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Targis Armor Color [Megathread]


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It is metal, not plastic. They react to light very differently.


The old shader was what would closest equate to a glowing fluid in a thick glass tube.

Lore wise prime gold is not really gold, it's a weird living metal produced by the Orokin with use of technocyte virus. So yeah it looked appropriate. And yes they should revert it for paid cosmetics.
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I want it back as well.


I don't buy Prime Accessories to look like a generic Tenno.


I want to stand out and show off my support of the game through flashy cosmetics.


If they end up doing the same to my beautiful Misa Prime Syandana, saying I will be unhappy will be quite the understatement. 


I don't know who asked for this horrible change, but it should really be reverted. 

Edited by Tymerc
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the sum up should be everyone would really like a separate Tinting Channel for the Gold parts on Equipment (having upwards of a dozen Tinting Channels would solve that, eh? :p) and that it would be very much appreciated to have 'Material Type' settings for each Tinting Channel.

Then how the heck does Corrupted Vor work when his midsection is now a giant golden, glowing disco ball of death?

because it's emissive. it's a light source, not a reflective source.
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I've replied already to the same post previously (located in the wrong place so it got moved). Use your damned heads, people;


Buy the Storm Colour Pallete, assuming you've bought the Prime Access to get this you should have plenty of Platinum to spend 50 on this.


Look down to the bottom-most row, go one row up from the bottom. And one colour off from the middle should be a brownish, or dark looking yellow; it looks like gold


There you go, problem solved. This thread is so pointless. They changed this and are going to change this for all pieces like it to further customization for everyone.



*Edit* Isn't there an option to revert all colours to default? And then you can just change the colours that isn't the gold to whatever?


Just gonna point out two alternate colours as well; the Fire Colour Pallete has a dim yellow tint on the second row from the top to the leftmost side that looks almost like Orokin gold, just a tiny barely noticeable touch brighter. There is also a dim orange on the Classic Saturated pallete on the rightmost column above pure orange that also looks fairly similar.


And I agree, I don't see any lost metallic effect on my own Targis set.

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Let me be clear - I have nothing against people wanting cheap knock-offs of yellowish or any other color, but for those of us that want the PRIME gold we PAID for there should be an option to bring it back. In the cases like mine, no amount of "alternatives" will help. What DE should do right now as to satisfy the entirety of the people is to bring us free or extremely cheap (max 10 plat) palette with those Prime colors

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nah ill take a legendary core for the change. seems like fair compensation right? but on a more serious note, this isn't one of those things where both sides will be happy. you have people that love being able to change because they paid for it and they feel like they shouldn't be tied to gold if they don't want gold. then, you have the side that is in a rage that they paid for "prime" armor and prime=gold, and it's not so much prime gold anymore. I understand both sides of it. It also seems like a very easy fix. add a free metallic color pallet that includes a prime gold. or just change one of the colors in the starter pallet to prime gold, either way it's a win and both sides can ride of happy and with their dignity intact. 

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It is like the infamous color saturation bug. The community got way too attached to the colors, and when it got fixed, there was an outrage. They put a little checkbox in the pause menu to use the old colors, though. If we remain civil about this instead of whining (sorry that I am calling it as it is), we will get one of those checkboxes. So can we start being civil already?

 It's not whining when people spend real life money on it. I for one have no problem with it being change-able, but as a person who bought the Targis Prime, I want to keep the "Prime" look of it, not just a fancy casual everyday knock-off it is now. Whetehr that would be accomplished by prime color palette (free for those that purchased the Targis Prime armor/Pyra Prime Syandana) or would it be a toggle-able option, I think it's only fair that many of us who paid for those are to be given one of those options. Hek why not giving this option for every other prime as well?

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How is this even an argument? Not my problem if you chose a S#&$ty yellow color for a gold tint, there are tons of yellow nuances that looks amazing.  


Besides the majority of the community is happy because we finally got colorable primes. Including me.

Edited by StickyBaseline
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Let me be clear - I have nothing against people wanting cheap knock-offs of yellowish or any other color-







Can you correctly guess which one's the Orokin Gold hue, and which one is the 'cheap knock-off'? I'm not saying they're identical, there IS a really tiny difference if you squint hard enough.


While I would appreciate an Orokin colour pallete, your statement comes off as perfectionist as it is impatient and demanding. No offense. Just ask politely and wait for it (there's alot of people doing that now), I'm sure DE is coming up with something. Just because your premium yellow isn't as yellow as you'd like it to be doesn't make it the end of the world.

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How is this even an argument? Not my problem if you chose a S#&$ty yellow color for a gold tint, there are tons of yellow nuances that looks amazing.  


Besides the majority of the community is happy because we finally got colorable primes. Including me.

The color looks considerably different and are no longer matching up with what was advertised. 

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Merged several identical threads which has ushered the birth of a Megathread on this topic.

The issue is definitely clear, and some of the possible solutions don't seem to appeal to those who just 'want it back' (wanting something back is fine)

What's happened here is 'trying to turn the broader customization goodness up' leaving some things in a lurch of before/after.

