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Holiday Wishlist & A Happy New Year!


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Hey Tenno! 


As many of you may or may not know, the last few weeks of the year is a bit of a slow time at DE (relatively speaking). Many of us are using up our untaken vacation hours before we ramp up for another year of Warframe. The support team and more continue to work like the heroes they are, and we owe them thanks for that. 



Before heading out for the holidays we want to thank you for all the love and support this year. We are overjoyed with all the feedback you've given us after launching Update 18 - The Second Dream. It was incredible to see all players, veterans and new, experience what we have been working towards since 2012. You have all made this an unbelievable experience for all of us, and you continue to amaze us with your continuous support. 



As we dim our Landing Craft and use our stockpiles of Alloy Plate to start up a comforting fire, we wish you a Happy Holiday Season… and more:



We wish for you to make a Wishlist of Warframe



Yes, there have been countless constructive threads posted lately, and we don't want to lose the essence of these. What resonates with you as a Wish to carry forward into 2016? What little thing, big thing, new thing would have a spot on your list? 



Try and be concise, pragmatic, and conscientious that everyone gets… let's say 3 Wishes (we'll mix genies and Santa).





We will be away from the office until 2016 but will be keeping an eye on everything just in case.




See you in the new year!


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First to wish you [DE] the Same <3 <3


Adding priority to my wish list.



1: I wish for us to have some good Grineer stuff so please review this threadhttps://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/535440-wipenemy-character-mob-concept-tengus-and-the-akushin-armada-10-another-tldr/?p=6016712


Let's send out some Camouflage Grineer to take-over a node on the icy Europa. With camouflage I mean, white armor Grineer with old white rope on their heads similar to that of Ivara.



2: I wish 2016 brings some better trading system, that people can actually trade with each other, sell or buy, at the current state, we kind-off must buy platinum to play and have fun! It no longer feels like a (FTP) free to play game with a platinum buy option. It almost feels like a must.



3: In 2016, I wish that you work as hard as you always did, keep dreaming and make those dreams come true, keep entertaining us with the streams (PS4 could you some sponsors tho, because those giveaways... comparing with the PC giveaways) and last but not least, I wish for you to use some kind-off censure on those beer cans... we know you're relaxed at your job and at streams, but there's thousands of people viewing you as a role model live or not live.



And I wish to know, who's Shadow's Operator!  :)




                                                                 ~HAPPY 2016~ 



                                                                    (っ▿)۶٩(˘◡˘ )

Edited by (PS4)AngelShur
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1 - Additional mission types.
Things have improved a lot since U7 or so, but a lot of missions in Warframe can still be described as "Go to the place, press X to boop the thing, then run away".  More mission types where the objective is spread out or takes a specific set of actions would help make the game less repetitive.  Things like...

  • A mission where the Tenno need to instill fear into the enemy to make up for our lack of numbers.  We find an area where the enemies are broadcasting a transmission, and we crash the place and kill people on cameras.  The areas the cameras are looking at are indicated by some square overlay on our UI or something, and we need to kill enemies in those areas (or make their bodies land in one of those areas upon death which might be more fun if allowed by the system).  After a certain number of kills we've made an impact and can leave.  Could be spiced up with things like the target areas changing/shrinking every x enemies (as if the enemies were trying to hinder us by changing camera placements or turning extra ones off) for harder level missions.
  • A research sabotage type of mission.  The lore objective is to go in and either halt or mess up their scientific research (or breeding/mutating areas for infested).  The in-game objective is to either break into certain rooms and go wild trashing/shooting all sorts of breakable objects (alerts guards), or play some puzzles and move objects around to falsify data or mess with results (sneaky method that takes more time, but doesn't alert enemies).  The research rooms could be ~3 in number and spread across the mission like spy and mobile defense are now.

2 - Removal of Argon.
Argon is detrimental to the enjoyment of players.

  • Argon used to only be needed in a few high-end recipes back in U13, but since then has proliferated through requirements and almost everything that's new requires Argon in one way or another.  I literally meet new players in-game who can't even access the trade system yet, but they want me to help them farm Argon because basic market recipes and ship upgrades nowadays need it.
  • Removing progress is a no-no.  I understand the want to slow players down in being able to build new blueprints upon release, but when the slowdown goes negative (removing what's already in their inventories) there's a problem.  This isn't an Asian MMO, players should not be punished for not playing and should not be required to repeatedly farm one specific area for inventory upkeep.

