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There have never been Warframe Skins exclusive to Supporter Packs sold for IRL Currency, the Heirloom Skins shouldn't be the start of it, specially since we are celebrating 10 years of Warframe


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So, I totally understand that this is supposed to be more like Prime Access than "regular" deluxe skins - hence, the steep price and Aya inclusion. I'm still kind of balking at that but, squinting hard enough, I can kind of understand.

But the FOMO angle? That kind of sucks. One of the cool things about Warframe, whether "in-game" content or cosmetics has always been that the vast majority of things will roll back into availability at some point (sans Founder, which is also understandable). That what made the game an easy recommendation to friends as well: "just enjoy the game, if you see something cool, you can get it eventually".

This just feels like a way to redo the Founder hype while already being big. That feels gross, to be honest.

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32 minutes ago, (XBOX)BudgieDeathclaw said:

The pricing for this new heirloom bundle is absurd and should be lowered before DE gets more greedy and starts over pricing things 

The crazy price is because you're made to buy a $40 pack of regal aya just to get the two skins in the first skin bundle.   If you remove the $40 6 pack of regal aya then the skins would come to $30 which I think is acceptable.

In the higher tier bundle it's also stuffed with $35 worth of platinum to further boost the price which is silly because you can get that from both prime access AND plat packs. Literally no reason to pad these so hard to the point the majority of the cost isn't the heirloom items but the stuff they're making you buy on the side like the $40 regal aya and the $35 of plat.

For price comparing you can find that info here on DE's website. 2x packs of 3 aya comes to $40.
Plat can be bought at 370p for $20. There is no pure 600 plat pack but by estimate 600p is worth around $35.

So that's $75 you have to shell out for those two things just to get the heirlooms biggest pack which includes all heirloom items. That pack is $90 too so they've dropped the value of the heirloom items and or other things in the bundle. A better deal technically but that's still spending significantly more on regal aya and plat than on the actual heirloom items.

Edited by wizardeiges
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FOMO timed exclusivity is bull. We don't need that again. 

Only copium take is that they could say the "collections" won't be available after that, but that wouldn't necessarily preclude them selling the skins individually later down the line.

Edited by ShogunGunshow
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Title accuracy aside..


Celebrating the anniversary of a game that has prided itself on avoiding and removing dark patterns with a large time-limited pack feels bad.

Stuffing it with unrelated stuff to hit a high price point feels bad.

We pushed back on deluxes being time-limited when they came out. I feel like the update supporter packs largely slipped back in under the radar, especially since creators (like me) get them for free.

Not something that makes me proud of the game, which is unfortunate after a great Tennocon.

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Warframe is one of the most consumer friendly game I have ever played, I have bought a low-mid tier PC to play it, and I was so glad it worked. I have supported DE when their Prime Packs have come out and while I didn't have to do that, I did it because I wanted to support DE and what they do, something I almost never do in a free to play games. I have watched different free to play games fall when they started to inflate their prices and create a monetization system catered towards whales (people with LARGE disposable income), the majority of Warframe consists of players who cannot afford to buy the bundles, and instead either buy deluxe skins with platinum or buy tennogen skins for affordable price.

Catering to whales will only be a long-term financial detriment to DE on top of reputation decline, the reputation that's at the foundation of Warframe, as the overpriced skins will only make the majority who can't afford the game bitter and leave, for DE's successful future please change the bundle to something an average player can afford and keep it that way in the future. Otherwise, the reputation that held Warframe together will crumble, and most players will leave. If DE keeps this type of bundle as a staple in the future, then I might consider leaving too.

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Honestly really disappointed in DE for this. I think it's bad enough they've had so many unique decorations in bundles containing farmable gear, but having a $100 or $78 aud pack being the only way to get these skins is seriously ridiculous, especially if they're never going to come back again and to make it worse instead of removing the regal aya from the cheaper pack, which a lot of people aren't going to want, the cheaper pack removes the colour palette (separating it into a pack without the skins for a whopping $34 aud, making it completely undesirable as an individual purchase to me) making the cheaper pack less desirable while keeping the biggest costing part of the pack that is also already available on it's own without the bundle. I would love these skins and the colour palette but I don't want to support this, I think this is one of the absolute worst things DE have done if not the worst. I really don't want to miss out on this pack, but it is not something I would be happy about paying this much for as most of it's content is undesirable to me, so if I do convince myself to buy it, it's 100% coming with a negative steam review. 

