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Hotfix: Lunaro 5


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What about the profile error on the dark split sword? I have three entries for that weapon when i view my profile. The first one is for Dual, the second says Single and the third just says Dark Split Sword. The first two show max rank but the third one shows that i have yet to do the weapon. When is that going to be fixed? seems like an egregious error.

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4 minutes ago, -Amaterasu- said:

Have you ever moved in this game? If you actually want to keep up with most players chances are you're rolling for mobility, I'm pretty sure a rhino with rolls is faster than a loki with speed who can only sprint so it's pretty noticible when an ability designed around mobility actually hinders it. IMO the same should be applied to Limbo, unless you're camping an area chances are you don't want to sit in the rift.

Yes i do move in this game. And i want to get rid of the volt speed as fast as possible. And i would rather that volt speed was only for volt him self not everybody in range :) And the only frame i am rolling is Ivara when invisible. Because almost everything else is faster then rolling. And the only time i want to be in the rift is when i need energy so i will always roll out of it when i do not need it. But volt speed i never need.

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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

Volt Changes

  • Volt’s Electric Shield will now ragdoll enemies when being carried while sprinting, like so: https://gfycat.com/FairFarflungAndeancockoftherock
  • Volt's Speed has been reverted to instantly affect allies in the cast radius, rather than create a pick-up. 
  • Allies can now backflip(aim + directional roll backwards)  to remove Volt’s Speed if they wish to opt-out. 

:O   what's this?  volt? I almost thought he was forgotten.  woot! 

I actually never even realized that Volt's AoE speed buff to party members was even a problem to begin with that it made DE change it. Didn't think there were ALOT of people that don't like moving faster or attacking faster.  Well either way I'm glad its fixed to what it should've been.  ty DE

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2 minutes ago, EmVaper said:

Yes i do move in this game. And i want to get rid of the volt speed as fast as possible. And i would rather that volt speed was only for volt him self not everybody in range :) And the only frame i am rolling is Ivara when invisible. Because almost everything else is faster then rolling. And the only time i want to be in the rift is when i need energy so i will always roll out of it when i do not need it. But volt speed i never need.

I have yet to see anything in this game that is faster than the sprint + bullet jump+ roll combo. Rolling is integral to speed running so removing it from a mobility enhancement makes no sense, unless you know of some manuver that is faster without rolling in which case please share. Speed is meant as a team buff and with his recent rework affects more than just movement speed so I don't really understand why you would want to get rid of it unless it makes you go too fast and you end up hitting every wall on your way to your destination.

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46 minutes ago, -SDM-NerevarCM said:

It doesn't matter if is Primed or not. It is a weapon and it is good, one of the best in the game and it is recent. The weapons are good, can't say the same thing about you.



Nice dig at me, some feels there. It isn't a new weapon, they haven't implemented a good new weapon in a long time, in months. No denying that, no need to suck up to DE man.

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Okay, something in either this Hotfix or Lunaro HF#4 reset all the customization I had on my...


Operator's appearance. :<

Everything was shiny as of HF#3, especially after the color improvements made in Update 19/Lunaro.  Should I wait for a fix or start customization over?

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1 hour ago, Agentawesome said:

Why not keep the speed pickup and the radial buff for those who missed the initial cast? D:

Here's a thought: keep the pickup and treat it like a toggle. The speed effect will be applied by default, but players can collect the pickup to turn it off, or if they missed the initial effect, they can collect it to turn it on. Keep the new toggle off functionality as well so you can always turn it off if you wish.

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1 hour ago, EmVaper said:
  • Allies can now backflip(aim + directional roll backwards)  to remove Volt’s Speed if they wish to opt-out. 

ffs why. Why not just a roll like with limbo rift :( OK back to quitting matches again when ppl abuse the volt speed).

because why would you want to cancel out a movement enhancement with a movement enhancement?

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1 hour ago, TwelfthAngel said:

Keep up with buffing Volt. We all know he isn't at his max potential but these changes are a good start.


OH NO VOLT IS TOO POWERFUL. well here comes another debuff. hopefully it doesn't come to that but it seems that what it is happening right now

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2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Lunaro: Hotfix 5

Lunaro & Conclave Fixes and Changes

  • A Public Lunaro match will now only start when 6 people have joined the lobby. This alleviates joining a game in progress that may be very one sided and not enjoying Lunaro to its fullest! 


I'm sorry but who thought this was a good idea?

Maybe instead of just 3v3, make it separate games for 1v1, 2v2 and 3v3.

There are players that like to 1v1 more than 3v3. But then again I guess Lunaro isn't that kind of a game intended for players that like to play by themselves. Right DE?


Well anyway now I can't even play because the players can't wait for a whole 10 minutes just to play Lunaro. GG.

