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Abyss of Dagath: Hotfix 34.0.6


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28 minutes ago, Damocles said:

Honestly at this point, there should be some sort of compromise. Are frames/builds/loadouts like Vauban which centers around crowd control supposed to become useless? I think an exception should be made when an ability ULTIMATE is supposed to crowd control and does not. Or perhaps crowd control abilities should deplete overguard?

Just use one of the many blind/disarm abilities or augments that still work on Eximus just fine, like Breach Surge. Overguard is absurdly and senselessly bugged to block the casting of several damaging/defensive abilities, and to not block a bunch of CC. Probably never gonna get fixed either.

Edited by Traumtulpe
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il y a 38 minutes, [DE]Megan a dit :

Enemies with Overguard are immune to crowd control abilities/effects, and should not be affected by Magus Anomaly until after Overguard has been removed. 

Could we get some consistency on that part ? Some sources of crowd control work just fine on overguard, this is very unreliable 

It's also unfair because the CC that does work is (for instance) Wisp's blind from breach surge, and wisp doesn't really need the CC, much unlike frames with gameplay that relies on CC to work (hello limbo and vauban)

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39 minutes ago, Damocles said:

Honestly at this point, there should be some sort of compromise. Are frames/builds/loadouts like Vauban which centers around crowd control supposed to become useless? I think an exception should be made when an ability ULTIMATE is supposed to crowd control and does not. Or perhaps crowd control abilities should deplete overguard?

I'm sorry but crowd control in Warframe has always been, and is still, EXTREMELY strong. Vauban is not useless. His 4 is still one of the strongest abilities in the entire game. Vauban's issues stem from the fact that the rest of his kit is very lackluster. 

If you want Vauban changes I would recommend posting in the Warframe feedback section, as his kit could use a second rework in my opinion. But if your view is that crowd control abilities are useless now, then I'm sorry but that is a skill issue. Just shoot the enemies with Overguard to deplete it. If you're frustrated with his low survivability or the fact that his abilities are rather clunky and overlap in what they're trying to accomplish, then I'd really recommend posting those thoughts in the Warframe feedback section :) 

Eximus and Overguard make this game a lot more engaging and fun because it can no longer be completely trivialized via massive crowd control abilities like it used to. 

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18 minutes ago, Ghastly-Ghoul said:

When can we expect abilities like Breach Surge to be fixed? It should not be able to crowd control eximus through overguard.

Or, better yet, it and other abilities like it could have reduced effect.  In some cases, like Breach Surge's blind, it could be a shortened duration.  In other case it would need to be more creative, because knockdowns, ragdolls, and so on are all or nothing.  But they could imitate Bastille and Tornado and instead inflict a slow on targets that are immune to the main CC.

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Nothing works like it should and tons of additional bugs.


Pack leader still does not prock from Exodia Contagion from status DOTs or persistent gas clouds, so in higher levels above base steel path pets die allot more than before the rework.

(Edit) and zenistar disc aura does not prock Pack Leader too.


Seismic bond shock wave does not trigger any status effects or armour strip from Vicious bond or combo count from Tandem bond so it’s very much useless.


Aerial bond cold AOE field does not grow to 10m it just stays at very small circle regardless how long you are in the air.


Duplex bond clone attacks do not prock effects from other bond mods that should activate on both normal melee attacks and ranged melee tacks from deconstructor.

So no shock wave from Seismic bond no armour strip from vicious bond and no combo from tandem bond.


The worst bugs that I was experiencing was the reduced damage output on allot if not all of the weapons and I’m talking 80-95% less damage


The worst affected was the catabolyst reload grenade it can do just a sliver of HP to the enemies that where previously one shoted several times over.


Other weapons affected:

Sporelacer and catchmoon secondary, Furis Lex and dual toxocyst incarnon, Argonak, Synoid simulor.

I was trying different weapons with vastly different mechanics and all of them are affected.


Other buggs:


Catabolyst grenade failing to deploy about 50% if you are standing on the ground and 100% failure if you are aim glaiding.


