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Hey Digital Extremes I come you to you as your Tenno of the game and It really gets me over when players are trying to be cheap merchants and WTB Prime Junk for 4p or 5p or 6p, The best I ever seen someone was do was WTB Prime junk for 15p but when did the Warframe market and it's people become so cheap? it's like I hard so hard for the rare prime junk I get and 100 Ducats items of rare for what just to get 4p or 5p or 9p or something cheap for a whole set of 100 ducats or other prime junk it outta be more then just that low amount in my view it is a huge issue and I hope it can be fixed by you all.

I did message Invite to someone and they told me 5p each trade and it made my blood boil so much beyond Imagination only for them to laugh in my face that I did not want to do it with them and had ignored them for Wanting to buy for such cheap prices. 

It really gets to me and I have alot of message me telling me it not right at this moment they might as well keep there prime Junk if there aren't good Warframe WTB Merchants in game willing to help out any player who needs Plat for more Weapon Slots or Frame Slots or whatever the case may be, I hope we can fix it to where we have either 15p or just higher at the merchants wanting to buy Prime Junk from other players and not just laugh in there faces.

Alot in this game has Tons of Billion of Plat but why are they so cheap on it? It wasn't always this way but it really did change ALOT and has hurt us a community as we do work hard for the prime stuff we get in game, I just hope we can solve it as a Warframe community as we do always find some solution for things to be fixed.

I mostly see PS4 Players doing it by alot of times like If I do a Invite to a WTB should be fair trades not if I put a side up for 45 ducats or 100 ducats item across the row and to get 4p or 5p or 9p just seems so horrible and terrible by a ton.



Edited by (PSN)ChristinaLove553
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I do agree it’s been harder and harder to sell at a good price for my Augments and Dragon Key mods I grind for.

I had to sell a good amount for only 1-2 Plat and suck up “thanks slave” comments for almost a month. I have no idea where these people came from.

Edited by Turritopsis_Dohrnii
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Honestly, low-ballers have been around forever. Just ignore them, I've seen people posting WTB for things like Lato Vandal barrel for like 20P, I kinda just chuckle. Usually they are posting all night.

The equation you have to work with, is: What's its value to someone else VS what's its value to you? If those two points intersect then you get a sale, if not then the part stays unsold.

I usually sell max rank primed mods pretty cheap because I have almost a million endo again (AFTER I maxed out every single mod in the game) so endo isn't that valuable to me anymore. But there are things that take a LOT of time and effort to get that I think hold their value well.

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I just see it as hard working player that puts in time and effort for sets or just normal prime just should get what they farm for gesh XD If you like those cheap WTB then you don't simply appreciate hard working Tenno players who put in time and effort to get alot of prime stuff or whatever it is to sell for Play,

I made 3 hundred plat in one trade if I can all of you can too.

I just usually ignore those cheap merchants and they should be ashamed WTB at that price and they have tons of Plat

I already have my Ducats high at Baro and also get what I need from him, If there is anything for me to obtain I usually do get it XD

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There's kind of a skill in knowing how to spot a good trade in the sea of ads from players. You're bound to find people that are speaking outside what would be a good deal for you. It is what it is and you just have to ignore them and move on. The more time you spend talking to those people, the more likely you are to miss a good sale in chat.

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29 minutes ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

Truth is that plat is too much of a pain to deal with, and then selling stuff takes forever cuz you gotta wait for a buyer. In other words, the trading system is not very fun, especially when you can't sell passively like in many other games. 

Yeah so most people would rather get less to have plat instantly, which is why when you have 5 stacks of prime junk you don't want, someone would rather just sell it and make cash then hold onto it in case they get other parts or someone offers more.

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1 minute ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

Yeah so most people would rather get less to have plat instantly, which is why when you have 5 stacks of prime junk you don't want, someone would rather just sell it and make cash then hold onto it in case they get other parts or someone offers more.

There should be:

  • Passive vending
  • Some very small amount of plat as a login reward
  • Ways to convert some other resources/currencies into plat at a rate that doesn't mess up the economy
  • An ingame way to search for specific items for sale
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If people are repeatedly offering a different amount than what you expected

perhaps it is your expectation that is wrong? and not everyone else?

This is the nature of a Free Market, prices are determined by what people are Willing to Pay, not by what you expected to sell for.



anyway, about 5p for prime parts junk, is about what I see on average for playstation prices

so you probably shouldn't be getting mad over people offering to pay that... seems pretty standard

Edited by (PSN)haphazardlynamed
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6 hours ago, (PSN)ChristinaLove553 said:

Hey Digital Extremes I come you to you as your Tenno of the game and It really gets me over when players are trying to be cheap merchants and WTB Prime Junk for 4p or 5p or 6p, The best I ever seen someone was do was WTB Prime junk for 15p but when did the Warframe market and it's people become so cheap? it's like I hard so hard for the rare prime junk I get and 100 Ducats items of rare for what just to get 4p or 5p or 9p or something cheap for a whole set of 100 ducats or other prime junk it outta be more then just that low amount in my view it is a huge issue and I hope it can be fixed by you all.

