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PSA: Nightwave Nora's Mix Vol. 5 Unintended Additional Weeklies and Not Earning Standing Fix


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17 minutes ago, Voltage said:


I have some bad news....

The part about permanent acts being additional has now been crossed out and this was posted at the bottom as an update:

From here:

Continuing the miscommunication hope, this post and the edited one are both by DE Sam. So still miscommunication to 1 dude. If they edit Taylor's Abyss of Dagath workshop, then my hope will be gone.

Edited by Zetin2455
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Just now, Zetin2455 said:

Continuing the miscommunication hope, this post and the edited one are both by DE Sam. So still miscommunication to 1 dude. 

I doubt it. If it was a miscommunication, the stuff quoted outlining the issue would have been met with a comment that the acts are indeed additional. To me it looks like this is being swept under the rug as only Forum-goers will notice the discrepancy. Most people probably won't notice.

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3 hours ago, [DE]Sam said:

Next week, Nightwave will return to form with the three new permanent Weeklies replacing three of the five regular Weeklies per rotation. The intended design for the following rotations has three permanent Weekly Acts and two regular Weekly Acts, culminating in the full five Weekly Acts (plus your usual amount of Dailies and Elite Weekly Acts).

Why? What are you guys even thinking?

With 3 less acts per week, people that don't play as often will be completely screwed by the lack of the missions on the catch-up system.

You guys literally said:


With these new Permanent Acts, you can earn an extra 13,500 Nightwave Standing each week!

Note: since these are in addition to your weekly Act rotation, they are exempt from the Catch-Up pool. 

Was 1 extra rank per week too much? Might as well just bring back the regular missions back. If I miss one week, that's two less rank for me because of the lack of 3 catch-up missions plus the 7 daily missions.

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Yeah, I was thinking why people are up in arms considering the nightwave challenges list is more abundant now that the permanent acts are also included besides the normal, temporary weeklies only to see that by next week, permanent challenges will replace 3 of the normal temporary weeklies. Why is this?

With the trend of bad implementations alongside the good ones, this feels like a bread & circus thing being pulled. And I'm gonna wait for some people who will defend this blindly.

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This is a really questionable change, a bit weird of DE to start wasting community goodwill over something so benign, especially with hype rising so close to new major update.
Please reconsider making permanent weeklies take up normal weekly slots.


Edit: Thinking about it a bit more, this is a horrid change that will punish players that don't play every week, since now people will be missing out on 3 weeklies each week they don't play that won't carry over into catch-up pool.
The hell is DE thinking here?

Edited by Mr_Darkly_Beard
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I am going to give [DE]Sam the benefit of the doubt here and guess that whoever coded the new nightwave did it incorrectly and Sam is just telling us what is currently happening without input from the rest of the team.

Over the past few weeks every other member of DE has claimed that this will make recovery and advancement in the nightwave track easier. Why would they say that when this currently programmed system is explicitly doing the opposite. It disallows the recovery of 3 weeklies compounding every week for the duration of the nightwave, you miss one week and you are completely out those points.

My guess is whoever took lead on the project got their wires crossed and now Sam is just saying this to save a little face which is completely fine for someone speaking to the community.

DE will hopefully do the right thing and revert this change until they can make it actually easier by doing what every single other DE member claimed leading up to this and make these 3 permanent weeklies ADDITIONAL as opposed to INSTEAD OF.

If we all get mad then it's a bad look and they should be doing the right thing instead of forcing FOMO in a game that already has its fair share. Particularly leading up to one of the biggest expansions of the year.

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Bad, dishonest, and blatantly so. The DE I know has never gone this low, as to blatantly declare that several, clear as crystal, previous statements to be miscommunications and just sweep them under the rug and hope people will just swallow it blindly. While making Nightwave worse than before as a result.

The Heirloom stuff was a mess, and sure, more impactful, but not even that had this much blatant disregard for previous (and documented) promises to the community.

I kinda still hope someone will come out and reveal something went irreversibly wrong with the implementation of NW Vol. 5, and that we have to suck it up until next nightwave. Though not ideal, it'd be easier to swallow up, and I'd gladly accept it personally. Everyone makes mistakes, for better or worse.

I'm not angry by any means, as this won't affect me as much as others, but I am negatively surprised and disappointed by how DE is choosing to handle it, and have a tough time believing this comes from the community team.

Quite sad to see from one of the very few companies I respect.

Edited by (PSN)Hikuro-93
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13 hours ago, [DE]Sam said:

Next week, Nightwave will return to form with the three new permanent Weeklies replacing three of the five regular Weeklies per rotation. The intended design for the following rotations has three permanent Weekly Acts and two regular Weekly Acts, culminating in the full five Weekly Acts (plus your usual amount of Dailies and Elite Weekly Acts).

