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Anndddd it's already October.


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I'm not bothered so much with the extra wait, but that email that made it sound very close bothers me more. Someone jumped the gun when sending it out. Vacuum should have been made into an innate feature to the Warframes with half the normal range, since the range is being touched to begin with.

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I wanted to make a serious post about TWW.

If you wanna troll go to my TWW is already here post, it's still running.


I saw the DE post saying that they want to recreate the second dream experience.

If that is true then we can expect staff they never even hinted, new things and not just a story mission. Something that will make the game feel different forever.

Don't get me wrong. They dun fuk up with the schedule. But let's not forget what they are capable of. And that's crazy innovation and change in the game 

If any one is still playing when it drops.

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While the Dev team is working on Vacuum, could we also get a QoL change for Vacuum in general, so it wouldn't suck in energy orbs if you only missing like 5 energy? It's one of the main reasons I don't like using Carrier, since sometimes you just waste so much energy when he sucks in an orb every time you cast 1st ability with maxed efficiency or something. I'd really hate my sentinels if they would do it all the time without any control...

I guess the same can go for ammo and health too, but it's not as noticeable as energy.

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1 minute ago, Hayabusa97 said:

True, the last thing we need is a repeat of SoTR for the biggest update in Warframe since the Second Dream.


To everyone else complaining about the delays, I'm gonna be as blunt and to the point as possible


Seriously, you people are unpleasable and unbearable, just shut up and deal with the delays, do you want the update to be marred with bugs, plot holes, and generally be a total mess because y'all are too @(*()$ impatient to give them time. Rushing things is how you get the update equivalent of No Man's Sky.

Great. Now I'm all hot and bothered. 

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The Main reason i get MAD,Why u tell us TWW getting release and still keep DELAY?It was just a Upgrade Patch,If it was a Full Game like Final Fantasy,Sure!
and as a MR 22 got all weapon/frame/sentinal/archwing stuff,what i do in game is log in,ask people ned hlp?nope?go to solo survival 40~60min,repeat EveryDAY,I tired,time to go away...Again!
and the best thing is,They remove Void!that waiting for hitting Prime reward was gone,now running all simple short mission to CHOOSE UR PRIME at the mission result just...NO
Pc game time 4k hour,PS4 game time(regrind all stuff)almost 2k hour,feel sad game just let me down...

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Welp i was hoping to play it before i move but No it got delayed again witch makes me wonder WHY THE F... did you actauly leek the dam footage and other things if its not done?What was the state of it at July?

Are you seriusly hoping that this The Index will keep us entertained for a month or as it will be delayed till December?I think not.

How much time did you invest in this update?7+ months for what?A LORE quest that will answer all questions the comunity has asked since start of the game and that is it but it was inportant to releas Lunaro first cause that 1.7% pvp players demanded something.

This update is biggest letdown in history of this game with shear lies and fals hype you created.GJ!No wonder ppl are leaving this game 

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1 minute ago, CoRRh said:

Because DE has proved they're capable of putting out good content at an acceptable rate.

They're falling behind with this.

The only explanation for an allowed 11 months of development of something of this scale is multiple start overs/ineffecient work. U18 dropped in December of 2015. They've had nearly a year to work on it, half of which consisted of delay time.

Yes, if the quest wasn't good, it should have been redone. But after delaying it for more than the time it would have taken to make a quest of this scale, they should have just gone onto other things and worked on it when they had more time and released it in 19.5 or 20. 

The update isn't just about a new quest?They are also releasing new systems into the game? There's more to game development than I'm sure you even realize.

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1 minute ago, Hayabusa97 said:

True, the last thing we need is a repeat of SoTR for the biggest update in Warframe since the Second Dream.


To everyone else complaining about the delays, I'm gonna be as blunt and to the point as possible


Seriously, you people are unpleasable and unbearable, just shut up and deal with the delays, do you want the update to be marred with bugs, plot holes, and generally be a total mess because y'all are too @(*()$ impatient to give them time. Rushing things is how you get the update equivalent of No Man's Sky.

They have more than enough time to deal with any major bugs. They've had almost a year. 

No we won't "shut up". We are all very disappointed with the strategy DE have chosen in this situation and we are voicing our concerns about it and there is nothing you can do to stop it.

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1) ok with the universal vacuum.

2) New Corpus rathuum  : join 100 matches, 99 will have 1 ash prime, pick 25 en, bladeS#&$ bladeS#&$ bladeS#&$, gg. Super challenging, i can't wait lmfao ( at  least change the amount of spawns for SOLO ( 4 each time at least , so i can avoid public and play my way . cus 2 spawns it's too slow for solo ))

3) TWW [DE]layed again, i'll simply cover my disappointment with a NO COMMENT, and that's cus some salt got washed away when a bursa dropped tempo royale earlier.


Edited by arm4geddon-117
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Just now, EmptyDevil said:

I'm not bothered so much with the extra wait, but that email that made it sound very close bothers me more. Someone jumped the gun when sending it out. Vacuum should have been made into an innate feature to the Warframes with half the normal range, since the range is being touched to begin with.

Yeah, if it was added to the Warframes as a passive, there would be no problems.

You could use any sentinels, companions or none of them and still have a vacuum.
Not sure why they didn't think about going that route.