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4 hours ago, THeMooN85 said:

don't worry, I'll use them... I was planning to buy them anyway :)

my god, your whole post history is "jelly?" Why are you behaving like you are 12? Is that overpriced pathetic bundle just a way for you to overcompensate for something? 

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DE you guys need to move fast to fix that 90$ price point. If you don't, the controversy could overshadow all of your Tennocon reveals, which were aweseome by the way. You must be swift and fix it before it begins. 


I should add that I don't mind the idea of an exclusive "supporter pack" situation. But I can also see this getting viewed in a negative inferno that spreads like wildfire sorry canada

Edited by (XBOX)Architect Prime
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9 hours ago, Ambrosia_Rev said:

Buddy from what I've learnt through Destiny S#&$show is that Tencent is probably not to be blamed and this is likely DE's decision.

Yes it really is this is there bread and butter de claimed no interference would occur with buy out but yet here we are it's 100% on them due to the lack of earnings of de post buy out and warframe being it's ligit only profitable game from de

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5 hours ago, (XBOX)YoungGunn82 said:

Meh I stopped giving them my money along time ago. And honestly moved on to other games. Tired of the loading screens after loading screens and more loadi NG screens. 

Xb1 player that's why with a ssd there is no load times pc either that's on you not them for plating on last Gen expecting same power,speeds as current gen

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3 hours ago, NecroPed said:

Honestly really disappointed in DE for this. I think it's bad enough they've had so many unique decorations in bundles containing farmable gear, but having a $100 or $78 aud pack being the only way to get these skins is seriously ridiculous, especially if they're never going to come back again and to make it worse instead of removing the regal aya from the cheaper pack, which a lot of people aren't going to want, the cheaper pack removes the colour palette (separating it into a pack without the skins for a whopping $34 aud, making it completely undesirable as an individual purchase to me) making the cheaper pack less desirable while keeping the biggest costing part of the pack that is also already available on it's own without the bundle. I would love these skins and the colour palette but I don't want to support this, I think this is one of the absolute worst things DE have done if not the worst. I really don't want to miss out on this pack, but it is not something I would be happy about paying this much for as most of it's content is undesirable to me, so if I do convince myself to buy it, it's 100% coming with a negative steam review. 

Or do good by the community and NOT buy it like with the Aya bs and talk with your cash in your pocket not in theirs cuz any criticism post payment is put in the circular filling bin on the ceo's floor

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42 minutes ago, (PSN)TEAINSHENNON said:

Or do good by the community and NOT buy it like with the Aya bs and talk with your cash in your pocket not in theirs cuz any criticism post payment is put in the circular filling bin on the ceo's floor

I'm going to be waiting until the very end of it's release period before I even decide, it's not that I want to support it, and I agree that talking with my wallet is generally better than paying for it then complaining, but it's not something I want to miss out on either. If they don't change it by the end I might cave and get it so I don't miss out forever since it is apparently never coming back ever again, because that's literally my only chance if they don't change. As it is now there's probably already enough purchases that my purchase wont make any difference to their justification. A substantial amount of people have already purchased it, so what good is me missing out really going to do? 

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5 minutes ago, NecroPed said:

I'm going to be waiting until the very end of it's release period before I even decide, it's not that I want to support it, and I agree that talking with my wallet is generally better than paying for it then complaining, but it's not something I want to miss out on either. If they don't change it by the end I might cave and get it so I don't miss out forever since it is apparently never coming back ever again, because that's literally my only chance if they don't change. As it is now there's probably already enough purchases that my purchase wont make any difference to their justification. A substantial amount of people have already purchased it, so what good is me missing out really going to do? 

That fear of " missing out" is the scummy ploy to pull in addicts and will help with not changing this toxic behavior 

5 minutes ago, NecroPed said:

I'm going to be waiting until the very end of it's release period before I even decide, it's not that I want to support it, and I agree that talking with my wallet is generally better than paying for it then complaining, but it's not something I want to miss out on either. If they don't change it by the end I might cave and get it so I don't miss out forever since it is apparently never coming back ever again, because that's literally my only chance if they don't change. As it is now there's probably already enough purchases that my purchase wont make any difference to their justification. A substantial amount of people have already purchased it, so what good is me missing out really going to do? 

