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Coming Soon: Devstream 50!


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What else can we expect in "the year of quality" ?

I'm assuming the next big thing is Archwing underwater and a Golem rework.. Can we expect things like Sentients or is that 2016 stuff?


Also now that we have Relays, are there any plans to make civilian colonies? To possibly hangout and/or get quests from? Would be cool to see what we are fighting for.

Edited by Brahmastra
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When are you going to go back at older frames and consider overhauling them, if possible. I think it's high time some of the older frames, like loki, excal, rhino, got a good look and overhaul. More of their powers need utility, rather than giving each frame one power with utility.


Also, please consider reworking Limbo's powers, the banishing of enemies is...clunky when playing with groups.


Finally, can we hear anything at all about focus?

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Question 1: Where are we on the Year of Quality/QoL roadmap now? What do you feel you have accomplished, what is currently in the pipeline and what is still on the drawing board?


Question 2: I recently got two new players into the game and have been helping them get started. I've noticed some unfriendly changes to the inner planets (especially Interception) that makes them painful for new players. What are you doing to insure that the changes made to address "late game" issues aren't negatively impacting new players?

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Going to reask my one question from previous devstream which was never answer.


Will Chroma ever be able to combine elements into a different elemental type. He's the master of elements, so why can't he combine elements to make a specific new damage type. Like Corrosive, Magnetic, Gas, Radiation, and Viral. If there is going to be an update eventually for something like that how will it be implemented? My thought was potentially his frames armor color plus his frames energy color contributing to the combined elemental type, but that'd anger a lot of people cause they can't have their set scheme but have the damage type they'd want sadly....

Definitely not armour colour, but I think a good idea would be to combine his frame's energy colour and his frame accessories' energy colour, and having those determine the elemental damage type.

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- When will daggers get an overhaul? they need critical love.

- Will older stances be updated by adding more combos?

- When will we get more weapons from more recent weapon types like the sword and board?



- Who is the next warframe for rebalance/overhaul? And what is the progress on that?

- Will augments ever get their own slots?

- Can fully leveled mods have their rank altered at will for modding?

- Newest tier 3 helmets?

- Is it possible to make Warframe abilities have modified energy costs based on rank? So they cost less at lower ranks? it might make leveling warframes easier and more fun.

- When will past primes have altered stats?



- Will we have more syndicate specific missions? maybe quest based to gain rep?



Can he please be less creepy? By not following us around everywhere?



- Having more slots for cosmetics? i can't put all the bobbleheads :(

- Can we access pvp rewards from the liset as well?

- Can Ordis automatically store Kubrows when their health drops below 25%?



When can we expect PvP changes to affect Dojos?



He needs an overhaul. Also an introductory quest. is this in the works?

Edited by Lone.Hunter.99
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Question 1:Will there be a way of knowing if we have already ranked up an item or have X number of said mod/item that we go out and grab.

For example, 

I am constantly ranking up weapons here and there. I have accidentally re-ranked up weapons I have long tossed away in the past thinking that I have not done them.

Other than looking at your profile to actually determine if you have or haven't done X weapon/frame etc Will there be a new way of telling these things.



Question 2:Will there ever be a new mini-map? Archwing is killer with the current map system..

*Not to say that the mini map is bad, just it has its limitations especially within Archwing as it cannot tell you to fly upwards or downwards to your destination leaving you to manually figure this out yourself and in some situations it can be problematic seeing as in exterminate missions the destination to the exit does not appear until you are within a certain amount of range instead of always showing.


Question 3:Will Ordis, or anyone other than The Lotus be in missions as well? I kinda liked it during the Limbo Theorem quest we have Ordis filling in during interception runs, or in the old days, Darvo filling in for Lotus during some runs which were actually quite amusing.

*Not saying that Lotus can't be there, but, Sometimes mixing it up seems interesting, at least to me.


Question 4: Not that this one is important but Will there ever be a release of Warframe to linux and/or OSX users? 

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Question: Any word on bringing back the original PhysX effects? A lot of players with PhysX capable hardware are extremely disappointed that the PhysX effects were/are being completely removed. Would it be possible to allow both the new particle noise system and PhysX to run side by side, to give those with PhysX capable hardware even more eyecandy?

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For many veteran players, the most recent void trader offerings have not lived up to the promise of making it rewarding to turn in prime parts we don't need. It's nice to give everybody a fair chance at getting the primed mods they want, but, could we get the void trader to offer consumables like fusion cores, eximus specters, keys etc to make the mod repeats less disappointing for those who have already them?


The new Grineer Maniac enemy is extremely frustrating sometimes, in that his unbreakable and very deadly slapping attack seems kind of randomly applied. Would you consider tweaking his behavior to make the attack better telegraphed/more avoidable?

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Is there anything at all that you can tell us about upcoming changes to Dark sector conflicts, will anything change, if so what? when will they come back online? Will credits and battlepay play a big part still or will conflicts be resolved more through skill than number of players?

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So someone has to ask this oldest question ever:


1) Apart from the branches of PVP 2.0 and Simaris scanning what really is the "ENDGAME" content that veteran players can look forward to or is it just a dream never to be realized, since there's only so few of us at MR19??


I ask this as there's barely anything left to do in the game, levelling up a weapon/frame every few weeks isn't fun anymore, just getting duller, I wish to have the spark return to the game that is warframe or is that also just a dream???

Edited by wo1verin3
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1. Can we expect the Bleeding mechanic to get a rework? It makes no sense for Bleeding procs to go through shields, and it is both counter-intuitive and frustrating to be sequenced to death by a single proc while far from the actual threat or behind cover. On top of that, very few warframes have the ability to stop them, and players cannot be expected to drop health restores just to counter it quickly enough. Every warframe needs to have at least one way to block it, and I'm not speaking about abilities.


