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The price of Heirloom skins is incredibly disappointing.


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13 minutes ago, ShogunGunshow said:

DE out here acting like refunds aren't a thing that exists.

Change the terms to not be time exclusive, offer refunds for people that feel shorted by them not being exclusive anymore. Urge people to not spend their Regal Aya because that'll delay the process of the refund.

It'll be a lot of effort, but that's not our fault. We didn't make the mess. We shouldn't have to suffer a manipulative, fomo driven, inflated deal because "Oh it wouldn't be fair to the people we manipulated already and refunds don't exist what are those loolooloo."

I agree, but I also understand why it's not the first thing that happened.

I honestly believe that if they let people who ask to be refunded, the number of people that would do would be infinitely low. But I also understand that the second you don't have a 100% control over the platform that issues the refund, things are more complicated. For a business refunds are most likely the red "last resort" button, most of them try to offer a deal in ways that don't get back all earned money (ie: for a supermarket it's not the same to refund an item than give another one for free), and there's an extra layer here. Someone on reddit commented regarding CDPR and Cyberpunk refunds and Sony, I'd need to check that one.

Edited by NightmareT12
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DE: "Yeah, we hear you guys. Sorry about that. We'll try to do better in the future. Here's even more plat for the bundles since you said they weren't worth the price."


If there was ever a more fitting use of the word "bruh", it would be for this. They really don't get it.

Edited by Lionsheart89
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48 minutes ago, Kaiga said:

It's well known that this is how the forum mods consolidate negative feedback around here. I'm surprised this thread hasn't been locked, negative feedback is considered "off topic" after a certain point.

Negative feedback should never be considered "off topic" what are you talking about. Feedback is good, whether is positive or negative.

If I miss-understood and you're saying that the forum mods "consider negative feedback as 'off topic'" then apologies, and that'd be bad behaviour on their end dictating forum topics.

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On 2023-08-29 at 10:50 AM, xMarvin732 said:

But then you go off rambling about how Excalibur Prime is different.

Seems like there would be nothing lost on DE's side from re-releasing Excalibur Prime another time right?

Don't twist my words.

DE really wouldn't lose anything from re-releasing Excalibur Prime.
... but the idea is that they don't because they still respect the people who made this game even possible.

That's a sentiment we can all get around. Would I care if it gets rereleased?
I'd probably question it and keep an eye out for the founders, but won't care too much.

I would rather "exclusivity" being something I earn through the absolute trial and tribulation that and player can do at any time.
Just that few will actually make that accolade, even if it's just a cosmetic.

Many will say "Oh, it's just a skin. I don't need that." and leave it at that.
Some will be proud that they got it. A testament to their skill AND knowledge of the game. (Provided the "trial" is exactly that and not an annoying errand run. See also: Revenant.)
Others will see it as but another checkbox on a list if all else.

... but I'm getting off topic.

"Exclusivity" in this sense is only good for bragging rights. Ones that make you look like a tool.
"Yeah, I was around to buy this extremely overpriced package and you won't ever get it! Nyeh-nyeh!"
God, anybody who would tell me that as a newbie? I'd wanna smack them upside the head.
... which is what I'm already hearing now from a lot of shills preaching "exclusivity".

Some founders have even said in this very thread that they wouldn't care if said Excal Prime came back.
The extra MR would be interesting if we weren't absolutely drowning in enough gear to be 3/4 the way to MR34 as is. (I got everything maxed BUT that Excal Prime gear. I would know.)
Sure, you lose 12k Mastery EXP. I assure you, you aren't missing much. The only perk beyond MR30 is the usual Standing Bonus. Besides a consumable which I just sell.
Most updates where the threshold for a new MR is reached often gives enough to let us get it with needing Founder.
By the time we reach MR35? The only benefit beyond that would be standing... and if you're MR35? Chances are every Syndicate is maxed or NEAR max anyway.

You can ignore K-Drives, Necramechs, Arch-Melees and a good chunk of amps, you'll still have enough MR to reach a "satisfactory" level that most players will be okay with.

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1 hour ago, NightmareT12 said:

I honestly believe that if they let people who ask to be refunded, the number of people that would do would be infinitely low.

Same here.

If people bought the "mega-massive price package", they don't need a refund. They bought the big package, they got the big package.
If they're suddenly upset that an even tinier package came out? They can suffer that "it's around for 4 months" argument rebounding back into their head.
Should've played it smart in that case, that's on you.

