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Abyss of Dagath - Dev Workshop: System Changes and General Quality of Life


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7 hours ago, Hexerin said:

Yes, and then the game evolved over multiple content updates since then, with new content assuming players have access to the features etc. Using ancient content as the basis for "see, it doesn't need changes, because it worked then!" is just beyond asinine. Do better.


Let me do better.  Asinine is taking a powerful feature and devaluing it.  What you want.


More asinine, well that'd be moaning about somebody who "doesn't know' how difficult the grind is despite doing it when it was much heavier on time gating.


More asinine than that, pretending you have a point when somebody already addressed it, and flaunting your ignorance.  You...are a complete mess when it comes to logical thought, and I really hope that people like you get listened to.  It'll be the start of people asking for a "Warframe Classic" to go along with the WoW misunderstanding of power not being an inherent reward when it's given out too fast to feel like a real reward.  That'll be the day I log out forever, because DE will have literally lost the point.  Oh, but we can get a fricking halo for real money...and basic features like knowing what icons mean 10 years into a game...with one that has hundreds of different icons...and cannot clearly communicate math because why would it be a disappointment to discover, as I quote, "300+440% = 740."

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13 hours ago, (PSN)WF-Djin said:

The money is no comprehensible argument for me in this case. Every veteran I talked to was and is always buying every package they release in store. In the case of a new player they were just wondering which one they buy and if they are even willing to spend money on this game. Just look at the heirloom packs; every newbe was complaining about pricing and only veterans understood the worth of the content like regal aya. Veterans are more willing to pay... Change my mind 


MR 33.  Started before Archwing.  Reasonably can call myself a veteran, if by no other standard than I remember buying tokens because it counted as one of your lives when a knock-down launched you off of the map and instead of a respawn on the map you lost one of the 3 lives per frame you got a day.  Yes, that was a thing.


The last purchase I made was Vauban's skin with the pneumatic cylinders.  The last money I directly gave to DE was years ago.  I believe it was a prime pack for...I want to say Limbo Prime....though I may be remembering that wrong.


Anecdotally, and counter to what you are saying, I've seen the relative value of things drop.  I remember a time when there were no vaulted items, and my response to you is that when the vaults came around I was happy the first time.  I was happy to plink down real money on a Rhino Prime that I already had, so that I could get the prime resource extractor, because in those days there was no 9999 level enemy runs because you literally ran out of everything at a few hundred levels in, and because the eHP scaling was exponential with no cap.  I have not used the extractor system in...years I think.  The regal aya is great if you want old prime cosmetics...but it's also a requirement to buy and operator gimp suit...so yeah.

Likewise, I've not spent money on trades in years.  If you wait three weeks the price of everything tanks, and you can get the latest primes for a reasonable amount...but DE wants you to have FOMO and pay other players to farm for you...goody.  Yeah...not using my platinum on trades because at this juncture it's only use is to buy slots....because with the Circuit there's a reason to hoard everything....only that's rapidly changing into a riven dumping ground.  Glad that I don't have to dissolve them into endo anymore (kudos to DE for stacking veiled rivens, I think I've got 100+ waiting around), but that just means if you aren't a nutter about min-maxing then that endgame is gone too.


None of this even touches on the massive amount of people who simply left the game one day.  Those who saw DE was trying to build a Skinner Box, and decided that it wasn't acceptable because "free to play" deserves real respect and the community to care enough to hold the developer to accounts.  Ahh, but the whales who have sunk so many resources "see value" in continuing to invest in the game.  By the way, ever heard of the sunk cost fallacy?  No reason, just a sidebar.  So....how many of the current content partners are 5+ year veterans...?  I'll wait.  

Let me change your mind by stating that your sample size and pool are tainted.  You believe that it's a veteran thing...whereas there are plenty of "veterans" who called out the crap.  I instead postulate it's an idiot thing.  We often associate a thing we like with us, and thus perceive an attack on it as an attack on us...which makes us humans stupid.  Once you see that, and start noting that you can separate bad decisions, you'll note that it's easy to see whales and idiots because they can't acknowledge that if DE decided to close tomorrow it'd mean the end of the game...and they'd have to live on.

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4 hours ago, master_of_destiny said:


You are...just so wrong and stupid for literally telling me what I told you...but couldn't bother to read.


Let me ADD attention span this for you.

Progression -> investment of time gives you more power

You are expressing that you are entitled to skip grind.  A grind that was literally months which can now be completed in weeks.  Yeah, you want that faster.

