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The Manus Sumdali (Steel Path Bonus Fragmented One Reward)


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Sadly just another cheesable bullet sponge.

Ivara+Dispensery+Torid+Dual Toxocyst

Torid to clear adds during the eye collection if they even bother getting close to the scanner and not just decide to hang out at the water cooler or the stairs. And used to clear the initial and between phase mobs during the boss fight. Dual Toxocyst to take out Fragmented One as he paces back and forth doing nothing.

Took around 30 minutes total, would have been faster if my #*!%ing Drifter didnt bug out "void blast" spamming, so I could have actually used him to dash during the eye collection. Ivara wasnt exactly built to take hits, so had to be careful where and when I bullet jumped to grab eyes.

Hood ornament looks like utter crap though.

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vor 14 Minuten schrieb SneakyErvin:

Sadly just another cheesable bullet sponge.

Ivara+Dispensery+Torid+Dual Toxocyst

Torid to clear adds during the eye collection if they even bother getting close to the scanner and not just decide to hang out at the water cooler or the stairs. And used to clear the initial and between phase mobs during the boss fight. Dual Toxocyst to take out Fragmented One as he paces back and forth doing nothing.

Took around 30 minutes total, would have been faster if my #*!%ing Drifter didnt bug out "void blast" spamming, so I could have actually used him to dash during the eye collection. Ivara wasnt exactly built to take hits, so had to be careful where and when I bullet jumped to grab eyes.

Hood ornament looks like utter crap though.

I think the term of "bullet sponge is overused".  This is a multiple phases fight with a lot of enemies. Only because a boss has a lot of hitpoints does not make him a bullet sponge. This encounter is filled with enemies and decision making, how can this be a bullet sponge?

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5 hours ago, Tsukinoki said:

I was kinda let down by this fight to be honest.

I went in with my friend and the boss just went down in 30 seconds....and we basically went in blind.

I went in with an assimilate Nyx because "Hey all I heard is he can hit hard, can't hurt invulnerable." and then found out he can nullify powers....and because of how much damage those beams apparently do when my assimilate popped from multiple wall lasers hitting me it just died from basically full HP to zero instantly.

My friend was playing a high strength wisp for the heals and other buffs from the reservoir....and they just weren't needed at all.

It just took hugging him with a Nyx and then basically playing an uno reverse card to kill it....at least I have a cool ship decoration.

The boss can shoot itself with its own lasers, I notice it take a 5 million magnetic hit during one of my runs, not enough to nuke the boss but you might notice a slight dip in its HP. Would be interesting to try Nyx and see if Nyx can always cheese the boss that fast though.

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3 hours ago, wodanclay said:

The boss can shoot itself with its own lasers, I notice it take a 5 million magnetic hit during one of my runs, not enough to nuke the boss but you might notice a slight dip in its HP. Would be interesting to try Nyx and see if Nyx can always cheese the boss that fast though.

Gave it a try with a friend, it didn't work. Maybe it was just a one time thing.

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This fight pissed me off at first with the nullification and instant death attacks but I eventually trucked through it using a Styanax strategy based on a suggestion post from the forums and, well, once I knew what I was doing and had a strategy that actually worked the whole experience was a lot more enjoyable. It's very doable both in a party and solo and while I'm sure there's ways to cheese it 1. a lot of low effort tank cheese like spamming Mesmer Skin or invincibility skills are not reliable strategies and 2. you CAN actually reliably dodge its telegraphed attacks which are visually distinct and require some degree of movement skill to deal with effectively. I get some real Kingdom Hearts 3 superboss vibes with those blue laser beams you have to roll out of the way to dodge. 

Anyways, props to the devs for putting a hidden fight this mechanically demanding in the game and not making it mandatory for some sort of key progression content (the decorative landing craft item you get is pretty cool though). I do actually like having fights this hard and cinematic in the game, I just wish you didn't have to spend ages collecting 60 eyes again if you get wiped for missing one attack, because getting some practice runs in and learning the mechanics is pretty much mandatory for players who don't have access to very specialized builds that happen to be super strong in this encounter.

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7 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

Sadly just another cheesable bullet sponge.

