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Hotfix 19.0.3


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At the very least, can you add a limiter so that Riven mods will default to a weapon you 

own? Randomness kinda sucks when it involves repeated grinding for the same reward, because it always runs the risk of never getting a better or even comparable reward. I think it would help frustrations a bit if players didn't have to worry about getting a mod for some weapon they don't even own/have no interest in. Allowing a re-shuffling of stats but guaranteeing an improvement on buff magnitude would also be nice and add some incentive to actually re-roll anything that isn't flat-out terrible to begin with.

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7 hours ago, brewedjuice said:

also, i hate the new sortie reward set up. 2k endo is a fairly garbage reward to get 90% of the time when you have 200k endo and dont use it. i was hoping the sortie changes would be beneficial, but now i dont even have the drive to do them at the start of the season cause theres no weapon parts to try for until its just a source of endo. now its just a way for me to go "crap, again de?" when i get endo. i'll just stop doing them honestly.. waste of time.


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please lower the amount of rng on riven mods or atleast remove there scalling cost( or if you want to keep it the same with rng and cost let use ban out stats = to the number of times we've rerolled) its way to random and has cause trade chat to be nothing but ppl trying to get the good riven mods its almost impossible to buy or trade anything else right now.

Also on rerolled mods can you make the number of rerolls and what weapon its for veiwable on the mod many of my clan mates have been scammed in trade chat by ppl saying the veil riven mod there selling was new from sorties and has never been used before only to find out when they unlock it its on its 3 reroll and its for a weapon no one uses. 

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9 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Hotfix 19.0.3



I'm sorry, but I'm starting to think you're being lazy do these things on purpose: apparently you know about these codex issues, since you linked to a comment detailling them. Why, then, do you only fix half of said issues ?

The Missing Enemy Codex Entries have been reported multiple times, by me and others, since early July at least ...

Speaking of which; (spoiler for TWW quest):


You can add Tehsin/Teshin Specter to that list, btw. I've scanned it multiple times during the quest to no avail.


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No mob spawn, no bomb spawn nor normal nor nightmare...  its not a client related issue.

It worked fine yesterday


(fast connection, powerful pcs and so on it wasn't lag related for sure and tried more than once)


P.S. tsted more it happens sometimes but not Always :| like 50%

Edited by VonDodo
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I dont know why soo many people have problems with the riven mods.

Its rng, yes but that does not mean its a bad idea. If everybody would get lets say guaranteed damage, status and crit chance increase people would cry all over the forums that "OP" weapons got even more power. I would be really happy if i could get good damage riven mod for my less used guns (theyre too weak to use) and if i get a bad riven mod i either reroll it or try to get another one.

But i have an idea what would please a lot of people.

Let us dissolve riven mods into kuva.

One riven mod would give the exact amount of kuva whats needed for the first upgrade.

This way if you got bad stats or bad weapon mod you can atleast get enough kuva to try it again on another mod.

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10 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Fixed heads while aim-gliding challenge for Riven Mods not requiring lethal headshots, they have to be kills now.

I had a challenge to get 4 headshot in single aimglide ... that won't be easy if now something similar will have lethal headshots in a single aimglide

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Zarr buff is good, although I was a huge fan of self damage cuz it made you respect its power even more

now I'm affraid that removing self damage from secondary explosions will make people spam it like crazy, hopefully that wont lead to a nerf in the future - just bring self damage back and add it to tonkor and simulor as well >:)

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9 hours ago, LSG501 said:

I had/have the same issue... it appears it's now a quick double tap of 5 instead of the old (well since tww release) hold 5.  Yes it would be really nice if the devs actually tell us when they change a key setting in the game but no that would be too simple and obvious a thing to do.

Actually I'm going to revise that... it's buggy as anything.  Sometimes a double tap works, sometimes I need to keep stabbing at 5 like a deranged person to get it to fire off focus.  Wouldn't be so bad if focus automatically started passives when the timer filled up or even had active passives from the start but it doesn't does it...

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