You complain that I don't know what I am talking about...because I am a veteran.  A reason I cited and addressed...but you are too lazy to read.


Let me now show you the same respect you showed me by responding to a quote, short sighting everything, then literally parroting things I've answered because you are too lazy.  This game will chew you up, and I look forward to it.  Anyone too short sighted to see veterans raising issues as a red flag will jump ship soon enough, and I look forward to that day.  Go be a statistic.  


It's good that the grind for Focus is being eased. It's been in the game for the better part of a decade. It is, more or less, an expected tool. 

The practical, non-altruistic reason to be for it is that the game is consistently adding more stuff to grind for each release. If the game never curtailed some of its earlier grinds, new players would be faced with a year+ of grinding various systems to even begin to keep up with long-time players, and that's apocalyptic for new-player acquisition and retention - something which Warframe already struggles with.

New players are critical for the game's continued success, and making them interested in sticking around is important. This really isn't a big deal.

In short: quit being a weird gatekeeper for systems that are literally almost eight years old at this point.

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8 hours ago, ShogunGunshow said:


It's good that the grind for Focus is being eased. It's been in the game for the better part of a decade. It is, more or less, an expected tool. 

The practical, non-altruistic reason to be for it is that the game is consistently adding more stuff to grind for each release. If the game never curtailed some of its earlier grinds, new players would be faced with a year+ of grinding various systems to even begin to keep up with long-time players, and that's apocalyptic for new-player acquisition and retention - something which Warframe already struggles with.

New players are critical for the game's continued success, and making them interested in sticking around is important. This really isn't a big deal.

In short: quit being a weird gatekeeper for systems that are literally almost eight years old at this point.


You are...wrong.  Just so wrong.


Point 1, the definition of literally.  If the game "literally" had the focus system for 8 of 10 years it'd be something that I can demonstrate.  Upon release there were no schools that could be unbound, no way to get lenses outside of RAIDs, and the release of PoE was the first time most could reasonably be expected to get lenses...of which there were 2.


Point 2, you don't understand the difference between gate keeping and devaluation of effort.  Let me destroy this stupidity.  I appreciated introduction of the thrax.  I appreciated not having to power grind for a fixed daily focus cap.  I appreciated that DE made the system more intensive by requiring eidolon shards to unlock items, and that those same shards allowed you to earn functionally unlimited standing each day.  That seems like the opposite of gate keeping...which would instead be complaining that nobody else is forced to get focus over literal months.

My frustration is that instead of focus unlocking powerful new options, it's becoming a requirement.  Can't kill Thrax without void damage.  Can't do Duviri without a lot of bonuses tied to intrinsics, given the balancing.  You'll note that I don't cite Kuva.  Why is that?  Well, rivens are "endgame."  Getting Kuva to reroll them is great...and requiring it in late game sets up an investment to reward requirement that means you feel value in its power.  My issue is that if you double rewards, make them required much earlier in-game, and then quintuple reward source things are no longer a reward for effort.  Things become a tax for entry...which is the gate keeping you claim I am guilty of.  Bummer, seems like your logic is rooted in a stupid misunderstanding of what gate keeping is....because you project that I "don't want newbies" to have the power I do.  Funny thing is, I want them to be forced to engage and have that power feel like something earned.  This isn't "spending $10 on Darth Vader or 100 hours of grind is 'rewarding.'"  This is me asking for a powerful mechanic to not be devalued. 



My last bit is the new players garbage response.  A new player, on day one, has no access to about 80% of the game.  No Steel Path, Archwing, Railjack, Operator, most of Nightwave, and with MR gating even if they power leveled they'd be missing most of the arsenal.  Put the 23 hour forma wait, vaulted content, and 24+ hour build times for things like a clan dojo and you're really pushing the bounds of reasonable for claiming the new player has any relative power.

Why then is it a reward to grind, and grind, to get new stuff?  That would be progression...which you seem to not understand.  Let me short this.  More time = more understanding = more rewards = more power =progression.  Thing is, if you remove the time commitment and the rewards are simply handed out much faster it. not really a reward.  It becomes a progression wall....like the one you accuse me of wanting.  That's stupid, right?  I mean, before the focus system was about bringing you to a place of greater potential...but not stopping you.  Operator form could give you a revive, but you didn't need to have it if you could shield gate.  Options, rather than a requirement, are the name of the game.






