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How many quit Warframe because of The New War Archon Hunt?

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I just finished the New War today, and the amount of frustration over the Archon sections is unbelievable.

Fighting bosses with a bow and arrow, seriously?????

I mean Archon Boreal seemed just impossible, I moved on to Amar in the end which was very tough but not as. Nira was the quickest at about 30 minutes of frustration.

I honestly thought Boreal constant rehealing  would make me quit Warframe altogether. 

Just out of interest, it would be interesting how many players DE loses because they can't finish The New War. I'm sure DE has these stats somewhere, c'mon DE, let's see the data.

Anyway, I'm breathing many sighs of relief today and and shaking my head at the same time.

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I dont think many quit. Since all of the Archons have some simple approach to beat them.

Boreal for instance is just about rolling into the zone that pushes you back and landing any form of ranged attack on big bird. Then use the trees to avoid attacks and to get a chance to heal up if needed.

Amar was just about hiding behind the rock to stop him from blitzing you, then killing mirror images as needed.

Nira (though I never faced that one) is/was likely about turning away to not get petrified.

And iirc Hunhow keeps telling you what to do in some way when you mess up.

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4 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Nira (though I never faced that one) is/was likely about turning away to not get petrified.

And being careful of her toxin procs through healing yourself in random times. 

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17 minutes ago, PeterXZ5 said:

I just finished the New War today, and the amount of frustration over the Archon sections is unbelievable.

Fighting bosses with a bow and arrow, seriously?????

I mean Archon Boreal seemed just impossible, I moved on to Amar in the end which was very tough but not as. Nira was the quickest at about 30 minutes of frustration.

I honestly thought Boreal constant rehealing  would make me quit Warframe altogether. 

Just out of interest, it would be interesting how many players DE loses because they can't finish The New War. I'm sure DE has these stats somewhere, c'mon DE, let's see the data.

Anyway, I'm breathing many sighs of relief today and and shaking my head at the same time.

POV: you don't read the description nor listen to hunhow

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11 minutes ago, GPrime96 said:

And being careful of her toxin procs through healing yourself in random times. 

Ah true, snake lady has toxin too. I totally forgot that since I always go bash her head in with either Kullervo or Dante, so OG just says "nuh huh!" to toxin and all other statuses.

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17 minutes ago, TsukuyomiNoGeki said:

POV: you don't read the description nor listen to hunhow

Well I watched numerous guides on YouTube on these New War sections, and the comments below those vids are much more scathing than how I described them.

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Stuff like that doesn't bother me much. Hell, I wish bows had more value and didn't need to always be AoE now.

I quit for 5 years because of the Enemy Defense Scaling changes. I'm sure by now many flaws in that choice have become clear.

  • Scaling Offense and Balancing it with Defense became pointless.
  • Enemies don't have a chance to fight back at any level. Let alone pre-400.
  • There's no room for future power creep. Exampled by them adding more scaling back.
  • Further emphasis on enemy density over enemy quality.
  • Loss in value of high DPS single target.

List goes on for a bit but yea. When DE makes changes that I know will drastically screw up the game experience is when I get mad.

Only thing that annoyed me about the Archons is Nira is immune while invis. I could spot her jumping but got 0's.
Boreal has some clipping issues. That's about it. Drifter has strong abilities I hardly see people using in Duviri.

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People who quit because of this quest difficulties, should not be playign Warframe in the first place. It is just sad that they needed this much time to realise that.

Dedicated players did that quest in 1st day after launch, some others with more busy schedule (me included) within the first week. It lacked any Wikipedia entries - we had to figure out stuff ourselves based on the information given in game by Dialogue, Abilities describtion and so on. I did most on my first try and one on second try. When I did something wrong and got punished for it, I paused the game, analysed, try different approach, repeat. When I did something right, I kept doing it.

Since that time, you not only have extensive video guides on youtube, detailed describtions on wiki as well the boss HP and damage nerfed to the ground. 

Edited by Zakkhar
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1 hour ago, PeterXZ5 said:

I just finished the New War today, and the amount of frustration over the Archon sections is unbelievable.

Fighting bosses with a bow and arrow, seriously?????

I mean Archon Boreal seemed just impossible, I moved on to Amar in the end which was very tough but not as. Nira was the quickest at about 30 minutes of frustration.

I honestly thought Boreal constant rehealing  would make me quit Warframe altogether. 

Just out of interest, it would be interesting how many players DE loses because they can't finish The New War. I'm sure DE has these stats somewhere, c'mon DE, let's see the data.

Anyway, I'm breathing many sighs of relief today and and shaking my head at the same time.

I beat all of them on my first try, if you use the mechanics given to you and have patience to learn the mechanics, it isn't that difficult. Granted when I fought the Wolf he killed me once.

