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What does it mean for a Warframe to reproduce or multiply? (blame Steve for bringing this up)

(XBOX)Architect Prime

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In the SFW sense, since we're on the forums: If Warframes COULD reproduce, what would the result be? 

  1. Baby Warframe? 
  2. Baby Orokin?
  3. Something else like some infested monster?
  4.  C-section required? 
  5. Full nine months or biological oddity?
  6. Nuclear Warframe family or sent to the Lotus (just like your kubrow you monster)? 
  7. Garage sale of baby stuff (not unlike Maroo's bazaar)?
  8. Does gender work the same way or is it just Space Magictm?
  9. Which polarities are inhereted?
  10. Requires transference to move or fully autonomous? 
  11. Would it be a strong enough force to make frame-parents act on their own, and or kick out the operator? 

Ryan Reynolds Wtf GIF

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14 minutes ago, Mikhael222 said:

The Helminth has got to have a role here somewhere.  Maybe it's like the queen of the warframe hive, spitting baby warframes out of its body.

It's true that the actual construction of frames from blueprints is pretty vague. But since every faction isn't making them, there must be some non-machine element that only the Tenno and Ballas have access to. 

Edited by (XBOX)Architect Prime
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6 minutes ago, PollexMessier said:

It really wasn't just Steve's fault

It was also Rebecca's for hesitating really hard and answering with a resounding "Maybe" when her response should've been a swift and harsh:

  Reveal hidden contents



Well, we're in the maybe timeline now. So it's time to speculate. 

3 minutes ago, BroDutt said:

A Brood Mother Warframe? I know that Nidus can spawn larva and Grendel fit the physique, but who knows?

Black And White Animation GIF by James Guthman

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It depends on the frame, Protea for example births turrets, Quorvex has an obelisk, Nidus has a lovely swarm of maggots, Xaku has like 32 floating gun children and a bone to pick with you, etc
No C-section or 9 months,  just press the baby make ability and it will spawn where you are aiming at instantaneous, make sure to have enough energy for the life-creation moment
No time for a nuclear family, Steve said he didn't like permanent abilities, so the baby poofs out of existence after a while, you can extend how long he has in this world with duration mods 
The Man in the Walls did it, so space magic, something about when are you giving him a  grandson or something
Baby is fully autonomous, and has crying, eating, sleeping, and pooping abilities
Not strong enough, DE didn't want another Wukong clone situation

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1 minute ago, Alguien said:

Just press the baby make ability and it will spawn where you are aiming at instantaneous, make sure to have enough energy for the life-creation 

How predictable that it would be the anime profile pic to utter these words in this order. And I suppose that's one way to look at it. Kinda like may flies, with that short life-span. 

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3 minutes ago, Alguien said:

Baby is fully autonomous, and has crying, eating, sleeping, and pooping abilities

Made the baby a companion, that need to feed, care like the old Kubrow/Kavat, or it'll die 😆

Joking aside, have a nesting doll Warframe were suggested before?

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44 minutes ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

In the SFW sense, since we're on the forums: If Warframes COULD reproduce, what would the result be? 

  1. Baby Warframe? 
  2. Baby Orokin?
  3. Something else like some infested monster?
  4.  C-section required? 
  5. Full nine months or biological oddity?
  6. Nuclear Warframe family or sent to the Lotus (just like your kubrow you monster)? 
  7. Garage sale of baby stuff (not unlike Maroo's bazaar)?
  8. Does gender work the same way or is it just Space Magictm?
  9. Which polarities are inhereted?
  10. Requires transference to move or fully autonomous? 
  11. Would it be a strong enough force to make frame-parents act on their own, and or kick out the operator? 

Ryan Reynolds Wtf GIF

  1. No. They reproduce by bilateral fission.
  2. Orokin don't have babies. They steal other peoples' bodies because they're big meanies.
  3. Fission.
  4. Fission.
  5. Fission.
  6. The original "dies" in the process, leaving two identical clones which retain its memories and personality.
  7. There is no baby stuff, but if the parent was a domestic frame the arsenal is split between the two new warframes.
  8. There is no gender. The only truth is blood.
  9. Polarities are split evenly between the two clones. If there are an uneven number of polarities, the clones engage in ritual combat to determine who receives the extra polarity.
  10. If the "parent" was a domestic warframe, both clones require transference. Feral warframes are fully autonomous, and are traditionally referred to as "umbra" frames.
  11. There was only one parent, which now only exists in that the newly created warframes retain its memories and personality. See previous answer regarding frame-operator social dynamics.
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17 hours ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

In the SFW sense, since we're on the forums: If Warframes COULD reproduce, what would the result be? 

For the sake of simplicity I'm going to assume that we're talking exclusively about reproduction that occurs between consenting Warframes.  Big disclaimer that I am far from a biology expert, but hopefully even if I get some stuff wrong this can kick-start a compelling discussion.  Hopefully someone better versed in that area can correct me if necessary!