I did message Invite to someone and they told me 5p each trade and it made my blood boil so much beyond Imagination only for them to laugh in my face that I did not want to do it with them and had ignored them for Wanting to buy for such cheap prices. 

It really gets to me and I have alot of message me telling me it not right at this moment they might as well keep there prime Junk if there aren't good Warframe WTB Merchants in game willing to help out any player who needs Plat for more Weapon Slots or Frame Slots or whatever the case may be, I hope we can fix it to where we have either 15p or just higher at the merchants wanting to buy Prime Junk from other players and not just laugh in there faces.

Alot in this game has Tons of Billion of Plat but why are they so cheap on it? It wasn't always this way but it really did change ALOT and has hurt us a community as we do work hard for the prime stuff we get in game, I just hope we can solve it as a Warframe community as we do always find some solution for things to be fixed.

I mostly see PS4 Players doing it by alot of times like If I do a Invite to a WTB should be fair trades not if I put a side up for 45 ducats or 100 ducats item across the row and to get 4p or 5p or 9p just seems so horrible and terrible by a ton.



Okay first off typing a wall of text in bold isnt gonna get you more attention.

Second, dude welcome to trade chat. Everyone and their mom wants a trade deal that benefits them. 


Yeah theres people that will blur the line between a mutually beneficial transaction and preying on ignorance but the way this rant is worded almost makes it sound like you think people who have plat are *obligated* to buy from new players.

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I never really understood prime junk. I just slap literally everything I want to get rid of up on warframe market and usually get like 500 plat within an hour. or a lot more if I happen to have a few valuable prime sets.

If you want fast plat without waiting for buy offers than look at the wtb section.

Plus you probably have stacks of mods in your inventory you have no idea individually sell for more than prime junk sales.

The whole prime junk thing always seemed terribly inefficient and strange to me. I'd rather have the ducats from my spare prime parts, and just sell something else. I don't understand how it emerged as a common player transaction.

Edited by PollexMessier
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6 hours ago, taiiat said:

if you're expecting a 'lot' for your junk, sounds like either it isn't actually junk and you should sell it as Sets or something more valuable
you're the one actually trying to ""get over"" others.

I don't as I put in the hard work to get sets and other rare 100 ducat items and other stuff, so you think it's fair to get 4p for a row of 100 ducat items? when I grind and bust my ass in the game every single dang day and I don't even play any other game as please tell me how it's me getting over them when it's not fair that players get WTB offers of cheap low prices when it should be more, Btw I have alot of people reaching out to me telling me to tell them as I do every day to let them know to avoid those types of players who want cheap WTB offers but i am not getting over others so you need to stop thinking that!

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2 hours ago, (XBOX)ECCHO SIERRA said:

Okay first off typing a wall of text in bold isnt gonna get you more attention.

Second, dude welcome to trade chat. Everyone and their mom wants a trade deal that benefits them. 


Yeah theres people that will blur the line between a mutually beneficial transaction and preying on ignorance but the way this rant is worded almost makes it sound like you think people who have plat are *obligated* to buy from new players.

Um I wasn't really trying to get alot of attention with my Bold in doing it but okay you can think that and it's part of the game when most have thousand or billions of plat there is no reason to be so cheap to players who are giving there prime junk or rare mods or acranes or whatever it may be to them and mostly I meet new players who are the ones who I give my prime Junk too and they give me fair plat trades always when their on, I just need more WF merchants is all.

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6 hours ago, (PSN)haphazardlynamed said:

If people are repeatedly offering a different amount than what you expected

perhaps it is your expectation that is wrong? and not everyone else?

This is the nature of a Free Market, prices are determined by what people are Willing to Pay, not by what you expected to sell for.



anyway, about 5p for prime parts junk, is about what I see on average for playstation prices

so you probably shouldn't be getting mad over people offering to pay that... seems pretty standard

5p for a whole new Prime set you think that's fair? it's so not when a player plays to do hard work they should get what there hard work is worth, it's why even give prime stuff or acranes or anything away if it's gonna be for a cheap price

OH Grendel Prime is coming out sooner to soon why don't you sell it the whole set when you get it for 5p and see how that goes! >_< no one wants to sell a new Prime set for 5p or bust there butts getting it knowing how hard the drops are to get new prime frames or weapons in the game as everything is a rare drop! I collect alot of things in game as I am Legendary one in the game and have been ranking up leveling up new weapons and things I get in game that rare! if you get a rare weapon that you have the whole set for oh why don't we just sell it for 4p no no no they are never gonna do that because it's a rare and so is everything that you get in the game that is prime wise as mostly are RARE DROPS duh!

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9 hours ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

Because sometimes I want platinum and giving people all my prime junk for 1-2p each is easy money that doesn't require me to spam in trade chat.

but that getting over people who bust there butts playing the game and working hard to get prime junk and rare Prime things in the game, I do Arbitration for the longest time and I earn acranes and other rare things in game but in this game lets just sell everything for 1-p each that we work hard for in game wouldn't that be fun to do >_< NOT!

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