It's a good thing it's difficult, is everyone wanting that badly to see big numbers and one-shot everything in sight??

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I dont even know how to reply to this but i will try (modern day gaming has been around for 40ish years) i dont know what to tell you. but ill leave my opinion just in case somebody thinks it should be changed . I say no. 


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Imagine how many would quit is there were deacon like missions where you spotted and thats it mission insta fail.

Same thing for New War, quest itself was great, lore wise even better, lacking war part. But nothing out of ordinary, except slower pace which compared to usual run and aim in general direction is turtle paced. 

But as above said it was basic game mechanic applying with ability to read subtitles or hear whats being said.

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You'd never get the answer to that question unless you worked for DE. 

Tbh, I don't think very many players quit at all. It's a lot of work to access TNW. Oh sure, a lot of people griped and moaned, and I am sure even I said "BS" or "F-This" at some point. I can't say I experienced all of the hardships other players did: my RailJack was maxed, and my mech was respectable. Khal was easy, and Veso just required some problem solving.

The Drifter was, and should have been pretty obvious to any player,  made for slower and stealth based gameplay. It took me a couple tries for Amar, (first elected encounter) but I got it. I don't have insane skills either. 

To me DE communicated their intentions clearly. Added good content, and expanded the lore. Imo, good job.

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How many people quit is something that only DE would know but it's unlikely that it was a big number.

I really don't see how this quest is hard for the average gamer, maybe if someone played Warframe and only Warframe then they could have trouble since outside of the quest you can mow enemies with ease.

All it takes is a bit of patience and not do the same mistakes in case you fail

Edited by C11H22O1
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4 minutes ago, Zakkhar said:

The greater the struggle, the more glorious the triumph.


As long as it isn't  Dark Souls...

I don't have patience or desire to look for animation frame ticks to know when or when not to attack. 

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Would be interested to know. DE have occasionally talked about such aspects of the game before, in Devstreams. Like I roughly recall DE Rebecca talking about The Deadlock Protocol haven't a relatively high fail rate compared to other missions, and though I can't remember all the details exactly, she did give a few more for context. Like I also vaguely remember that they went into percentages and what they ideally wanted as far as ideal numbers, and I think repeat attempts. 

More on topic, and before I say anything else, I'd like to point out two quick things. There are lots of reasons why someone might struggle with a quest or boss, or say a "wall" in videogames. Walls being a term often used as far as stopping progress. Hence there can be different ways to address the different reasons. For example, I am generally pro accessibility in games, but that itself is a pretty large and nuanced subject. Like I also knew a few people who struggled with the Archons... but then didn't when they were reminded or informed of certain tips, like how you can roll or use your smokescreen ability to bypass certain Archons healing phases, or interrupt it. Or use your Sonar ability to find an Archons real version from the clones, or how the real version should be holding a weapon and the clones won't, and other such tips. Then I also knew a few people from their game play submissions, who didn't actually know or intuitively employ circle strafing. They either never learned, never knew what it was, or never had to use it before... but also... there are so many people who just circular strafe intuitively by default when playing games... Its the kind of thing that can slip past play testers and game designers though... See a lot of us who play games, especially if we have played shooters, we sort of intuitively know certain things... like LOS, right side advantage, circle strafing. I watched a few people who were struggling and some of them didn't seem to know some of these manoeuvres. Which is fine, but it can explain a large difference in why someone may find those Archons relatively easy or difficult. Like some people just intuitively use such manoeuvres so naturally its subconscious now. 

So sometimes in scenarios that are more like that as far as someones struggle, if they have the capacity to practice, take in new info, learn patterns, adapt... Each repeated attempt, should see progress and eventual victory. Another thing though, is generally speaking, how receptive and fast and good our brain can pick up on patterns, come up with strategy and then implement it... well that can be a learned skill as well, and not only can some do that better than others, but as individuals who aren't static and whose capacity for such actions, can fluctuate and depend on factors within and out of our control... (things like mood, tiredness, hunger, frustration, etc). Like I personally rarely get frustrated with video games, because I process frustration fast. Like recently in Warframe I have been struggling to get the Velox Prime Barrel. "Statistically" I "should have" gotten it by now, but I was experiencing bad luck/outlier, and that eventually I will get it, even if I hypothetically just had to buy it one day. Also, I enjoy playing the game anyway and know that statistically outliers exist and many many types I have benefitted from that, having gotten "good fortune" and stuff I wanted, when statistically it wasn't likely... Same also applies with patterns with say timing and reflexes as well. People can often accidentally self sabotage themselves with frustration. Some might argue they perform better in that state but ehhh... From my understating, generally speaking, being patient and having a sincere and steady willingness to take it slow, and make small improvements, often sees increased improvement in performance. Where as anger, frustration, embarrassment, annoyance, impatience will often hinder. 

