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The War Within: 19.1.0 Ash Revisited


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- Sortie Reward Changes
The 2K Endo shouldn't be in there, it's a consolation prize at best (meaning you failed to get something special because RNG decided it).  Farming dark sector missions for relics already requires less from a player (gear, experience, mods) than sorties, and can grant more than 2K Endo in less time (though time is RNG on both sides).  I stress the fact that it can be done with less gear and experience.  Sorties are intended to be "endgame" missions that require players to be experienced and loaded out (weapon restrictions and stuff), they should not be giving prizes that feel like credit caches in survival we could get elsewhere.

I don't believe Forma should be there, even though it's built.  I can see a need for Forma blueprint alerts and such to give everybody a chance at them, but by the time a player is farming Sorties they're doing it for rewards that they can't get elsewhere.  Forma is not in that category.

Nitain I'm iffy on.  I can appreciate more sources and I personally know some people who scrape up every one they can get when they're on, but this is a resource we can get elsewhere which gets in the way of a unique prize (seeing a theme here)?  Nitain already has a (supposed) source in sabotage caches, the drop rate there should be increased to actually be a viable source for when somebody needs one or two.

Exilus Adapter Blueprint, I feel it should be a built one instead of a blueprint.  Unlike Forma, this is something without commonly-appearing sources, and most sources of it are in blueprint form (which needs 2 built Forma in addition to other materials).  It'd feel a lot more like an actual prize if this one it was already built (since other sources are blueprints), saving us the Forma/time.

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And the update crashes my launcher again... tell me something new...

About sorties:


•Make 3 Forma instead of 1 and built Exilus Adapter instead of BP


•Give us a choice like the Fissure system where 3 rewards are randomly chosen from loot table and each member can choose the reward. End-game players wouldn't want nitain after building everything it is needed to, while mid-game players might still want it.


•Make it tiered like:
     •Rewards are given when the sorties reset. After each win, you see the selected reward from the tier 
     •Win 1 sortie: roll low tier reward: 2k endo/ 1 forma/ 3 nitain/ 5x rare resource/ small lens/ 3h boosters/ 300 oxium/ tellurium/ rare mod (revealed after the win, not when given)/ 5 platinum/ 50k credit cache
     •Win 2 sorties: ignore low tier reward, roll mid tier reward: 3k endo/ riven mod/ exilus BP/ 3 forma/ 1d booster/ potato BP/ relic pack/ 10 platinum/ 100k credit cache/ built cosmetic helmet/ 10x rare resource
     •Win 3 sorties: ignore mid tier reward, roll high tier reward: built potato/ built exilus/ greater lens/ leg core/ 5k endo/ 3d booster/ 15 platinum/ 500k credit cache/ 1 noogle
     •Win the highest tier sortie you did for the 2nd time: re-roll from that tier table, excluding the already selected reward and being able to choose from the current or the new reward (only replayable once daily, so people won't spam it to get the best reward everyday)

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all this does is add a pointless step to bladestorm, after you set it, it still carries out the same 'wait and kill' action as before. unless you're going out of your way to target, we'll probably just hit 4, sweep it across the screen and hope for the best. you said it's supposed to give players a sense of interaction but it's really just wasting our time. i can get off 3 miasma on saryn in the time i target 5 enemies w/ bladestorm properly. totally convoluted decision. just why are you so bent on making us slow and useless anyway? just what are we now but a laughing stock to the enemies who basically negate everything we do?

well, those questions are a bit off topic but i'll also add that it was foolish to assume we need more nitain just because we don't carry it in our inventories. did you check to see if those without it already have the equipment that needed it finished in our mastery lists? and endo is a resource that is obtained constantly no matter what you're fighting. there's no need to make a lump sum reward of it anywhere. everyone will always get it whether you want to or not. so please stop cramming stuff down our throat that we already get buried in. at the moment, sorites are one of the most difficult things to complete. finishing it and being given something you find in any low level mobs' table is pretty disheartening. eventually it makes you not want to bother with it anymore.

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Sad day, soon all frames will be nerfed. In a PvE game about being OP, well you were OP.

The new Ash Ultimate is lackluster, I was hoping for something along the light of aim and click to blade storm. Like a toggle ability that you could then blade storm a single enemy with left click. I wonder which frame is next, nerf Ash and the other frames more.

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Regarding the bladestorm. Due to its function as a panic button and/or utility to remove smaller enemies, I'm not sure the change in its current form is that good. Using the power now is asking to be killed, even with smoke deployed. Being able to kill 5-6 enemies with ultimate (add the cost of smoke to the equation), while at the same time you can get rid of 10, if they are bunched up, by simply using your melee weapon? The new iteration doesn't serve much purpose, that I can see.

