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PC Dante Unbound: Hotfix 35.5.7


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12 minutes ago, Armadillidium_vulgare said:

I am aware you have perception problems relating to people without money, yes. You also seem to have difficulty perceiving the points that you have no answer to.

You seem to be under the impression I'm some sort of classist whale.

No I just had the good sense to grind everything in the game before Deep Archimedes came out. I don't think I've spent a cent on this game in abotu two or three years (but would have to check my bank to make sure)

Duviri came out a year ago, almost to the day. If you didn't take that as a sign it was the time to go grind out your missing weapons, I don't know what to tell you. You saw the warning signs, and you didn't heed them? That's on you

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6 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

You seem to be under the impression I'm some sort of classist whale.

I'm mostly just riffing on the elitism, I'm sure you're one of the good robber barons.

7 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

No I just had the good sense to grind everything in the game before Deep Archimedes came out. I don't think I've spent a cent on this game in abotu two or three years (but would have to check my bank to make sure)

The problem is identifying that as good sense, rather than a completionist obsession with "Number go up." specific to high MR players like us. As mentioned before, some people have lives. They have jobs, kids, schooling, have to put food on the table, so on. According to Steam, less than 5% of players reach MR18. Not even 2% have reached MR30. I'm really glad you have everything and all, but if only 5% of players even hit MR18, do you maybe understand why locking time-limited rewards behind an RNG lottery featuring weapons they don't own is a bad idea?

10 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

Duviri came out a year ago, almost to the day. If you didn't take that as a sign it was the time to go grind out your missing weapons, I don't know what to tell you. You saw the warning signs, and you didn't heed them? That's on you

Man. I was mostly just riffing on you with the "Ew, poors" stuff, but this takes the cake. "%$&# you low MR losers, I got mine even though I don't spend money to support the game." Good for you, you got yours and I got mine, but some of us care about the experience other, newer players have with the game and don't think that they should get screwed by an RNG lottery where regardless of skill level they can't access the top rewards without leeching and which encourages spending plat. I'm not here for a Warframe that only encourages spending plat and treats lower MR players like garbage until they cough up cash.

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1 minute ago, Armadillidium_vulgare said:

The problem is identifying that as good sense

Yeah, you know what, let me step back and say this:

I'm sorry for the antagonism.

I genuinely believe has designed the game where you don't just try every weapon, but also keep them. Going back years with things like Arbitrations, Rivens, Invigorations (sort of), Duviri, and now Deep Archimedes have all seemingly reinforced that paradigm

But if that's not feasible for you, either for financial reasons or just you not thinking that content is fun, then it's not your fault and I should not be insulting you for it.

And I do believe there should be some way for you to unlock Elite Archimedes without a dice roll IF you have the builds for. You were correct about that. Someone else here mentioned a weapon renting system like in Duviri, I would love to see DE try to implement that

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13 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

Yeah, you know what, let me step back and say this:

I'm sorry for the antagonism.

Nah man, it's all good. I've been poking fun at you the whole time, so it's reasonable to get a little heated. Still, I probably should have toned it down on my end too.

14 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

I genuinely believe has designed the game where you don't just try every weapon, but also keep them. Going back years with things like Arbitrations, Rivens, Invigorations (sort of), Duviri, and now Deep Archimedes have all seemingly reinforced that paradigm

That's fair; a lot of people are hoarders and that's a perfectly valid way to play. But you can understand why players wouldn't keep something that they don't get enjoyment out of using when they can replace it with something new that they want to try, right? Like, why would someone hold onto a weapon like the Dual Vipers when they have this cool new Ignis Wraith waiting for them in the foundry?

18 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

But if that's not feasible for you, either for financial reasons or just you not thinking that content is fun, then it's not your fault and I should not be insulting you for it.

Oh, yeah, no, I wasn't really talking about me. I'm LR3 and have enough weapons that unless RNG really, REALLY doesn't like me I'll always have a full set of options to choose from. It's mostly for the players that aren't me that I'm talking about this stuff. So yeah, insult away.