EDIT: read my post later in the thread which corrects some of the inaccurate biology facts I wrote here and thus leads to a different conclusion!

At least as far as I'm aware, all of the traits that get passed on to a living organism's children are encoded in their genes; while mutations and mild variations do occur when passing on genes (which is the foundation of Darwinism), your genes don't really change due to the events in your life.  Getting super swole at the gym won't mean your offspring are any better at that, nor will things like getting a chemical burn or losing a limb be passed on to your offspring.

In theory, advanced enough technology could alter genes and impact this process, but there's not really a payoff for the Orokin to go to that extra effort.  Warframing existing adult Dax gave them soldiers to fight their war immediately, whereas it would have taken more than a decade to raise a generation of Warframe babies.  Patience was never an Orokin strong-suit in the best of times, let alone when they were facing a threat to their existence.

So all of that said, I think the most likely outcome would be that a coupling between two Warframes would result in the child being a Dax.  (Though I'd also say that realistically speaking, it seems far more likely that Warframes are infertile on a variety of different axes)

Edited by (PSN)Unstar
my spouse learned me some biology and i was wrong
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2 hours ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

Baby Warframe? 

inb4 DE go hyperwoke and give us a Dwarf-frame. that's the closest I think we'd ever get, and I'm suspending a LOT of disbelief there lol.

2 hours ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

Baby Orokin?

knowing the Orokin, they probably see biological reproduction as "impure", and likely just had test-tube kids, and their technology would allow them to make their child genetically "perfect" via eugenics.  I'm also guessing that they given a bottle of Kuva instead of Milk so that they can use Continuity and be immortal like their parents. 

2 hours ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

Something else like some infested monster?

this seems most likely, but thankfully the Helminth Infestation is super stable for the most part; otherwise our entire Orbiter would be looking like the Eris tileset, instead of just the one room. technically Nidus creates infested babies in Maggot form as well.

2 hours ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

 C-section required? 

depends on the difficulty of the birth, but given how skilled we are with blades, I don't think it'd be a big deal...

2 hours ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

Full nine months or biological oddity?

this whole premise is a "biological oddity.."

2 hours ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

Nuclear Warframe family or sent to the Lotus (just like your kubrow you monster)? 

we could have had that for ourselves, but ballas was gonna be our dad in that case.. he'd only end up "going out for Kuva milk" and never returning anyway...

would be a great way to discipline the child though "eat all your Nutrient Cubes or I'll send you to the Lotus Room!"

2 hours ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

Garage sale of baby stuff (not unlike Maroo's bazaar)?

Ayatans are just Orokin versions of baby mobiles you'd hang over their crib. change my mind.

2 hours ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

Does gender work the same way or is it just Space Magictm?

Jennifer Lawrence Oops GIF

I think it'd be best if we didn't go down THAT particular rabbit hole..

2 hours ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

Which polarities are inhereted?

I suppose it'd depend on the parent Warframes, likely some configuration of both.

2 hours ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

Requires transference to move or fully autonomous? 

warframes can* technically be fully autonomous, but they are primitive and aggressive, as we know from Rhino Prime Codex and Umbra.. it'd certainly be better for the Warframe "kid" if he were used by an operator (but then one could argue it wouldn't be the same person i guess, IDK this whole thing is kinda messed up lol)

2 hours ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

Would it be a strong enough force to make frame-parents act on their own, and or kick out the operator? 

depends on the backstory of the people that was used to make the parent warframes in the first place I reckon: if an ordinary human mother or father ends up getting the "Dagath treatment", or if they are imprinted with a memory of parenthood, like how Umbra was implanted with the memory of  killing his son, then it seems somewhat possible.

and this thread, fellow tenno, is why we shouldn't let the intrusive thoughts win. 

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20 minutes ago, Pakaku said:

All I want to know is which warframe flashed in Reb's mind as she hesitated to answer

It was good enough to get her to go from no to maybe, so. Maybe if DE would take a break from stalking these forums to answer these critical and important questions, maybe then inflation wouldn't be so bad.

 Pointing Laughing GIF

Edited by (XBOX)Architect Prime
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7 hours ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

If Warframes COULD reproduce, what would the result be? 

 More than 10 years of playing Warframe without EVER having to ask myself these questions have come to an end it seems. -_-


7 hours ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

Baby Warframe? 

Absolutely Not!


7 hours ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

Garage sale of baby stuff (not unlike Maroo's bazaar)?



7 hours ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:
  •  C-section required? 
  • Full nine months or biological oddity?




I am aware (Or let's say "I hope") that this is all for fun. Even if that means that I cringed and/ or laughed really hard at 7:00 in the morning.


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