Then finally, some people will still struggle with some things, even if they are patient, they do try their best to adapt, persevere, learn, practice, etc and even if they know circle strafing, cool down management, LOS, other types of game skill, and that can also be because of a variety of reasons. Maybe hand injuries, limited vision, reflexes, maybe time issues. I had a friend who struggled with some of Deimos because even wth the colour blindness settings, it was still hard for them to distinguish certain things to help them progress past a certain point (as far as optional stuff). I do generally think ways for people to progress is good here, 

I don't actually think the amount of people who quit New War because of the Archons, would be especially high mind you, regardless though, I think its always nice to have ways that might assist those for whatever reason. If the number was high mind you, DE haven't been shy about making changes so more people could progress (see Deadlock Protocol). 

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But they a are not hard... The problem is the way players approach them, they are so used to everything being super easy and enemies not being able to do anything to them that they make an aggressive approach when they should do the opposite.

By simply understanding that the character is weak and playing strategically should be enough, but get angry because, yes.

Edit: The most important thing is to always stay away, because the nataruk will always hit the same whether you are close or not and It must also be taken into account that the 3 archons have different strengths. Nira is the easiest of the 3 since simply staying away and taking cover when necessary would be enough, Amar is the most melee so use height to counter it as well as obviously using walls or rocks to hide at certain times. Boreal is the most annoying but it is not super difficult, you have to take into account 2 things with it;  First, do not use charged arrows if you are too far away from him since he mostly dodges them and second, run like the wind when he does the attack animations or hide if possible.


Edited by CosoMalvadoNG
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There's not really any way of knowing.  But it's non-zero, that's for sure.  Comments like yours aren't rare.

I've advised my less skilled friends to not play the New War, because I worry that they'll get stuck and I'll never be able to play with them again.  That's such a bizarre pressure for a game to exert on its players.

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With how vocal players were/are on how ""hard"" it was I'm going with the answer of not enough quit.

I can sympathize with anyone who struggled due to impairments or disabilities as the game lacks accessibility in those areas. In fact New War is likely the reason we've been seeing more of those being added.

But anyone else who has no such excuse either shouldn't be playing or at least should have no say regarding feedback. The game has been dumbed down so much over the years by players who can't learn the most basic things that I hope NW filtered out at least some of them. Sorry if that sounds harsh but it's genuinely better for the health of the game at this point.

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3 hours ago, Zakkhar said:

People who quit because of this quest difficulties, should not be playign Warframe in the first place. It is just sad that they needed this much time to realise that.

Not to defend people who whine and moan because they didn't read the tutorials

But let's say we've got a hypothetical player with some sort of dexterity problem who mentally understands how the Nataruk but still can't actually hit Nira with it anyway. Pre-TNW Warframe was the rare game on that market they SHOULD be playing, with both mechanics and patches designed to reward good builds with both greater success and lower manual input for that success

And it's not all that hypothetical. There was this one guy on the forums who was 60 years old with arthritis who played all the way up to TNW legitimately but had trouble using the Nataruk. He did, in fact, manage to beat them, but it took way longer than one day

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3 hours ago, PrideB4TheFall said:

You'd never get the answer to that question unless you worked for DE. 

Tbh, I don't think very many players quit at all. It's a lot of work to access TNW. Oh sure, a lot of people griped and moaned, and I am sure even I said "BS" or "F-This" at some point. I can't say I experienced all of the hardships other players did: my RailJack was maxed, and my mech was respectable. Khal was easy, and Veso just required some problem solving.

The Drifter was, and should have been pretty obvious to any player,  made for slower and stealth based gameplay. It took me a couple tries for Amar, (first elected encounter) but I got it. I don't have insane skills either. 

To me DE communicated their intentions clearly. Added good content, and expanded the lore. Imo, good job.

I screamed during the stealth sections, and I do mean screamed. I have rarely been that angry at a game.

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4 hours ago, 16Bitman said:

If DE lost a noticeable amount of players on that quest, they would've done something to avoid the loss in profits by now.

In a way, they kinda did since it was not long after TNW that the change in leadership for the game took place.  It could've been purely coincidental, but after seeing the initial announcement for Soulframe, it gave me the impression that TNW was their sendoff moment since the gameplay from it may as well have been for a completely different game.

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11 minutes ago, Xiothin said:

I screamed during the stealth sections, and I do mean screamed. I have rarely been that angry at a game.

1st boss on Ninja Gaiden on 360 was similar for me. First level had every opportunity to teach me the skills to take on the boss. Got nothing. It required completely different techniques other than what I was exposed to.

A g g r a v a t I n g.

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