19 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

And I do believe there should be some way for you to unlock Elite Archimedes without a dice roll IF you have the builds for. You were correct about that. Someone else here mentioned a weapon renting system like in Duviri, I would love to see DE try to implement that

Even if we agree on that, I still went a bit too hard on you with the elitist riffing, and I'm sorry about that. I completely agree though, a weapon renting system would at least solve some of the issues. Some weapons are totally nonviable which unless DE is willing to go through and rebalance the entire arsenal isn't likely to change, but letting people rent a loadout, maybe at the cost of an extra modifier or something, would be a good fix.

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19 minutes ago, NeDesitVirtus said:


Anyone seen this when trying to trade tradeable augments mods like "Energy Generator"? The message seems off and as if there is a bug in the code flagging it as an ability. 


Huh. That's not a new bug, necessarily, but I've only previously encountered it when trying to trade Coolant Leak (that mod is notorious for this specific issue). It's supposed to keep you from trading away irreplaceable precept mods or ones you only have a single copy of. If you have multiple copies, you should be able to trade it though I'm not sure if that "fix" would apply here.

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Mag's pull is totally scuffed. It doesn't so much pull anymore, it's more of a trip. Woohoo LoS!!! 


While I'm on the topic of Mag, I've been bumping this bug report thread for over 2 years.

It was acknowledged as a reproduceable bug here as well.


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New Bug - New Bug - New Bug

Phantom Enemies: 
- Playing new Omnia Fissure on Persto in the Sanctum tileset (you'll see clearly in the image link provided below)
- Slaughtering enemies as one would normally do
- Weirdly notices that some enemies that I killed, whom also had that new stupid arrow-debuff icon on their heads, keep that weird debuff from despawning
- Resulting in my Minimap being cluttered with "Fake" or "Shadow" enemies, that are physically and corporeally not there. 
- Me resulting into "diving into a crowd of enemies" only to be met with, well, nothing actually being there. 

Image of said incident: https://imgur.com/gallery/9WTVdPC

Hope this gets looked into and fixed ASAP, because we know how spaghetti code holds up our minimaps as is already, and we don't need something like this messing it up even further. 

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9 часов назад, [DE]Megan сказал:

Unowned items will now be indicated as such in the Deep Archimedea Loadout Individual Parameter UI - they will now be marked with a “!” icon and will have the “NOT OWNED” tag in the tooltip. 

🤦‍♂️just remove unowned weapons from the pool

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Hey DE, not sure if this is the right place to say this but Railjack void fissure missions are NOT giving Corrupted Holokeys. I've done 4 spy missions on veil + 3 skirmish on veil and not a single corrupted holokey dropped. It's very weird for something with 1/3rd drop chance.
Could you please take a look at this and see if it's a bug, please?

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49 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

This is still broken, please fix.


Does changing her energy colors to darker shades make it less noticeable? I know it's not a fix but might help mitigate the problem until DE fixes it...again

I set a lot of energy colors on frames/weapons to dark colors to reduce visual clutter. I also turn down a lot of video settings because this game is too much visual stimulation sometimes and gets overwhelming. 

I'm not noticing what you are and wondering if it's energy colors, my settings or a combination of both. 

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20 hours ago, Armadillidium_vulgare said:

I'll explain: MR represents a limitation on a player's weapons roster and frames. It's a bit like a credit score. If yours isn't high enough, you won't be able to get good loans, or in this case, weapons and frames. Does that help? Anyway, the point is that players with limited rosters of weapons and frames are able to get to Whispers In The Walls and Deep Archimedea. Unlike Circuit, however, they are actively punished for not having all of the weapons/frames or for being cost effective about their limited weapon/frame slots.

It's a bit like how the poors will keep using an old pair of boots or won't get the latest I-Phone on release day despite having the three prior generations of IPhone at home, basically. They haven't bought enough phone slots or slots for new boots, so they have to be discerning about what they have.

