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6 hours ago, (PSN)haphazardlynamed said:

If people are repeatedly offering a different amount than what you expected

perhaps it is your expectation that is wrong? and not everyone else?

This is the nature of a Free Market, prices are determined by what people are Willing to Pay, not by what you expected to sell for.



anyway, about 5p for prime parts junk, is about what I see on average for playstation prices

so you probably shouldn't be getting mad over people offering to pay that... seems pretty standard

Grendel Prime hits the market and the full set of it is gonna be 5p nope don't see it, oh it's a RARE and a RARE drop right so why are ones being so cheap when it comes to giving plat if you have a whole set of Grendel Prime or any new frame shouldn't it be more or any whole set of a frame or 100 ducat items or just hard working prime stuff should be something more then me putting out a slide of prime stuff just to get 5p is just dumb as can be!

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9 hours ago, m_a_r_c_h_ said:

I have 4 plat and doing just fine in SP.

you must not know how to trade then and make much Plat and if you do Steel Path you should have last long in missions without going down while doing Steel Path, you could get more then what you ask for in game just have to know how to find a great merchant who pays good.

Like I said the best merchant I seen was 15p but I have a friend who at times is on to give me Plat but I still need more merchants to take my prime stuff for plat or whatever the case may be as I do have tons of items in the game to give.

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7 hours ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

There should be:

  • Passive vending
  • Some very small amount of plat as a login reward
  • Ways to convert some other resources/currencies into plat at a rate that doesn't mess up the economy
  • An ingame way to search for specific items for sale

Tbh I did think of a sister to lich Plat Bounties for players to do so they could get paid plat for even more of there hard work of completing those types of bounties for plat but that sounds really good by a ton and would be epic to get small amount of plat as a login reward and all.😁😄🤩

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28 minutes ago, (PSN)ChristinaLove553 said:

so you think it's fair to get 4p for a row of 100 ducat items?

you have the agency to choose what you're inserting into the Trade Menu.

whatever is 'fair' is whatever other Players are willing to pay for the same thing.

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If you want higher prices for prime junk, sell them at more in demand times, like when Baro is here, especially towards the end of his rotation and when there are higher demand items (New items, common prime mods, special weapon variants just for some examples), or specifically around tennocon because people make use of baros entire stock with tennocon. Otherwise you should expect the price to decrease over time forever, because as demand decreases and supply increases, the price people are willing to pay changes alongside it. 

And sometimes the convenience is worth more to the seller than the amount of platinum they're getting from the trade. 

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1 hour ago, (PSN)ChristinaLove553 said:

you must not know how to trade then and make much Plat and if you do Steel Path you should have last long in missions without going down while doing Steel Path, you could get more then what you ask for in game just have to know how to find a great merchant who pays good.

Like I said the best merchant I seen was 15p but I have a friend who at times is on to give me Plat but I still need more merchants to take my prime stuff for plat or whatever the case may be as I do have tons of items in the game to give.

My point was that you don't really need to waste time trading. I'd rather play the game. And free markets will do what they do...

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5 hours ago, (PSN)ChristinaLove553 said:

but that getting over people who bust there butts playing the game and working hard to get prime junk and rare Prime things in the game, I do Arbitration for the longest time and I earn acranes and other rare things in game but in this game lets just sell everything for 1-p each that we work hard for in game wouldn't that be fun to do >_< NOT!

Then play Duviri and sell the rivens you get.

That's the other easy way to get plat. 

Or you know, sell the arcanes from Eidolons like all the rich people do. 

Technically it's not simply "getting over people" or scamming them: it's an investment. The buyer takes an investment by offering like 200 plat buying people's junk, and then he tries to match all the stuff that's more useful and sell enough to make profit. I make plat (alongside other sellers), and in exchange, offer the buyer the ability to potentially make more plat. (Something literally done in real life with materials and other merchandise.)

So if done correctly it's a win-win for buyer and seller. 

And if you want to make more plat then do some investing yourself and use the plat you got to buy rivens you can increase the value of.