Making a smaller package with JUST the contents we want shouldn't be like prying teeth from a dragon.
... and it shouldn't be like trying to fight the typical JRPG god with a wooden stick in trying to ensure players from ANY PERIOD of time can enjoy these bundles.
Hell, trying to get ANY DECENT CHANGE from DE on their game shouldn't be this difficult. That we have to actually ignite a fire under every single problem until they respond.

Wasn't there a song involving Egypt about something like this? It involved plagues or something.
Oh, yeah. It's this one. The one about having to cast 10 different plagues upon a city before one's man vain pride is broken.

Do I really have to use THIS example? Apparently. Even if it's not nearly as severe, it's not that far off since we have to keep HAMMERING IN THE POINT.

I sure hope DE never makes a time-limited bundle ever again after this. That this is the last one if they absolutely must.
It just disgusts me that this is still happening. That we have to go THIS far.


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10 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

True and to be fair that is always a good thing to have and likewise I do my best to avoid it but that does conflict with my criticalness regardless of that I do apologize if I have made you uncomfortable due to such, not my intention if that is not hard to believe with how lethal I am with my critical thinking.


Its really genuinely okay, and no apology is necessary at all, but the sentiment is appreciated. I really do pretty much agree with most of the points I have seen you make, I just have a different way of articulating and expressing that. I also think its ultimately good, as you mention, because when it comes to such issues, having a variety of people expressing criticism with different voices and expressions, can help a company like DE realise that its a bigger issue, that they should address. 

I also empathise and sympathise, with your perspective, because I can understand how frustrating it can be to perceive apathy, complaisance, complacency etc in people who seem like they are trying to overtly to take the "middle ground", or "neutral", or "central" on issues where such positions aren't really contextually appropriate or valuable, as far as consumer rights, power imbalances, greed motives, and so on. So I understand the accusation and frustration, because how I articulate myself can seem like I am trying to "play both side" and thus seem to make excuses for, and settle. Its really just the way that I write though. Hence why I also try to be transparent and acknowledge others perceptions and perspectives on that, though ironically that can also feed into the very same problem. It also doesn't help that a lot of what we are discussing overlaps into topics the Forums generally don't like being brought up, because to some they are political issues. So all I can really say is that I am a pretty critical person, very pro consumer rights, and quite opposed to business strategies that try to be as exploitative and predatory as legally possible, and the ideas that some use to defend such practices, because of their personal understanding of personal responsibility, agency, comparisons or hypotheticals around the idea "it could be worse" or "shut up and just be grateful" etc. Which may not always come across. 


11 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Okay, that's fair

I admit I can be very purely critical when it comes to situations like this (as you can obviously tell lol) and I will NEVER give anyone the benefit of the doubt who will defend such actions or "blindly" defend a company of wrongdoings, I hate to use such words but in short "Shills or Whales" types, so in that aspect yes I will fail to consider such and perhaps I am just far too critical in general, I always have been, outside of "video games" as well. Of course, I am not always such, I can be the opposite if I need to if it comes to family or friends or the situation, but anyway.


I actually think thats great and there isn't wrong with being so critical and skeptical. I value those traits myself. I personally wouldn't consider you "too critical", i would only say that depending on the context, and depending what your goal is, different tactics may be better employed in how you criticise, how much effort, patience, discernment you practice or consider fair. 

To put it another way, I rarely ever post comments on Youtube. I am not really active on social media. I have never Tweeted etc, I post on this Forum when I take small exercise or work breaks. I did leave a few comments on a few different Youtube creators videos over the Heirloom skins. I made a few observations. Like on one guys channel, he was saying the Heirloom situation was "fine" and was trying to offer a "positive" take on the matter. They also didn't actually know that the skins were timed exclusive. Which is like... if you are going to defend the situation for DE, come on please, and try to actually know some of the reasons people were critical. I also left a comment with Brozime, that was similar to comments in this thread. Meaning I tried my best to be respectful and sincere. I do enjoy his content and pointed that out, but I also talked about why I don't like the FOMO aspects here, and some other issues I had, and that I felt like he glossed over some of it. Funnily enough he actually acknowledged my sentiment. Then today he made a follow up video addressing some of peoples comments and concerns, agreeing with some, sharing some of them. Talking about ways DE could have done this better, and should have done this better. I actually still need to watch the rest of the video, it also seems dated from before DE made their adjustments, which I also need to catch up on. 