Dev has a very detailed task on this matter (lack of control on the gold slot, unable to make items like before) and are working to address this issue. No ETA, but it's got a bit of under-the-hood complications that make it a bit longer than a simple Hotfix away.




Can you correctly guess which one's the Orokin Gold hue, and which one is the 'cheap knock-off'?

Oh damn, I actually can't tell them apart... but I have 'no eyes' if I get really into character.


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go stand in a dimmer lit area.. not the dark.. just a dim lit area and we play the game again.... oh right that one that instantly turned matte and lost all its metallic properties is the knock off


Took a look in an infested survival (without triggering the alarm). The Latron and Scindo Prime do look duller in a dark corner. I wouldn't call it 'dulled' though, they still have a metallic hue that shifts with changes to movement and lighting. In comparison I see a bright yellow sheen from my Rhino Prime's key and waist attachments (and the Bo Prime), so I see what you're getting at. I never really paid intense attention to the Latron and Scindo Prime's gold before this update though, so I can't say if their gold sheen got 'nerfed'. While that's being said, Targis Prime is still very nicely metallic even in dark conditions.


Well, whatever. I'm neutral with whatever changed happened. The 'matte' feels more realistic with its dimmer depiction and I believe that it doesn't really lose its metallic property.




The lower one's the alternate gold taken from the second row in the Fire palette. If you stare reaaaaally hard, you'll see the upper original is just barely slightly darker!

Edited by RS219
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Merged several identical threads which has ushered the birth of a Megathread on this topic.

The issue is definitely clear, and some of the possible solutions don't seem to appeal to those who just 'want it back' (wanting something back is fine)

What's happened here is 'trying to turn the broader customization goodness up' leaving some things in a lurch of before/after.

Dev has a very detailed task on this matter (lack of control on the gold slot, unable to make items like before) and are working to address this issue. No ETA, but it's got a bit of under-the-hood complications that make it a bit longer than a simple Hotfix away.

Ideally we would just get a separate color spot that tweaks the gold..as others have mentioned.

I really like the option to change it I just don't like that it now is tied to the color of other parts.

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Definitely need a "Prime Palette" that at least comes with PA or if you're feeling generous, granted when you get prime weapons and frames. Maybe automatically unlocks segments of the palette associated with whatever weapon or frame you acquire. Giving us the ability to customize something but not giving us a way to make it look "right" kinda sucks. Going back and taking away one customization to add this new one to old items also kinda sucks, especially for those of us who don't want to change the look of the new option to begin with. Did we ever get a proper gold color for Pyra Prime?

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Yeah. Work on a sixth color tint that is specifically for metallic parts of cosmetics. Have each and every cosmetic item use this sixth color for their metals, so that there is across-the-board consistency between the cosmetics. Do the same for the patterns on the cosmetics (the stripes, the thin curved lines, etc). Then, make the metal parts appear more reflective/refractive.

As for a gold color, well, I looked at the Burton Prime's new default gold color, and the closest thing to that color was the classic saturated pack's tan colors, specifically the one in the middle, I think. I'll check when I'm back at my PC.

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Merged several identical threads which has ushered the birth of a Megathread on this topic.

The issue is definitely clear, and some of the possible solutions don't seem to appeal to those who just 'want it back' (wanting something back is fine)

What's happened here is 'trying to turn the broader customization goodness up' leaving some things in a lurch of before/after.

Dev has a very detailed task on this matter (lack of control on the gold slot, unable to make items like before) and are working to address this issue. No ETA, but it's got a bit of under-the-hood complications that make it a bit longer than a simple Hotfix away.


I did post a nice, well thought-out thread about this when Nova Prime and the 'tintable gold' arrived. To me, this 'yellow chrome' will never look even remotely as good as the original orokin gold, and I think the best solution is simply to provide both versions (one with gold, one with tinting). It would be pretty easy to make it a warframe skin as well, since all skins overlap the gold in the first place.

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Merged several identical threads which has ushered the birth of a Megathread on this topic.

The issue is definitely clear, and some of the possible solutions don't seem to appeal to those who just 'want it back' (wanting something back is fine)

What's happened here is 'trying to turn the broader customization goodness up' leaving some things in a lurch of before/after.

Dev has a very detailed task on this matter (lack of control on the gold slot, unable to make items like before) and are working to address this issue. No ETA, but it's got a bit of under-the-hood complications that make it a bit longer than a simple Hotfix away.




So what does that mean?, are you guys fianily reading the "No gold prime issues" that has been countlessly posted?. What excaly are you doing?.


Changing the gold back?, giveing us a prime gold color pack? or giveing a choice to set the gold back as it was but still keep the colorable choices too?.


More infomation be nice 


Edit: Like Shafip said, if this matter don;t get resolved, we seen no reason to ever by prime stuff agien, and well our money gone 

Edited by LegionCynex
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Merged several identical threads which has ushered the birth of a Megathread on this topic.