Edited by (XBOX)Upl0rdYT
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2 hours ago, (PSN)ChristinaLove553 said:

but that getting over people who bust there butts playing the game and working hard to get prime junk and rare Prime things in the game, 

Also I typically hold on to the rare prime stuff for myself and only sell the bronze/silver items. 


Also people can complete relic fissures in <1 minute so reality is, getting 60 plat or more an hour isn't that bad of a deal.

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3 hours ago, (PSN)ChristinaLove553 said:

Um I wasn't really trying to get alot of attention with my Bold in doing it but okay you can think that and it's part of the game when most have thousand or billions of plat there is no reason to be so cheap to players who are giving there prime junk or rare mods or acranes or whatever it may be to them and mostly I meet new players who are the ones who I give my prime Junk too and they give me fair plat trades always when their on, I just need more WF merchants is all.

>it wasnt attention seeking

Then why do it?

>thousand or billions of plat

Nobody has billions of plat. 

>no reason to be so cheap

You arent ENTITLED to other people's plat. 

And if you actually had plat, either because you bought it from the market with IRL money or because you learned how to use trade chat, you probably wouldnt be keen to give it away either.

People arent obligated to give you plat for common items and or literal junk tier loot just because you're a new player.

Everyone including me was a new player at some point and we all had to earn our plat by either paying for it or learning what people are willijg to pay for and investing time and  effort getting those things and more time and effort selling them.


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3 hours ago, (PSN)ChristinaLove553 said:

I don't as I put in the hard work to get sets and other rare 100 ducat items and other stuff, so you think it's fair to get 4p for a row of 100 ducat items? when I grind and bust my ass in the game every single dang day and I don't even play any other game

Imagine thinking an in-game currency is something to work hard over. Get a real job and then you can buy 1000s of plat for less effort, and spend the rest on stuff like groceries and beer!

Edited by CephalonCarnage
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Some of your replies make it sound like you're running relics specifically to make prime junk sales.

This is probably one of the worst ways to make platinum. Prime junk is more of a "I want a little plat on the fly so I'll just dump some junk I don't need" thing, then a "I'll put in a lot of effort specifically to make plat off of this" sort of thing.

You'd probably have a lot more success target-farming sets, or something that's not even primes. The mirror defense Arcanes go for a decent chunk of change rn. And if you do some market digging you can find some obscure things that sell for weirdly high amounts of plat just cus noone thinks to sell them so the supply is low. I did this with Sporothrix once and made a hilarious amount of platinum off of it. It's still worth a stupidly large chink of platinum for how easy it is to farm, tho it probably sells a lot slower now.

If you don't like the plat income you're getting off prime junk. Do something else. There's a lot of ways to make platinum.

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vor 16 Stunden schrieb (PSN)ChristinaLove553:

Hey Digital Extremes I come you to you as your Tenno of the game and It really gets me over when players are trying to be cheap merchants and WTB Prime Junk for 4p or 5p or 6p, The best I ever seen someone was do was WTB Prime junk for 15p but when did the Warframe market and it's people become so cheap? it's like I hard so hard for the rare prime junk I get and 100 Ducats items of rare for what just to get 4p or 5p or 9p or something cheap for a whole set of 100 ducats or other prime junk it outta be more then just that low amount in my view it is a huge issue and I hope it can be fixed by you all.

I did message Invite to someone and they told me 5p each trade and it made my blood boil so much beyond Imagination only for them to laugh in my face that I did not want to do it with them and had ignored them for Wanting to buy for such cheap prices. 

It really gets to me and I have alot of message me telling me it not right at this moment they might as well keep there prime Junk if there aren't good Warframe WTB Merchants in game willing to help out any player who needs Plat for more Weapon Slots or Frame Slots or whatever the case may be, I hope we can fix it to where we have either 15p or just higher at the merchants wanting to buy Prime Junk from other players and not just laugh in there faces.

Alot in this game has Tons of Billion of Plat but why are they so cheap on it? It wasn't always this way but it really did change ALOT and has hurt us a community as we do work hard for the prime stuff we get in game, I just hope we can solve it as a Warframe community as we do always find some solution for things to be fixed.

