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Anndddd it's already October.


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1 minute ago, (PS4)jonnyblaze1976 said:

I understand all the negativity but in my personal opinion I feel like i want you to do exactly what your doing. That is take your time, make sure its the most mind blowing thing ever and accept only the best. Once again you got my faith and patience. Good on ya lad

Bro dontturn TWW into HL3 please just dont, there is no perfect game nor perfect software

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Love that vacuum will be passive for all sentinels, not sure how i feel about it having the same range as an unranked vacuum mod.

But I can see it now, all Vacuum mods will be converted into a mod that increases the passive vacuum range. Probably... Hopefully...

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  • On max level Vacuum has a range of 12 in-game meters in all directions. (Wikia)

i I would like WASTE 3 slots for 3 mods with 12m (wich i can remove if i dont want it) instead of a Passive in all sentinels with just 5m...

go from 12 to 5 meters is way too much

i dont want to start to use Mag with greedy Pull

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Why 5 meters? That's half of the current vacuum.... Happy that it's not 3 mods, but why do you guys have this strong urge to nerf vacuum? It's just a quality of life mod, it's not like it's clearing out maps or cheating out loot drops.

Edited by S0V3REiGN
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20 minutes ago, [DE]Steve said:

On PC, you can look forward to War Within more than a month away.  

This saddens me more than you know, but I can hardly say I'm surprised.


Still, hopefully we'll be seeing the next trailer soon, right? Looking forward to seeing who you picked out from the contest!

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27 minutes ago, [DE]Steve said:

Vacuum is going to be passively built into every Sentinel, no Mods required.

Not that it affects me in anyway since I only use Sentinels, but that's just one more reason to not use a Kubrow/Kavat. Sentinels don't need something special. They have guns (ranged weapons). Vacuum should still be an inherent Warframe mechanic.

Thanks for the thing though. Now what about Mag's passive?

Edited by Roboplus
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i'll keep patiently waiting, like i do with a lot of features for this game.

i'm fine with 5 Meters for an innate pickup boost. nowhere near as disgusting i was expecting it to become. glad to see it'll become less of a problem than it currently is.
and then maybe Carrier will have an interesting purpose, to contrast the other Sentinels which several of have interesting purposes.

Edited by taiiat
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I'm a bit disappointed at the current decision for Vacuum. The proposed 5 meters is less than half of the range of the current Vacuum, and the previously put out idea of an ammo mutation precept doesn't feel as sufficiently defining of a trait to be a unique sentinel precept on its own.

I would have been fine with having the three-mod split of Vacuum for sentinels other than Carrier while leaving Carrier able to use the original Vacuum. Being able to have the equivalent of three useful mods in a single mod slot I feel is a defining trait. If the ammo mutation precept is to be added, it could be added on top of Vacuum. After all, the Diriga has a total of three precepts (including its basic attack precept) whereas all other sentinels only have two.

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I don't want to look like I'm dev bashing here but seriously devs, it feels like a joke. First you hype The War Within more than any content you ever made and then you delay it by over four months, and who knows if it is final delay.

When not so long ago I wrote TWW will be out on Second Dream's anniversary I was only making a joke. Now I'm almost sure it'll happen. Hell, I wouldn't even be surprised if it was released in 2017.

I love Warframe. I love its lore. But now I'm just deeply disappointed and I've lost last bits of faith I had in you. I understand you are not huge dev team but you are not small one either. You're not new one as well.

I hope TWW will be worth these delays. But rational part of me doubts it

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So, with universal vacuum now, what does that make the best sentinel? I feel like Shade may well be the best because it allows you to get some breathing space by turning you invisible. Wyrm (Prime) may be for similar reasons because of crowd dispersion, but I guess time will tell.


As for TWW delays, kinda sad but I'd prefer more seldom updates to rapid ones that are more buggy. 


Also, what's the Index? Any ideas? Perhaps a subset of the Codex?

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Gonna be real honest here: I don't use Carrier and I don't use sentinels so the vacuum rework doesn't really affect me much. I didn't like Rathuum because it was basically Conclave, and I don't like Conclave because I don't think Warframe's movement mechanics (movement animations, how the player moves when holding a gun, parkour, etc) suit PvP at all (it's too crazy and hectic for my tastes), so I'm not at all interested in a Corpus Rathuum. The only thing I'm really looking forward to is War Within, mostly because of the new tileset. So, understandably, I'm disappointed (trying not to be just completely upset and PO'd) that War Within is yet again delayed by a whole month. It's annoying. It's annoying to see that it's taking you guys delay after delay after delay to get this out. I understand that it's a lot of work for you. I get that. But if cinematic quests require you to delay, delay, delay, then imo, they aren't worth it. Because it really does seem like doing these is just too much for DE to handle. If we were getting the tileset now, and the quest later, I wouldn't really have as much of a problem with this. But this is ridiculous.

You want to assess whether or not your "break updates apart" strategy worked or didn't work, but you're missing the problem here. The problem isn't your strategy; it's the fact that you have to break updates up in the first place. Instead of assessing this strategy, I think you guys need to assess whether these large, overly-ambitious cinematic quests are worth it. When players asked you guys to focus on lore over a year ago, players weren't asking for big, set-piece, cinematic quests. Players just wanted you guys to actually add lore to the game, and to add content to the game that furthers the lore. That doesn't have to mean making some huge cinematic quest. That could be as simple as adding the Nightwatch to Sedna, and adding a codex entry that gives the Nightwatch a rich, lengthy backstory write-up. When players wanted you to add more lore, that could be as simple as using your old assassination model, where the Lotus explains the backstory of an enemy. Large cinematic quests aren't necessary. They're flashy, and they make the game appear like it's complete and well-polished (your game is an alpha-state product that you're calling open beta), but that's about all it is. The new feature that you added with Second Dream is great, and the quest itself was nice, but it's not worth it if it takes this long to complete. It's not worth it. Not when there are other things that you guys could be doing. Not when you could have multiple simpler quests in place of TWW that have the same amount of substantive story.

So my point is simply this: While very thoughtful, your explanation of what to expect fails to understand the community's continued waiting for TWW. It doesn't help when you mention that players have waited longer for Vacuum's rework than for TWW. Players are waiting for TWW. And getting a Vacuum rework isn't going to make players ok with waiting even longer for TWW. You say you're here to get players excited for what's coming, without even acknowledging that player excitement is almost non-existent because you've delayed TWW for so long. That just sends the wrong message, imo. Again, I understand just how busy you guys are, but please understand the frustration of many individuals on the forums.

Again, with regards to your plans, assess whether or not these large cinematic quests are worth it. Because I'll also be honest here: I don't want a cinematic quest for Umbra if it's gonna be another TWW situation. It isn't worth it, especially considering that Umbra has been delayed far longer than TWW. So don't assess or rethink your "break apart Updates" strategy. Assess and rethink your cinematic quest approach. Because, imo, it's not working.

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If you are working on something as big as TWW you need to finish it. DE has been dragging its feet on TWW for months. At this point one of two things is happening. Either DE is either getting distracted on every little piece of scrap that it can in order to avoid releasing TWW, or you are intentionally stringing it out. Both situations are bad. Just end it and move on so you don't look like such a mess. 

What's next? DE decides to push it back another month to work on more kavat armor?

Edited by Liverslices
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