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Coming Soon: Devstream #69!


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1. Are there any plans for the 2 rooms in the Orbiter?


2. This new frame. Can we get something to go off of about what this frame is about? Theme? Power Description? Role?


3. The new ship showed in last Devstream? Will it Give off energy or Overshields?


4. When the Void goes away. Can we get an Event that involves destroying it & defeated Corrupted Vor once & for all? If not an Event. Atleast a quest?


5. Anything on the new Starchart that we should know. I noticed a Focus school Naramon was in it. Wondered what that has to do with anything?


6. Is there any other Chinese Warframe that's on its way to the Global build?


7. The new Smoke physics. Not a question. Just wanted to mentioned it was awesome  


8. When will Infested get some new primary weaponry?


9. Before the Sentients came. There was talk about Sentients weapons? How's that coming along?


10. What's next after Second Dream? Any hint to point what's coming next?

Edited by (XB1)Cash201293
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Are you going to finally tweak alt fire on consoles, especially on PS4? There were several suggestions in PS4 feedback forum that would work. This continuous practice of yours - breaking parts of game and leaving them broken for years is starting to get to me. What, broken alt fire on consoles will be like base freeze and shock melee mods that were 60% for a year for no reason? Granted, people on PS4 recognise that alt fire is unusable and I've heard people saying it's because game is in beta. Except it worked before you separated it from aim.

On less important, minor things - spira prime is a direct downgrade to spira. Is it intended?

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With paid revives gone and tons more cosmetics than there were when open beta started, are there any plans to visit other old paid mechanics like inventory slots? I'm not against spending platinum, but it feels better when the thing I'm buying is an actual reward (a new item, cosmetic or otherwise) rather than the (temporary) removal of an existing restriction.


Are there any plans to expand syndicates? New weapon mods, melee weapons, cosmetics (syndicate armor?), maybe even some quests or Clem-style weekly missions? They have the potential to be a really interesting facet of the Warframe universe, and I'd love to see it realized.


Ditto all that for Archwings. I'd love to see Archwing missions in the Void.


Any plans for more Corpus weapons in categories where they don't have a lot? In particular we have no real Corpus shotguns (sorry Convectrix) and, while I'm being selfish, I'd love to see a Corpus katana--maybe a plasma/laser blade, or something in the vein of Metal Gear Rising's high-frequency blades. A sword-and-board combo to match the Dendra armor set could also be a cool idea.


Also, can Chroma get a third augment mod? He's kind of the odd man out right now.

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Steve recently announced that the mysterious Executor Ballas will play a major role in a Cinematic quest this year, anything you can say about that at this point?


And if not, while we're on the topic of learning more about the Orokin - how about The highest ranking Orokin survivor, Sectarus Bilsa? Can we expect to see more of her / the impact she made by joining the Grineer in the game in ways other than Synthesis text?

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Hello DEvs,


Can you speak to the current status of all the reworks in the pipeline? Maybe give a little info on which frames are up 1st, where the current reworks are at this point and what the actual functionality of the new abilities will be.


Me personally, I'd like to know what is up with Ash and Blade Storm.


Thank you!

- G

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1. I'll post this on every Devstream thread till it gets the attention it deserves.

Renaming kubrows when?

2. Mag & Ash rework were mentioned a while back on a livestream and there are tons of great ideas being posted. Kindly give us an update.

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Is anything gonna be done about the dillution that has slowly snuck its way into the void again (and I don't mean just vaulting older parts, because the dillution has only been increasing) ? As of this post I count sixteen [16] parts that each drop from three [3] different locations in the void. It honestly seems a bit too much.


If anyone was wondering, here are the offenders

Bo Prime blueprint - T2MD/T3D/T3S

Bo Prime Ornament - T1D/T1S/T4S

Braton Prime Barrel - T1MD/T3D/T4D

Burston Prime Receiver - T2S/T3MD/T4D

Burston Prime Stock - T1E/T1S/T2D

Carrier Prime Systems - T1D/T4D/T4S

Hikou Prime Bluepring - T2Sab/T2S/T4Int

Hikou Prime Pouch - T2Sab/T4D/T4E

Lex Prime Barrel - T3C/T3S/T4S

Lex Prime Receiver - T1C/T2Sab/T4Int

Loki Prime Blueprint - T2C/T2Sab/T4Int

Loki Prime Helmet - T3Sab/T4Sab/T4S

Nyx Prime systems - T3E/T4C/T4Sab

Paris Prime String - T1C/T2C/T3D

Soma Prime Barrel - T3MD/T3Sab/T4Int

Vasto Prime Receiver - T1D/T3E/T4MD

Edited by Nitrodehn
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Will there be updates for old stances with only one or two combos (instead of three) in the near future?


Will Kubrows (and probably Kavats) see AI improvements? Also, will we get a way to command them ("Open that locker", "Attack that guy", "Come back", "Stay") in missions?


What about showing Passives in the ability screen?


After Alloy Plates have been replaced with Ferrite as Void resource - any chance that the same will happen to Control Modules? I think the 10k I have by now will last for a while. Or could you please allow us to sell or discard surplus items (resources, planet nav segments, ...)?


When will we ever get AkLex Prime? :D


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Q: How going work on Deluxe skins CONCEPTS? I want to see a picture, i know that consume a lot of work. Still i want, no, We want Vauban Revisited, and maybe with it a deluxe skin? Yea only because his shoes looks like clowns. XD.

Q: the immortal skins time is End? Theres no immortal skins from Mirage and UP. Is this ended because of deluxes?

Q: Whats new on Support Healer-Archwing any thoughts on powers?

Q: Now every Quest will have a Cinematic?

Q: You will definitly tell us what will be with U18.5 yea? COOL!

Q: More lore for Baro ki teer and Why he is a Void-Trader?

Q: Why on warframe wiki section "Upcoming features" i can find Aklex Prime? O_o I miss something?

Q: When replayable quest will come i wish that some rewards like mirage parts on hidden message can i get again BUT some rewards like Adapter Exilus in men of few words will be removed because people will start farm it. YES i do wrong when i sell my chroma and Mirage then i wish i could get them again. Please.

Q:New tileset coming with kela on sedna? if not i can only say - Why?

Q: Why we must wait for the end of video to 250 000 subcribers? I want to see it now. Now everybody want. But i can wait.

Q:A lot of people hate Limbo, Tell them thats not Limbo is broken but their small minds.

I like his playstyle, And Top Hat too. Everything with him is ok but what with Trolls? I know "do roll to get out from rift" but what if ENEMY will go banish but ally is not?

I have an idea."Limbo fill his ally with Rift-energy, permit ally to use his own "riftwalker" for a short period of time" Banish will no longer send ally to the rift but will make for them a chance to get there and get out from there when they wish (Base 30 sec). Of course comes with another button to get in and out and cast time to dont feel safe everytime.

Thank you. You are the best DE, You do for us a lot of work, make it free to play. Thank you for best game Ever

Edited by AstroLord
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