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DE Please give us old fortuna back.


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I am not the only person who has complained about this, I have seen posts about this on reddit and the official warframe forums(here x3) can we like get a way to get the old looks of fortuna as a toggable option, I used the always be so happy each time I got in fortuna and saw all the blues and purple, those cold colors are the best for fortuna ascetic, that narmer yellows and reds warm colors just makes me want to not play fortuna anymore, I dont really have nothing much to say, I just want my purple fortuna back, the narmer ascetic is just way to depressing and is like a really bad scar that never healed :(

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On 2023-11-15 at 9:49 AM, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

you could just enable Creator Mode, it will revert Fortuna and Cetus to their pre-war states. 

Doesn't work - just tried it.... still red :(

Edited by 0bsi
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Am 14.11.2023 um 12:44 schrieb MaxineSakei:

I am not the only person who has complained about this, I have seen posts about this on reddit and the official warframe forums(here x3) can we like get a way to get the old looks of fortuna as a toggable option, I used the always be so happy each time I got in fortuna and saw all the blues and purple, those cold colors are the best for fortuna ascetic, that narmer yellows and reds warm colors just makes me want to not play fortuna anymore, I dont really have nothing much to say, I just want my purple fortuna back, the narmer ascetic is just way to depressing and is like a really bad scar that never healed :(

why not? Maybe a cosmetic option in the shop? like 1k plat for reskin?
gogogogo sale team! or no new red Ferrari per year!

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57 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:



And because I like the sound of my own digital typed-out-in-my-head voice, I’ll explain why

The color red has a high (if not the highest) wavelength compared to other colors. This means looking at red for too long makes your eyes hurt your eyes, or makes it uncomfortable to look at for long periods of time. 
Tldr, red hurts, blue calm

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2 hours ago, Malikili said:


And because I like the sound of my own digital typed-out-in-my-head voice, I’ll explain why

The color red has a high (if not the highest) wavelength compared to other colors. This means looking at red for too long makes your eyes hurt your eyes, or makes it uncomfortable to look at for long periods of time. 
Tldr, red hurts, blue calm

And yet, the pain of red is nothing compared to the absolute agony of pure white.


I swear if I had a cent for every time my eyes were burned by a pure white website, I'd be swimming in cash.

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1 minute ago, o0Despair0o said:

And yet, the pain of red is nothing compared to the absolute agony of pure white.


I swear if I had a cent for every time my eyes were burned by a pure white website, I'd be swimming in cash.

Aight you got me there

Just the website logging you out introducing you to light mode is enough to make you a billionaire. 
Edit: Granted you’ll be a blind billionaire, but you can just pay people to be your eyes at that point. 

Edited by Malikili
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13 minutes ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

We're at the mercy of an ongoing story. I think DE would rather keep us in reminder that we screwed up in the war and now must live with it. Having a revert option would be cool but it would defeat that purpose.

not really

society rebuilds post-war, they can leave some remnants of the New War in Fortuna but make it close to how it was originally 

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3 hours ago, Malikili said:

The color red has a high (if not the highest) wavelength compared to other colors. This means looking at red for too long makes your eyes hurt your eyes, or makes it uncomfortable to look at for long periods of time. 

Tldr, red hurts, blue calm

I think you're confusing "high" with "long".
Red light has the longest wavelength between peaks of visible light, meanwhile blue light has the shortest wavelength between peaks of visible light.

The height of said peaks doesn't matter when it comes to colour, just the distance between the peaks is what determines what colour our eyes see.


Further red light has been proven to have a very low impact on the eyes, in so much that it won't disrupt night vision to nearly the same amount as a comparable amount of blue/white light will.

Further it has been proven that blue light can have a negative impact on your circadian rhythm and can have negative impact on sleep quality, which is why being on a phone, computer, or watching TV late into the evening can have a bad effect.  Red light doesn't have nearly the same impact.

Finally it's been proven that glasses tinted to remove blue light can actually drastically reduce eye strain and make for a more comfortable experience when spending long amounts of time on a computer, its why gamer glasses make so many claims of blocking blue light.


If you want to talk about the emotional impact of red vs blue that is a completely different discussion, but from the perspective of eye strain, comfortableness, and negative impacts on the circadian rhythm blue light is categorically worse than red light.

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1 minute ago, Skoomaseller said:

not really

society rebuilds post-war, they can leave some remnants of the New War in Fortuna but make it close to how it was originally 

True, but that depends on the timeline of the story. From the looks of it, none of the factions currently on Fortuna have the resources or strength in numbers to rebuild. 

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9 minutes ago, Tsukinoki said:

I think you're confusing "high" with "long".
Red light has the longest wavelength between peaks of visible light, meanwhile blue light has the shortest wavelength between peaks of visible light.

The height of said peaks doesn't matter when it comes to colour, just the distance between the peaks is what determines what colour our eyes see.


Further red light has been proven to have a very low impact on the eyes, in so much that it won't disrupt night vision to nearly the same amount as a comparable amount of blue/white light will.

Further it has been proven that blue light can have a negative impact on your circadian rhythm and can have negative impact on sleep quality, which is why being on a phone, computer, or watching TV late into the evening can have a bad effect.  Red light doesn't have nearly the same impact.

Finally it's been proven that glasses tinted to remove blue light can actually drastically reduce eye strain and make for a more comfortable experience when spending long amounts of time on a computer, its why gamer glasses make so many claims of blocking blue light.


If you want to talk about the emotional impact of red vs blue that is a completely different discussion, but from the perspective of eye strain, comfortableness, and negative impacts on the circadian rhythm blue light is categorically worse than red light.

