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Coming Soon: Devstream 50!


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1)Are you planing to make a diffrent types of crates, lockers? I mean:

-credit crates, 

-mod crates,

-resource crates,

-support crates (health,energy),

 ammo crates.


2)Are you planning to make lockers, crates more attractive? I mean there is a chance to drop a special items which are worth some credits ex. 1000, 2000, 5000 etc. from them or maybe some colection items.


3)What about passive skill tree?


4) Avalon ship - when will we see this?


5) There will be new typees of kubrow?


6) Reactivable quests (for scans)?


7)There will be possibility to disable syndicates mens to help in mission?


8)There will be new rangs in syndicats?


9)What about colection items for estetic ?


10)Could you tell us more about focus system - how it will work?


11) Trinity - which elements of her will be changed? Appearance, skills, model?


12)Are you planning to add augument slots in warframe and how many?


13)Favourite colors - so what about favourite mods?


14)We have syndicates weapons, mods, syandanas but what about syndicates armor?


15)Weapon which are in market before, there will be avaiable again?


16)Are you planning to improve or add more plans, ingriedens such as on earth?


17)There will be new liset skins, elements to change?


18)There are increasing number of mods but number of slots are the same. PLayers are using almost the same mods. What are you planning to do with that?


19)There will posibility to disable jumping through low obstacle.


20)How much about crafting the same thing in higher quantity. Exam. 5 formas at one moment but cost and time of it is adequate to the amount.


21)There will be posibility to segregate sigils (it's a mess right now) and they will be tradable?


22)Big question about resources. There will be posibility to make convert one resource into another or maybe create trader who are buying resource?

Edited by BananowySmok
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When we will see:

-Balancing weapons for PvE
-Buff for Sniper Rifles and Shotguns

-Parkour 2.0

-Firing person responsible for managing Void Trader

-New Cosmetics

-New Sentinels
-New Kubrovs
-New Mods for the 2 above AND Archwing

-Fixing Dillution of Void Reward Table

Edited by Kasarian
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Why are physical damage mods so bad? Why are the ordinary status mods so bad? Because of their current state physical damage builds are simply not viable, and status builds without the dual stat mods are impossible, why? It's frustrating to have and entire segment of my mod collection be useless.

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... Why is it that Prime parts got removed from the Void,...


Just so there is absolute 0 ambiguity, you are speaking to the vaulting/rotation removal of:


Frost/Latron/Reaper Prime parts?


And not something like 'removing parts from the Void and..putting them in the Derelicts?'

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1)Throwing weapon buff? 


2) Any thoughts about revisiting Limbo?


3)Scythe buff?


4)Any Excalibur revisits in progress? Can we get a hint if it is? Any ETA?


5) Any ETA on shotgun,sniper rework? Snipers in particular need unparalleled single-shot damage!


6)Charge attacks, parkour 2.0 progress?

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Now that a bigger part of the player base is taking part in the PvP, there's been many complaints about Coptering. Some players like myself believe that Coptering its an important feature of the game and have no problems with it, but some players just can't deal with it and believe that Coptering should be completely removed. Can you please give us a clear answer, about what's going to happen with Copter in the game? So we can once and for all end this debate. 

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Going to reask my one question from previous devstream which was never answer.


Will Chroma ever be able to combine elements into a different elemental type. He's the master of elements, so why can't he combine elements to make a specific new damage type. Like Corrosive, Magnetic, Gas, Radiation, and Viral. If there is going to be an update eventually for something like that how will it be implemented? My thought was potentially his frames armor color plus his frames energy color contributing to the combined elemental type, but that'd anger a lot of people cause they can't have their set scheme but have the damage type they'd want sadly....

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50 questions... You have my attention, we surely need frank answers. 


I assume dealing with DE on the couch is not easy but from the viewer and player point of view it's frustrating to see them dodging questions.


Considering how the most important issues are not addressed there, all minor subjects and repetitions seem like a waste of time.

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With players having millions of the same resources and only a few still being rare since the Open Beta, will DE might change the drop rates/amounts to have those more value? Will they also streamline the costs a little on weapons, frames and consumable to reflect that?


Also, what is their plans for monetization of getting more out of their Market items? The only repeatable items people are constantly needing are Orokin Reactors/Catalysts and Forma, while most other are just one-time, buy-and-forget purchases.

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Currently almost half of the wareframe mod slots are taken up by core mods that just increase the basic base stats (such as Redirection, Vitality, Flow, and sometimes Steel Fiber). This leaves very few slots left for creating builds that actually feel interesting or unique using things like augments. Any plans to address this issue?

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Any Chance Of Getting Improved Controller Controls On PC?

Prime Vault? Are people ever supposed to get to MR19/20 if they weren't a founder or someone who has been playing since the start? -
I understand having items 'unique' for a time, but that time MUST end at some point for example event items should either be cycled into events regularly or added as a buildable blueprint. Prime items (excluding founder only) should remain accessible throughout the lifetime of the game, since they are the main target for most people.... personally I wouldn't want a Frost if Frost prime exists >.> I'm not 100% happy about not having Excalibur prime, but I deal with it since it was only available to founders who supported the game at the start.

I like that event mods are being funneled into the game via spy 2.0.


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With the removal of Frost Prime Parts from the Void, will we be seeing any adjustments to the Frost Prime frame? Be it, his stats, or model.


As it is now, Frost Prime and Vanilla Frost are the same, stat-wise. Thank you!






Been playing since update 7ish. I love the game!

Edited by dibpwnt
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Rhino. Will he ever be changed/reworked? Or he'll forever stay as what he is? Also, how soon for his new PBR body? Current Rhino Prime textures are S#&$ - so many low-res places that make my eyes bleed!

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Just so there is absolute 0 ambiguity, you are speaking to the vaulting/rotation removal of:


Frost/Latron/Reaper Prime parts?




[size=2]I look forward to watching you make Sheldon squirm.[/size]

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