Now that I've heard many, many stupid reasons that "I'm an elitist, snobbish, gate keeping jerk" I think it's time to fix this hypothetically.  Maybe that will get it past your inability to conceive of one counter argument.

If instead of simply cranking up rewards DE decided to rebuild focus I'd be happy.  Imagine for a second that instead of a focus school you just got focus at current rates.  It was stored in a single value, and each school branched out from a central core.  The initial branches and levels are very cheap.  Think 50k to unlock basics,, which over 3 levels ramp to 50-150-300k.  No lock to a lense, and no differentiation.  This means on day one people who wanted to could have one level in almost anything.  Instead of a school then you have a circle divided into segments which "mimic" a school, and you choose where the conical section you have access to covers.  This means you could unlock things like Unairu's void dash, but the Vazarin void blast...and those low inner circle costs mean you haave access to underpowered versions day one.

Now, ring 2 is the good stuff.  Bonuses like changes to void dash are 150-300-500k to unlock, so they are an investment.  Powerful, not locking you out of function, but giving you more.  Ring 3 is the farthest out, and it's the big-boy stuff.  Specifically, the waybounds that can be unlocked.  If they're expensive, and require enough of the low level path done, you suddenly have power progression both within the power and to unlock it.

The best part is that the conical section gets expanded.  It starts out at 50 degrees (to cover one "tree" or focus school)...and once the outer ring is unlocked it widens.  It now can cover 70 degrees, offering new powers.  Think something like your void blast being able to both armor strip and slow, or your dash blasting and armor stripping.  Again, you haven't decreased investment in these powers at all...you've made them easier to unlock at base but kept most of the insane power behind a huge grind wall.  Not gate keeping, but drip feeding little rewards until you unlock the big one.


Why is this better than simply removing the grind?  Well, you don't need any of the operator abilities, if you don't build new systems around them.  Specifically, note that I wouldn't require Thrax enemies to be void damaged, but instead have them function like their Duviri counterparts with overshields (note: the Orowyrm boss fight).  This removes requirements, gives rewards sooner, doesn't remove the time investment required to get those rewards, and doesn't require things earlier in the game because of stupid design decisions.

It's also a solution to basic functions because the gap between earlier game unlocks and true power is still there...without needing to dramatically increase player rewards so it can reasonably be assumed they have access to something, but there isn't a requirement that they have access to the most powerful version of it.  This, despite players actually being rewarded with experimenting on different conical section coverage...because there'd be nothing quite so amazing to support as someone who could dash in and restore health, instantly revive a player, and then suppress enemies with a huge blast of armor stripping.  Thing is, to do that you'd need weeks of grind...which I'd absolutely support.  This is all while "new" players with only a few hundred hours could "only" armor strip or regenerate enemies...


Maybe you get it now...maybe not.  My issue is that focus is becoming a barrier to engagement instead of a reward for investment.  That's taking an endgame reward and devaluing it until it's a middle-game requirement....which is pants on head stupid.  What's even more idiotic is DE then justifying this as a good thing by "decreasing grind" while actually forcing more grind...because before this was an optional grind for power.  My problem is when what was optional power becomes a requirement things are no longer a reward...and if you are a new player that's not rewarding, but changing rewards to requirements.

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@[DE]Taylor Can we get a clarification on what is happening numbers-wise with Warframe abilities that buff Health and Shields by % values(ie. Chroma)? Because IIRC those are also based around rank-0 stats, and it would be kinda weird and inconsistent to have those based off R-0 and mods based off current values.

Edited by ShogunGunshow
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On 2023-09-28 at 6:02 PM, [DE]Taylor said:

Kahl’s missions are a great way to earn an extra Archon Shard every week

This is not and has never been true, please stop lying to yourself and to the playerbase. Archon shards should NOT be provided by that meme gamemode, and you should stop be clinging on the sunk fallacy cost of its development. No amount of fixes or improvementes, like those here proposed, will cover the light year gap in complexity and action engagement with the true rest of the game. Seeing that you decided again to waste development resources for such a wrong gameplay concept deeply saddens me.


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On 2023-10-03 at 11:01 AM, (XBOX)ForsakenMoon13 said:

So instead of adding the option for two extra rivens per week, you would rather get a resource that is thematically tied to a specific enemy that already drops a decent amount for what you need them for, in order to be able to buy one extra riven per week? 

i am pretty sure the idea is to be able to earn everything necessary to install an incarnon genesis adapter, namely the adapter AND pathos clamps purely from playing warframe content - the circuit.

rather than forcing people who like warframe but hate melee drifter to engage in that soulframe alpha test upstairs, just so we can get our warframe gear, from actual real warframe content.