  • The constant requirement to farm the void is getting worse.  In addition to prime parts and Forma, there's syndicate sacrifices, ducat trading, and the increasing constant requirement for Argon means that players return to the void more than ever before (even if they're not trying to build a prime weapon/frame).

I stopped playing for a few months.  What happened was some weapon I wanted was slated to come out in a week or so.  This being Warframe and it being a new weapon, I knew it'd need Argon (and it did).  So I thought about it, and I could either...

  • A - Go get some Argon, then in a week be unable to build it due to degradation.
  • B - Not play and be unable to build it.

I chose B.  When "don't play the game" has the same end results as playing, there's a problem with progression.

3 - Updating placeholder graphics.
A lot of graphics and models have been around for a long time and are pretty generic.  We may be used to them, but an update would make the game look more polished and more informative.

One example is item drops.  Argon, Alloy Plate, and Polymer Bundle all look like RCS canisters from KSP.  If they had their own model it'd be easier to tell what is what at a glance, and make the game look more finished (and perhaps a bit more immersive).



[size=1]@DE: Yes, I did take this opportunity just to stick that third thing in there![/size]

Edited by Rydian
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Well, this year was great, but we still need more reworks...especially the weapon damage rework..


Well, this year showed tremendous progress and I think next year would be better.





Nvm....I guess it isn't feedback......oh well, it's a wish list I think....
I just wish for 
1. gameplay to become smoother* (animations)
2. more explosions
3. faster engine.
Edited by Magnulast
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This gon' be good. Tnx Danielle.

Now on to my wishlist:

1. Syndicates - With the new focus mechanic introduced, joining these syndicates almost felt like nothing more than an a side shop that I have to farm for everyday. I would personally like to see a deeper meaning on what they are or what their goals are.
Short version:

- Would like to see more syndicate quests, lore/backstory.
- Syndicate melees that I srsly hope DOES NOT include a Telos Boltace or a Rakta Heat dagger/heatsword or generally any weapon type that has no potential like machete.

Long version:

Looking forward for decent syndicate melees. By *decent* I mean anything that isn't a "TELOS BOLTOR".

With all seriousness I really wanted to see new weapons like Red Veil Katars but I know it's never going to happen since it's too much work. I therefore ask, that you choose the weapons that you're going to upgrade wisely.

- Rakta Cernos
- Synoid Simulor
- Sancti Tigris
- Secura Penta (maybe)

These primary weapons are *SPOT ON*. Why? Almost all normal variants are underused and outclasses by weapons of the same type but has great potential. Telos Boltor and Vaykor Hek on the other hand are not only variants of some of the overly popular weapons but is generally weaker.

- If Primed Ravage didn't exist, V.Hek would be laughable now compared to the normal Hek.
- Telos Boltor is simply bad because Boltor Prime exists which everyone uses.

There are far better weapon choices to be upgraded to syndicate variant like Sybaris or Tiberon. Both are pretty decent ones but could definitely use an upgrade.

2. Kubrows & Sentinels - Please let the kubrows roam around the ship now that we have a bigger one. Separate weapon mods for sentinels and tbh unless you put a mini-vacuum mechanic to all of them 90% of the players are still probably going to run with a CARRIER prime.


3. Ash - Deluxe, Pbr & Rework. Thanks


Happy Holiday!!


Edited by Oranji
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A necromancer nekros (more skills focused on minions, enemy debuffs, and such I guess. Like lifestrike on soul punch, or allow you to sacrifice minions with soulpunch to gain health. Also, unique summons instead of just poor AI meatshields. Also, a suggestion I and a few others brought up was to combine terrify and desecrate and make it an aura of some kind, but that is personal really. I have a hate for desecrate being a skill purely focused on RNG with no other effects as  a base skill)


A melee rework or a rework of the combo system. Something like many other games (Darksiders (2) and DMC come to mind) that instead of just simple reworks it is an actual system of quick attacks, pauses, and heavy attacks. Of course this would take a lot of time with multiple stances, but it would make melee more interesting and combos more appealing. There is still the issue of walking on an enemy's face when trying to hit enemies below you. Melee in general can be fun but is still not the most viable thing. I love it but weapons still take you a lot further. On the bright side is life strike for survivability at least


The final thing is about Halloween. Can we please have skins that aren't DotD? I really love Halloween, and as a holiday I hold nothing against DotD, but the skins I really don't like. I don't like the design of any of them. I am not saying remove them, but please add different skins with a different design. Something more focused on darker and more macabre things. The Naberus, for example, was great. I love the Naberus shoulders. They look really good and have a great reference. This of course is a rough comparison as they are armor, but I would like something more like that. Skins that could feature broken grineer masks, souls in the skin, stuff like that. This is a nit pick, but I do not and have never liked the DotD skins and their designs and would love something a bit more macabre I guess. Less of the roses and cartoonish skulls (even if they are in line with DotD, I still do not like the design). Something for Halloween I guess. 