Ivara+Dispensery+Torid+Dual Toxocyst

Torid to clear adds during the eye collection if they even bother getting close to the scanner and not just decide to hang out at the water cooler or the stairs. And used to clear the initial and between phase mobs during the boss fight. Dual Toxocyst to take out Fragmented One as he paces back and forth doing nothing.

Took around 30 minutes total, would have been faster if my #*!%ing Drifter didnt bug out "void blast" spamming, so I could have actually used him to dash during the eye collection. Ivara wasnt exactly built to take hits, so had to be careful where and when I bullet jumped to grab eyes.

Hood ornament looks like utter crap though.

Agreed. I read some posts talking about how they consider it a raid boss with a challenge and interesting mechanics. It is none of those things.

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18 hours ago, bancaevasore.it said:

Someone has dropped shivering contagion from the boss fight ? i dropped it but, after, i failed the run...

Can someone say what it does ?

Cold procs from primary can spread to nearby enemies within 6 meters. I havent gotten it yet but sounds like a niche mod BUT might have serious potential for crowd control on sentinel weapons. Especially something like cordon + cold so enemies cant just walk away from it.

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I went in assuming it'd be like an Archon at worst, but ended up with Dark Souls. My first time I got him down about 70% - 75% somewhat quickly by going full monkey brain with melee. Died so I didn't get the drop, but the squad wrapped up the rest. Picked Octavia the second time for a slow and steady approach and got it that way.

I like the new direction of boss design, but I feel they gave it the entire tool shed in terms of capabilities. Instant death attacks, nullify and silence, exceedingly tanky, no revives. I think instead of no revives some other mechanic would've been better. Maybe if a player is downed the boss will target them with a special attack that after a few seconds permanently kills them. Basically, the Zanuka Hunter capture animation but lethal. During that attack if the boss is stunned either through another mechanic like weak spots, or taking too much damage the attack is interrupted. Pair that with temporary stun immunity to penalize constantly going down and I think the fight would be near perfect.

On another note, if DE can produce boss design like this I am hopeful for the possible return of raids. This is much more refined than the ending of The Law of Retribution was.

Edited by Sierra
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22 hours ago, Dunkelheit said:

I think the term of "bullet sponge is overused".  This is a multiple phases fight with a lot of enemies. Only because a boss has a lot of hitpoints does not make him a bullet sponge. This encounter is filled with enemies and decision making, how can this be a bullet sponge?

I agree bullet sponge is overused, but it doesnt change that this encounter is a bullet sponge. It is two large health bars that needs excessive sustained fire to deplete with a few boss mechanics per stage and a bunch of adds. The adds alone also adds to the sponge of the fight since most frames will likely need to take care of them. Kinda the same poor boss design that Neverwinter Online had (still has probably) where they had a sponge with some moves and then tried to drown you in adds ontop of it.You can also just look at the ammo consumption of the fight to see why it is a health sponge. It drains even top tier "endgame" weapons.

The problem is that it also stacks everything to practically cheese you. It isnt designed with good punishing mechanics, it only has punishing mechanics with little thought put behind them. Which is likely why it has the sponge health aswell, so there are more chances for it to land these poorly designed punishments instead of having a well designed kit.

Compare this to PT, while it has adds around it, the phases are done in several smaller steps instead, so it doesnt feel like a sponge. Same deal with eidolons that have several shorter stages instead. Those encounters also manage to bring punishment, but they do it in a proper way where it is mostly not down to a single mistake for success to turn into failure. Though Eidolons come with their own issues imo that make them hard to enjoy, as in being too large so you constantly need to look up, losing sight of your surrounding and the ground and thereby losing sight of hazards. I mean, there is a reason why other games either allow you to manually zoom out or have a dynamic camera for those types of specific encounters.

15 hours ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

Agreed. I read some posts talking about how they consider it a raid boss with a challenge and interesting mechanics. It is none of those things.

Those guys are either stoned beyond comprehension or their raiding experience is isolated to WF trials and perhaps Destiny 2 or some similar "raids" and have never set foot in actual raid games.

I mean, dont get me wrong, WF has some really golden boss encounters, but they are sadly overshadowed by the amount of utterly terrible bosses in the game. It is also shocking that something like Archons went from actually cool bossy fights during TNW as Drifter, to complete trash when they got reworked for frames.