I think it was great he made that follow up video, but with that as hindsight, I am not really the type of person that would have left a comment on his original video accusing him of being a "DE shill" and "suck up" or anything like that. I'd like to think that most people can separate good arguments from personal arguments, but I also think if people only criticised each other with such hostility only, and without trying to be a bit more good faith, it creates a situation where people may not be as willing to make follow up videos, acknowledging and agreeing with some of the issues they didn't address and thus also lending their voice to the criticism and advocating for changes, especially as far as future plans DE might have. I am also not saying that all efforts should be good faith, and so polite, because there are lots of instances where abrasive, rude, hostility, I actually think is more effective and very valid. Good faith only works sometimes in specific situations, other times its taken advantage of or as useless as fence sitting. 

So really and genuinely, I had no issue with your replies or perspective at all. We have sort of talked about similar in the past as well, "polite criticism" and "blunt criticism" and agreed, I believe in a thread about either Soulframe or Duviri, where I learned your username was an X-Com reference (and sadly not a reference to Psylocke from X-Men lol) Take care! 

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Well, as someone who bought the pack, I'll give my insight.

For starters, I DO NOT feel cheated in any way. It was a 10 Year Anniversary special purchase that I considered was a cool way to both thank DE for the absolutely wonderful first 10 years, and as a way to support them for the next 10 years. I could care less about anyone else's negative response to this but: DE has kick major butt in keeping this game constantly updated, innovative, lore rich, inspiring, fair, and fun. TennoCon showed all of that perfectly. Therefore, I had the cash, liked the skins and made the purchase.

Now, let me get this out of the way since people tend to like throwing out "whatabouts": If you can or cannot afford it, do or do not want to purchase it, or feel some type of way about it, that's cool.

Regarding the contents, I am very happy with the pack! The Regal and Plat totals about $40 in value and the skins, accessories and stuff add up to the other $40.To me, that falls in line with the numbers... especially for a one and done set. None of it effects gameplay and FOMO is and will always be a motivating seller. For this one special pack for a 10 year anniversary, I think it is perfectly ok for DE to use it. 

All in all, I think, AT THE ABSOLUTE MOST, DE should just remove the Regal Aya, drop $20 from the package, and don't worry about the already paid customers too much. Maybe just allow the current buyers to use their Regal Aya to get Grendal Prime with ours.

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2 hours ago, ShogunGunshow said:

DE out here acting like refunds aren't a thing that exists.

Change the terms to not be time exclusive, offer refunds for people that feel shorted by them not being exclusive anymore. Urge people to not spend their Regal Aya because that'll delay the process of the refund.

It'll be a lot of effort, but that's not our fault. We didn't make the mess. We shouldn't have to suffer a manipulative, fomo driven, inflated deal because "Oh it wouldn't be fair to the people we manipulated already and refunds don't exist what are those loolooloo."


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2 hours ago, ShogunGunshow said:

DE out here acting like refunds aren't a thing that exists.

Change the terms to not be time exclusive, offer refunds for people that feel shorted by them not being exclusive anymore. Urge people to not spend their Regal Aya because that'll delay the process of the refund.

It'll be a lot of effort, but that's not our fault. We didn't make the mess. We shouldn't have to suffer a manipulative, fomo driven, inflated deal because "Oh it wouldn't be fair to the people we manipulated already and refunds don't exist what are those loolooloo."

I don't feel manipulated with my purchase dude and don't throw DE into that box. Look, I get the anger about the price but I am an adult and made that purchase knowing exactly what I was getting. 

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2 hours ago, Roble_Viejo said:

This is why they keep deleting my Post and copy-pasting it as a Comment on other Posts? 

Snl Season 47 GIF by Saturday Night Live

They explained the reason why they do this is because, when the devs want to review an issue, they can view the one BIG thread instead of the 50 little threads. Posters are trying to separate the same topic in order to get the attention of 9ther posters. However, it has the opposite effect when it comes to devs reviewing the topic. Searching for key words, discovering patterns and referencing the table discussion by viewing from a single thread is much more of a benefit.

Despite attempts, everything is not always done with malice or spite.

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10 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

But it is what it would end up like in a game like PoE. Since at the core the business model isnt scummy in that game, it is quite fair considering that it costs time and resources for a company to produce cosmetics to sell. They dont just fart them out on a strawberry smelling rainbow when they need one. And it is the closest game to compare things to in this case. So it is very odd that people suddenly see scummy business in WF when it is one of few games that allow the players to trade currency so less fortunate players can in fact play the game 100% free.