Bear in mind, Deep Archimedea gives a valuable, highly limited set of rewards; if you miss a week, you're missing out on Archon Shards, Melee Arcanes, etc. that you will never be able to make back through grinding. You can't grind out Archon Shards or Legendary Melee arcanes, after all. Every week you miss is a week you lose out on for purposes of maxing out your builds, finishing your melee arcanes. If you could grind out EDA this would be a moot point, but as it stands only one run counts: the last one. Much like how if you don't buy the dip on your stocks, you can't go back in time to that low price when the stocks go up later.

I am aware you have perception problems relating to people without money, yes. You also seem to have difficulty perceiving the points that you have no answer to.

Just because players have passed the necessary story missions does not mean that they have everything in the game. Right now, you have access to every quest at MR7, but you only need... actually, it looks like they entirely removed MR locks for the story quests, so you can be an MR3 and hypothetically speedrun your way to Whispers in the Wall. Huh, that's neat. So, obviously, there are players who do not have every weapon who through no fault of their own beyond a desire to play the story, who have no lack of skill, and can be locked out. And even if they had all the weapons and the money and the slots for it, there's plenty of weapons that simply cannot perform at that level, even IF you were to invest 7 forma and buy a god-tier riven for them. The usually cited example is the Stug, but there's plenty of others. You're honestly expecting every player to invest 7 forma, a riven, and the time to max out a given weapon, even if it's a weapon that's insufficient or that they actively dislike, because.... what? "%$%& you poors, I got mine! Pull yourself up by your credit card bootstraps!"

But man, I'm kinda jealous. Not only do you have money, but you can see the future and know that that MR fodder weapon that can barely swat Level 60 enemies would come in handy 7 years later!

SOME weapons cost 12 hours to craft. Others take 24, or longer if they require producing separate parts blueprints or additional grinding for resources. 128 hours, let's take away 40 of that because some people have to work for a living. Alright, so realistically it's 88 hours. Well, people need to sleep; can't be driving for Uber and delivering your Starbucks ALL the time, after all! So cut that down another, oh, we'll be nice and give the poor wage earner a decent 8 hours of sleep a night, leaving us with... oh! Okay, 32 hours. That's PLENTY of time. We'll assume they need about 2 hours a day to cook, eat, use the bathroom, so on, that's... oof, alright, 18 hours. So, about 2.5 hrs a day left for Warframe.

How long is the grind for Khora, again? Ash? Nidus? Citrine?

Good thing we can just leave the foundry running after buying the prime parts for platinum! Or skip the grinding by buying directly from the in-game market! But if you're poor and on shift earlier in the week, probably best to just buy some plat so you can rush things. Money makes everything so much easier!

But setting aside the travails of people with jobs, family, so on. What about the leeching problem? The weak weapons, the cynical drive towards buying platinum and forma and catalysts for weapons and frames that players previously decided weren't worth keeping? Aren't those issues worth addressing? Or is that only an issue for other people, you know, those people. People without money. Poors.

It's not true that you will never be able to grind out rewards in DA, it isn't going away, and if you are weak regardless of your MR you will not get those rewards unless you reduce the amount of handicaps to a manageable level that will require multiple runs to reach max points available or get stronger, master the tenno arsenal like Teshin says. What a strange reasoning to use when DE clearly stated that DA is the latest most endgame content available that implies that it is intended for people that are capable of doing it. The fact that you as an equiped and strong player go in to DA to help unequipped and weaker players only proves this point. The choice of words a newer players are being punished for be able to access DA and not being equipped to complete it is simply philosophing and twisting reality. If I am weak and can't complete something, I will humble myself, grind up or ask someone to carry me and not complain about my own weakness.


20 hours ago, TARINunit9 said:

You seem to be under the impression I'm some sort of classist whale.

