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Whispers in the Walls: Hotfix 35.0.2


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Whispers in the Walls: Hotfix 35.0.2


  • Reduced the Cavia Rank required to acquire the Helminth Coalescent Fusion Segment from 4 to 2.
    • This relates to Loid sending you an Inbox message upon reaching Rank 2 that the Segment is now available.  
  • Temporarily replaced the “Kill X Dargyn Pilots before they hit the ground” Riven challenge with “Kill X Enemies with Headshots”. 
    • There is a bug that prevents this challenge from gaining progress (as reported here), so we have replaced it while we continue to investigate. 
  • Added motion blur to Ayatan Sculptures, a particularly depressed character, and the Necramite drone in the Sanctum Anatomica. 
  • Added the Netracell rewards to the public Drop Tables.
    • The team is working on fixing other discrepancies such as missing Cavia Bounty tables, and Alchemy/Mirror Defense being listed incorrectly.  UPDATE: The information currently listed for Netracells and other Albrecht's Labs missions is not currently accurate. We are investigating and will remedy in a future hotfix. 
  • Improved visibility of the “Dissolve Arcanes” button in the Arcane Dissolution vendor screen in the Sanctum Anatomica. 
  • Updated the Duviri Senate Seat Orbiter Decoration’s colors to differentiate it from the Dojo version, which has also been renamed to Duviri Slipper Chair. 
  • Changed Mandonel’s crosshair to remove unnecessary charge bar and fix cases of flickering. 
  • Reduced Cavia member collisions so players don't bounce off of them.

Whispers in the Walls Quest Changes & Fixes: 

  • Energy Orbs will now drop from enemies during the Arthur segment of the quest to let you cast his abilities more often!
  • Fixed players not receiving items from the quest (notably the Grimoire) if they encountered network issues at the point they’d be delivered to their accounts. 
  • Fixed mission failing in the first stage of the quest. 
    • The quest would progress but players would see “Mission Failure” and not receive the items they had collected during the mission. 
  • Fixed cases where hair and cloth would pop in the quest cinematics. 
  • Fixed the objective marker pointing to the Netracall during the quest being duplicated. 
  • Fixed cases where the waypoint markers for the Necramite Drones wouldn’t appear during the Netracell stage of the quest. 
  • Fixed being able to sell the Grimoire to prevent progression issues in the quest. 
    • If you have sold the Grimoire and are unable to progress in the quest, please create a ticket with our Support Team
  • Fixed being able to interact with the Grimoire as Sevagoth’s Shadow during a pivotal fight of the quest. 
  • Fixed certain VFX not appearing for Drifter during finale of quest. 
  • Fixed the door to Laboratory Navigation in the Sanctum Anatomica opening when it should be locked during certain stages of the quest. This was causing confusion since players would hear it opening but the door before leading to it was locked. 
  • Fixed a certain gate not being locked in the quest if you got there too early. 
  • Fixed a rare script error related to a camera in the Sanctum Anatomica during the quest. 
  • Fixed a several script errors in the quest. 
  • Fixed your companion’s icon showing up in the HUD during the 1999 section of the Whispers in the Walls Quest.
  • Fixed players becoming permanently slowed if they were Operator/Drifter during a certain segment of the first mission in the quest. 
  • Fixed players being able to extract early from a certain quest mission without completing the objective (and missing out on some cool cutscenes, if we do say so ourselves). 

Netracell Changes & Fixes: 

  • Necramite drones in the Netracell missions now have Health Bars to better identify them as the ones needing to be destroyed. 
  • Added an additional react sound effect to the Necramite Drones in the Netracell missions when they are hit. 
  • Added a UI sound for when the Netracell is ready to be opened. 
  • Fixed teleporting into the Netracell after clipping through the map at a certain location. It will now teleport players to the waypoint outside of the Netracell. 
  • Fixed the Necratite Drones that need to be destroyed in Netracell missions rarely having their pulsing blue VFX. Now that this has been fixed, you should be able to identify them for destruction better! 
  • Fixed the hacking progress bar in Netracell missions momentarily resetting after Host Migration. 
  • Fixed a script error when Host Migrating after hacking terminal during a Netracell mission. 

Cavia Bounties Changes & Fixes: 

Cavia Bounties offer new challenges to complete, but sometimes the tiles generated for the mission prevented players from progressing, or players otherwise had issues completing them. As a result, we have either removed or fixed the following challenges to help improve Bounty flow!