And I'm sorry. But the feelings is still need to be sent out.


Edited by -Nura-Izuto-
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2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

A Public Lunaro match will now only start when 6 people have joined the lobby. This alleviates joining a game in progress that may be very one sided and not enjoying Lunaro to its fullest! 

Great, so you've done to Lunaro what you've done to the team annihilation matches: made them nearly impossible to play since there's no bot system to fill space until real live players join, and nobody wants to wait 3 hours for enough people to join a game so that it can actually begin.

Good going, DE. Great idea.

Next we can solve world hunger by killing all the humans. If they're not alive, they obviously won't need food anymore. Problem solved.

In a similar fashion, nobody will have a problem with lunaro or team annihilation; if they aren't able to play it!

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Why is there so much hullabaloo about Volt and Speed?

Is this a motion sickness type thing? That would be perfectly understandable. Games are for fun, not being nauseous. The camera change is quite severe, I can see why it would be disorienting and nausea inducing, if you suffer from... whatever the technical term for that is called.

But a lot of these comments... "abusing speed" ... "want to get rid of the volt buff as fast as possible" ... what am I missing here?

I mean, I wish volt's speed buff was level wide, like trinity's blessing. I would love to have 100% uptime on speed, on all my frames, all the time. And there are people in the world who want to get rid of it? What on earth is going on here?

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One of these days I would like it if Mag Prime's floating elements could be turned on or off. Looks especially "off" if you're using an alternate skin for the old girl. I'm referring to the floating shoulder pads and hip dangles. I have no idea as to the proper name for them.

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2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:


Lunaro & Conclave Fixes and Changes

  • A Public Lunaro match will now only start when 6 people have joined the lobby. This alleviates joining a game in progress that may be very one sided and not enjoying Lunaro to its fullest! 
  • Players will be unable to join a Lunaro match in progress if the score difference is greater than 6 points. 

YES FINALLY. I won't be starting game 1v2. THANKS DE

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2 hours ago, XtheMATTx said:

Before you post a "Still no fix for ___ ", stop. Think about the amount of stress the devs are under right now with this major update right around the corner. Chances are they know about the bug you're going to post about and they are working on it. They don't need you being inconsiderate about their hard work.

so, so very correct. Thank you for being the one to speak up and say this.

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Forcing Lunaro players to wait for 6 players is stupid.

If I'm going to play with friends or clanmates, I'll either have to give up on standing and challenges or have to wait 10+ minutes for 2 players.

Also noone will want to wait for players. People will join a lobby with 4 players, wait 2 minutes and leave, then more people will leave and the game will never start.

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1 hour ago, Heatnix. said:

That gif of volt was probably his full energy bar on prime flow, prime streamline and prime fleeting expertise. These mods don't exist, but it's the only way to keep the riot shield up and move that far without depleting all your energy.

Number 1, efficiency caps at +75% and that can already be done with the streamline and fleeting expertise mods in game now. Unless you insist on using the blind rage mod (which by the way does nothing for that ability), using primed versions of those mods wouldn't make it any more efficient.

Number 2, with Max efficiency volt shield drainage isn't bad. Unless you are trying to constantly run the entire mission holding it its fine how it is. I use it stationary most of the time and move with it for certain enemies like the bursa and bombard. 

Number 3, with Zenurik focus school I actually gain energy faster than the shield drains it. And if their is a trinity on the team lack of energy is definitely not a problem.

My Conclusion, you must be modding and playing volt incorrectly if energy drainage is a problem for you. If you insist on using blind rage and/or forgoing efficiency mods then you should be relying on volts other abilities, not shield. If you are using max efficiency and still having draining problems you are either overusing the riot shield or you are standing close to an energy leach eximus. I've played with no efficiency mods, just primed flow, and I've had no problem. Kept his energy at max almost constantly. Don't see why people complaining that his energy use is too high. 

BTW, volt is my main warframe because in my humble opinion he is the best. I love the update to his number 2 though, glad that's back.

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1 hour ago, -Edrick- said:

:O   what's this?  volt? I almost thought he was forgotten.  woot! 

I actually never even realized that Volt's AoE speed buff to party members was even a problem to begin with that it made DE change it. Didn't think there were ALOT of people that don't like moving faster or attacking faster.  Well either way I'm glad its fixed to what it should've been.  ty DE

I don't get that. Why do some people not like moving faster or attacking faster? I love the insanely fast speed. I have 305% strength and it's so nice to get that insane speed buff

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Can we please, please have an option to change the FOV increase when you activate Volt's speed? because unlike a lot of people, I am the complete opposite when it comes to movement sickness. I loved the old insanely large FOV where the camera was really zoomed out. It made me feel so much faster and when playing volt I always made sure my ability was active just for that addicting massive FOV 

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