I mostly see PS4 Players doing it by alot of times like If I do a Invite to a WTB should be fair trades not if I put a side up for 45 ducats or 100 ducats item across the row and to get 4p or 5p or 9p just seems so horrible and terrible by a ton.



If you are selling prime junk, you are literally scamming yourself 100% of the time, even if the prices were doubled.

If you are buying prime junk, you are smart and make piles of platinum every single day without even playing the game.

It's time to switch sides.

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I agree but the best option is to ignore them really I instantly ignore cheap sellers who wtb 100 ducats for a measly 5p it’s gross however the best thing to do is let newer players know not to do such bad trades

Coming here to complain to DE about a player driven market is like going to the CEO of Nike about Shoe resellers what do you truly want them to do about it? That’s not on THEM

Edited by (PSN)RB3-Reloaded
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20 hours ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

There should be:

  • Passive vending
  • Some very small amount of plat as a login reward
  • Ways to convert some other resources/currencies into plat at a rate that doesn't mess up the economy
  • An ingame way to search for specific items for sale

•There already is

•lol why bother it would be un-tradable anyways

•Not even in HELL

•There’s already a feature to filter trade chat if you are looking for a specific thing

I’ve said this once and I’ll say it again what DE should do is simply make things like Orokin reactors Orokin Catalyst Forma and Certain Slot types aka evergreen items (that players will most likely be farming platinum for) more accessible.

and do it in a way that will FORCE ppl who want access to it do interactive gameplay only and  not even the slight chance of “meta” and “afk” farm but everytime I bring up pvp the player base scream and pee their diapers.

It is the only feasible way that won’t ruin the economy because the idea of converting resources to platinum absolutely will crash it or will absolutely not be worth it with little to no space in between, with that space quickly being obliterated as soon as a “meta farming method” is found like the player base finds with everything in this game.

You also gotta take into account that DE NEED to make money and in game cosmetics and resources such as catalyst ect are their “platinum sink” to remove platinum from the economy if not platinum is just going from hands of player to player with no real way of getting “rid” of it.

So now with your idea of spending resources to earn platinum it will truly crash without a shrivel of a doubt

Edited by (PSN)RB3-Reloaded
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17 hours ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

There should be:

  • Passive vending
  • Some very small amount of plat as a login reward
  • Ways to convert some other resources/currencies into plat at a rate that doesn't mess up the economy
  • An ingame way to search for specific items for sale

None of these

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Meanwhile, I say Kudos! to DE for continuing to teach the underinformed on exactly how a Free Market actually functions in a game settings with no real consequences.

Life lessons in a virtual reality, priceless.

I have watched players beg DE to come in and play Mommy or Daddy and make all the 'bad plat sellers' adhere to some arbitrary standard for years.

It remains one of the hilarious re-runs on these forums.

Those players filled with impatient FOMO combined with an entitled outlook on having some 'inalienable right' to acquire anything in the game on demand, from plat to 'god' rivens, provide me so much entertainment, I sometimes feel like I should mail them plat myself!

Tilt on Don, tilt on!

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11 hours ago, (PSN)ChristinaLove553 said:

I don't as I put in the hard work to get sets and other rare 100 ducat items and other stuff, so you think it's fair to get 4p for a row of 100 ducat items?

Not sure whether I should tell you, but did it ever come to your mind what you could do with those ducats?

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Prime JUNK means 15 ducat items, not 100 ducat items. Perhaps you've misunderstood what 'junk' means.

Some people will also include prices for 45 and 100 ducat items. E.g. wtb prime parts 15d 1p/45d 3p/100d 10p. Or they may even specify something like "wtb parime parts 100d 45p full trades only".

When you're seeing "wtb prime junk 5p full trades" they asking for 15ducat items, not 100ducat. That's not to say they might be hoping you accidentally give a 45/100ducat item. 

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This is just the nature of a free market.  Purchases are a zero-sum game, which means that a sale that's better for a buyer is worse for a seller, and a sale that's better for a seller is worse for a buyer.  Thus, sellers will sell for the highest prices they can because that's what benefits them, and buyers will buy for the cheapest prices they can because that's what benefits them.