The issue is definitely clear, and some of the possible solutions don't seem to appeal to those who just 'want it back' (wanting something back is fine)

What's happened here is 'trying to turn the broader customization goodness up' leaving some things in a lurch of before/after.

Dev has a very detailed task on this matter (lack of control on the gold slot, unable to make items like before) and are working to address this issue. No ETA, but it's got a bit of under-the-hood complications that make it a bit longer than a simple Hotfix away.

Oh damn, I actually can't tell them apart... but I have 'no eyes' if I get really into character.



As I understand this post, we won't get a shiny in the dark primes gear/accessories back?

Welp so I have no idea why I need to paid $50 to prime accessories anymore if that happened.


About color suggest I know that a good choice but colorable or not I don't care, what I want is 'SHINY' primes gear/accessories back.

Edited by Shafilp
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Merged several identical threads which has ushered the birth of a Megathread on this topic.

The issue is definitely clear, and some of the possible solutions don't seem to appeal to those who just 'want it back' (wanting something back is fine)

What's happened here is 'trying to turn the broader customization goodness up' leaving some things in a lurch of before/after.

Dev has a very detailed task on this matter (lack of control on the gold slot, unable to make items like before) and are working to address this issue. No ETA, but it's got a bit of under-the-hood complications that make it a bit longer than a simple Hotfix away.

Oh damn, I actually can't tell them apart... but I have 'no eyes' if I get really into character.

I am very confused as to how this is such a big issue here development side. 


The problem is the lack of a "Return to default" colours button on the UI. "Return to default" code must exist because such a button exists for warframe customization. 


The problem is that UI for attachments only has space for two buttons:

-Copy colours from frame

-Random colours. 


Now I assume you cannot edit the UI to add in the extra button very easily. That requires work and thus a bigger amount of time to redo the Ui to accommodate an additional button. 


However editing a button and giving it a different command should not be as big a job. 


Here is what I suggest. Change the "randomise colours" button on the attachments to "Reset to default". 


"BUT WHAT AMOUNT THE RANDOM!" I hear you cry. 


Well technically this feature still exists as the random colours button still exists for the warframe. Either

A) let this button automatically randomize colours on attachments as well


B) People can make attachments random colours by clicking random on their warframe random colour button and then transfer the colours to their attachments. 


Either way by editing the UI and code; rather that adding and creating to it, you would save time with no loss of functionality. 

Edited by MDRLOz
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Welp DE have done it they have officially annoyed me. I logged on to get the new 15.13.00 update to see that my Tigris armor doesn't have any gold on it and also there is no reset the default colors for your attachments so I don't want to see anyone give the old "Just use the default settings If you want it to look gold" I can't.

I hate this new trend of making the prime parts able to change. I would be fine with it, if it didn't remove my Tint 2 colors and replace it with the prime parts. would it be so hard to make it into another option like or example in the primary secondary colors and the rest have a new option for prime weapons just for the gold shavings and all colors in the gold shavings Gleam I have noticed with all the prime weapons and warframe that the prime parts aren't as shiny as they used to be they look dull they don't really give the illusion of gold for me anymore maybe its just me let me know what you guys/gals think in the comments.

thank you for reading and sorry this seems like a little rage post, its just that I payed for the Tigris prime armor like others and I liked it the way it used to be.

I paid for gold, I can understand wanting to color the gold parts, but now I'm stuck with an ugly plastic color I dislike.

I would greatly appreciate either letting us use "default" colors (which will still be plastic but at least "gold) or allowing some sort of "gold on/off" switch in options.

Honestly I feel swindled. This isn't the item I PAID for. Not with plat, with REAL MONEY.

Yes pls due to people wanting colorable gold GOLD TRIMINGS ON PRIME NOW SUCKS :/ I want it to be reverted primes were meant to be golden as i noticed also the quality of the soma prime and the newer prime weapon gold trimings are also not as good as the prime weapons before

Agreed. The Gold trim was one of its key selling points. Armor looks ordinary now. Give it back.

All this. I paid for an armor set that has gold. I paid for the very first prime cosmetic set (Syandanas excluded as they were sold individually, not as a set). Either give an option to turn the gold trim on/off or revert it back to non-changeable.

Don't replace a cosmetic option for another one, just add more, because I'm truly p*ssed I walked in on my Ember Prime wearing K'Nex pieces as armor.

Edited by LazerSkink
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Merged several identical threads which has ushered the birth of a Megathread on this topic.

The issue is definitely clear, and some of the possible solutions don't seem to appeal to those who just 'want it back' (wanting something back is fine)

What's happened here is 'trying to turn the broader customization goodness up' leaving some things in a lurch of before/after.

Dev has a very detailed task on this matter (lack of control on the gold slot, unable to make items like before) and are working to address this issue. No ETA, but it's got a bit of under-the-hood complications that make it a bit longer than a simple Hotfix away.

Oh damn, I actually can't tell them apart... but I have 'no eyes' if I get really into character.


Good to hear some feedback on this. PBR on gold (PYRA PRIME!!!) definitely need attention.

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