And as mentioned, these items are also considered to be both supporter and more of collector items. So paying more shouldnt really be an issue if someone wants to actually do what the packs are intended to do, support the company and future of the game, or in order to grab a collectible item. It's like other collector's editions where you might end up getting completely pointless items just because you are after something else specific in them. It's like when I bought a very expensive Lawless Darkness collector's edition from Watain years back. I wanted it specifically for an amulet and a wall banner, but it also included some custom candles and a pack of uhm Tarot-like cards, I already had plenty of candles and no specific interest in the cards, but I didnt make a fuss over the price even though I didnt get personal full value from it. Plus I already also owned the Lawless Darkness album itself since earlier with the bonus song included.

I wonder what would happen if DE adds another 2x frame 2x halo pack but doesnt reduce the price with what some consider should be the value of the aya, or even half of that value. More panties in a twist I assure you.

There really is no reasoning with you. Stop making comparisons as justifications. 

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14 minutes ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

I don't feel manipulated with my purchase dude and don't throw DE into that box. Look, I get the anger about the price but I am an adult and made that purchase knowing exactly what I was getting. 

While I am not going to dispute your ability to make decisions for yourself, even being content with this bundle there is the potential for some manipulation that ties into the cost of the resurgence bundles and the amount of purchasable regal aya. The resurgence bundle to get frost and mag bundled together is 10 regal aya and the only way to get the remaining 4 regal aya (If you don't already have the extra) is to purchase either 6 more or 7 more regal aya, pushing people into purchasing regal aya they might not even want or need in order to make best use of the regal aya they already purchased. This might not be a problem for you, since you might buy extra regal aya anyway making having excess an irrelevant point to you, but I feel it's worth mentioning because I think as it is now the regal aya system is anti consumer (until and if you can buy any amount from 1-15) and this pack is directly pushing people into that trap in order to get the best value out of the regal aya from this pack. Without going for this best value pack you are devaluing your own purchase and potentially falling for the excess regal aya trap in order to alleviate it.

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7 minutes ago, NecroPed said:

While I am not going to dispute your ability to make decisions for yourself, even being content with this bundle there is the potential for some manipulation that ties into the cost of the resurgence bundles and the amount of purchasable regal aya. The resurgence bundle to get frost and mag bundled together is 10 regal aya and the only way to get the remaining 4 regal aya (If you don't already have the extra) is to purchase either 6 more or 7 more regal aya, pushing people into purchasing regal aya they might not even want or need in order to make best use of the regal aya they already purchased. This might not be a problem for you, since you might buy extra regal aya anyway making having excess an irrelevant point to you, but I feel it's worth mentioning because I think as it is now the regal aya system is anti consumer (until and if you can buy any amount from 1-15) and this pack is directly pushing people into that trap in order to get the best value out of the regal aya from this pack. Without going for this best value pack you are devaluing your own purchase and potentially falling for the excess regal aya trap in order to alleviate it.

Dude..so you don't just want enough Regal Aya to purchase the two prime frames (at 3 Regal Aya each...which is given in the package and 100% fair) but you want enough to purchase the bundle pack with ALL of the weapons and accessories that go with the frames!?!? You don't think there's something wrong with what you're asking at all? Really??


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3 minutes ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

Dude..so you don't just want enough Regal Aya to purchase the two prime frames (at 3 Regal Aya each...which is given in the package and 100% fair) but you want enough to purchase the bundle pack with ALL of the weapons and accessories that go with the frames!?!? You don't think there's something wrong with what you're asking at all? Really??


No, I don't actually care for the regal aya myself, as I already have the primes. This isn't about just adding value to the pack. The problem I see is a trap to make you buy more than you need IF you want to be able to get the best value out of your regal aya. The point I was making was that there is still manipulation that can be happening even when you're content with buying regal aya. 1, 4 or more regal aya are simply the only ways to alleviate this without changing regal ayas system to allow purchasing of any amount between 1-15 regal aya, it's not to freely bump it up to getting the biggest pack. It's about preventing the need to purchase more regal aya than you even need for the purchase. If you do not buy the bundled packs you are directly devaluing your regal aya, and the only way to rectify it is if you buy more regal aya than you actually need to complete that purchase. 