Felarx 4th evolution brutal edge bonus stats are not affected by mods this is an old one please fix DE.


There are tons of other bugs but I do not want to type 20 pages.

Edited by ConanThLibrarian
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43 minutes ago, Binket_ said:

Because nerfing all the good ones isn't the goal.

Gloom just happens to be a terrible choice that people cling onto.
Provides a 95% slowdown (which is filthy by the way) that nobody can reasonably stop.
You don't need "healing" if nothing can even shoot at that point. Not that people really need it considering that Shields exist.
All for the same reasons people play Inaros, the hamsters went on vacation and never came back.

It's like unwanted solicitors when I'm in a mission.
I get somebody using it and suddenly I have an increasingly vital urge to just the leave the mission as host unless I want to suffer boredom of the highest caliber.
This game is easy enough as is, we don't need to make sleeping on my desk seem more enthralling of an option.

This sounds like a you problem.

How about we don't balance the game around anecdotal preferences kthx

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4 minutes ago, Kaiga said:

This sounds like a you problem.

How about we don't balance the game around anecdotal preferences kthx

 No this is not just his problem gloom should be capped at 40% and yes warframe is very very boring all I can see is Immortal invisible shield gaters with one button armor strip and enemies that are doing nothing or their AI is disabled....which industry leader is balancing this thing🤮

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52 minutes ago, XHADgaming said:

Yet we can still be knocked back a billion miles even if you are immune to CC? I'd love to see that get fixed as well if we can't budge enemies an inch but they can move us an entire continent over regardless of status immunity.

LOL this one got me, YES knockback. Poor Kahl gest knock back now 20' form lil baby robit. and the Jackal dose an aoe that easy 50' radius for no reason and by all means dont get near the edge in circuit. lol. unfortunately i think its "Lifted" and not knockback , which is not an actual stat the player can change. 

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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:
  • Fixed enemies with Overguard being pulled by Magus Anomaly. 

    • Enemies with Overguard are immune to crowd control abilities/effects, and should not be affected by Magus Anomaly until after Overguard has been removed. 

1 hour ago, Damocles said:

Honestly at this point, there should be some sort of compromise. Are frames/builds/loadouts like Vauban which centers around crowd control supposed to become useless? I think an exception should be made when an ability ULTIMATE is supposed to crowd control and does not. Or perhaps crowd control abilities should deplete overguard?

1 hour ago, Voltage said:

At this point you guys should look into auditing crowd control like you did with healing when addressing Vazarin way back. There are several things that should and should not interact with Overguard. The more the game pushes to "DPS your way out of a mission", the more stale and homogenized builds become, which is a core pillar of what makes Warframe fun. 

Agreed. For some frames CC is their main and direct means of survivability and also their main role. I understand Overguard is there to not trivialize difficulty, but there should be a middle ground between immune and not immune. Eximus reworks (and arbitration drone rework) did their purpose of increasing difficulty, but completely killed CC as a main role for some warframes. Mainly Nyx and Limbo.
Speaking of Nyx, Chaos is a threat based CC, and with the exception of Chaos, all threat based CC abilities work on Overguard, so why doesn't Chaos? (I think Nyx could use a rework even beyond this fix btw. CC is not aging well, Psychic Bolts is clunky and could do more than defense strip, Absorb is like Hydroid's Puddle, and players are shoehorned into using Assimilate for survivability because of CC immune enemies, and that augment isn't fun to use for many players.)
Limbo's Stasis should slow CC immune enemies if they're not allowed to be completely stopped in time, and let their Overguard be damaged both from inside and outside of the rift.
Maybe make CC effectiveness scale with Ability Strength?

Support frames which heal HP are not aging well with the current enemy damage scaling of "taking any damage to HP is a 1shot" either for many frames, but that's not exactly on topic but still worth mentioning since it's also part of the "DPS your way out of a mission" gameplay.

Completely unrelated, but could you guys please fix Verdilac energy and emissive colors it's been bugged since TNW released, and that was more than a year ago.

