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Warframe's Vibe Is Dissipating With Almost Every Update (Read Before Insta-Hate)


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So what's the Lore behind the Half-Top Jacket?


Aside from the standing 'Original Mesa had a unique sense of Style'


Compare and contrast Banshee's top. It's basically the same deal. For all we know, Mesa just modified a basic Banshee Warframe to better suit her skills and abilities because the Warframes available at the time didn't meet her specifications.


Similarly, I can draw common design roots from Ember to Zephyr, as Zephyr's back 'pods' are quite similar to Ember's. Indeed, there's a few similar traits sitting around between a few frames.


Either this was a subtle thing to only be gleaned by those who pay far too much attention to small details, or they just literally reused the basic assets and modified from there. Efficient, certainly. I mean, if I need new pens, I get them but if I've already got them, well...who needs new pens?


For fact-based discussion, both Mesa and Excalibur have been designed and modeled by the same person, Mynki. U8 as a timeline has 0 relation to Warframe concepting and creation.


Personally, that's rather awesome. He's broadened his artistic ability/confidence considering how difficult that tends to be. 


Although I'm generally a believer in artists exploring their abilities rather than just staying doing the exact same thing over and over.

Power to him really.


Again, what you want right here is the exact problem with the industry. We keep getting IP's milked to their deaths, people cry and whine over the lack of fresh blood in their franchises, but once IT DOES happen, people have something else to complain about.


How can anyone improve on their property with impossible expectations like these?


I suppose by ignoring it somewhat. Problem is that people can get too invested into the thing being made that they'll...complain whatever happens, as you note.


I mean...I'm a long time fan of the Golden Sun series. Yet most people complain heavily that Dark Dawn is a poor entry. Now...yes, there were a lot of irritatingly unanswered questions, along with even more on top, along with a kinda unfair Cliffhanger ending. But it was still fun. For something I'd waited many, many years for...it felt good.




In terms of Warframe? Personally what drew me to the whole thing was the general...malleable nature of the setting.


I've got a thread discussing how Tenno could be Posthuman, and I can't think of many games where such a question is anything less than flat out insane, really. Here though...it's a perfectly viable direction, which is fascinating when you think of the implications that brings with it.


Gameplay wise, I can just...select what I want and go see what I can do with it. I can modify my aesthetics to suit my tastes. Heck, I've got load-outs named and reserved for the 'character' those selected items represent. Odd, sure but...well, the way the game is set up allows me to do this. I colour frames after a theme, and give Sigils to match near enough.


I suppose that's the problem though, for a lot of people. The nature of the world setting is very much what we make of it at the moment. For me, well, it's pretty grey. Granted I play alone regularly so I'm generally facing Worst Case Scenario without back up. Number of times I've had a Death Squad or Assassin drop in on me at the worst possible time and generally had to step up a gear is...numerous.


Yet...objectively speaking, Warframe is a Western Grimdark Phantasy Star-like tilted more towards Dynasty Warrior combat scopes than Mark of the Ninja. It's very much its own thing, and its still growing.


Much like my own story stuff I've been working at for...most of my life at this juncture, Story and Setting and Feel are incredibly Fluid. Not to tangent but...in my own case, I want from vaguely magic humans, to flat out no humans at all in favour of magical using sentient reptiles. That's a big change, yet the label is the same as far as I'm concerned. Yet it grew out of being willing to tread away from the typical 'humans are everywhere' idea in stories. Nope. That's anthropocentric and wrong.


So...I imagine Warframe is much the same; whatever the original creature was for DE, it's changed a lot over the last decade they've been nursing the idea. The fact they're able to explore and engage with it, work with it...This is, from what I understand of the story behind it, a really serious part of DE's collective 'story' that they want to tell.


And, well...First Drafts are by extension Rough.


There's plenty of concessions we can and cannot make, and I suppose that varies.


Me, I'm just curious where this goes. Being Colour Blind, I also consider myself the last person to critique other people for their outfits. I also don't feel the need to hammer people over the head when it comes to lore as I respect the varying directions these things can go.


Is the 'vibe' gone? I don't think so. I'm curious where it'll go, I just hope that whatever the upcoming 'debate shattering' lore for the Tenno is won't be grossly anti-climactic.


End of the day though....each their own. I can only comment on things from where I see them, and from how I feel.

And so long as Warframe provides me somewhat satisfying opportunities to engage with my Blood Knight tendencies...I'm content.

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people take the space ninja thing as if they meant sneaky, assassinate you while we are farming type ninja and not the pop culture, can kick your &#! anytime, with any weapon that they really mean.