On 2023-10-03 at 2:30 PM, Traumtulpe said:

Just free to play things. In the free to play model, the developer is incentivised to make the game an absolute slog, and to give you the option to pay for the privilege of not playing.

Your entire post translates to "$$$".

yes, correct, i am complaining that they DON'T llet me "$$$" for pathos clamps, but force me to play soulframe pre-alpha instead of my space ninja game.

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On 2023-10-04 at 8:56 AM, master_of_destiny said:


You seem to not get it...so let me rephrase.  If you want the focus to move from an endgame grind, which unlocks powerful skills, to something that is required in the middle-game because of the tendency for poorly designed enemies to one shot you, then this is a loss of an endgame feature.


Now, let me address your comments.  At the beginning of the game you have access to...what exactly?  You can't build out a frame...because you need a bunch of forma.  You can't get most of the aura mods...because they're tied to nightwave now (and thus much of the content cannot be accessed until you're in the later part of early game).  You can't get reactors, and you're gear limited by mastery rank for some of the best stuff in the game.  If this is the case, why aren't you complaining about that?

The key word you fail to understand is progression.  It's progression to get reactors, slap one on, and grind out a few forma to make that Excalibur not meh.  Input is rewarded.  

Now...what is the progression on focus?  It isn't unlocked until you're through the star chart...because it only starts to unlock when you've accessed the operator.  The operator is not an early game feature.  Cool.  You progress through the game, unlock the operator, then unlock the schools to get access to some interesting builds.  The reason that the focus system doesn't suck rotten eggs is that after you've gotten a deep pool of good things you've now unlocked something new.  The operator introduces the Eidolons, amps, new arcanes, arcanes as a whole originally (Duviri does that now...but it's also DE not understanding the progression of their own game), and most importantly some new functionality.  Cool.  New toys, new time investment, new power.


What you're asking for is less investment, and thus less engagement time.  Make note that DE told us this was unacceptable when they refused to decrease the cost of Hema research, impossible with the Sibear costing 30000 cryotic you earn 100 at a time, and disrespected player investment on other items.  Now they're couching this as a benefit...after making the entire process to earning it a joke.  Have two hours?  Slap any school on, go to Duviri experience solo, grind a few easy missions until you can make literal glass frames tankier than Inaros, and in about 25 minutes you can get the 400000 standing to max your daily earnings (on steel path).  Note:

1) That cap is miles larger than it used to be

2) That cap is to a cheaper overall cost to upgrade everything.

3) You can then spend eidolon shards (4 types) to literally do what took months in a long weekend.  

I'm cool with you wanting diverse builds...but your point is stupid.  Before Zenurik we had energy pads and arcane energize.  Don't care for armor, well the answer was 4x armor stripping auras until DE nerfed that, but gave us corrosive and heat procs armor stripping.  Don't like that?  Shattering Impact.  Wow...it's almost like the whole point of awesome focus was to have a huge investment and build more power in...which is intentionally endgame by its definition.  People are constantly complaining about how Warframe has no endgame...and it's because of crap like this.  Something that used to be a high investment and decent reward option is now a requirement to play other content...but because DE slaps crap in they expend huge amounts of energy breaking their own systems and blaming the players for it.



Let me finish with an anecdote.  We are about to get Grendel Prime.  That's about a two year window between release and prime release.  Have you tried playing those missions again?  Getting a pick-up game sucks...so you have to build yourself to solo them without any mods.  Yikes....that sucks.  Thing is, it's possible to solo with just augments.  Until you realize you can enter the mission on steel path...because why not.  You then get into the mission, and realize that an unmodded primary against a level 46 eximus unit is a joke...because mag dumping them 3 times just barely finished them off.  You then start to contend with those same eximus units not spawning anything else...and getting 800 cryotic took more than half an hour...all because DE implemented those eximus changes and never tested them on content...so you almost need a team just to survive the constantly spawning rattles that take a full tenet cycron mag to put down, coupled with the power carrier spawning cues sucking so hard that 20 enemies spawned has no carrier...so you've gone from full shields to 25% health waiting for any carrier to spawn while enemies literally prioritize the drill over you.  Yes, my anecdote is that DE doesn't seem to know how their own game plays....and it's why I'm not happy despite all of the good stuff this update promises on paper. 