No I just had the good sense to grind everything in the game before Deep Archimedes came out. I don't think I've spent a cent on this game in abotu two or three years (but would have to check my bank to make sure)

Duviri came out a year ago, almost to the day. If you didn't take that as a sign it was the time to go grind out your missing weapons, I don't know what to tell you. You saw the warning signs, and you didn't heed them? That's on you

This is on point, indeed those that weren't heedless, grinded their arsenal to be able to breeze through duviri and now they are using the same arsenal in DA and are getting rewarded for it. As for those who didn't do it whether to lack of time and joined recently, there is no blame on them.

19 hours ago, Armadillidium_vulgare said:

I'm mostly just riffing on the elitism, I'm sure you're one of the good robber barons.

The problem is identifying that as good sense, rather than a completionist obsession with "Number go up." specific to high MR players like us. As mentioned before, some people have lives. They have jobs, kids, schooling, have to put food on the table, so on. According to Steam, less than 5% of players reach MR18. Not even 2% have reached MR30. I'm really glad you have everything and all, but if only 5% of players even hit MR18, do you maybe understand why locking time-limited rewards behind an RNG lottery featuring weapons they don't own is a bad idea?

Man. I was mostly just riffing on you with the "Ew, poors" stuff, but this takes the cake. "%$&# you low MR losers, I got mine even though I don't spend money to support the game." Good for you, you got yours and I got mine, but some of us care about the experience other, newer players have with the game and don't think that they should get screwed by an RNG lottery where regardless of skill level they can't access the top rewards without leeching and which encourages spending plat. I'm not here for a Warframe that only encourages spending plat and treats lower MR players like garbage until they cough up cash.

Based on your logic, an intern should get paid same as CEO

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10 hours ago, Mr.Holyroller said:

Nah i like the randomized loadouts. The circuit and now this are like the only things interesting about the game since they completely abandoned railjack.

Its designed for endgame players and to be done in a group.

Because it can be done in a group, there's basically a built-in failsafe that someone can carry you without restricting themselves, something the circuit didnt have.

It's always going to be possible to just pickup the weapons every week if you dont have them. The only weapon that takes a substantially long time to make is like the akjagara

The vast majority don't like the randomized loadouts however. While I understand some don't mind it, it's certainly not well recieved. Railjack does make me sad, it's a great starting point for full on raids and endgame type things. They just don't do a great job of teaching people how it all works.

It's designed for "endgame", though I don't believe I've seen an Endgame in any form of MMO before that tells you "You can't use your curated gear that you've built just for this kind of thing". This is where the frustration comes.

Thing with Deep Archis, it can be absolutely cheesed beyond belief by anything with Overguard, or with a halfway decent Necramech. You can flatout ignore the Loadout restrictions by using Dante (for the OG and massive damage nuking) or a Voidrig. At that point... why is there even randomized loadouts!?
If not, you can just run with someone who will use one of those two things, and they can just carry you through the entire thing. I've done it many times already.

While yes, it is possible to pick up the weapons every week, again, the vast majority of players do not want to do that, and thus, will not do that.
This feels bad to players as it then makes it seem like they are being punished for not wanting to grind out and hold onto gear they don't want or got rid of.
It's just not an overly player friendly system to have. Circuit at least gives you loner gear with rudimentary builds in it so that you're not completely screwed over if you decided not to farm out or buy Plat to keep ahold of everything.

All in all, expecting players to keep everything, just adds to the problem DE has mentioned before, Accessing new content and the game pacing. Yes, Deep Archi is an "endgame" gamemode.
You can unlock it within about 2-3 weeks from starting the game now.
That said, a player who has, likely wont be able to even play the gamemode, and now has to grind out for hundreds of hours just to get enough gear so they won't get slammed with "Not owned", or spend their time that week grinding a frame/weapons just to play the gamemode, which then detracts from anything else they might of wanted to do.

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11 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

She didn't really, although it could have been more clear.  And I don't blame anybody for misinterpreting before actually seeing the change in writing.

The explanation starts at 11:30 in the short if you want to listen to it again.