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Just now, Zachles said:

The point is to maintain player retention as high as possible for as long as possible when the update finally deploys. If they need more time, they need more time. You can't rush perfection. I don't doubt that they are giving it 110% of their best effort, so why don't you give 110% of your best effort into being patient?

Am I the only one Zen about this? God.

That's the problem. It isn't going to BE perfect. It will release with bugs. It will have revelations that divide the community like with the tenno kids. It won't be perfect.


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Just now, LorianTheElderPrince said:

They have more than enough time to deal with any major bugs. They've had almost a year. 

No we won't "shut up". We are all very disappointed with the strategy DE have chosen in this situation and we are voicing our concerns about it and there is nothing you can do to stop it.

Freedom of speech bruh.
Power to the Players.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)kage2015 said:

The Main reason i get MAD,Why u tell us TWW getting release and still keep DELAY?It was just a Upgrade Patch,If it was a Full Game like Final Fantasy,Sure!
and as a MR 22 got all weapon/frame/sentinal/archwing stuff,what i do in game is log in,ask people ned hlp?nope?go to solo survival 40~60min,repeat EveryDAY,I tired,time to go away...Again!
and the best thing is,They remove Void!that waiting for hitting Prime reward was gone,now running all simple short mission to CHOOSE UR PRIME at the mission result just...NO
Pc game time 4k hour,PS4 game time(regrind all stuff)almost 2k hour,feel sad game just let me down...

Buy another game and have a lil rest from warframe. You don't have to play it all day everyday. Noone forces you to.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Gerbizzzle said:

Seriously? Most of these comments are sad, negative "oh it's taking too long!" Just sick. If you want to speed the process up why don't you go work for them? Oh and btw... the game is free, you'd all complain if they rushed the update and it was buggy. Just relax and wait like a patient adult. 


Personally, I love this game and I support 100% anything they wanna do. 


To anyone who was not negative on this thread, you're not the ones I'm talking about. 

So you take your car in to be fixed and they say pick it up on Saturday, Saturday rolls around and it's not ready yet, they say "oh we had this other thing we had to do and we ran out of time (Lenaro)" You go back the next week, "sorry still not ready we had some software update we had to do(re-writing of script to version 7)" I'm pretty sure you would take issue because your car is not ready. I have been playing for four years and I have to say they have made some poor decisions as far as time management and resource usage this time. I'm willing to wait as much as the next guy but for me this has gone on too long.

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4 minutes ago, TentownsRaid said:

Having a 2 month delay isn't much compared to the lack of incoming content that we have had in the last 9 or so months. Well at least I have Payday 2 to play in the meantime.

Hello fellow heister. Robbing First World bank?

About the topic...

I just don't have the strength to EVEN care at this point. The Delay is hitting harder than it should now and Soon™  is turning to be NOT IN THIS YEAR...


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2 hours ago, [DE]Steve said:

 Vacuum is going to be passively built into every Sentinel, no Mods required. It will have a range of 5 meters which in practice looks something like this WIP (pro-Lotus skills hitting an enemy behind the locked door):

shame its not inbuilt into frame,so i still MUST use sentinel,and Kavats and Kubrows are left out. but still better than hot poker in eye .

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@[DE]Steve : Hi!  I'm about 2k hours in over a year and an interactive design student at Drexel University.  I love WF, I love DE's community outreach, and I love connecting WF's lore to Dark Sector.  I also think the majority of WF players are a bunch of self-entitled, easy to butthurt, spoiled babies that hold back the potential of WF.  However, I might have to join their chorus on this topic in particular.  Mostly because I'm tired of hearing about it.  

The only way the topic of a universal vacuum is going to get buried for good is to split it into three mods but not the way @[DE]ScottP was suggesting.  Here's the death knell for universal vacuum as a topic for further discussion and salt generation:

Warframes: Exilus Mod
Sentinels: Vacuum Mod
Dogs and Cats: Vacuum Mod

I firmly believe that WF has the technological, game play, and lore foundations to be the best game in the world (omg the parkour system!).  To ascend to those greater heights WF has to address the most common issues raised by its users.   And to be honest as a design student WF needs a user experience/user interface revision from the absolute ground up.

Ground to archwing missions.  Dark Souls like player invasions.  Playing as Grinner/Corpus.  Environmental differences between planets.  Operator focused, exploration/platforming only missions.  WF anime, books, comics.  A cover system.  Environmental destruction.  End game content that isn't arbitrarily complicated like Raids (step on pads... really?) but just challenging.  Test servers.  WF still has so much potential.  So much.  If I won the lottery DE is the FIRST place I'd go.  "So about that anime... here's the money."

Imagine the game of WF itself as a Warframe.  It is still living its Second Dream.  It's not in touch with its Operator.  Help it get there by addressing years long requests. They are like weights holding back WF from its true potential.  Cast aside these trappings so WF can activate its Focus and rock this world more than it already @(*()$ does.

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They betrayed me, they didn't keep their promise, they tricked me and I don't care anymore. What a story, Steve.

I know you work hard, I know you are under pressure, I know you are doing the best you can, but can at least next time don't even mention you are working on something unless you are sure it is coming soon? 

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Oh look a thread for this exact discussion:

Creating another thread that provides nothing in the op to the actual conversation and with comments like;

4 minutes ago, PapaFragolino said:

On console you'll probably get it next year. I'm not even kidding.

You're main objective appears to be drumming up hate. At least contain your words to the actual discussion thread instead of creating another useless thread.

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