No, not at all. I think there's something wrong with the lack of people who are speaking out against this. Regal Aya is currently an anti consumer system that tries to push you into buying more of it than you need, and this pack directly pushes people into that trap or devaluing their regal aya, which in turn potentially requires falling for the trap again in future. 

If you can get both frames and be happy with that, that's great, but I don't think people should have to buy excess regal aya in order to bump that up to the best value purchase. You can't just buy the amount you need to do that, and that is the problem. 

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2 minutes ago, NecroPed said:

No, I don't actually care for the regal aya myself, as I already have the primes. This isn't about just adding value to the pack. The problem I see is a trap to make you buy more than you need IF you want to be able to get the best value out of your regal aya. The point I was making was that there is still manipulation that can be happening even when you're content with buying regal aya. 1, 4 or more regal aya are simply the only ways to alleviate this without changing regal ayas system to allow purchasing of any amount between 1-15 regal aya, it's not to freely bump it up to getting the biggest pack. It's about preventing the need to purchase more regal aya than you even need for the purchase. If you do not buy the bundled packs you are directly devaluing your regal aya, and the only way to rectify it is if you buy more regal aya than you actually need to complete that purchase. 

No, not at all. I think there's something wrong with the lack of people who are speaking out against this. Regal Aya is currently an anti consumer system that tries to push you into buying more of it than you need, and this pack directly pushes people into that trap or devaluing their regal aya, which in turn potentially requires falling for the trap again in future. 

If you can get both frames and be happy with that, that's great, but I don't think people should have to buy excess regal aya in order to bump that up to the best value purchase. You can't just buy the amount you need to do that, and that is the problem. 

You've still pushing towards unnecessary grounds. Regal Aya (RA) purchase option #1 gives you a full frame. #2 gives you that frames entire pack and an accessory. #3 gives you either two full frame packs and enough remaining to buy two weapons or up to 5 accessories, or a third frame and a weapon...or a dual pack bundle with still enough to buy two weapons or up to five accessories....or a third frame and a weapon.

I'm not seeing where the predatory practices are. Again, you adding your own push into this without looking at the full offerings. I don't think a player who purchased the 7 RA package is going to be pissed off because they could "only" get two prime frames, or a full prime frames pack, or three prime weapons or a combination of those mentioned.

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I really like FOMO, I mean if I really invest time in Warframe a lot like New Eve for some event (while some people have a holiday), I would like to get something exclusive for only that yearly event (same as Destiny 2) like if you missed, you will regret it but the heirloom package is still too expensive anyway with those unwanted platinum and regal aya.

Edited by ToKeSia
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4 minutes ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

You've still pushing towards unnecessary grounds. Regal Aya (RA) purchase option #1 gives you a full frame. #2 gives you that frames entire pack and an accessory. #3 gives you either two full frame packs and enough remaining to buy two weapons or up to 5 accessories, or a third frame and a weapon...or a dual pack bundle with still enough to buy two weapons or up to five accessories....or a third frame and a weapon.

I'm not seeing where the predatory practices are. Again, you adding your own push into this without looking at the full offerings. I don't think a player who purchased the 7 RA package is going to be pissed off because they could "only" get two prime frames, or a full prime frames pack, or three prime weapons or a combination of those mentioned.

The predatory practice is in the fact that you need to buy MORE regal aya than you ACTUALLY NEED FOR A PURCHASE. After buying this pack, you can't just buy the 4 regal aya you need to bump up your LOWEST VALUE REGAL AYA PURCHASE (Buying warframes for 3 regal aya) to the BEST VALUE REGAL AYA PURCHASE (buying both bundled frames for 10) without BUYING EXCESS REGAL AYA THAT YOU DON'T ACTUALLY NEED FOR THIS PURCHASE (You cannot buy 4 regal aya without buying excess) that's basically directly incentivized by the packs existence. The amounts of spendable and purchasable regal aya are not consistent enough with each other and it can lead to people having to buy more than they need and that is an inherent anti consumer practice as far as I'm concerned.

The problem isn't what's in the pack, I really think you're just missing the point. 

If you want more than just the prime warframes, the ONLY WAY TO STOP YOU FROM DEVALUING YOUR REGAL AYA FROM THE HEIRLOOM PACK is to buy one of the bigger bundles, and the ONLY WAY TO AFFORD ONE OF THE BEST VALUE BUNDLES is to BUY EXCESS REGAL AYA THAT YOU DON'T NEED (Which is a problem that's been highlighted with this pack to begin with, because a lot of people don't even want the regal aya, this is essentially the same problem but for the people who are content purchasing regal aya)

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1 hour ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

Well, as someone who bought the pack, I'll give my insight.