It's amazing that I can look towards all of this good stuff, and see that DE doesn't understand that their endgame is now RNG rolls to get perfect Rivens...and little else.  That's because everything else was sucked down to earlier points.  Arbitrations were great...until you get the last content and discover that they aren't worth doing due to their moderate rewards and high risk with insta-kills.  Steel Path is interesting...until you acknowledge that its only real reward is hiding exilus adapters, some mods, and umbra forma behind a time gated wall.  Sorties and Archon hunts are the definition of bigger numbers <> better rewards.  It's also great to see stuff like "the conservation vendors will now have more companion mods..." until you then read the context that you'll only need one or two of each and thus this is just a new grind to extend relevance of open worlds...which died long ago because once the content was consumed on the content island people stopped giving a crap.  

So yeah, anecdotally DE is selling us less work for the same rewards years later.  That's predictably DE...but doesn't mean that they aren't hip deep in hypocrisy when they pull this crap on us.  I'd be less frustrated if they were giving us something more...but this is just decreasing a grind and, by their own words, insulting the players who already did it.  It's more insulting because they are choosing where player investment matters...and it seems to just be when real money is dumped.  So...maybe if DE wants to make the Hema and Sibear grind suck less I'll bite.  That said, Argo & Vel launched a couple of months ago.  Guess what still isn't in Cephalon Simaris's store?  It's almost like this isn't an elitist jerk saying you should experience the same pain...and instead someone really tired of double standards and making good things with high investment basically required to play the game (and thus required to be cheaper).  I believe the colloquialism is play stupid games, win stupid prizes...and DE is showing that the stupidity of not balancing stuff (and implicitly relying on "broken" features to power through other ones) is really a symptom of profound misunderstanding of basic mechanics...and making high level rewards easier to get is not fixing it.  It's moving the band-aides in the cupboard from the top shelf to the bottom instead of getting a proper blade cover for the bandsaw...in other words a bad solution to a foolish mistake, predicated on not knowing what it is people want...because they know better already.

"back in my day, farming focus took ages - newer players having to suffer less takes away from my sense of pride and accomplishment"

as for grendel:
Hildryn + Blazing Pillage = Easy Solo
Hildryn + Blazing Pillage + Electric Elemental Ward = enemies literally kill themselves

Wisp perma invis in the air at no energy cost = soloing alternative

take any dojo base toxin damage weapon for any slot to just cheese around the shields

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28 minutes ago, master_of_destiny said:





If I only have to respond in a single word...maybe "Tool" instead of cringe.  Specifically, Deadblow hammer for being completely useless in almost every situation yet perennially chosen by those who don't know what they are doing.

Treated you with the same level of respect you've shown to everyone else.

No point in a long, drawn out, thousand-word response to your complaints because, even if I wrote a book, you have made it extremely clear via your posts that you think anyone that disagrees with you is somehow mentally deficient, and that you are not open to any reality besides the one you have constructed in your head.

I am comfortable leaving it here. The changes will go through, and you'll have to find something else to gatekeep in Warframe - like if DE ever lowers Primed Sure Footed from 400 days to 200, or something equally apocalyptic to your sense of achievement. 

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On 2023-10-04 at 5:31 PM, Voltage said:

These content updates are later game missions that you're expected to have Focus for. Steel Path is not something for a player who hasn't bothered with Focus. The same goes for Arbitrations and all sorts of other content. The only piece of content that contradicts itself with Focus is Eidolons.

Not everything has to be accessible to players who aren't progressed.

steel path can be reached by MR4-7 players about 2-3 weeks after first installing the game, if the new players joining our clan are any indication.
you can't expect to retain new player to the game if you tell them "congratulations on finishing the star chart, please remain there or in arbitrations for the next 6 months, while you grind out focus".

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10 hours ago, 3mptylord said:

Is there room to make the Overshield cap scale with Power Strength in this update?

why would it?