Edited by Harutomata
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5 minutes ago, Kaiga said:

This sounds like a you problem.

How about we don't balance the game around anecdotal preferences kthx

Oh, by all means. Keep using an ability that slows down everything to a crawl, under a faux pretense of "support" in the most vague sense.
Enemies can no longer fight back, so what's the need for defense or offense? You've already won after all.
Where Defense missions suddenly triple in time and Survivals bottleneck until sleep is but an inevitable.
All the while we use weapons of mass destruction that can't even be dented unless you give the enemy the permission to do so.
Forgetting the most core aspect of what makes Warframe what it is, spitting upon it when it is brought up just to spite logic further.
Just so YOU can have fun, all at the expense of others who know what they're doing.

Oh, but right. Because this is some PvE fever dream, balance is a myth right?
Than why would you complain if I a Switch-Teleport you off a cliff? It's "my playstyle".

It's almost like abilities that make the game boring should be... y'know... made to be NOT boring to an extreme degree.
What do I know, hm? Not that any level of reason would change your mind on something as tempting as on "The One Ring", corruption included.

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Kahl is being heavily frozen by the cryo barrels in his mission and feels a bit excessive to say the least especially when in the mission perimeters are to freeze the target 2 times by shooting the barrels and kahl is not a sniper and needs to be near the spider in order to hit the barrel and how the pathing for the spider need the player to stand near it for the spider to be near you. not to mention for than 1 cryo beam on kahl from the robots in the corpus mission can statue you.


Edited by DirkSplit
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7 minutes ago, ConanThLibrarian said:

 No this is not just his problem gloom should be capped at 40% and yes warframe is very very boring all I can see is Immortal invisible shield gaters with one button armor strip and enemies that are doing nothing or their AI is disabled....which industry leader is balancing this thing🤮

That's the thing too, we have Shield-Gating that's been enhanced, Health Regen in spades, multiple methods of Damage Reduction.
Hell, just keeping mobile reduces most of the damage you'll ever take to 0 because they'll miss.

At this point, the only thing that abilities Gloom or Mesmer Skin serve is to enable players who DO NOT want to engage with the game.
I made the "One Ring" analogy in a previous reply, but it really is like that. They will not accept the possibility of playing the game without it until it's pried from their hands and cast into flame. Which is really upsetting because DE is known to enable those players to an unhealthy degree, like a family member with a very obvious drug problem.

It only hurts players who actively WANT better gameplay, since nothing DE could realistically design within an update can do much against a Revenant or other common forms of cheesing content without making it IMPOSSIBLE for the rest of the roster... that or incredibly annoying.
It's also why Nullifiers even exist to begin with. Players got WAY too overzealous trying to use overbearing abilities and this was designed as a direct counter.
See also: Overguard to an equally confusing result.

I ain't saying Nullifiers are that great, nor Overguard.
At the same time, let's accept that the issue is sometimes the playerbase. Refusing the possibility to adapt.
I feel like players at this point just wanna play Dynasty Warriors with an invincibility cheat-code on.
Mindless violence for the sake of apathetic entertainment.

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1 hour ago, PsychroPhoenix said:

Hydroid tentacles STILL BUGGED. NOT grabbing new enemies when the initial enemy is dead!! Cmon guys... It's his ult and it's supposed to grab new ones...

Works here. Is there some specific build you're using? Are you killing the enemies from the tentacle with something special?

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Glad that Voruna can use her 1 again, but her 4 still feels like a fraction of damage it used to do - it cannot kill SP armored enemies unless she uses her 2, procs viral and/or corrosive and heat, and that's still max combo we're talking about! It doesn't feel right, and it feels like her 2 is doing all the heavy liftin - not only damage-boosting, but damage-WISE. I know that there are quite a few frames that need buffs, but I don't recall one being broken on an update like this for quite some time. Please look into it, it used to be so much better!

