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Terrain/Doodad Clutter


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Am I the only one that gets stuck for a few seconds at a time by wedging myself into a little groove in the floor? The only one that is always wasting 5 seconds of my life doing a ledge grab animation on some doorframe? The only one spending a full minute doing chain walljumps because I'm trying to hop into a window that has a protruding outline?



You know, something like this being a total nuisance trying to get into, if I don't aim it precisely accurate on the first attempt.



Or zooming forward on my way to extraction, and instead of smoothly going down this ramp, flying forward and ledge grabbing up onto this utterly useless little segment.


Am I the only one that gets held up needlessly by all of this game's extra little nothings that are always jutting out from every which way? And even outside of constantly getting snagged by a doodad, even just this game's perspective causes me issues. My Frame is always at an angle, and trying to move "forward" is never actually forward, is it?



Like... have you ever tried getting into this vent??? Succeeding gives you a bigger feeling of accomplishment than anything else in this game. But you can't just look up at it and jump, can you? You can't just put your aimer in the center and do a straight vertical bullet jump. No, not even close. You have to figure out how your crooked over-the-right-shoulder perspective is going to jerk you in a certain direction, and adjust accordingly.

And this premise is constantly present, and making simple movement become cluttered with complications and misdirection.



And WHY do I always get stuck at the top of these Corpus stairs??? If I run straight up these stairs, the very top step doesn't let me run it, and I have to jump over it.



So, I mean... I'm asking sincerely.

Is it just me??? Is there some option I don't know about? Is there some mindset I don't comprehend? Or are there other people out there also feeling a clunkiness in this game's otherwise-great movement?

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Only thing I can relate to is getting caught on the top of door frames sometimes. And that's only when I'm not paying enough attention to stick to the ground when I'm too close to bullet jump.

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5 hours ago, 4thBro said:

WHY do I always get stuck at the top of these Corpus stairs??? If I run straight up these stairs, the very top step doesn't let me run it, and I have to jump over it.

Never noticed this because I'm a ninja and I have no need for stairs lol but that seems like the only true fix-needing thing here, TBH.

If certain shortcuts / hidden places need a little bit of precision to get into, dunno, that seems fair enough to me.

Maybe try a roll / slide / angled Melee slam even at points where your "go fast" Loadout keeps you running into and grabbing ledges.

For that one vent right above you, just plop down into the hole below it (where MOAs spawn from) and aim straight up, can't miss that Bullet Jump.

And the doors ... we don't speak of the doors. We accept their mastery over us, and silently pray at night that tomorrow they will let us pass unhindered.

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1 minute ago, NinjaZeku said:

For that one vent right above you, just plop down into the hole below it (where MOAs spawn from) and aim straight up, can't miss that Bullet Jump.

Yeah that's what I do.

But you still can't just aim it straight up. You still bullet jump crooked due to the perspective.

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Yep! I'm constantly getting stuck too. Corners seem to be magnetic in the Warframe universe.

Also, (slightly ot) why am I constantly getting reset when I try to use my Drifter to move around? Wasn't fluid Operator/Warframe combat supposed to be a thing?

It's become more apparent on the Duviri island maps as, falling off the terrain is more common.

I accidentally zoom off the terrain, quickly swap to Drifter, void sling back but... Game says no, and resets my frame. 😠

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8 hours ago, 4thBro said:



Like... have you ever tried getting into this vent??? Succeeding gives you a bigger feeling of accomplishment than anything else in this game. But you can't just look up at it and jump, can you? You can't just put your aimer in the center and do a straight vertical bullet jump. No, not even close. You have to figure out how your crooked over-the-right-shoulder perspective is going to jerk you in a certain direction, and adjust accordingly.

There's a small non-bottomless pit directly below this vent. Bullet jumping directly up from inside it will take you where you want to go.

Alternatively, there's a hackable panel nearby (it should be directly below you in this screenshot) which, when activated, will cause said pit to periodically launch anything in it up into the vent, no bullet jump required.

