost who people ask for buffs a lot, has a aoe armor strip, that also ccs, and applies a large damage boost if you are using the augment.

And what all these armor strips I listed have in common is, they don't have limits on how many enemies they can affect at a time, which is STUPIDLY important in a horde shooter where you can have 40 units shooting you all at once. Psychic Bolts on the other hand affects SIX enemies and if you use it again you lose it on the previous ones which I shouldn't have to explain why this ability is so bad in a horde shooter.

3. Chaos: Order winners for cc abilities are ones that A. stop the enemies from shooting you B. sets the enemies up in a way where it is easy to headshot them. Chaos does neither. Enemies still will shoot you if you get too close. They aren't particularly easier to shoot as they will often turn away from you moving their head hitbox. The "damage" you get from enemies shooting each other is pretty bad, as we have established enemies suck at killing other enemies. Awful cc ability.

4. Absorb: This ability has only gotten less valuable over time. Contrary to what some people might tell you, immortality generally doesn't cost much in warframe. Tons of frames can live forever at basically no cost to themselves. Again, using frost as an example, prior to shield gating, his survivability was tied to staying inside bubbles, and limiting mobility is an awful cost to pay for immortality in warframe. After shield gating, he was no longer reliant on bubbles to stay alive, BUT they still had a purpose by defending defense objectives fairly well. This ability had a defendable point before shield gating, was still very bad considering back then it still wasn't that hard to live forever. But after shield gating... wow, it's worthless.

What the %#$@ is the value of absorb now that Nyx uses shield gating to survive like every other casting-based frame??????

At least with frost power creep has made him way more enjoyable and buildable. Because you can reach all his key break points in stats easily with stuff like molt augment and energize. And shield gating removed his mobility tied to survivability limitation. And helminth is a nice bandaid fix for having a useless ability.

Nyx has just gotten worse with power creep because her very, very, very niche advantages have become redundant.

And before someone comments "I can clear sp content just fine with her" cool. Turns out you can give a blind monkey a tenet arca plasmor and suddenly the frame choice doesn't actually matter for clearing SP.

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2 hours ago, (XBOX)ECCHO SIERRA said:

I do use them. 

I rarely touch nyx at all. The only time i will is if im playing The Circus and shes the least S#&$ty option for a frame. Which is rare because she's one of the S#&$tiest frames. 

But "just use something else lol" doesnt mean something has to remain bad just because some contrarian on the board is threatened by change.

Whatever frames are up next for tweaks, it's not gonna be Nyx for awhile, she was already adjusted...it's all in the update section of the forums...

DE isn't gonna read some non feedback thread and loop back around to redo Nyx when they're probably already working on frost inaros hydroid etc.

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16 minutes ago, (PSN)Madurai-Prime said:

Nyx when they're probably already working on frost inaros hydroid etc

TBF, I think pablo has talked about it before when it comes to touching up old frames. Deciding who gets a touch-up next is more based on inspiration rather than a set list of frames they have to get through. If DE thinks of a cool realistic way to improve a frame and it fits into their content schedule, they'll work on that frame independent of factors like how long ago was their last touch up.

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2 hours ago, vixenpixel said:

You can try make a super fast melee build since melee has forward momentum. Some weapons lets you go forward really fast. Still wont give you jump but it will let you move pretty fast. :D

Until you meet her mortal enemy, a small step.

Besides, i don't want to be forced into melee to compensate for a bad ability.

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il y a 28 minutes, stormy505 a dit :

TBF, I think pablo has talked about it before when it comes to touching up old frames. Deciding who gets a touch-up next is more based on inspiration rather than a set list of frames they have to get through. If DE thinks of a cool realistic way to improve a frame and it fits into their content schedule, they'll work on that frame independent of factors like how long ago was their last touch up.


I think this time they are going to do a more comprehensive work (at least they will look at which things need a rework). They've made a similar promise some years ago, saying that they were going to revisit all old warframe's abilities, but only some of them got this revisit (Nyx was one of them and it wasn't really a buff).


Is there any news on a buff for Hydroid?
[DE]Pablo: After Duviri is out the dust has settled, we’ll start looking at which frames and systems need a rework, Hydroid is potentially one of those frames but we will have to wait and sea

I dont' want to be skeptical, but I will "wait and sea" if this time they are really going to do what they said they were going to do.

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Do you know why Nyx does not have energy cap on her 4? Because she will become an even better and more OP Revenant.

The only thing stopping her from becoming true immortal with the lowest 100% armor and shield strip in the entire game is the energy drain, which you can bypass with tons of method already.

My waifu is perfect in the current state. Please stay away from her thank you.

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il y a 7 minutes, RichardKam a dit :

Do you know why Nyx does not have energy cap on her 4? Because she will become an even better and more OP Revenant.

The only thing stopping her from becoming true immortal with the lowest 100% armor and shield strip in the entire game is the energy drain, which you can bypass with tons of method already.

My waifu is perfect in the current state. Please stay away from her thank you.

I agree that the enegy frain is there to prevent an OP nyx, but I don't agree that she would become even more powerful than Revenant, who doesn't need to armor strip to kill anything in his way and without losing mobility.

Nyx Armor Stripping mechanics are very limitated and did not get the improvement other abilities got on the armor strip mechanics rework : Nyx armor mechanics are limited in number of targets and in time and cannot stack (a recast dispells the previous cast).

I still think that the additional energy drain should be removed or at least reworked as it doesn't fit anymore the damage enemies can make. 8 energy points (this value scales with mods) at each 1 000 damage absorbed, means that you will lose 80 energy points at each 10 000 damage absorbed and this is too high. At some levels, this ability (even if used with some Efficiency Mods and negative Strength - which will make Psychic Bolts almost useless) will last one second (or less) and the only way to survive with Nyx will be shield gating and CC and aggro.

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3 hours ago, RichardKam said:

Do you know why Nyx does not have energy cap on her 4? Because she will become an even better and more OP Revenant.

The only thing stopping her from becoming true immortal with the lowest 100% armor and shield strip in the entire game is the energy drain, which you can bypass with tons of method already.

My waifu is perfect in the current state. Please stay away from her thank you.


3 hours ago, (NSW)AegisFifi said:

I agree that the enegy frain is there to prevent an OP nyx, but I don't agree that she would become even more powerful than Revenant, who doesn't need to armor strip to kill anything in his way and without losing mobility.


I still think that the additional energy drain should be removed or at least reworked as it doesn't fit anymore the damage enemies can make. 8 energy points (this value scales with mods) at each 1 000 damage absorbed, means that you will lose 80 energy points at each 10 000 damage absorbed and this is too high. 

I said to limit the cap. The energy drain will still be there, but you won't take 100k damage and instantly be at 0 energy. If DE was so worried about frames being immortal they wouldn't have given Revenant such a powerful mesmer skin buff. Yes DE nerfed Nova, but that's because they were worried of hitting 100% damage reduction on any frame even thouigh I would say they were definitely over reacting. 

If the energy drain somehow wasn't "harsh enough" even with inhibited movement and the requirement of an augument, they could just add a scaling drain like Valkyr's 4 that makes it harder to spend 20 minutes in bubble as opposed to running out of energy because you used it for 20 seconds without a full build revolving around absorb.

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