I did before posting this comment, & she says "If you don't own an item, it won't be flagged" which I interpreted as "It won't be flagged as available in Archemidea"

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6 hours ago, NeDesitVirtus said:


Anyone seen this when trying to trade tradeable augments mods like "Energy Generator"? The message seems off and as if there is a bug in the code flagging it as an ability. 


It is an ability and by default, you cannot trade it unless you have another copy of it.

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15 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Ember’s Inferno (Rendered Check) 

  • In addition to rendered checking, it is also no longer FOV dependent, which was causing issues where enemies outside of FOV (low FOV settings) were not considered in the checks. 


don't forget that fireblast is also a LOS check and fails on rag dolled enemies (it also rag dolls enemies).
also fireblast currently does NOT effect ACOLYTES and DEMOLYSTS since the inline armor strip "armor changes" Update 32.0 2022-09-07 
(does strip demolysts well inside the simulacrum, but not in missions)
(heat procs from it reduce armor of acolytes but not the ability itself meaning ember is one of the only armor strip frames that CAN NOT full strip acolytes even though her fireblast can 100% strip in a single cast)
there was an attempt to fix this in  Update 31.5 2022-04-27

"Enemies that are not affected by CC can now be armor stripped by Ember’s Fire Blast."

this fixed her against overguard and other targets that ignore knock down, but not demolysts or acolytes which she still struggles against because she can not reduce their armor beyond said targets heat proc limit.
(i am speaking of demolysts units in general not the new demolysts necramechs as no frame can strip them currently)

please see this @[DE]Megan

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1 hour ago, Karyst said:

It's not true that you will never be able to grind out rewards in DA, it isn't going away,

You mean you've figured out time travel? Holy crap! I can go back in time and get the rewards from last week's Deep Archimedea runs that I missed out on? That's amazing! I'll be able to catch up to everyone who was doing them already and be at the same number of potential drops in no time!

Oh wait... that's not how it works, you just don't understand what I was talking about. That seems to be a running theme in our conversations. Look, if you miss a week, or RNG screws your loadout options, that's it. You can't go back and earn rewards from previous weeks. The rate of progression is limited, unless or until they add more ways to earn Archon Shards and Legendary Melee Arcanes. You will NEVER have as many successful EDA runs as someone who is consistently luckier than you or more willing to open their wallet, or who has obsessively collected everything and spent money/time expanding their weapons inventory to accommodate that. And that's absolutely crappy design.

2 hours ago, Karyst said:

if you are weak regardless of your MR you will not get those rewards unless you reduce the amount of handicaps to a manageable level that will require multiple runs to reach max points available or get stronger, master the tenno arsenal like Teshin says.

Except that, as has been elaborated upon previous and you would know if you read my posts rather than reacting with kneejerk responses of "No, you're wrong!" a player can be absolutely screwed through no fault of their own, regardless of their skill level. It doesn't take skill to collect a bunch of weapons; it takes time and money. Whether it's money you spent, or money someone else spent and you wasted enough hours sitting in tradechat or WF market to earn, doesn't matter. EDA's RNG loadout system is a cynical system clearly designed to encourage spending plat, whether it be on buying weapons/frames directly, buying forma and catalysts, purchasing prime parts from other players, or rushing foundry build times, and that's pretty obvious to everyone involved.

2 hours ago, Karyst said:

What a strange reasoning to use when DE clearly stated that DA is the latest most endgame content available that implies that it is intended for people that are capable of doing it. The fact that you as an equiped and strong player go in to DA to help unequipped and weaker players only proves this point. The choice of words a newer players are being punished for be able to access DA and not being equipped to complete it is simply philosophing and twisting reality. If I am weak and can't complete something, I will humble myself, grind up or ask someone to carry me and not complain about my own weakness.

