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Do Warframes have mouths?

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9 minutes ago, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:

The vitruvian does show the infested person stage of making a Warframe and they have a freaky mouth in that picture. That was an Excalibur though so maybe not every frame

It would be a fiiiine addition to give the warframe helmets knarly mouths. Make 'em open up in their animations. 

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Warframes are Dax, and Dax at least had mouths.  It's possible that not all Warframes have mouths, but there are definitely some that possess mouths.  Rhino, for example, is described as having a mouth in his Codex entry:

"The beast squats down, shovelling a heap of gore into its mouth."

Edited by (PSN)Unstar
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They have helmets for heads, so it depends whether their helmet has a mouth design, but in terms of actual functioning mouths, no. I think that's the most straightforward answer. Grendel just has a maw weapon in his middle.

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in terms of visuals, some frames do, but the mouths are designed to be more animalistic/demonic so as to intimidate their opponents; great care was taken with frames like Voruna to make them seem as wild beasts (which technically they would be without an operator, as we learned in Rhino Prime's Codex and The Sacrifice) in order to scare the enemy.

in terms of function, Grendel is the only one that has a functioning mouth, and even then, he doesn't "chew", he simply pulls enemies into his maw, then a powerful acid and/or void energy inside him slowly decays them until they die.

also, compared to a lto of frames, Excalibur's helm retains a more humanoid shape that can actually house a human head: if we look at frames like Atlas for example, there's no way you can fit a head in there, which begs the question, what would it look like inside?

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vor 13 Stunden schrieb (XBOX)Architect Prime:

We know that Umbra has an eye that he can reveal. Perhaps the frames have other features like mouths and whatnot that they never reveal. Thoughts?

they dont eat? there isnt even toilet on the ship...

its kinda very strange non realistic game. there is to many questions without answer

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45 minutes ago, Venus-Venera said:

they dont eat? there isnt even toilet on the ship...

As any alcoholic could tell you, anything's a toilet if you're drunk enough.

Pretty sure warframes have mouths, but they have faceguards over them to imply that they're intended by Ballas to be quiet, and thus obedient.

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3 hours ago, Venus-Venera said:

they dont eat? there isnt even toilet on the ship...

its kinda very strange non realistic game. there is to many questions without answer

You assume too much. Living organism on Earth produce waste. The 'waste' has to go out the body somehow. Warframe are more efficient organism. They use 100% of their material intake. No waste products, no need for toilets.

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3 hours ago, (PSN)jaggerwanderer said:

You assume too much. Living organism on Earth produce waste. The 'waste' has to go out the body somehow. Warframe are more efficient organism. They use 100% of their material intake. No waste products, no need for toilets.

Technocyte can give machines biological metabolisms, so I'm assuming that the nano bots are very good at what they do. 

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