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What makes Dagath so forgettable to the community?

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Released in a perfect state, not much tweaks or bug fixes, no needed buffs or unnecessary nerfs.

very strong, very spooky.

what happened? I'm not asking for people to go crazy for her, but come on...I'm here trying to find new crazy potential builds for her and the most recent one is basically youtubers showcasing her abilities on release...

I get that from Qorvex because Qorvex kinda sucks to be honest, and not in the way that he's weak, just that he really is forgettable, all the hype went away and he's just another Warframe in my opinion.

but Dagath is still in my top three favorite Warframes right now, with Dante and Lavos being on top (no I will not hear anybody out) 

Edited by Prof-Dante
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it probably is related to the playstyle required as many players tend to be lazy. if you have to hit 2 then 1 and finish with her 4 to create a wave of scythes priming enemies and simply obliterate with her 4th that is too much work of people that like to use a mirage one click and forget then spam again the same one click.

Frames that are often extremely good but require more than one maybe two button presses often get ignored. No matter how well a frame is designed many players shy away from anything that requires actual work 


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I like her but there are issues:

Doom has anti synergy with on-kill effects on weapons e.g Trumna, Sepulcrum, Galvanised mods, Steel path arcanes.

She doesn't ride the horse

Cast animations are a bit too awkward for the majority

She is fairly fragile

Limited squad utility

Competes in a very saturated Warframe archetype: damage

She effectively only has 3 abilities because Grave Spirit is not an ability

Ability rotations are very energy hungry, arguably more than the likes of Dante, with little wiggle room to address the issue

Her resource farm is mindnumbingly boring and repetitive


Still a better banshee than Banshee.

Edited by WindShadow970
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I personally think its a few competing reasons, but one of them is going to be abundance of choice. Which in a game like Warframe, is going to be a growing issue anyway, that will and has influenced perceptions around Warframes in general. Like I have seen a lot of different sentiments over the years, some which always seemed a bit odd to me. There have been times I saw people think "new" Warframes at the time, like Gauss, Wisp, Protea, were underwhelming and pointless, and nothing compared to their old favourites. It might me question whether it was just the persons highly subjective preferences and a bias for their long time favourites rather than anything more objective as far as neutral honest assessments. Which is also totally fair, you know, as far as peoples preferences and opinions... 

Either way, with larger rosters, a lot of people are going to have quite a few favourites already, and unless they are the type to be very open and excited about new potential, or they are the type that will attempt to actually have like 40 favourites, and mean that sincerely, or a new Warframe comes along and does something really special and unique... Then it kind of makes sense that a lot of them will fade into the background for many. Also when I say special and unique, I mean in both a general consensus sort of way, or a more specific and personal sense. 

Personally I really like Dagath, but I am also the types to be excited about new releases and also I am the type to have like 40 favourites I often try to play (usually unsuccessfully). That being said, I have been neglecting Dagath a bit lately. Since recently I have only been playing Netracells, and Archimeda, and I am not sure how her death/spirit abilities works there, and my build is kind of squishy anyway, relatively speaking. I think in the coming months I will use her a bit more, since I think I would enjoy her a lot in Omni Fissures, and Lua Disruption (when Protea Prime drops), I think she is underrated in general. Don't really like the skirt/dress thing though. Sort of prefer sleeker designs. Default helmet is pretty dope design though too. 

I also really like Qorvex as well, mind you. 

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9 minutes ago, johnno23 said:

it probably is related to the playstyle required as many players tend to be lazy. if you have to hit 2 then 1 and finish with her 4 to create a wave of scythes priming enemies and simply obliterate with her 4th that is too much work of people that like to use a mirage one click and forget then spam again the same one click.

Frames that are often extremely good but require more than one maybe two button presses often get ignored. No matter how well a frame is designed many players shy away from anything that requires actual work 


That may be case for some players but not for me.

I like Dante. It's not perfect but good enough FOR ME. Dante gameplay is much more button presses than Dagath can think of. You got exalted, shooting + alternate to get e.g. energy. Then you basic buffs that you do every 30 second - 1 minute (234,324 -> numbers are ability keys pressed). Then you get yourself & allies overguard (224). I do it few times at the start of mission (to get to my modded 30k I need to do 3-4 times afair). If allies needs overguard then I repeat (224). Main damaging (except his exalted) is 3 or 334 for higher level. Compare it to Dagath 1,2,4

The problem with Dagath or Styanax is that you are basically doing same things over and over. Press 1, 2 then 4. You execute 4th? Guess what, you cannot armor strip anymore. You need whole 1,2, 4 combo again. Styanax while banning usage of abilities during 4th, at least it have workable 1&2 abilities.


