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Removal of Flawed Mods and MK1 Weapons


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With the removal of the MK-1 weapons (what about the mastery?) I can see since they don't really serve much of a purpose outside of collection and MR grinding.

The removal of flawed mods I can also see, however if removing them from inventory please don't remove flawed ammo drum from those of us who earned it from the event back in 2016.

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can we also throw in please don't remove flawed flow... it actually gives more energy at the same capacity cost than the non flawed versions.


As for mk1's... aren't they the weapons used in the player intro/tutorial.  MR won't be thought about, they haven't done anything about the extra MR founders have over normal players.

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Hello. With the latest news, I read that DE is removing MK-1 weapons and flawed mods. Does that mean if a new player were to start playing Warframe, it will be impossible to earn MR points from them?

So will the total number of possible MR points show a slight decrease?


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1 hour ago, Bluedragon66 said:

Hello. With the latest news, I read that DE is removing MK-1 weapons and flawed mods.

They only mentioned flawed (broken) mods, nothing was said about MK1 weapons. Also if DE decided that MK1 weapons weren't useful any more, they have done such things before and while the weapons were no longer available to acquire they were left in player's inventory so MR was not affected.

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Oh bruh

I know noone here cares, but we use MK1 weapons in Conclave everyday.
MK1 Braton is the best allrounder of the 4 Bratons, a real beast.
MK1 Furis just slaps with it's high puncture focus.
Both are used by many regulars and vets everyday.

For a time, MK1 Furis was my most used finisher weapon even,
I have over 1500 kills with it.
Almost 700 with MK1 Braton.

Most shotguns are kinda op and MK1 Strun is seen as the one usable without triggering a S#&$ show every time.

We'll gotta see how that turns out, but they keep taking stuff away from us.
And not giving back anything in return.

Ok, they can remove Hydroid from PvP tho, we'd be all happy bout dat lol.

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33 minutes ago, Aarrggghhhh said:

That's a good question.

I wouldn't be surprised if nothing replaces them.  Mastering your first three weapons, plus your warframe nets you 15000 mastery, which is sufficient to put you up to rank 2.  That gets you access to 9 primaries, 10 secondaries, 17 melees.  Not including login rewards, nightwave rewards, farming bosses, or the melees from Duviri.

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3 hours ago, Bluedragon66 said:

So will the total number of possible MR points show a slight decrease?

Hopefully they do something like double any new mastery from the base versions , i.e., Braton, Bo, Strun, etc.  Or take the missing 21K points from the mastery requirements for, like, the first 12 ranks. 

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8 hours ago, Bluedragon66 said:

So will the total number of possible MR points show a slight decrease?

Where was this complaint with the founder's pack, featuring an entire frame and two weapons worth of MR that nobody can obtain anymore?

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12 hours ago, (PSN)haphazardlynamed said:

?I didn't watch the news?

are Mk-1 weapons getting removed from market?

do we still get to keep existing BPs? crafted weapons?



Other changes include:
Auto Melee
Focus Acquisition Rework
Removal of Flawed Mods and MK-1 Weapons
And much more!"

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Interesting that the removal of MK1 weapons was mentioned on the website but not during Tennolive... I'd guess that they will simply replace all acquisition instances of the MK1 weapons with the normal version, but, like they did with the snipetron, let everyone who already have then just keep them, then at some time in the future provide a trivial path to get them (for higher level players who just want some more mastery). This reduces the initial grind and makes the first few mission easier, while not changing much in the long term.

If the initial missions simply give normal weapons and normal mods that will be a good power bump for new players and less of an endo trap. Not having to wait long to at least get serration and hornet strike was always a good idea as early players are endo-limited anyway.

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4 hours ago, Hexerin said:

Where was this complaint with the founder's pack, featuring an entire frame and two weapons worth of MR that nobody can obtain anymore?

Apples and oranges.  The founders pack was a unique situation.  And they also were never available to F2P players, while the Mk1 weapons have always been available to f2p.

5 minutes ago, _Anise_ said:

removing the source or removing the weapons ? if someone is sitting on an mk1 weapon with 8 forma in it, I can't see the deleting it ?

THAT is my biggest complaint.  I have all the mk1 weapons beefed up with everything, including the incarnon adapter on my mk1 furis.  And the complaint isn't "I'm losing the stance forma's, 20+ regular formas, arcane adapters, incarnon adapters, orokin reactors", it's also that I'm losing weapons that I enjoyed building up and continue to use.  For the longest while I had a dedicated arsenal loadout that was excal, and all the mk1 weapons and taxon, default colors, default skin, no fashionframing at all. I'd use that loadout for sorties because I found it fun.  Everybody else going in with their meta gear, number crunched mod configs, ect... and me with the newbie gear looking like I just finished vor's prize...

I can understand DE wanting to streamline things, and overall no, not every player's gonna be like me and keep every single weapon.  But it still doesn't sit right with me.

I do hope that when they remove them, they refund the resources spent.

I also hope they adjust the build costs for a couple of the non-MR locked weapons to be credit purchase only for new players.  Having 1 weapon of every basic weapon type available to build for just credits allowed brand new players access to them to get a feel for how a shotgun plays vs an assault rifle vs a bow, ect, WITHOUT having to invest material resources they do not have being mr0 literally just out of the tutorial. The Lex is, as far as I recall, the only non MK1 weapon that is credits only, no bp+ resources.  Yeah, I know, the resources needed to build the baby weapons is nothing.... for anyone mr1 or higher. But again... brand new players, literally the newest of "new player"...

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