35 minutes ago, AxilliaPrime said:

steel path can be reached by MR4-7 players about 2-3 weeks after first installing the game, if the new players joining our clan are any indication.
you can't expect to retain new player to the game if you tell them "congratulations on finishing the star chart, please remain there or in arbitrations for the next 6 months, while you grind out focus".

u grind out focus in duviri ffs

u dont even need lenses

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1 hour ago, AxilliaPrime said:

i am pretty sure the idea is to be able to earn everything necessary to install an incarnon genesis adapter, namely the adapter AND pathos clamps purely from playing warframe content - the circuit.

rather than forcing people who like warframe but hate melee drifter to engage in that soulframe alpha test upstairs, just so we can get our warframe gear, from actual real warframe content.

yes, correct, i am complaining that they DON'T llet me "$$$" for pathos clamps, but force me to play soulframe pre-alpha instead of my space ninja game.

dont play the content then?

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2 minutes ago, (PSN)Spider_Enigma said:

why would it?

u grind out focus in duviri ffs

u dont even need lenses

without having a lens for a school, you can't earn the initial 50K focus to unlock the school, so you literally need a lens to be able to make the school active, to earn for it in duviri.

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1 hour ago, AxilliaPrime said:

steel path can be reached by MR4-7 players about 2-3 weeks after first installing the game, if the new players joining our clan are any indication.
you can't expect to retain new player to the game if you tell them "congratulations on finishing the star chart, please remain there or in arbitrations for the next 6 months, while you grind out focus".

If you grind your way into Steel Path in 3 weeks, you won't take 6 months to get Focus to a point where Steel Path is more manageable. You're also omitting the entire Forma system, modding in general, Arcanes, and general build knowledge. Focus alone doesn't make you Steel Path ready, and it's just another point of progression. Moving players through Focus faster doesn't actually serve them better, it just lowers the bar further on more late-game activities.

At the end of the day I really don't care. I finished Focus multiple times over 6 years ago now. I was just agreeing with the sentiment another user brought up regarding progression.

Edited by Voltage
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3 hours ago, Voltage said:

If you grind your way into Steel Path in 3 weeks, you won't take 6 months to get Focus to a point where Steel Path is more manageable. You're also omitting the entire Forma system, modding in general, Arcanes, and general build knowledge. Focus alone doesn't make you Steel Path ready, and it's just another point of progression. Moving players through Focus faster doesn't actually serve them better, it just lowers the bar further on more late-game activities.

At the end of the day I really don't care. I finished Focus multiple times over 6 years ago now. I was just agreeing with the sentiment another user brought up regarding progression.

Maxing Out the Focus System cost 52,500.000 Focus & 10 Brilliant Eidolon Shards
The floor for earnable Focus per day is 250.000, increasing by 5.000 per MR,

You can currently theoretically earn:
250.000 at MR0
300.000 at MR10
350.000 at MR 20
400.000 at MR30
415.00 at LR3

this means you currently need:
210 days to max the System at MR0
168 days to max the System at MR10
150 days to max the System at MR20
132 days to max the System at MR30
127 days to max the System at LR3

this means you need between ~ 18 to 30 weeks to max the Focus System currently, 
even if you somehow P2W yourself to LR3 before you are even introduced to the focus system, and can daily earn the aboslute maximum amount of focus possible in the game right now every day without fail, you will still need OVER 4 MONTHS to max it.

Depending on your actual progress, it falls somewhere between little over 4 months, and 7 months, but more realistically 5-6.

Edited by AxilliaPrime
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On 2023-09-28 at 6:02 PM, [DE]Taylor said:

Steel Path Circuit Reward Path - New Riven Option!
For those who have acquired all of the Incarnons via the Steel Path Circuit, we want to offer you additional rewards for this game mode. With Drifter Opportunity Intrinsics at Rank 9, you will be presented with 3 Veiled Rivens in addition to the weekly Incarnon rotation for your Circuit Reward Path! 

Just like the Incarnon Geneses, the order you pick the Rivens will determine what Rank you need to complete in the Circuit to earn them. 

Unless you increase the riven cap. we have no use for more rivens we can't store. 😔 There are around 2.5x more possible rivens than available slots (180). And every update with new weapons makes it harder to decide, which rivens to trash - rivens, that we spent hours and hours on farming for. It's inconceivable why the capacity doesn't increase with total weapon count. ⬆️⬆️⬆️

Edited by Mixnek
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35 minutes ago, AxilliaPrime said:

Maxing Out the Focus System cost 52,500.000 Focus & 10 Brilliant Eidolon Shards
The floor for earnable Focus per day is 250.000, increasing by 5.000 per MR,

You can currently theoretically earn:
250.000 at MR0
300.000 at MR10
350.000 at MR 20
400.000 at MR30
415.00 at LR3

this means you currently need:
210 days to max the System at MR0
168 days to max the System at MR10
150 days to max the System at MR20
132 days to max the System at MR30
127 days to max the System at LR3

this means you need between ~ 18 to 30 weeks to max the Focus System currently, 
even if you somehow P2W yourself to LR3 before you are even introduced to the focus system, and can daily earn the aboslute maximum amount of focus possible in the game right now every day without fail, you will still need OVER 4 MONTHS to max it.