If DE stepped in to do something about any of this, it wouldn't make the game better.  Because anything that makes your sales better makes things worse for the people you're selling to, and anything that makes your purchases better makes things worse for the people you're buying from.  And in that way, it all evens out.  There are some solid reasons to regulate such transactions in the real world where supply chains and power structures can make things extremely complex, but in the context of Warframe I don't see any benefit to that since everything is 1-on-1 bartering.

That said, if you're not feeling great about free markets, you might enjoy learning more about the work of certain people who felt similarly.

Edited by (PSN)Unstar
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8 hours ago, (XBOX)ECCHO SIERRA said:

>it wasnt attention seeking

Then why do it?

>thousand or billions of plat

Nobody has billions of plat. 

>no reason to be so cheap

You arent ENTITLED to other people's plat. 

And if you actually had plat, either because you bought it from the market with IRL money or because you learned how to use trade chat, you probably wouldnt be keen to give it away either.

People arent obligated to give you plat for common items and or literal junk tier loot just because you're a new player.

Everyone including me was a new player at some point and we all had to earn our plat by either paying for it or learning what people are willijg to pay for and investing time and  effort getting those things and more time and effort selling them.


did I say that they are obligated to give me plat nope I didn't say that at all, so stop putting in words in my mouth! I know they aren't reason why I make great friends with my merchants who I have and they also thank  me for giving them prime stuff to even getting more plat. I did the bold because I just wanted too duh why does anyone wanna do something matter fact I would enjoy seeing you at a 1 on 1 Arbitration battle to see who last the longest sense you come on my page trying to start off things lets see who really is the BEST at the game. when will you be on to do it? because I would out do you and last the longest so knock it off with trying to put words in my mouth asswipe! >_<

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39 minutes ago, (PSN)iuvenilis said:

Prime JUNK means 15 ducat items, not 100 ducat items. Perhaps you've misunderstood what 'junk' means.

Some people will also include prices for 45 and 100 ducat items. E.g. wtb prime parts 15d 1p/45d 3p/100d 10p. Or they may even specify something like "wtb parime parts 100d 45p full trades only".

When you're seeing "wtb prime junk 5p full trades" they asking for 15ducat items, not 100ducat. That's not to say they might be hoping you accidentally give a 45/100ducat item. 

oooh okay that explains Alot thanks for clarifying that out for me without getting angry or trying to put words in my mouth like some people have done, but yet can't last long going one on one with me in a Infestation Arbitration match but you said it in the Best ways so thanks.

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11 minutes ago, (PSN)ChristinaLove553 said:

did I say that they are obligated to give me plat nope I didn't say that at all, so stop putting in words in my mouth! I know they aren't reason why I make great friends with my merchants who I have and they also thank  me for giving them prime stuff to even getting more plat. I did the bold because I just wanted too duh why does anyone wanna do something matter fact I would enjoy seeing you at a 1 on 1 Arbitration battle to see who last the longest sense you come on my page trying to start off things lets see who really is the BEST at the game. when will you be on to do it? because I would out do you and last the longest so knock it off with trying to put words in my mouth asswipe! >_<

also I have saw ALOT of online players with tons of billions of Plat specially on Youtube so know your stuff and know that often most players do and all, when it comes to having the Best fast hands in the game I always perform to high potential but yet you are trying to make me ought to be the villain in this when I am clearly not, so grow up and don't put try to put words in my mouth of what I said. 

I can out do you in game and what will you do just leave the mission of the Arbitration match one on one because I'm Better then you and you know it! so get real when you try to come at me over something being bold? and other things like come see me at them sticks! before you try to put words in my mouth, I get very pissy about when someone does that out of everyone who said something your the only one who wants to try to put words in my mouth so just don't do that if i didn't say it don't apply it!

1 minute ago, sly_squash said:

The most valuable prime junk...
... is the prime junk in your ❤️     :3

wait what? LOL! 🤣😆🤣

that gotta be the Best funniest one I seen all day OMG I love it!

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