  • Temporarily removed the “Kill X Rogue Necramechs” Bounty challenge. 
    • There is an issue with Rogue Necramechs not always spawning that we are still investigating, so we have removed this challenge for the time being since it is difficult to complete while this bug is active. 
  • Temporarily removed “Kill X Flying Murmurs” challenges from Cavia Bounty rotations as only one flying Murmur enemy type was counting as progress towards it. 
    • We aim to re-add this challenge once we’re able to fix the issue. 
  • Temporarily removed the “Summon Necramech” challenge from Cavia Bounty rotations as players were unable to consistently complete them.
    • We aim to re-add this challenge once we’re able to fix the issue. 
  • Fixed not enough Murmur Sarcophages spawning in the Mirror Defense (Munio, Deimos) mission to complete the “Find X Murmur Sarcophages” Bounty challenge. 
    • We also made it so that tiles with guaranteed Murmur Sarcophage spawns will always appear in Survival (Persto, Deimos) missions to address the same issue of being unable to complete the challenge.
    • Also increased the number of Murmur Sarcophage spawns in various Albrecht’s Laboratories tiles to further improve player chances of finding them.
  • Removed the “Douse enemies in Vitriol” Bounty challenge from the Exterminate (Nex, Deimos) and Assassination (Effervo, Deimos) missions. 
    • It was possible to complete these missions before this challenge, which would make enemies stop spawning and therefore make it impossible to extract (since the Bounty challenge was not complete). 

Albrecht’s Laboratories Mission Changes & Fixes: 

  • Adjusted resource drop rates in Albrecht's Laboratories Entrati Coffers and Murmur Sarcophages to slightly decrease rates in more common crates, and increase rates in rarer ones.
  • Fixed Stela having an unintentionally high drop rate on various Murmur enemies.
  • Fixed players being unable to select Steel Path missions in the Sanctum Anatomica’s mission selection screen. 
  • Improved the way the Auto Breach Parazon Mod interacts with the new hacking terminals to make it clearer that had been used. 
  • Improved waypoint pathfinding in Albrecht’s Laboratories missions.
  • Fixed Entrati Obols falling through the map.
  • Fixed rewards earned during the Alchemy (Cambire, Deimos) not appearing in the mission progress screen. 
  • Fixed the reward pop-up after completing a round of Survival on Persto, Deimos not occurring. Also fixed the rewards not appearing in the End of Mission screen after extracting. 
  • Fixed Alchemy Crucible progress in the UI resetting and not tracking properly after Host Migration. 
  • Fixed multiple Crucibles appearing after Host Migrations in Alchemy missions. 
  • Fixed the ground rifts that Fragmented enemies crawl out from not appearing in non-quest Albrecht Laboratories’ missions while the quest is active. 
  • Fixed the explosion preview VFX for the Vitriol Phials not appearing in Albrecht’s Laboratories if the mission was started as a Bounty or from the Laboratory Navigation.  
    • This is a new feature that was released with Update 35 that allows you to see the explosion radius by hovering your reticle over the explosive item!
  • Fixed rare care of tileset issues occurring (lighting and map holes) when transitioning between defense targets in the Mirror Defense (Munio, Deimos) mission. 
  • Fixed a script error in Assassination mission (Effervo, Deimos). 
  • Fixed several script errors from abilities cast by a certain bookbound enemy. 
  • Fixed the bookbound enemy’s avatar lingering after death. 
  • Fixed several script errors when extracting from Albrecht’s Laboratories missions. 
  • Fixed a map hole in the tileset. 
  • Fixed various minor map holes and a spot where players could get stuck in Albrecht’s Laboratories tileset. 
  • Fixed a crash in the missions. 


  • Made systemic micro-optimizations to DirectX 12 memory usage. 

General Fixes: 

