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PSA: Nightwave Nora's Mix Vol. 5 Unintended Additional Weeklies and Not Earning Standing Fix


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On 2023-12-01 at 6:01 PM, [DE]Megan said:

An update on the status of "Recoverable" Permanent Acts: 

EDIT 12/1/2023: The team is still tinkering and testing the change to make Permanent Acts "Recoverable," however, it will not be ready for the next rotation, as we're finding the change may require a Hotfix/Update. When the change does come, all previous weeks will be Recoverable and not lost to the Void, allowing you to make up the Standing while we were tinkering. We appreciate your patience while we sort through this!

To note as you guys work on this:

Permanent Weekly Acts are resetting ~10 minutes before server reset and then a second time at reset. This is only visual but may result in players getting confused (definitely not me who got confused and thought I missed extra standing ;p).

Edited by Voltage
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I liked the idea of permanent weekly challenges back when they were something extra. Now that they're replacing normal weekly challenges, I worry they only make nightwave worse. There's just less variety now.

Having two different versions of "kill x eximus enemies" this week exemplifies that. Perhaps Eximus Executioner could replace Eximus eliminator when it shows up in rotation to make room for another weekly challenge. I also dislike "mission complete" because it discourages staying for a long time in endless missions.


If DE's concern is players completing Nightwave too quickly, I would suggest going back to having 10 weekly challenges, but having the permanent ones count for less standing (2,500 for example).

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I dont like the fact the Permanent acts replace the regular ones, if they have to replace something, let it be dailys instead. And dont make them recoverable, that would only add exeeding monotony to Nightwave for people who didnt play up to date, essentially punishing them.

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On 2023-11-29 at 11:01 PM, [DE]Sam said:

However, while the additional Acts are unintended

From how you communicated it in many posts and dev streams before (see Voltages post) I though these were ment to be in addition to the 5 weeklies not meant to take their place and cause burnout.

Edited by LittleLeoniePrime
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2 hours ago, Xardis said:

I dont like the fact the Permanent acts replace the regular ones, if they have to replace something, let it be dailys instead. And dont make them recoverable, that would only add exeeding monotony to Nightwave for people who didnt play up to date, essentially punishing them.

I like the idea of replacing dailies but I doubt they will do that as they want players to log in daily. Still a nice idea.


8 hours ago, (NSW)Spicy_DX said:

I liked the idea of permanent weekly challenges back when they were something extra. Now that they're replacing normal weekly challenges, I worry they only make nightwave worse. There's just less variety now.

Having two different versions of "kill x eximus enemies" this week exemplifies that. Perhaps Eximus Executioner could replace Eximus eliminator when it shows up in rotation to make room for another weekly challenge. I also dislike "mission complete" because it discourages staying for a long time in endless missions.


If DE's concern is players completing Nightwave too quickly, I would suggest going back to having 10 weekly challenges, but having the permanent ones count for less standing (2,500 for example).

Pretty close to what I said but I think I said 3000 standing. Keeping the permanent acts at a reduced standing amount instead of replacing acts seems the best way forward. It would help new players who couldn't do some acts whilst not limiting catch up options.

Not to mention the monotony of the same acts every week, especially if catching up.

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2 hours ago, (PSN)RazorsEdge6267 said:

This is actually good, why? because that means there are less tedious acts (farm fish/gems, conservation etc), the chance that the "tedious" one will show up are low. However I don't like that you made acts from duviri, some of them sound either tedious or time consuming. (and I miss the act where you had to complete a spy mission with your operator).

The problem is that they could have just changed that if that was their goal; the goal was having extra stuff so that we had extra standing in a week, and then they walked it back without even a word until after it was already in the game, while killing the variety of the nightwave in the process. Also like, you say about it being less odds of it showing up, but one of the actual acts is literally mining stuff on the vallis... also the other thing is what's tedious to one person isn't gonna be tedious to another; what will be more tedious is 15 weeks worth of "go kill 500 enemies, 30 eximus, and run 15 missions", because that adds up quickly.