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vor 18 Stunden schrieb SneakyErvin:

I agree bullet sponge is overused, but it doesnt change that this encounter is a bullet sponge. It is two large health bars that needs excessive sustained fire to deplete with a few boss mechanics per stage and a bunch of adds. The adds alone also adds to the sponge of the fight since most frames will likely need to take care of them. Kinda the same poor boss design that Neverwinter Online had (still has probably) where they had a sponge with some moves and then tried to drown you in adds ontop of it.You can also just look at the ammo consumption of the fight to see why it is a health sponge. It drains even top tier "endgame" weapons.

The problem is that it also stacks everything to practically cheese you. It isnt designed with good punishing mechanics, it only has punishing mechanics with little thought put behind them. Which is likely why it has the sponge health aswell, so there are more chances for it to land these poorly designed punishments instead of having a well designed kit.

Compare this to PT, while it has adds around it, the phases are done in several smaller steps instead, so it doesnt feel like a sponge. Same deal with eidolons that have several shorter stages instead. Those encounters also manage to bring punishment, but they do it in a proper way where it is mostly not down to a single mistake for success to turn into failure. Though Eidolons come with their own issues imo that make them hard to enjoy, as in being too large so you constantly need to look up, losing sight of your surrounding and the ground and thereby losing sight of hazards. I mean, there is a reason why other games either allow you to manually zoom out or have a dynamic camera for those types of specific encounters.

Those guys are either stoned beyond comprehension or their raiding experience is isolated to WF trials and perhaps Destiny 2 or some similar "raids" and have never set foot in actual raid games.

I mean, dont get me wrong, WF has some really golden boss encounters, but they are sadly overshadowed by the amount of utterly terrible bosses in the game. It is also shocking that something like Archons went from actually cool bossy fights during TNW as Drifter, to complete trash when they got reworked for frames.

I think the fight is very engaging and interesting. You need to focus on many things at the same time, there are some mobs that need to die or you will drown in Eximi, you need to constantly hit the boss or your respawn timers become shorter and shorter, you need to evade the boss attacks and the nullifying lazers. On top of that you have to think about your loadout and your group as a whole. And I honestly think, that this is not a "bullet sponge" fight and you seem to not know what it really means. You are just throwing around buzz words. One other thing: If you run out of ammo, you come unprepared and I cannot understand how you use that as an argument.

The only thing you get from the fight is imho a very ugly cosmetic so the rewards tell me that are supposed to do this once and they did not put in a terrible amount of time to makes this happen. I would be much more inclined to agree with you if the reward structure would propose that we need to run this a 100 or 1000 times, like Eidolons for example. If this would be true, I would complain myself. But this is not the case and so this is a neat idea and had "Whisper of the Worm" vibes for me, if you know what that is.


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4 hours ago, Dunkelheit said:

I think the fight is very engaging and interesting. You need to focus on many things at the same time, there are some mobs that need to die or you will drown in Eximi, you need to constantly hit the boss or your respawn timers become shorter and shorter, you need to evade the boss attacks and the nullifying lazers. On top of that you have to think about your loadout and your group as a whole. And I honestly think, that this is not a "bullet sponge" fight and you seem to not know what it really means. You are just throwing around buzz words. One other thing: If you run out of ammo, you come unprepared and I cannot understand how you use that as an argument.

The only thing you get from the fight is imho a very ugly cosmetic so the rewards tell me that are supposed to do this once and they did not put in a terrible amount of time to makes this happen. I would be much more inclined to agree with you if the reward structure would propose that we need to run this a 100 or 1000 times, like Eidolons for example. If this would be true, I would complain myself. But this is not the case and so this is a neat idea and had "Whisper of the Worm" vibes for me, if you know what that is.


It is just another irratic WF boss fight light show. And I'm not throwing around buzz words. I've been MMOing for well over 20 years at this point and it is very rarey I refer to something as a sponge, this boss however is indeed a sponge. If it wasnt for the adds the fight would provide very little besides a wall (no pun intended) of health with some 1HK moves for most frames. And last I checked when I go fight a well designed boss, the main threat shouldnt be on the chaos provided by rampant adds, it should be threats coming from the boss. But here we have a sponge that is spongey in order to create as many moments as possible in order to 1HK us with cheesy attacks, not balanced attacks that lead to death from too many screw ups on our part, just simple death if we screw up.

