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How My Profile Should Look (In-Game Profile Feedback With Mock-Up)


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How tos:

How to improve Kubrows: https://forums.warfr...mprove-kubrows/
How to "leak" more lore: https://forums.warfr...leak-more-lore/
How to fix melee combat: https://forums.warfr...x-melee-combat/
How to make Phorid a Beast: https://forums.warfr...orid-a-beast-d/
How to easily break down language barriers: https://forums.warfr...guage-barriers/
How to fix difficulty problems: https://forums.warfr...culty-problems/
How to control our Kubrows: https://forums.warfr...ol-our-kubrows/
How to rush (a new game mode suggestion): https://forums.warfr...ode-suggestion/
How to fix disruption auras once and for all: https://forums.warfr...ce-and-for-all/
How to visually improve Zephyr: https://forums.warfr...improve-zephyr/
How to improve the survival gamemode: https://forums.warfr...vival-gamemode/
How to improve the quests, goals and the system: https://forums.warfr...and-the-system/
How to improve platinum purchases?: https://forums.warfr...inum-purchases/
How to further improve the UI and management: https://forums.warfr...and-management/
How to spray and not pray (spray patterns suggestion): https://forums.warfr...rns-suggestion/
How RNG can compliment enemy variety: https://forums.warfr...-enemy-variety/
How to improve the armor in the game (mechanics): https://forums.warfr...game-mechanics/
How to make Dark Sectors more competitive: https://forums.warfr...ail-placements/
How to make enemies more satisfying to kill (+gore): https://forums.warfr...g-to-kill-gore/
How to line of sight. (LoS feedback): https://forums.warfr...t-los-feedback/
How to Desecrate (Nekros Feedback Thread): https://forums.warfr...eedback-thread/
How to drop statistics (UI statistics feedback): https://forums.warfr...stics-feedback/
How to charge attack (melee feedback): https://forums.warfr...melee-feedback/
How to farm a warframe (boss part farming feedback): https://forums.warfr...rming-feedback/
How to survive (Survival Re-Work Idea): https://forums.warfr...l-re-work-idea/



.:DISCLAIMER: Any one of my "How to" posts is a mere suggestion based on personal opinion as to how DE can change certain things :.




Hey guys,


I am know for a fact that DE is working on the profile side of the UI in the game. However I want to drop my feedback quickly on this matter,



General Page

This page is important because it tells the community about you. It gives some sort of background of the type of player you are for recruiting, trading etc.


Right now the problem is that everything is mushed together which isn't ideal for anybody. Here is my idea (very basic) on how it can/should look.


I did leave out the assassin marks because I know they are definitely coming.

As you can see everything is cleanly laid out and you should be able to see quite a few things about the player. Sorry if quality isn't that great though


That is the general page, the very first page everybody visits when they see you which is why it may be important on various occasions. The person visiting will be looking for something specific and they need to be able to find it.


On the far right you can see the most used items by you. (or favorite)




This page is dedicated to displaying all your achievements (or failures) in your entire lifespan whilst playing this game. The mockup is for the first page but each page should be laid out nicely and have search and filter functions in case you want to find something in particular about a certain weapon you use and whatnot.





Now this is a new thing, the history tab should display your last 10 games. Firstly it will display basic information, mission, objective (how long) and frame used. If you click "More Info" it will load all data about that mission, who they played with, their loadout, their contributions to the team etc.


As the user you can also save some games for "showcase" maybe in a sub-tab




Another new feature and this will display settings for your profile:


Profile availability:

-Public (anybody can view everything)

-Friends only (+clan members can view everything)

-Private (only you can view everything)


If you are on any other mode than public, people will still be able to view your reputation at least.


Profile Picture

You will be able to change profile picture here


Change name

Just like on forums or maybe linking the player to the forums to perform such action




Anything I've missed out? What do you guys think?


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Plot twist: the Lotus is actually Tom Anderson's great great great great great grand daughter, and is currently working on "Lotuspace" - which will eventually be forgotten and replaced by "Tennobook"...only to be limited to 140 character messages by Zephyr, opening a new network called  "Twister". This new, 140 character message is called a "Twist".


Why is this not a thing

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Plot twist: the Lotus is actually Tom Anderson's great great great great great grand daughter, and is currently working on "Lotuspace" - which will eventually be forgotten and replaced by "Tennobook"...only to be limited to 140 character messages by Zephyr, opening a new network called  "Twister". This new, 140 character message is called a "Twist".


Oh, if only you'd managed to fit that into 140 characters.

Then it would really have been a 'Plot "Twist"' :P

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There's a new profile screen coming in U15!


That should make me excited - but in light of the work you have done on the UI - makes me nervous  about  3 main UI inspired possibilitys   -   will be horrible for color blind people as well , or  increase loading time  or will  your warframe  block the view of it 

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There's a new profile screen coming in U15!

Will we get the promised fixes for the rest of the UI too? Like the flattening? Or some of the countless propositions deposited almost daily in the UI feedback forum? Regarding, say, the starmap, or the mod UI?

I'm not touching the current UI with a ten-foot pole and I'm not the only one.

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