34 minutes ago, Prof-Dante said:

what happened? I'm not asking for people to go crazy for her, but come on...I'm here trying to find new crazy potential builds for her and the most recent one is basically youtubers showcasing her abilities on release...

And what builds are you expecting? You just pres 1,2,4 ad nauseum. ;)

35 minutes ago, Prof-Dante said:

I get that from Qorvex because Qorvex kinda sucks to be honest, and not in the way that he's weak, just that he really is forgettable, all the hype went away and he's just another Warframe in my opinion.

I honestly like Qovex much more. It's not some crazy frame but it doesn't force me into any kind of long order just synergies (you have 1st > blast it with 2nd or 4th; you want grouped enemies with 2nd to do 4th). I can put 1st. I can mark enemies with 4th. I can group them before or after.

More subjectively, but it looks nice and hovering with 4th (aimglide duration + gravity mods) is fun. Plus funny visual bug (nothing worth fixing as it doesn't give any advantage) is that after 4th hovering you just have walking animation.

43 minutes ago, Prof-Dante said:

Released in a perfect state, not much tweaks or bug fixes, no needed buffs or unnecessary nerfs.

Perfect state? Pffft. It was just strong enough mess. You got very similar abilities. Ability that needs cast other abilities to do "something different" and it still end up as same... Her 3rd is basically passive. Her 4th has terrain problem. And her passive.... is just nothing.


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Forgettable? Not really

Just another glass cannon, can nuke the room, will die if you screw up

I do actually see her quite a bit during missions. Her horses are hard to miss… now that I think of it that’s probably not saying much. 

If you want a forgettable frame… huh I forgot the name. I think he was a sentient? 
Oh yeaaaa, it was Revenant. Definitely Revenant 

6 hours ago, Prof-Dante said:

I get that from Qorvex because Qorvex kinda sucks to be honest, and not in the way that he's weak, just that he really is forgettable, all the hype went away and he's just another Warframe in my opinion.

I will not take any Qorvex slander

He is immortal with his concrete memes

Edit: during, not dulling

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35 minutes ago, Aruquae said:

He is immortal with his concrete memes

That's literally the only thing he has and a lot of other warframes do it better, qorvex is easily the worst 2023 warframe

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2 minutes ago, Waeleto said:

That's literally the only thing he has and a lot of other warframes do it better, qorvex is easily the worst 2023 warframe

He has a villager forehead? No one can beat that 

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5 minutes ago, Waeleto said:
40 minutes ago, Aruquae said:

He is immortal with his concrete memes

That's literally the only thing he has and a lot of other warframes do it better, qorvex is easily the worst 2023 warframe

Flying with his 4th, destroying enemies.

Plus he is super rad frame *ba dum tss*.

ps. Dagath is worse in 2023

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2 hours ago, Prof-Dante said:

what happened?

Her 4 hitbox is waaay too narrow. With the way I play her, she just ends up feeling like a worse Kullervo. And it's not just her damage capabilities, she falls short to him in survivability and utility too.

So while she's not the worst DPS frame, I'd rather just play Kullervo if I'm given the option.

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Getting her seems a tad bit tedious and her gimmick is horses without being able to use the horse they designed for the game. I completely get why they didn't want Yareli 2.0 but I imagine it took a lot of wind out of the sails of those excited about a Headless Horseman Frame.

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Because most of the roles that players want are already covered, and Dagath is just a gimmicky way to do the same stuff other frames do simpler and better.

Also has a slow as part of their kit when the game keeps pushing overguarded enemies at you.

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12 minutes ago, TeaHands said:

Getting her seems a tad bit tedious and her gimmick is horses without being able to use the horse they designed for the game. I completely get why they didn't want Yareli 2.0 but I imagine it took a lot of wind out of the sails of those excited about a Headless Horseman Frame.

While not "the best" it would be at least something fairly new. Imagine riding horse, slicing enemies with lance (in front of you with some more power) or with sword (to sides, with less power but more speed or something). Add some effects and you have pretty fun toy.

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At least Caliban wont be alone anymore. The only time I see the word "Caliban" is "why is no-one playing Caliban" and "10 reasons why I play Caliban when no-one else does", so literally just to say how ignored he is, not in any other context.

Anyway, I have personally been ignoring a lot of new frames, even the allegedly good ones like Citrine and I have no regrets. Its just not worth the work to get a copy paste of what I have except its worse and unmodded, requiring another set of hours to complete and another set of hours to read and understand new abilities, that in the end turn out to be just old abilities, but different enough so you have to re-study. I will just wait for primes and plat trade for those if I ever feel like playing them.