Also like... they literally reworked and removed challenges because they got feedback on it, so why would they turn around and remove a bunch from the pool? Why would they add a bunch to the pool if it was possible they'd never show up depending on how long this volume runs for? None of this decision makes sense when approached from "this was the real intention, trust me y'all", but makes more sense with a panicked "we need to change this for [x] reason"... which... maybe we'd be more receptive to if that was approached more truthfully too, or like, if it was intended all along, give heads up on that in the two months between when it was talked about(and the numerous instances of people making comments about it along the way, surely someone had to have noticed), instead of the day after it launched and people were excited and happy.

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I really wouldn't have minded those additional permanent weeklies to earn you less standing overall but so they wouldn't compromise a variety of regular weeklies we already have.

It already adds up to overall tedium if they become recoverable as already mentioned since I really enjoyed the variety 5 weeklies provided (in addition to dailies and elite weeklies) even if those were weeklies that I didn't particularly enjoy, they were at least a nice change of pace.

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On 2023-11-30 at 4:12 PM, [DE]Sam said:

Howdy, Tenno!

We’re working on a change to make Permanent Weekly Acts recoverable! With this, the intention is that Permanent Weekly Acts won’t be lost should you not finish them during a rotation, as they will act like recoverable Acts going forward so that players aren’t excluded from any Nightwave Standing. We’ll update you on the progress of this change when we have more information.

Dev workshop: Extra acts will be added, so you will get extra 13500 standing per week. Extra acts won't be recoverable.

Release day: Normal acts appearing along the extra acts was a glitch and it will be fixed. Extra acts were supposed to replace the normal acts. Extra acts won't be recoverable.

Near future: Extra acts will now just be fixed normal acts. They will be recoverable.

Me: Whut.

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On 2023-12-04 at 1:42 AM, Hexerin said:

The entirety of Volume 4 I would get 3x daily acts per day. So dunno what you're on about.

The idea of daily acts is one per day, or seven per week. Getting three per day has never been a thing that was suppose to happen.

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On 2023-11-30 at 8:01 AM, [DE]Sam said:

EDIT 12/1/2023: The team is still tinkering and testing the change to make Permanent Acts "Recoverable," however, it will not be ready for the next rotation, as we're finding the change may require a Hotfix/Update. When the change does come, all previous weeks will be Recoverable and not lost to the Void, allowing you to make up the Standing while we were tinkering. We appreciate your patience while we sort through this!

Why bother? Throw the idea of these permanent acts in the bin if they are not additional.

Non additional permanent acts bring nothing to the table, somehow make NW potentially worse and are just a waste of developer's and player's time.

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7 hours ago, Stafelund said:

So uh, "the perma weeklies replacing normal weeklies and will be recoverable" is now the final decision?

I would love some clarity on this, because as it stands they've just ruined Nightwave for absolutely no reason whatsoever.
All this amounts to is freezing three of the weeklies on remarkably lacklustre options, and guaranteeing the catch-up will be a miserable grind; there won't be enough recoverable standing to hit 30 at the last minute without doing these fixed acts back to back to back to burnout. Players running ESO and a zillion captures are surely not the intended result? As extra acts they would have been fine, but not like this.

I have been a warframe player since the stamina bar days, I have an unspeakable number of hours played. I even hit MR30 just before these changes while I caught up on the previous Nightwave! I was actually excited to crack on with the new one ahead of digging into Whispers, and my enthusiasm for both has absolutely guttered.

The original pitched version of having three *additional*, fixed, unrecoverable acts per week would have let me snag a rank of progress on the weeks I only had time for a bit of forma'ing or relic cracking, relieving the later catch-up grind... these revisions mean I am not only locked into the catch-up grind, but it will absolutely suck.
It's just such a wild unforced error, and has really put me off playing the game overall.

The old system funnelled me to content I had no other reason to touch, and it was worth it for the trickle of forma and potatoes. The updated system is absolutely not worth it, and does not encourage me to buy plat or plat-included bundles to make up for it. Quite the opposite. :P

At this point, IMO, the answer has to be either a full reversion to the previous system, or embracing the original and extremely well received pitch.

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On 2023-12-03 at 9:59 PM, (NSW)Spicy_DX said:

I liked the idea of permanent weekly challenges back when they were something extra. Now that they're replacing normal weekly challenges, I worry they only make nightwave worse. There's just less variety now.

I also liked this idea. Now they are not extra weekly challenges anymore, but just taking up slots of normal weekly challenges... it is a lot less interesting and in my opinion a bad design choice.

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