For starters, I DO NOT feel cheated in any way. It was a 10 Year Anniversary special purchase that I considered was a cool way to both thank DE for the absolutely wonderful first 10 years, and as a way to support them for the next 10 years. I could care less about anyone else's negative response to this but: DE has kick major butt in keeping this game constantly updated, innovative, lore rich, inspiring, fair, and fun. TennoCon showed all of that perfectly. Therefore, I had the cash, liked the skins and made the purchase.

Now, let me get this out of the way since people tend to like throwing out "whatabouts": If you can or cannot afford it, do or do not want to purchase it, or feel some type of way about it, that's cool.

Regarding the contents, I am very happy with the pack! The Regal and Plat totals about $40 in value and the skins, accessories and stuff add up to the other $40.To me, that falls in line with the numbers... especially for a one and done set. None of it effects gameplay and FOMO is and will always be a motivating seller. For this one special pack for a 10 year anniversary, I think it is perfectly ok for DE to use it. 

All in all, I think, AT THE ABSOLUTE MOST, DE should just remove the Regal Aya, drop $20 from the package, and don't worry about the already paid customers too much. Maybe just allow the current buyers to use their Regal Aya to get Grendal Prime with ours.


I think this is all very fair and valid. Also well articulated. 

However you emphasis a lot on the very subjective and inherently self justifying nature of ones own specifically, exclusive feelings/thoughts. 

Consider yourself to imagine a scenario or situation you do think you would feel cheated, or manipulated or pressured or not okay with something. Okay, well then imagine someone telling you "eh, not to me though", what does that do for you or tell you? Not everything needs to be "well in my opinion" as if we aren't capable of considering others perspectives and greater trends and how that in turn can affect and influence individuals via the standards and practices companies can use. 

You get what I am trying to say? I am not trying to pick an argument, and I don't disagree with your take, and I think its a very acceptable and valid stance, I just want to give a bit of additional context here. 

To me, when you generalise FOMO, and talk about it so broadly, whilst that can be accurate to how you feel, for many, it glosses over the issue in reality. Not all games use FOMO the same way, not even games by themselves use of FOMO is the same, that can vary in execution as well. Some don't use it as a motivating seller. Do you play every single game available? Or do you pick and choose based on preference or other factors that matter to you? Can you thus them imagine that for someone, the actual specifics and details about how games handle FOMO may be an important factor to them? 

You generally consider yourself pretty positive on DE right? As per our conversations of the past. You don't think that DE is one of the more ethical or consumer friendly Devs around? Or would you say "well games devs all generally want to make money, so DE is just like the rest really, nothing special, I don't care if they have higher standards". 

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5 hours ago, Kaiga said:

It's well known that this is how the forum mods consolidate negative feedback around here. I'm surprised this thread hasn't been locked, negative feedback is considered "off topic" after a certain point.

Just wait. Sooner or later one or two people will say something snippy and then rather than pruning the bad apples they'll use that as an excuse to lock the whole thread.

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5 hours ago, ShogunGunshow said:

DE out here acting like refunds aren't a thing that exists.

Change the terms to not be time exclusive, offer refunds for people that feel shorted by them not being exclusive anymore. Urge people to not spend their Regal Aya because that'll delay the process of the refund.

It'll be a lot of effort, but that's not our fault. We didn't make the mess. We shouldn't have to suffer a manipulative, fomo driven, inflated deal because "Oh it wouldn't be fair to the people we manipulated already and refunds don't exist what are those loolooloo."

^ This, like 1000 times THIS!


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5 hours ago, ShogunGunshow said:

DE out here acting like refunds aren't a thing that exists.

Change the terms to not be time exclusive, offer refunds for people that feel shorted by them not being exclusive anymore. Urge people to not spend their Regal Aya because that'll delay the process of the refund.

It'll be a lot of effort, but that's not our fault. We didn't make the mess. We shouldn't have to suffer a manipulative, fomo driven, inflated deal because "Oh it wouldn't be fair to the people we manipulated already and refunds don't exist what are those loolooloo."

When CDPR said refunds were available for cyberpunk on Playstation before asking sony, they banned the game until it was in an acceptable condition. 

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