Frost has a trench coat and a mini tie, just saying.

Edited by AsharaClaudia
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I read in PHP earlier today about how Tenno suits became one with the person as their bodies had gone through stress from going back and forth through portals etc and with that it was the suit giving them life. Tennos think of their suit as their skin.


What is wrong with trying to look differently to how it was before? This game has many options, choose a path that suits you.

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There are a lot of fallacies with the argument presented.


Name wise, there have been extremely obvious naming conventions for a lot of old frames about what they do (Frost, Ember, Mag) as well as new frames (Zephyr, Hydroid, Mirage).


On the other side, a lot of names that require some knowledge of literature/mythology exist for old frames (Excalibur, Loki) and new frames (Vauban, Valkyr, Oberon).


Other frames require knowledge of animals and geography to understand (Rhino with animals, Mesa with geography).


Style wise, there are both old frames and new frames that have clothing; Frost is arguably the most clothed. Vauban has a spiffy jacket and clown shoes. Mag Prime has braces. Volt has something akin to a bellboy coat with a large coattail. Trinity has a skirt. There's little reason why newer frames can't have clothing; especially when it actually fits the theme.


While some Warframes feel a bit tacky (Limbo's Hat/coat), their names and appearance hold meaning in much the same way that many of the earlier Warframes had.

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Two different designers for Excalibur and Mesa. Mynki wasnt one that created frames until U8 i believe. And i still think frames design gone into cartoonish fanboi service when he have taken on the lead designer role.



Warframe is having identity crysis because developers want to attract more players with different additions to the game, while forgetting the basics that made Warframe different and unique in the first place.



U16 will be no different than U14 or U15 in any way. Ideas that were meant to be great but turned unfinished and bad in the end. And that is the reason why people are either bored or unimpressed by Warframe updates lately. Not burnout or lack of gameplay. Releasing half finished game additions, that are overhyped since first Devstream that they were showed on is what makes people lose interest.




At least there arent unnecessary hype building threads and statements from DE now. They might have learnt their lesson with U14 and U15.

Hype threads are necessary. Baseless, false commentary like yours is not.

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I don't know man. I've played the game for a long time. Lost an account due to hacks, been playing with this account for a year. Been away for 2+months now.

Always kept up with info on the game, personally for me, the game isn't the same as what it was, back when I picked Mag, didn't know she was female or male, didn't care, cool magnet stuff bro. Pull destroyed my vocal cords with laughter for a few weeks too.

But, even though the game has changed, I still love it. 

It isn't as dark or this or that, but you can make it look any way you want, and has been supported for a long time. U7? SweetFx. As for other things. It's a game, art, it evolves and changes.

Also to edit. Pink Rhino is an option. I love the color options, and they aren't priced at an extreme price either. They give me, and a lot of others, a wide range of ways to express ourselves, or just make something metal looking, or cute, or what have you.

I honestly can't agree with you're statements. It's just all stuff that's not a big deal and easily changeable/avoidable.

Game still has a ninja feel to me, and the original feel, I just dislike how bright it is, it hurts my eyes, even with settings lowered and other stuff.

And Archwing still causes my eyes to be strained, but not on my ps4, but anyway. 

Try not to be so hung up on these things broham,

Edited by HerbertBStain
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I have too agree on Warframe not being sure were its direction really lies but then again I also see major potential of a "blueprint" rather then a game that's one noted.



Example being the Warframes, they seem fine too me since we have little too know idea what a Tenno really is, until then we really cannot say for ourselves what the Tenno used too be or not we just never saw more of the picture is all. ArchWing is a awesome update and despite many people hating it or finding it random I think fits inside Warframe changing things up a bit just not completed yet, much like PVP right now. Warframe is going through allot of changes too try and hit many areas at once so when its all sketched out they can start improving upon it more making it a game that's not just one noted.


I do miss the old Warframe seriousness but at the same time I'm happy too see it evolving for more people then just the serious. You can be funny, you can be serious, you can be what the player chooses and that's important. Remember they decided too make emotes not "silly" because they wanted too keep Warframes seriousness too a degree, but you cannot restrict people and expect them too be happy. You gatta expand.



Are they lost a bit maybe....but you can see allot of different blocks being built all at once just need too be more specific later and it will be a better game. Reminds me allot of the Halo series, they kept it serous too a degree in the story aspect but the PVP aspect was almost always funny as hell. Cater too more and you get a bigger group of people, the rest is up too them.