I love when I try to implement my knowledge

And it ends up being wrong, dang it

I think I messed up when talking about the colors red and blue. I wasn’t referring to lights (when tbf I was supposed to). 
Thanks for the correction

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4 hours ago, Malikili said:


And because I like the sound of my own digital typed-out-in-my-head voice, I’ll explain why

The color red has a high (if not the highest) wavelength compared to other colors. This means looking at red for too long makes your eyes hurt your eyes, or makes it uncomfortable to look at for long periods of time. 
Tldr, red hurts, blue calm

Excuse Me Wow GIF by Mashable

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The biggest problem isn't that it's red...it's that it doesn't make sense for that color to stay because they've already been defeated and are far away, it seems. It's the well-known lack of consistency in the story....

On 2023-11-14 at 8:44 AM, MaxineSakei said:

I am not the only person who has complained about this, I have seen posts about this on reddit and the official warframe forums(here x3) can we like get a way to get the old looks of fortuna as a toggable option, I used the always be so happy each time I got in fortuna and saw all the blues and purple, those cold colors are the best for fortuna ascetic, that narmer yellows and reds warm colors just makes me want to not play fortuna anymore, I dont really have nothing much to say, I just want my purple fortuna back, the narmer ascetic is just way to depressing and is like a really bad scar that never healed :(

afraid of communists? lol

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Though  all the talk of "after trhe war everything is different" forgets that afer the war evertything is *exactly the same*. Want to kill profit taker - no problem, the missions are still there. Want to kill Exploiter, no problem, she's still banging on about Anyo (not narmer).

This is the dubiousness of the whole post-war decision making. Only the visuals changed but everything else is still pre-war. I get the concept of gameplay requiring you to appear in Fortuna to run the missions as if every time is your first time, that's OK. But what is not OK is the idea you turn up after Narmer has replaced the whole old order and there it is, as if nothing had ever happened. That sucks.

There was nothing stopping DE from putting a new "post war" starchart in, like steel path option that you could revert to the old one. But they messed it up massively, and still won't do what's required to fix it. Instead we have 1999 and Duviri - anything but fix their mess. Add a post-war lotus petal, give us a post-war starchart with the rump of narmer and sentient troops in it, make it a positive force for the future of the game. (hell, rework the new war quest so it makes sense and then give us a post-war starchart with narmer and sentient trops for us to fight as a war)

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Not only would they just not leave the propaganda of their most recent oppressors up indefinitely for no reason, both the Ostrons and the Solarians would immediately swipe all the stuff for scraps. It wouldn't even last a week.

Edited by rapt0rman
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2 hours ago, CephalonCarnage said:

Though  all the talk of "after trhe war everything is different" forgets that afer the war evertything is *exactly the same*. Want to kill profit taker - no problem, the missions are still there. Want to kill Exploiter, no problem, she's still banging on about Anyo (not narmer).

This is the dubiousness of the whole post-war decision making. Only the visuals changed but everything else is still pre-war. I get the concept of gameplay requiring you to appear in Fortuna to run the missions as if every time is your first time, that's OK. But what is not OK is the idea you turn up after Narmer has replaced the whole old order and there it is, as if nothing had ever happened. That sucks.

There was nothing stopping DE from putting a new "post war" starchart in, like steel path option that you could revert to the old one. But they messed it up massively, and still won't do what's required to fix it. Instead we have 1999 and Duviri - anything but fix their mess. Add a post-war lotus petal, give us a post-war starchart with the rump of narmer and sentient troops in it, make it a positive force for the future of the game. (hell, rework the new war quest so it makes sense and then give us a post-war starchart with narmer and sentient trops for us to fight as a war)

I think we are at the mercy of actual human dev limit. I mean, DE was basically fighting through a pandemic to get Deimos and New War off the ground, then TennoCon. Next was heads down to push out Duviri and then heads down for the QoL update and Whispers.

They did mention hints at more activity on Fortuna (Reb pointed out the Narmer drone observing the third Orb) so I don't think it's forgotten. Personally, I think Nef is still waiting for his opportunity to exact revenge on Solaris and Narmer, so maybe Fortuna is gearing up to be the next huge chapter. We shall see.

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59 minutes ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

I think we are at the mercy of actual human dev limit. I mean, DE was basically fighting through a pandemic to get Deimos and New War off the ground, then TennoCon. Next was heads down to push out Duviri and then heads down for the QoL update and Whispers.

They did mention hints at more activity on Fortuna (Reb pointed out the Narmer drone observing the third Orb) so I don't think it's forgotten. Personally, I think Nef is still waiting for his opportunity to exact revenge on Solaris and Narmer, so maybe Fortuna is gearing up to be the next huge chapter. We shall see.

Rebbs stated before that they have the next 5 years of the narrative planned out. 

We know we have Whipsers and WF1999 planned as the "big updates" but in The AMA done last year they also have indicated that they also have Infested Liches and a "Stalker Update" in the works as well (Megan also said this at Tennocon).

I don't think they've forgotten about Narmer, Pazuul/Erra or Nef, but they want to focus on Dr. Entarti/TMITW before that it seems.

I believe the "Stalker Update" will involve the Archons in some way considering that was a plot point for his inclusion in The New War so that also could be a drive to include Hunhow in the narrative post New War as well.

I hope that if that's the case, we see Hunhow interact with Natah/Lotus/Margulis differently to cement that choice.

Going back to the topic at hand; we're not going back to the older tilesets for Plains/Fortuna. It dosent fit the narrative they are moving forward with.

Edited by (XBOX)Cram Duahcim
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I get that we're, unfortunately, not going to get the old Orb Vallis back.  Okay.  I can live with that, especially since I love the changes to Plains of Eidolon so much, so it's a tradeoff.

I just want the lighting in Fortuna itself restored.  That's it.  The piss yellow lighting isn't great, and it doesn't *feel* like Fortuna anymore.

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