The 3rd thing I want (for now unless I decide on something better)


A silva and aegis buff would be nice, but not one of my 3 things


Actual scythes I guess, full sized ones and not the little hand held half pick axes we have.



Edit 2: New 3rd thing

Edited by Surtur
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The first year in Warframe with you guys was amazing, I got hooked from the moment I started. In only 10 months I wasted (not really, I enjoyed every second of it, even the grinding :P) a total of 887 hours into this amazing game! I'm looking forward to another amazing year filled with content, lore and mechanics/systems :D


Oh and the one thing I want for christmas is a Frost Prime unsealed pack, too broke for it, and I really want the Misa syandana :P

Edited by (PS4)seannowxxl
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This was a really good year, I have to say. 


Year of quality 10/10.

8/8 would r8 gr8 m8.


In other words.. Good job, DE. Couldn't have made my year not-boring without you.




As for my WF wishlist..



1. Syndicate Melee


2. OROKIN spy missions! :D


3. Sybaris Prime

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I wish for more opportunities to get old event weapons, I cam into Warframe a little late and missed some.

This is way out there but I'd like a PvP conclave mode where it's the Grineer vs the Corpus fighting king of the hill mode where we get to play as the factions instead of our Warframes.

Happy Holidays fellow Tenno. :)

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Just one wish because I want to emphasize how important this is.


1. Greater focus on accessibility from a health perspective:


This really boils down to: Allow players greater control over aesthetics vs functionality (oftentimes meaning player comfort/health)


I get that the artists at DE have a vision of how the game should look. But oftentimes this is at odds with my (and others) ability to play the game without discomfort or health issues.


Here are my threads about this (so far).. with specific issues.


Nezha warding halo ability is giving players headaches and motion sickness. It also covers the crosshair and needs immediate attention.



Nezha Hair pieces cause me motion sickness/get in the way of the crosshair. (solution) Put these things in the auxiliary slot!



Head bobbing causes motion sickness. Should be a toggle.



Newer muzzle flash effects are possible epilepsy triggers/cause me headaches.



Equinox sleeves get stuck in an 'up' position, blocking the crosshair.



I cannot play my Chroma because his size/proximity to camera give me immediate headaches due to motion sickness. Atlas is the same way for me. (solution) Put his tail in the auxiliary slot AND we need greater camera positioning control (especially horizontal + vertical offset).


Edited by Pythadragon
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Thanks DE!! the only game that even rivals the amount of time I've spent playing your game is WoW


My list: Primed Rush, My own zunuka pet (like a kubrow, similar to when you fight alad v), Make carrier's vacuum precept a naturally occuring thing for all tenno/warframes and rework the carrier.

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Merry holidays to you guys too!


If I had just three wish:


1. Sorties to give 3 rewards per day, plus extra rewards at the end of the season based on participation.


2. Steve to rework the invasion system with my system.


3. Awesome new skins for Tennogen.



Sorry for all the salt you get devs! See you next year!

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Wish 1: The trade system I present here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/547763-my-dream-trading-system/#entry6151627 In short: The ability to post items for trade and have that post persist while logged out, and the ability to search through posted items and post an offer on them, which can then be accepted or rejected.


Wish 2: Get everyone out of Draco. I don't have a thread on this yet, but I do have an idea for adding a lot more affinity to non-endless missions to help with that. Basically allow us to get *all* the bonus objectives in the same mission, possibly add multiple tiers to them, with increasing bonuses (Like, get 10 pistol kills, then 20 pistol kills, then 50 pistol kills, etc). And have these ONLY in the non-endless missions. Since endless missions are already so good for affinity due to the sheer number of enemies.


Wish 3: A way to get Lenses that isn't the Sortie. I don't care if the Sortie remains the *best* way to get them; it probably deserves to be, since you can only do one per day. But I'd really like some other way to get them, even if it is expensive/rare.

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