That's wonderful for you, but most players aren't like you. As I noted previously, the overwhelming majority of players aren't even MR18, and fewer still are MR30. The fact that players can go through the entire story, following along, engrossed and enjoying themselves, and run into a solid brick wall at the end because they weren't collecting enough random crap along the way or keeping weapons that they didn't like is awful design. Difficulty is meant to be played around, not paid around. Dangling top tier shinies in front of players, clearly indicating that "You could have a chance to earn these additional rewards if only you'd do us a tiny little favor and open your wallet" is cynical and not the money-grubbing direction I want to see Warframe go. The fact that it locks players out of using the frames and weapons they invested their time and effort into because those are the frames and weapons they WANT to play with is an issue as well. You don't want to use a Dera Vandal, a base Angstrum (let's say you missed the incarnon and have to wait 6 weeks for another chance at it, and the Prisma Angstrum is 500 plat on WFmarket because Baro hasn't brought it in two years), and Dual Zorens? Well too bad! Make them work (lol) or use your free slot to bring a Revenant and make the pubbies carry you.

2 hours ago, Karyst said:

This is on point, indeed those that weren't heedless, grinded their arsenal to be able to breeze through duviri and now they are using the same arsenal in DA and are getting rewarded for it. As for those who didn't do it whether to lack of time and joined recently, there is no blame on them.

Except that as per previous posts on this very thread, which you would know about if you read them, Duviri and Circuit offer loaner builds that while suboptimal still allow you to play the mode and do decently. Duviri and Circuit give players the option to try new weapons, encouraging them to experiment and find things that they want to grind towards, or build out their arsenal further if they don't like having to reset the lottery ticket for a better set of options or options that they want to play with instead. Duviri/Circuit DON'T lock you out if you don't own the weapons in the current lottery. That said, it would be a very funny new player experience: "Welcome to Warframe, try starting at Duviri! Just kidding, you're not allowed to play since you don't own any of these weapons!"

The fact that players are able to spend two pulses and still get base netracell rewards is nice, but dangling the other rewards behind a "Buy/grind this weapon/frame within the week and we'll let you try for more" is nasty. Just give players the option to take a loaner build but at the cost of an additional modifier. If they have the skill to make it work, great! Loaner builds like Duviri would let players try, even if they had to struggle due to Warframe's suboptimal loaner builds, and let's face it, with some of the weapons in this game they'd struggle no matter what. But I've already talked about that.

2 hours ago, Karyst said:


Based on your logic, an intern should get paid same as CEO

No offense, but if you were the CEO I'm pretty sure the intern would deserve the money more.

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Deep Dives - no restricted arsenals, could be reasonably accomplished in 30 minutes SOLO, several scaled-down objectives instead of another default mission, rewards that incentivize both new and old players alike, no untested modifiers like disabled Transference, just higher enemy counts/levels and lower reaction time
Deep Archimedia - Pssst kid, how about we add RNG on top of RNG, sugarcoat everything with RNG and serve it on RNG plate?

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Kubrow hound fur still looks horrid from what it was, cannot find a colour that even works, the darkest black in the game I use looks grey now and I'm thinking of checking my hound into an old folks home. 

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55 minutes ago, Armadillidium_vulgare said:

You mean you've figured out time travel? Holy crap! I can go back in time and get the rewards from last week's Deep Archimedea runs that I missed out on? That's amazing! I'll be able to catch up to everyone who was doing them already and be at the same number of potential drops in no time!

Oh wait... that's not how it works, you just don't understand what I was talking about. That seems to be a running theme in our conversations. Look, if you miss a week, or RNG screws your loadout options, that's it. You can't go back and earn rewards from previous weeks. The rate of progression is limited, unless or until they add more ways to earn Archon Shards and Legendary Melee Arcanes. You will NEVER have as many successful EDA runs as someone who is consistently luckier than you or more willing to open their wallet, or who has obsessively collected everything and spent money/time expanding their weapons inventory to accommodate that. And that's absolutely crappy design.