However, while the additional Acts are unintended, we’re letting it roll for the rest of this rotation! Enjoy the extra Acts! 


Oof, that's a pretty terrible decision. It goes directly against not only the stated functionality of the system prior to launch, but directly against the stated goal of the change as well - all communication in advance of this patch said that it was supposed to be a boost to the amount of weekly progress that could be earned, not a massive nerf to catchup as you say it should be now.

Hopefully the pushback against this causes you to reconsider the change.

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Not complaining, but somehow I'm at rank 8 with 82,500 total points earned, despite there having only been 53,000 possible points to earn so far, if my math is right. I don't think I've ever blazed through a Nightwave this quickly.😅

Proof: https://imgur.com/a/kNTw3Cj

Edited by (XBOX)Earth Nuggets
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2 minutes ago, (XBOX)Earth Nuggets said:

Not complaining, but somehow I'm at rank 8 with 82,500 total points earned, despite they're having only been 53,000 possible points to earn so far, if my math is right. I don't think I've ever blazed through a Nightwave this quickly.😅

Teach me your ways


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2 hours ago, (XBOX)Earth Nuggets said:

Not complaining, but somehow I'm at rank 8 with 82,500 total points earned, despite there having only been 53,000 possible points to earn so far, if my math is right. I don't think I've ever blazed through a Nightwave this quickly.😅

Proof: https://imgur.com/a/kNTw3Cj

2 hours ago, Malikili said:

Teach me your ways


XBOX players, for a while now, have been given extra NW standing for some magical reason. I don't know why that is, but it is a thing. It is not that XBOX players get more acts or 'do them better" they just get extra points added for doing nothing ^^

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How did "improved nightwave" end up in an overall net-loss?

3 no brainer permanent replacements for actual challenges (if you disliked challenges this is a net gain for you). But the damning side-effects...

Replacement instead of addition is going against announcement which is a PR hit for DE and a standing hit for players?

Eliminating 3 catchup challenges PER WEEK is the really REALLY bad part of all of this according to me. It directly enforces the recent FOMO embarasment with the Heirloom skins as a direction that DE intentionally IS taking. For the love of.... WHY?

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Howdy, Tenno!

We’re working on a change to make Permanent Weekly Acts recoverable! With this, the intention is that Permanent Weekly Acts won’t be lost should you not finish them during a rotation, as they will act like recoverable Acts going forward so that players aren’t excluded from any Nightwave Standing. We’ll update you on the progress of this change when we have more information.

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Thanks for communicating. That should probably lay to bed the fomo concerns. People still will make a fuss about the fact that they got promised additional standing due to extra ranks altho I personally do not care if DE changed its stance about that.

Edited by Koalachan
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9 minutes ago, [DE]Sam said:

Howdy, Tenno!

We’re working on a change to make Permanent Weekly Acts recoverable! With this, the intention is that Permanent Weekly Acts won’t be lost should you not finish them during a rotation, as they will act like recoverable Acts going forward so that players aren’t excluded from any Nightwave Standing. We’ll update you on the progress of this change when we have more information.

And you couldn't clarify that yesterday while cheerily informing us that the way Nightwave was supposed to work, which was communicated to us for an entire month straight, was changed after it had already gone live? Top job mate, my kindest regards to whoever was personally responsible for this abhorrent decision. It's not the loss of rewards that piss me off, it's the way things were communicated to us one way, and changed the day of release without prior warning without any sort of dialogue with the community. Whoever is personally behind this decision, I want you to make it clear to them that they are dancing on thin ice with the community goodwill. Ever since Rebecca took over Warframe has been in its golden period for the past 1,5-2 years. But this change, coupled with the asinine FOMO from the Heirloom pack are looking dire for the quality of Warframe going forward.

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With all due respect, this should have been communicated along with the last minute change to the Nightwave that caused the stir in the first place.  Changing at the last minute player expectation of how a thing has been communicated to work for the past SEVERAL MONTHS is very off putting.

Now this just seems back-peddaling.

The change noted here is appreciated, but this could have been avoided entirely via proper communication.

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5 minutes ago, Crackensan said:

The change noted here is appreciated, but this could have been avoided entirely via proper communication.

This sums up most of Warframe's shortcomings for the 10 years it's been kicking to be quite honest. I feel like the veterans of Warframe staff know this, and also know that they can just keep getting away with this until the end of time. This issue will be forgotten like anything else in 1-2 weeks.

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