That fear of " missing out" is the scummy ploy to pull in addicts and will help with not changing this toxic behavior 

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It is very disappointing to see DE move in this direction. Locking cosmetics behind such a large paywall. If they had dropped the plat and regal from the packs to lower the cost it might have helped but I cant help but feel like the inability to buy with plat and limited time to buy them and then they will be gone forever is the opposite of what made Warframe great and different. Instead of being the standard they are lowering themselves to others level.

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One of the key things I appreciated about the cosmetic parts of this game was how just about anything outside of prime access accessories and tennogen were available as a free-to-play in some form or another. Now they're charging $90 for a color palette and two skins with FOMO on top of it? 


This could result in a SEVERE decrease in the number of free cosmetics as well as ramping up future monetization even further in the future if it's deemed a remote success.

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1 hour ago, (PSN)TEAINSHENNON said:

That fear of " missing out" is the scummy ploy to pull in addicts and will help with not changing this toxic behavior 

I'm well aware of what it is, and people are buying it, by the end of december there will be far more purchases made than I could ever possibly make a difference towards by missing out. I just do not want to miss out on things I want, plain and simple. Especially if nothing is going to change and it is never coming back. Then I missed out for nothing. I'm going to voice my opinion on it as much as I can to try and push for change, but if it gets to the end and my choices are to get the pack or not, I'm probably going to get the pack. The more they do stuff like this, the more likely they'll push me away from all of their games entirely forever, but I still don't want to miss out on things I actually want while I'm playing the game and at the end of the day if they push people away, including myself, that's going to impact them more negatively than it will me. 

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Hello. I will also bring something to this discussion thread. A lot has already been said, I think it's not worth repeating. Maximum disappointment from DE. I'm not offended for myself (I've been playing for 7 years), but for the people who really played for 10 years and supported this game all this time. After all, they will get nothing, literally NOTHING, only if they PAY, think about it, it's insane. Any player who plays for a month can pay and get a title with the support of the 10th anniversary of the game. It's just not fair. Why can't u give this title to players who have REALLY played all these 10 years? This is the maximum disrespect for the old players. I'm already silent about the price of this whole event. And I will also say that in some countries, for example in Russia, Belarus or Ukraine, this bundle cannot even be bought. Because of the policy, players get... nothing? Even if I wanted to buy this bundle, I still wouldn't be able to do it, which is ironic. This is how I wanted to celebrate the 10th anniversary of ur game (no).

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12 hours ago, feralknights said:

I want one skin and no Regal Aya and I'm not paying $70.

$70? Here in continental Europe is close to $90. If it was half that, I'd pay up. Right now it's a resounding no.

Edited by arimanari
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54 minutes ago, NecroPed said:

I'm well aware of what it is, and people are buying it, by the end of december there will be far more purchases made than I could ever possibly make a difference towards by missing out. I just do not want to miss out on things I want, plain and simple. Especially if nothing is going to change and it is never coming back. Then I missed out for nothing. I'm going to voice my opinion on it as much as I can to try and push for change, but if it gets to the end and my choices are to get the pack or not, I'm probably going to get the pack. The more they do stuff like this, the more likely they'll push me away from all of their games entirely forever, but I still don't want to miss out on things I actually want while I'm playing the game and at the end of the day if they push people away, including myself, that's going to impact them more negatively than it will me. 

....nothing will change if people like you think and act like that is the point every cent made is a foot in the door to continue the bs but if more stand agenst it change will happen only way to force these changes is mess with a company's income that will make them listen like with the Aya and even then they deflected it on us and lied to us but change did occur 

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1 hour ago, NecroPed said:

I'm well aware of what it is, and people are buying it, by the end of december there will be far more purchases made than I could ever possibly make a difference towards by missing out. I just do not want to miss out on things I want, plain and simple. Especially if nothing is going to change and it is never coming back. Then I missed out for nothing. I'm going to voice my opinion on it as much as I can to try and push for change, but if it gets to the end and my choices are to get the pack or not, I'm probably going to get the pack. The more they do stuff like this, the more likely they'll push me away from all of their games entirely forever, but I still don't want to miss out on things I actually want while I'm playing the game and at the end of the day if they push people away, including myself, that's going to impact them more negatively than it will me. 

You are not powerless, you can choose to buy or not. It's your money and we arnt here to judge anyone who chooses to buy it but are more worried about the future of the game you seem passionate about. Whatever makes you happy though. We can make a difference(at least id like to think so).

Edited by (PSN)Joylesstuna
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