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I like the fact that the OP's whine ends with a picture of a frame style available since closed beta wearing frame colors available since closed beta, labelled as "new warframe".


I think that fact underlines exactly what's wrong with the entire logic presented--the "newest" thing in that picture was the kunai(there were no throwns in closed beta), and I think pretty much everyone agrees that's the "most ninja" sidearm available.


Sorry. Pretty pink rhino has always been an option.

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Sorry. Pretty pink rhino has always been an option.

True words.


As Rebecca said earlier in this thread, it's about giving players options on how they want to play. The only thing that's changed is that there are more options now.

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Here what I think : (Note this might general/random/not well wright)


Since the beggining DE did alot of move some popular alot of bad to , why? because there is no real content , update getting rushed to keep player


base active , why not but did you ever think what you have to do ingame? When i started warframe I had a goal get to clear all the planet , get to Mastery 6 or 7 to use Flux rifle since it's was one of the top weapon being locked behind Mastery Rank (Now you have alot of weapon with low or no requirement and way stronger) .

So My goal was to clear every planet and node avalable this was done fast , but getting to Mastery 7-8 was a pain to start(now anybody can do this easy even with the limite of one attempt every 24 hour) So ,after both of this done , I had nothing to do except "maxing" mods , and maybe watch the "graphic enhancement" It's beautiful but , it's not "the dark era" where everything started and to go with lore these change does not make any sense

Even the fact conclave and Dark sector is quite wrong (even if i like to kill noobs) , since the first thing Lotus say to you , is We Stand as one and fight all together... 

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I just find it strange when these threads pop up. They criticize how we are moving away from "Space Ninja" like that is some concrete and definable design aesthetic that existed before warframe existed. The fact that space ninja in itself is just a completely ridiculous concept that can be anything and you are somehow disappointed that the dev team continues to put out inspired and unique designs this far along in development is really shocking. 


I'm all for maintaining the game's identity and core gameplay, but darkness and having the frames all look the same is not something I would want when instead there can be interesting and visible gameplay. What good is having a game with incredible detail and art when you can't see any of it just for the sake of being more "ninja". The whole reason I love warframe is because it blends all known and previous universes or settings and ideas to make something truly unique. The same way the matrix was a kungfu movie and became something much more or star wars is a fantasy movie set in space it creates a whole new dynamic and the last thing I want is for the art design and the development to become complacent, boring or stop surprising me. 


Limbo wasn't my favorite design choice both in terms of gameplay and visuals. However at the same time I absolutely adore Mesa. Excal and Ash are some of the most boring frames for me to play and look at because of how simple they are yet at the same time Nyx is my favorite frame. In an age where game developers produce content year after year with marginal changes and are severely lacking in creativity and innovation the last thing people should complain about is when the devs are actually trying to take a step outside the box even if the end result is lacking I can appreciate trying to push the limits in terms of design and gameplay. I never really took warframe as something to be super serious and gritty I mean just the concept of being able to wall run and teleport and push the boundaries of the physics and then hearing characters like Vay Hek and Vor I think people really mistake the identity of what they think the game is vs what it actually is. 

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True words.


As Rebecca said earlier in this thread, it's about giving players options on how they want to play. The only thing that's changed is that there are more options now.

Requesting a merging of threads to avoid redundancy, officer!

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i dont care about the space ninja thing, but i was badly surprised by how limbo seemed like he had a magician hat, and totally i disliked that mesa had actual clothes on, but no one can make everyone happy, and this game´s universe is still dark compared to whatever else is in the market 

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Honestly, I think it's a good thing DE are putting out new frames that move away from Excalibur-type frames. You can only come up with so many way to redesign a bodysuit. The fact that we're allowed to completely change out the color pallet makes it that much harder for them. Unless you're saying that adding in frame skins would be enough, I prefer the abundance in choice we have.

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Can you confirm or deny that Warframe's initial "vibe" or "vision" has changed since it's first year?

I think the dev's themselves have told you it has evolved... So yea there is change in there.


But they have stated they never initially created the game with the idea that tens of millions of players would be playing and also putting in hundreds of hours of playtime spanning years.


So again, yes they have changed the idea and scope to better cater to this. DO you mean the ninja-ish-ness of the game has dissipated?


Is it less ninja now than it was before. I don't know, was it ever really ninja. Seems subjective. In the beginning we had no kunai or throwing stars, no kitanas, no decent combos... We do now


Post apocalyptic? Who said warframe was this? 


I personally love how WF has grown. Look forward to more.

Edited by RawGritz
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