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11 minutes ago, DirkSplit said:

LOL this one got me, YES knockback. Poor Kahl gest knock back now 20' form lil baby robit. and the Jackal dose an aoe that easy 50' radius for no reason and by all means dont get near the edge in circuit. lol. unfortunately i think its "Lifted" and not knockback , which is not an actual stat the player can change. 

Actually, you can affect this sort of knockback stat albeit the options are very limited. Make yourself invulnerable or grounded in some way. Assimilate is one way of doing it or an ability that grounds you in some way.

But yeah it sucks majorly in eidolon hunts where being knocked back means the lures follow you all the way out to 200 meters and get detached. And there isn't a single mod to change this other than maybe cast speed if you have an ability that can keep you grounded. If you are going to change the "CC" of enemy Overguard to not pull people than our own CC of prime sure footed or status effect immunity should also work against these, maybe not to the full effect but enough where it isn't done to the absurd degree of forcing you to hit a respawn barrier in an open world that it is at right now.

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5 minutes ago, Box-O-Soldier said:

Glad that Voruna can use her 1 again, but her 4 still feels like a fraction of damage it used to do - it cannot kill SP armored enemies unless she uses her 2, procs viral and/or corrosive and heat, and that's still max combo we're talking about! It doesn't feel right, and it feels like her 2 is doing all the heavy liftin - not only damage-boosting, but damage-WISE. I know that there are quite a few frames that need buffs, but I don't recall one being broken on an update like this for quite some time. Please look into it, it used to be so much better!

Her damage/scaling has not changed.

If you're seeing different results, you are either misremembering the damage you did before or have changed something that is affecting your build. The obvious thing is to recommend you double-check that you don't have an Extinguished Key equipped in your gear wheel.

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4 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

Her damage/scaling has not changed.

If you're seeing different results, you are either misremembering the damage you did before or have changed something that is affecting your build. The obvious thing is to recommend you double-check that you don't have an Extinguished Key equipped in your gear wheel.

I've got a recording of Voruna gameplay from before the update, and I compared the numbers - they *are* lower, ridiculously so, too. The only reason I can think of is her 4 somehow scaling with enemy armor, which not only was not the case before - it should *not* be the case, considering it's a bleed proc. It is lower, and I can tell it's significant from how it feels alone.

Also - I don't equip the dragon keys until I go vault hunting, and I always make sure not to have them equipped, I've done runs in the Simulacrum since the update after each patch, and my point still stands. And just in case, I even tried to check if maybe it was just a matter of how damage numbers are displayed, so I even checked that too - and it still remained the same.

Edited by Box-O-Soldier
Added more points I forgot about
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12 minutes ago, Binket_ said:

That's the thing too, we have Shield-Gating that's been enhanced, Health Regen in spades, multiple methods of Damage Reduction.
Hell, just keeping mobile reduces most of the damage you'll ever take to 0 because they'll miss.

At this point, the only thing that abilities Gloom or Mesmer Skin serve is to enable players who DO NOT want to engage with the game.
I made the "One Ring" analogy in a previous reply, but it really is like that. They will not accept the possibility of playing the game without it until it's pried from their hands and cast into flame. Which is really upsetting because DE is known to enable those players to an unhealthy degree, like a family member with a very obvious drug problem.

It only hurts players who actively WANT better gameplay, since nothing DE could realistically design within an update can do much against a Revenant or other common forms of cheesing content without making it IMPOSSIBLE for the rest of the roster... that or incredibly annoying.
It's also why Nullifiers even exist to begin with. Players got WAY too overzealous trying to use overbearing abilities and this was designed as a direct counter.
See also: Overguard to an equally confusing result.

I ain't saying Nullifiers are that great, nor Overguard.
At the same time, let's accept that the issue is sometimes the playerbase. Refusing the possibility to adapt.
I feel like players at this point just wanna play Dynasty Warriors with an invincibility cheat-code on.
Mindless violence for the sake of apathetic entertainment.

This is the result of 3 years of bad game design and very bad balancing something happened around the time of old blood update.

Warframe was the game with unrealized potential and now all potential has been reworked out of the game.



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