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10 hours ago, 4thBro said:

Am I the only one that gets stuck for a few seconds at a time by wedging myself into a little groove in the floor? The only one that is always wasting 5 seconds of my life doing a ledge grab animation on some doorframe? The only one spending a full minute doing chain walljumps because I'm trying to hop into a window that has a protruding outline?



You know, something like this being a total nuisance trying to get into, if I don't aim it precisely accurate on the first attempt.



Or zooming forward on my way to extraction, and instead of smoothly going down this ramp, flying forward and ledge grabbing up onto this utterly useless little segment.


Am I the only one that gets held up needlessly by all of this game's extra little nothings that are always jutting out from every which way? And even outside of constantly getting snagged by a doodad, even just this game's perspective causes me issues. My Frame is always at an angle, and trying to move "forward" is never actually forward, is it?



Like... have you ever tried getting into this vent??? Succeeding gives you a bigger feeling of accomplishment than anything else in this game. But you can't just look up at it and jump, can you? You can't just put your aimer in the center and do a straight vertical bullet jump. No, not even close. You have to figure out how your crooked over-the-right-shoulder perspective is going to jerk you in a certain direction, and adjust accordingly.

And this premise is constantly present, and making simple movement become cluttered with complications and misdirection.



And WHY do I always get stuck at the top of these Corpus stairs??? If I run straight up these stairs, the very top step doesn't let me run it, and I have to jump over it.



So, I mean... I'm asking sincerely.

Is it just me??? Is there some option I don't know about? Is there some mindset I don't comprehend? Or are there other people out there also feeling a clunkiness in this game's otherwise-great movement?

Once I got stuck in Kuva fortress a couple times because for SOME REASON certain tilesets have a gap between the floor and the walls, so I get stuck under the floor and have to unstuck to get out. 

Once in a Kuva spy mission I also got stuck, because I hacked the terminal to open up the next terminal. Problem? I jumped to it too early, so the platform unfolded... 


And unstuck wouldn't save me so I had to wait until my teammates finished the mission for me.

Edited by (XBOX)Upl0rdYT
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I tend to "snag" on objects a lot, mainly railings and such. 9 times out of 10 it's just me doing parkour moves too close to objects and colliding with them, but there are occasionaly times where my frame might derp out on something it should be able to step over.

considering how many years it took before characters actually walked up stairs realistically in games, I'm guess terrain programming is not as easy as you'd think, especially when the aesthetic of your chosen faction involves few smooth surfaces.

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Ohh yeah, all the friggin time.

At least they could make the "hop over an obstacle" animation quick and smooth like Doom (2016) instead of this unnatural flip-di-doodle thing.

But yeah, the maps are just covered with all sorts of obstacles and things to snag you. I actually think they do it on purpose to slow down progression through the map and increase player time. It might only be .5% but that's a way to make players take longer to get through a mission 😝

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On 2023-07-20 at 9:09 PM, 4thBro said:

Am I the only one that gets stuck for a few seconds at a time by wedging myself into a little groove in the floor?

You are definitely not alone, but your screenshots all feature Nezha.  As much as I love Nezha, his unique mechanics can get him stuck more readily than most other frames.


But yeah, I definitely get stuck on those Corpus stairs.

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To be fair, the Infested ship is not supposed to be easy to move in. The environment itself is literally hostile to you. Though that vibe gets lost when the Infested also struggle to traverse it properly. It's similar to why I don't understand complaints that the Kuva Fortress isn't easy to navigate or move through. If we (the enemy) can move through it easy, it is a very bad fortress.


Of course, the Corpus Cruiser and Orokin tilesets ARE meant to be ergonomic, so complaining that they aren't is absolutely fair.

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I've mentioned many times how window trim is Revenant's kryptonite...

I totally am in the same space. So annoyed by all the little snags you constantly have to unstick yourself or "holes" you land in and it takes 30+ seconds to get out...or you can't even after typing unstuck three times. The game can have smooth borders and still visually look nice. Ever try to jump high and hit an invisible ceiling? Which leads me to the endless holes you fall into. OSHA would have a field day with these designs LOL

The worst one is the orbiter ramp that lowers. I 100% every time hit my head going down or run into the ramp going up. 

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