Edited by MaxTunnerX
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Dagath is a weird frame.

She is a mixed bag of wanting to be a caster, but then having stuff in her kit that also benefits being a (melee) weapons platform.

Her 4s damage is absurd, and the fact it armour strips. There were calls for nerfs on her 4th because of how insanely high the damage is.

The issue with Dagath, is building her. She's not only a pain in the ass to get, using the old Void Key system that many people don't want to engage in, but actually sorting a build for her requires really weird specifics.

E.g. to get her going as a caster, you want Citrines Subsume, then building for 286% strength to have Doom and Cavelry hit 100% in their effects . Like... that's a really specific number, and takes a chunk of resources to get there, not to mention Brief Respite and Catalyzing shields just to keep her shield gate up and going.

If you're making her a melee weapons platform.... I pray for you. She is then generally built as a health tank, with very low base armour. This puts her at having the 5th highest base health in the entire game, but the 2nd lowest base armour. That's a pretty bad mix ngl, and her weapon buffing is exclusive to Melee weapons.

Building her for both being a Caster and Melee buffer generally doesn't mix well in her kit.


She's just one of those "Good, but not amazing", "Does what she does, but others do it better", type frames.

If I want a specific nuking caster, I'd use:
Dante, Sevagoth, Saryn, Volt hell even Xaku.

If I want a specific melee buffer I'd use:
Gauss, Volt, Kullervo, Saryn or Voruna

She's a weird mixed bag.

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I can only talk about myself, so i dont know why others dont like her. And there are a few reasons that compound into me not using her much.

I have a distaste for frames that are "too ritualistic" , as in you need to cast a certain set of abilities in a specific order and keep doing that to stay effective. It takes away a bit from the spice of life for me as it starts feeling mundane. That's why i avoid Gara even though she ticks most other boxes for me.

Not too much of a fan for fragile frames that are expected to melee with no direct way to improve effective survivability outside killing enemies first or using helminth to patch up the holes. Yes , you can use her spectral form , but having a cooldown with no means to reduce leads me to not relying on it too much also leading to the next thing

Dont like things that have long cooldowns with no way to reduce it, you loose the whole crit bonus for 25 seconds on fatal damage. Which i suppose is fair? but i dont like being without abilities with no agency.

She mostly does damage (and some CC i grant you) , but i can do that with other frames maybe less effectively but the end results will not be too different.

And the clincher for me was the cast time for her 4 (and the visual pollution i get out of it)

I honestly would have forgotten Dagath exists (which ties in well with her theme i guess) if it wasnt for this post.


Edited by 0_The_F00l
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Il y a 4 heures, Prof-Dante a dit :

What makes Dagath so forgettable to the community?

To be honest, I can't even remember her face 😁


I think that Dagath is more than ok, but she got a bit affected by the shield gating changes : she has now less than 1 second of shield gate with her base shields value (1.23s with Redirection). For a warframe that needs to rely on shield gating to survive, this was a bit bad and made modding for shileds absolutely mandatory, reducing modding variety.

Also, her 3rd ability is nothing more than a "fake" passive, this makes her a caster with only three abilities to cast, one of them having some problems : long cast animation, terrain pathing, limited range. Her gameplay consists, most of the time, at spamming her 1st and 2nd : in other words, it's a kind of boring gameplay, specially if you are doing long runs (you won't die, but you'll be repeating the same actions every two seconds).

Dagath is strong, sure, but is she funny to play ? For a couple of short missions, yes, but for a long mission or for many medium missions, no.

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her farm is probably a bit rough for newer players, with the eximus stronghold but if youve come far enough for that you can probably do it as a newer player.

after that you need a lot of syndicate standing to get all her parts, then once you actually build her you need pretty expensive mods for her which a new player wont have, but lets say you keep going and get the mods too. now you have a strong frame that can 100% shred enemies with her 4

but then you realize she's ... kind of bland, your 1 and 2 are just to prime enemies, your 3 is just a buff which is strong but not flashy or fun, then your 4 although is strong and fun, is slow and a little clunky, so without some casting speed its ganna feel weird to use over and over. and then at this point you realize there's just better options in the game if we speak objectively, but through all of this, its true that dagath is a very very strong warframe that has really good numbers and abilities, and anyone who does like her wont be disappointed in her power 

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Dagath is great. Honestly I think she's one of the strongest caster frames if you're comfortable playing around her 3 and shield gate.

"The community" has just kinda turned into people copy pasting others builds that get popular online.

The same reason why it took people so long to figure out Gyre's strength



Edited by Mr.Holyroller
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