Depending on your actual progress, it falls somewhere between little over 4 months, and 7 months, but more realistically 5-6.

Converting shards into focus doesn't count towards the daily focus cap. The time it takes to max. it is hence greatly shorter than your calculations. 

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Ember will be heavily hurt by the shield gate changes. if her inferno bug that has been in the game since September last year is not fixed.

Currently inferno casts do not provide shields for the energy spent which they did prior to update Update 32.0 (2022-09-07) "Fixed Brief Respite Warframe Aura Mod affecting the Operator.", causing this issue for any Warframe with "energy per target" abilities which applies to two frames. Ember and Ash.

With Ember being heavily effected by this, as inferno max cost is 100 energy. with only fire blast being her other reoccurring cast ability. as fireball is her most subsume off ability. 

this is a major issue for her survivability as a whole. is part of the main reason people consider her in a bad state even though she is very strong other then this issue and her inability to armor strip acolytes and demos STILL (also a bug that needs fixed). 

its most probably the only viable route for ember through the shield gate changes is to use Catalyzing shields as one cast of fireblast would allow her to avoid death as this will give her 92 shield pool. but this also means removing 1 mod. the side effect of removing a single mod from ember push's her into a very linear line of build set up mainly focused around nourish being the subsume in use, making best possible builds for her all the same. where as currently there is multi options for her based around shard use. 

In conclusion my main suggesting for fixing ember Beyond fixing her inferno not functioning with energy spent to shield mods and her fireblast not effecting Acolytes and demos, would be to make exothermic a base part of her ability rather then an augment, and instead provide an augment that makes inferno apply magnetic procs on impact proc with a name like circuit overheat. 

Edit: also Arcane Steadfast would be better changed to be "on ability cast: 20% chance for the next three abilities to be refunded" instead of "abilites will not cost energy" as this hurts shield gating ats its 3 ability casts that block BR and augur mods.

thank you for coming to my ted talk. 

Edited by Grimm
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Everything here looks good, except for the Archon changes.

In short, damage attenuation sucks. Hard. It is a terrible mechanic that isn't explained, and I'd wager not understood by a majority of the community. One-shot builds exist primarily as a crutch because 1.) Archon fights aren't fun and 2.) because the attenuation mechanic isn't explained and poorly understood, doing the mission with randos can easily turn into a prolonged slog as players keep firing and the attenuation keeps building.

The Archon fights themselves are, with the exception of Boreal (kinda), just "go here, kill the super spongy boss thing, and when its health bar turns invincible, kill the adds that spawn". Boreal has the mechanic with the glowing pyramid you have to shoot the vertices on as a mechanic, but that's it. The other 2 just have adds, and a token "hide" ability. It isn't fun. Every week, I just want the damned thing over so I can roll for a tauforged shard. I do not want to sit in that mission for 5+ mission because damage attenuation has reduced my group's damage to 1%, and never resets because people won't stop shooting. I'm at the point where I will intentionally not revive my party so the attenuation stops building. If you insist on a mechanic like this, a hard cap on damage that can be dealt per shot is far preferable, in my opinion.

One-shot builds aren't that fun either, but at least it's over quickly. If you want to remove one-shotting Archons, make the fights fun to play first.

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17 hours ago, (PSN)Spider_Enigma said:

why would it?

For consistency with ability-sources of health, armor and overguard? Why should Warframes that grant Overshield be capped at an unmoddable 1200 value? Why not have the Overshield cap be 1200 x Power Strength? 

And by "why not" I'm not wholly being facetious. My initial question was "is there room?" because I genuinely do not understand why Overshields has a cap when the other stats don't. If Wisp can give someone 300 x Power Strength health (which regularly reaches +3000 including Energy Conversion, Power Drain, Infusions and Void Buffs), and Styanax can give up to 15000 x Power Strength overguard - why can Trinity/Mag/Equinox/Caliban only give people up to 1200 (unmoddable) shields?

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