And saying people come unprepared when they use endgame weapons for an endgame encounter is uhm odd. The point is that the fight is so spongey that you will run out unless you counter that with cheese, so regular stuff is countered by the boss, but not the cheese that should be countered in the first place, which leads to circumventing anything that is supposed to be a "mechanic" of the fight and ends up with horrible inconsistancy regarding what is allowed or not. Cant use self buffs unless you are on your toes to avoid getting hit ever, but hey you can stealth as much as you like and turn the boss and everything else fully pacificated, well aside from the boss pacing back and forth.

Agreed it is utterly ugly and yes it is quite apparent they didnt put much time into this fight at all. It honestly looks like not much was put into the cosmetic either for that matter. That we only need to do it once is not an excuse for it to be the way it is, which is simply horribly spongey, boring and generic. As to "Whispers of the Worm" I only recall something Destiny related with it, but no clue what it is.

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On 2023-12-15 at 5:03 PM, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

Soloe him at 30 eyes, was a good workout. 

Tried 60 eyes.. Felt like i was playing Dark Souls lol, that boi strong. I'll probably give it a go another time, but something tells me once everyone discovers it, they'll want it nerfed ( it should stay as it is IMO, closest thing to a raid boss we have right now).

I'd like to think DE knew what they were doing making this deliberately hard. the reward is simply bragging rights. The regular boss fight is reasonable difficulty and you almost have to come in planning on fighting this thing its not like you can stumble upon it as an MR5 and its halting your progression. 

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I just did the SP (60 eyes) for first time totally unprepared and not expecting it, went in totally blind.

Managed to do it as a 2 man, as 2 guys died early on. Didn't have any of my survival mods on, just good old protea. 

Wasn't ridiculously hard, but very fun. I haven't been that tense in a fight since Malania haha.

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I solo'd it with Revenant and used my favorite combo of weapons: Phage, Catabolyst and Cerata. The Phage/Catablyst were modded for Corrosive/Viral/Heat and the Cerata as pure Toxin with the Smite the Murmur mod. The whole mission took me about 25 minutes... seems to be an efficient way to get Curses for the event (although it's nerve-wracking!).

I didn't know the boss was immune to Viral. It sounds to me like Phage/Catabolyst didn't do much here aside of Heat procs

I do appreciate this version of the boss being able to nullify Mesmer Skin! I think all versions of the boss should be able to nullify abilities!

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5 hours ago, Cerenax said:

Did anyone try to see if this boss still attacks you while you're invisible (ivara, loki, ash, etc...)?

The AOE attacks still hit you and the lasers still target you, but the mobs ignore you which is significant. 

4 hours ago, Cerenax said:

Also, does anything all protect you from the nullifying magnetic thing? Maybe qorvex's disometric guard?

Arcane nullifier is almost mandatory to not go bankrupt on energy. The attacks must be dodged.

4 hours ago, Cerenax said:

Also, it might be a good idea to have the whole squad equip vasca kavats.

All companions are wiped out in an instant, so the panzer is probably the way to go since it has some utility even in death.

Edited by Kaiga
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On 2023-12-18 at 4:32 AM, Kaotyke said:

Btw: Oberon Smite (which is Subsume-able) DESTROYS the Eximuses. Don't tell DE.

Nothing wrong with that, considering how larger Murmur enemies (Lumbering Fragment, the Hollow Vein, Anatomizer) have substantially higher raw health pool compared to every other heavy unit in the game. Smite scales off of that total health, while their Indifferent Facade are weak to Radiation. I find it humorous to pluck an Anatomizer with Bonewidow's Meathook to kill it quickly.

Furthermore, on-kill explosion like Acid Shells are bound to kill weaker enemies like Shuffling Fragments as a result of that.

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I finally got it on my third try solo, Rhino with shield gate + rolling guard + rhino armor to keep up the damage resistances and Roar for some extra damage. the 3 seconds of rhino armor and your shield gate allows rolling guard to (usually) refresh in time, but definitely gotta get used to his attacks.

That sucker has a ton of health, and a few close calls but it was a lot of fun, definitely the most intense fight in this game 😎

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