  • Fixed the Tyana Pass, Mars Mirror Defense mission not starting after entering the defense target’s radius. 
  • Fixed the Update Highlights screen using the previous update instead of the latest.
    • If you’d like to read through the previous updates in that screen there is a “Update History” button!
  • Fixed player’s Warframe casting a “shadow” over the Update Screen windows, resulting in players being unable to read the text.
  • Fixed Cavia members saying the wrong voice lines if players were Rank 0 in the Syndicate. 
  • Fixed lighting issue in Qorvex’s in-game Market diorama. 
  • Fixed Sevagoth’s energy VFX in the diorama for Sevagoth’s Glaukus Collection appearing black instead of the default white. 
  • Fixed Albrecht’s Notes Fragments not showing up in the order they are unlocked in the Codex. 
  • Fixed Wisp not having her custom running animation when using the Grimoire. 
  • Fixed weapons going invisible after deploying Heavy Archgun in open zones. 
  • Fixed being unable to interact with the Duviri Torch Flame Dojo Decoration after placing it.
    • Also fixed its capacity cost being 1 instead of the intended 20. 
  • Fixed several offset issues with Sevagoth’s Glaukus Skin. 
  • More fixes to come! 
  • Fixed the launcher playing Duviri’s OST instead of the Whispers in the Walls. 
  • Fixed several script errors from a particular machine in the Sanctum Anatomica. 
  • Fixed a script error when selecting a Warframe in the Arsenal. 
  • Fixed a script error in Qorvex’s Chyrinka Pillar ability. 
  • Fixed several script errors when Ranking up a Mod. 
  • Fixes towards a crash caused by Grimoire's Alt Fire

Check out our Known Issues thread!


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Thank you very much.
Really like the new tilesets and the destructable furniture, poor necramites are now working overtime.



Look Brothers, Necratites. Hahahaha (not sorry I had to)

vor 2 Stunden schrieb [DE]Megan:

Fixed the Necratite

Edited by Dark_Lugia
nobody reads this anyways
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This update has been great to play through aside from Archon Shards. 

Is there a chance Arch-Guns can get proper Faction Damage Mods? The only way to get this multiplier is still through Riven Mods exclusively. Their mods in general are very lacking as well.

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5 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Improved visibility of the “Dissolve Arcanes” button in the Arcane Dissolution vendor screen in the Sanctum Anatomica. 

That's good, I felt so stupid yesterday when I couldn't find how to dissolve arcanes,  I thought maybe I didn't have enough rank, but then notes didn't mention this as requirement.

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10 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Reduced Cavia member collisions so players don't bounce off of them.

Meanwhile excavators are still waiting to have their collisions fixed. The top of them needs to either be completely solid or completely transparent, both visually and hitbox-wise. Not half and half on both aspects right now.


Hopefully the fix for eclipse is coming sooner rather than later. Really enjoying the updated visual but I can't help but know I will never get a damage buff and can't play Mirage to its fullest potential on the new maps due to the new lighting changes.

Edited by Numerounius
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  • Cita


    • Fixed mission failing in the first stage of the quest. 
      • The quest would progress but players would see “Mission Failure” and not receive the items they had collected during the mission. 


    Maybe a script to give back the items? I was looting for like half an hour on that mission just to lose everithing on mission complete lol
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Thank you for the fixes, but the Sevagoth Glaukus skin not only is still missing his tombstone, but has many lighting issues, and his arm and shoulder piece do not take channel colors at all. As a long time Sevagoth player, I'm really sad about these issues and hope they will be fixed soon.



8 minutes ago, Count-Dracula said:

Where is the decorate Tombstone deluxe of Sevagoth Deluxe in our orbiter? And there is no appear Tombstone Deluxe when Sevagoth is active passive... Pls need hotfix. Ty!


His gelatinous parts also dont take color channels correctly or at all.

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Dual wielding a glaive and pistol makes is so the heavy detonation has to be spammed to detonate early, otherwise has a "dead zone" of flight where it just doesn't explode on button press! The issue is not present when wielding Primary or a Secondary that cannot be dual wielded ala Grimoire!

This renders The Old Ways of playing the game extremely unresponsive, please fix it.

Edited by Do_High_Go
Additional info for clarity
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9 minutes ago, --RV--Honda said:

I am crashing every time I try to do an alchemy bounty. Game will load for 5 seconds after the elevator and it just crashes. I don't know if this is a DX12 issue or not.

8 minutes ago, TheTundraTerror said:

It's absolutely a DX12 issue. Just crashed about 30 seconds into an Alchemy bounty, too. 

Hi guys! Can you DM me your WAR #  for the crash. Thanks! 

Edit: For the time being, switching to DX11 is a workaround. 


Edited by [DE]Danielle
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25 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:


  • Added the Netracell rewards to the public Drop Tables.
    • The team is working on fixing other discrepancies such as missing Cavia Bounty tables, and Alchemy/Mirror Defense being listed incorrectly. 


The drop tables state that canticles and invocations drop from the mirror defense mission.  If that is not where they come from, then where?

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