Except that, as has been elaborated upon previous and you would know if you read my posts rather than reacting with kneejerk responses of "No, you're wrong!" a player can be absolutely screwed through no fault of their own, regardless of their skill level. It doesn't take skill to collect a bunch of weapons; it takes time and money. Whether it's money you spent, or money someone else spent and you wasted enough hours sitting in tradechat or WF market to earn, doesn't matter. EDA's RNG loadout system is a cynical system clearly designed to encourage spending plat, whether it be on buying weapons/frames directly, buying forma and catalysts, purchasing prime parts from other players, or rushing foundry build times, and that's pretty obvious to everyone involved.

That's wonderful for you, but most players aren't like you. As I noted previously, the overwhelming majority of players aren't even MR18, and fewer still are MR30. The fact that players can go through the entire story, following along, engrossed and enjoying themselves, and run into a solid brick wall at the end because they weren't collecting enough random crap along the way or keeping weapons that they didn't like is awful design. Difficulty is meant to be played around, not paid around. Dangling top tier shinies in front of players, clearly indicating that "You could have a chance to earn these additional rewards if only you'd do us a tiny little favor and open your wallet" is cynical and not the money-grubbing direction I want to see Warframe go. The fact that it locks players out of using the frames and weapons they invested their time and effort into because those are the frames and weapons they WANT to play with is an issue as well. You don't want to use a Dera Vandal, a base Angstrum (let's say you missed the incarnon and have to wait 6 weeks for another chance at it, and the Prisma Angstrum is 500 plat on WFmarket because Baro hasn't brought it in two years), and Dual Zorens? Well too bad! Make them work (lol) or use your free slot to bring a Revenant and make the pubbies carry you.

Except that as per previous posts on this very thread, which you would know about if you read them, Duviri and Circuit offer loaner builds that while suboptimal still allow you to play the mode and do decently. Duviri and Circuit give players the option to try new weapons, encouraging them to experiment and find things that they want to grind towards, or build out their arsenal further if they don't like having to reset the lottery ticket for a better set of options or options that they want to play with instead. Duviri/Circuit DON'T lock you out if you don't own the weapons in the current lottery. That said, it would be a very funny new player experience: "Welcome to Warframe, try starting at Duviri! Just kidding, you're not allowed to play since you don't own any of these weapons!"

The fact that players are able to spend two pulses and still get base netracell rewards is nice, but dangling the other rewards behind a "Buy/grind this weapon/frame within the week and we'll let you try for more" is nasty. Just give players the option to take a loaner build but at the cost of an additional modifier. If they have the skill to make it work, great! Loaner builds like Duviri would let players try, even if they had to struggle due to Warframe's suboptimal loaner builds, and let's face it, with some of the weapons in this game they'd struggle no matter what. But I've already talked about that.

No offense, but if you were the CEO I'm pretty sure the intern would deserve the money more.

Crazy to believe that new player should have a shot at end game content, it's you who continues to talk nonsense and at the same time deny human nature in one post about Dante but support the human nature in this post. Truly a waste of time with someone who thinks they are good at trolling.

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3 hours ago, -MElHiOR- said:

Exclude equipment that is not in the player`s inventory? Nah... DE just mark that you don`t have that gun... That`s stupid!

When you play a F2P game, you are willingly engaging with a certain degree of player-hostile systems, like low drop rates, long crafting times, etc.. The goal is to get you to spend both time and money  


The random loadouts are one of these systems.  DE isn’t going to just incentivize owned weapons because the purpose is to encourage you to engage with all the grinds for all the weapons and frames, and then the various grinds needed to max those weapons and frames out. 

What you seem to be suggesting might build player good will, but it would come at a severe cost to DE. Here they’ve designed richly rewarding endgame content that rewards players for spending a ton of time and/or money on the game. Shifting that focus to only items that are owned would actively disincentivize engaging with the many grinds this game offers. 

I would take comfort in the fact that you can bring at least one carry slot and still get all the meaningful rewards. I would also suggest trading carries with a friend (one player plays with all challenges, one brings a carry and ignores all challenges, then swap)… until DE changes this. 

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