2. Sniper Rifles buff? Snipers have never been reliable because of their crit chance inferior to bows. Can we also expect an adjustable zoom with sniper rifles?


3. Passive Abilities?


4. Forgotten melee weapon types getting a rework? From scythes to daggers, we have a few types of melee weapons that have been around for a while, and yet still suffer from under-developed stances, having weak stats compared to the majority of melee weapons, and/or lacking in damage multiplicating combos. When can we expect them to get some love?

          This includes:


          -Single Daggers
          -Dual Daggers

          -Sparring (Kogake and Obex)

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Will the ammo pool and amount of ammo picked up for machine pistols (furis, akzani, etc.) ever be increased? 


Will RMB combos be added to every melee stance? If so, it would be at least 2 combos per weapons that don't rely on timing or direction, which would make melee much easier, in my view. 

Edited by StoneBrigand
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Instead of pushing warframe and equipment design to work around endless scaling, why not cap otherwise endless missions? This would effectively produce an enemy level cap which powers, weapons, and mods could be balanced around. At the very least, this would solve the damage falloff problem that plagues most equipment, and go a long way towards improving the percieved viability of certain warframes by creating a new meta game that their designs allow them to succeed in.


With parkour/movement 2.0, will there be any revisions to current tilesets to help support new parkour maneuvers? A lot of the maneuvers in the Sentients trailer wouldn't be able to be executed on the game's current levels because they lack the features to support them (like multiple ziplines to switch between).


Could Slash Dash be buffed to have its damage scale off of Excalibur's melee weapon mods? And/or get a channeling damage modifier if Excalibur casts it while channeling? I ask because the power feels more like a special melee attack, but it doesn't interact with melee systems at all and often feels very underwhelming from a damage perspective compared to what I could do if I just ran up to an enemy and attacked them with my melee weapon normally.


Also regarding Excalibur: During the last devstream, it was mentioned that a new charge jump feature will be added to the game. Does this mean Excalibur could potentially get a new third ability to replace super jump, since super jump would essentially become a universal feature anyway?


Frost was recently targeted for community feedback. Any info about a potential Frost review? Even high level thoughts about potential design directions for this warframe would be appreciated.


Elemental archwings? I need fire bird-lifters for Ember or I will forever be incomplete :P

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For Whoever works the Syndicate missions: Can we get an option as to whether or not we bring the Syndicate lackeys with us?


Namely in Extermination missions, where one can enjoy trying to stealth melee every enemy without an AI escort alerting every enemy on the planet (Namely Earth)


And if not an option to bring them along, then at least a way to tell them to use melee weapons or some form of stay/follow commands so you can hunt unimpeded?

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Join us this Friday, April 10 for a milestone of a stream: Devstream #50! Our 50th Devstream will feature some celebratory events, PLUS we’ll stay a little longer for extra-special time together!

Who: Scott, Sheldon, Geoff, Steve & Rebecca will be ready for the big 5-0!

What: The extended Devstream #50 will appropriately feature 50 Questions & 50 Answers as well as some amazing prize opportunities and fun activities!

What Prizes? Why yes, we will be giving away 3 x 1000 Platinum Prizes as well as a Limited Edition Dev-team autographed Excalibur Statue!

Where: Find us at: twitch.tv/Warframe

When: Join us Friday, April 10 at 2 p.m. EDT! Time Zone Converter: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/

This thread closes at 10 a.m. on April 10. Get your questions in – we won't stop Streaming until 50 Questions have been answered!



Rebecca going to hold you to the 50 answers. ;)


My questions are.

How soon will we be getting another frame/archwing/kubrow or sentinel and/or more weapons.

Thanks for all the work DE. Steam says 1500 hrs and i am still loving this game.

Edited by Vairent
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I'm curious when we are getting more story line regarding the corpus council, grineer twin queens and the infested source. With Alad V infested dont you think the corpus would be more interested in what hes been up to? Or even the grineer realizing the severity of the new threat? (lots of quest potential here)

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Something that has always confused me is why did you nerf the gore AFTER Warframe went from a  rated-T game to a rated-M game? I remember back when the death animations used to be very graphic and it played a very large role in the very dark tone of Warframe. Now corpse seem to just fall to the ground and get launched a few feet back or desolve, etc. 




This was from when Warframe was rated T. What happened? Why can't we have this back? 


Also, any plans to buff the Silva & Aegis? The weapon is pathetically weak which is sad considering it is the first place winner in the melee contest.

my mans knows


Also New Dual Daggers/Expansions to the Dual Dagger Stances

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In Devstream 19 DE_Steve expressed a desire to release, among other things, a "sticky grenade" mod for the Penta. It has been over a year since then and the matter seems to have been forgotten. Now, with the implementation of the Augment system, you have the perfect opportunity to release a specialized, weapon-specific mod for weapons like the Penta. Can we expect to see such a mod/augment in the near future? Or is the "sticky grenade" function being reserved for an entirely new, unreleased weapon?

On that note: More Syndicate weapon augments when?

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Now that Frost prime is out of the drop tables does that mean he won't be getting the cloth physics update promised to Frost, Trinity, & Volt? If not when can we expect to see said updates to these characters?

Also, since the Huras kuburo, shade has kind of become obsolete, will he see a buff to bring him more on par with current companions? He kind of seems to be ignored.

Edited by Rhundis
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When are you going stop adding things and concentrate on fixing the issues already? For a beta, i think its pretty content rich and i think most people would agree that adding things componds problems more than the small fixes sum up to. Look at EA with Battlefield Series for example, Add more and more content till the games so bad you sell the public a new one! Or is that your plan????

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