Seeing the interactivity trend though, are we going to see revisit of ember ultimate, requiring her to manually target each npc to be affected? Nova one? There isn't much interactivity in pressing 4 key on either of them and just watching everything around them get affected.

That idea isn't a serious one. I'm simply highlighting a problem with the new way ash bladestorm works at the moment.

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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:
  • Each mark costs Energy (15) which is affected by Mods. If a marked enemy is killed by a squad mate, you will get the energy back. 
  • Marks made while invisible by any source will have a cheaper base cost (10). 

at least increase Ash Primes energy pool to match the others so its like 400+ with a maxed normal flow....

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kuva siphons in uranus tilesets gathers kuva from such a near distance that is almost impossible with the kuva guardians and the other enemies targeting me. also maybe shortening the animation to switch from warframe to operator when kuva siphons appears may help fix my problem.

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that's great, but I was just wondering: since the operaters are so vulnerable and their powers run out too quickly, why not make them have more efficient energy or an increased amount of health/armor, or even better yet have some kind of power modifiers for them but not call them "mods". It'd be an excellent addition to the evergrowing popularity of such a great game

Edited by jay_diamond___
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10 minutes ago, Sushi_Desires said:

Hahaha, brilliant

This basically removed most of useability from Ash for me. Will use Loki instead of Ash for Focus/affinity grind for melee.

Will use Loki/Ivara for invisibility for Spy.

Will use anything else instead of Ash's shurikens.

Unless you give Blade Storm scaling damage with leveling of enemies in endless, it's useless now even for cleaning low level mobs. Before it at least worked as weak-mob cleanup and collecting life support/energy/loot from all over the map. :'(

And Forma from Sorties? Not removing the Endo? Pleeease....

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The new ash skin is very beautiful but the Nikana skin makes the sword feel a little too thick and short. Not very elegant compared to the regular nikana models. If the length of the sheath was made longer and a little thinner it would look better for me.

Ash bladestorm lock-on time and charge stacking time are fantastic. Activation and use are very simple. The ability overall is more interactive than before. Need to test if it still makes enemies invincible. Smokebomb and teleport changes are nice. Edit: After further use the base energy cost could be decreased by 2-3 energy. No energy issues when arcane energize and zenurik are combined. Bladestorm is still a very powerful nuke whose effectiveness is more dependent on the player. Killed groups of 10 lv 145 corrupted bombards in simulacrum without issues. Shurikens could still do with 1-2m of penetration.

Kuva fortress changes are nice. Huge improvement to before. Kuva grineer spawning in are a very nice touch. A cooldown timer would be nice to have though. Edit: good lord. This is basically nonstop kuva farming. I cant clear all the nodes before a new one spawns. This might be a bit much?

Sortie rewards: The color coding of rarity is appreciated as is explaining why the additional rewards were chosen. I think Nitain extract is a controversial choice because it is only valuable before a player has built all the items that require the extract. Afterward's it is quite useless. Given the only way to obtain this item is via alert, sorties, or by expending large amounts of time on finding caches, I recommend that Nitain extract can be given a powerful timed buff (30min-2hrs) so it is usable even to veteran players who have stockpiled large numbers of this resource. Things such as eximi aura immunity, vastly increased energy/health regeneration, increased warframe power stats, the ability to break the 175% power efficiency cap by 5-10%, etc are effects that would make using it worthwhile.

Everything in the changes category sounds amazing, particularly the Fire select change during reload. Will definitely  improve the already very enjoyable Zarr even more.

Bug Fixes are appreciated.

Edited by ADirtyMonk
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12 minutes ago, A_Midget_Walrus said:

Another issue i have with the 3 nitain reward logic is that the REAL reason everyone has 9 or less Nitain is because all of the items that require it need 5 or less, so why stockpile 50 if youll never use them.

Actually no. Many of us have jobs, families, school, spouses etc, and can only log in to warframe in very specific timeframes, drastically reducing our chances at nabbing nitain when it pops up. Shocker right? Not all of us can play warframe all day.

Secondly if anyone is paying attention to the OP by rebecca, what the devs did is take the old chance for 2k endo and divvied it up for most of the new rewards. That's not so much dilution as diversification. Even if they did, the sorties can now appeal to those of us who can't farm all day erryday.


But I know it's a losing battle to argue with the hotheads on this forum when their precious, precious drop chances are changed by even a miniscule amount, so w/e

Edited by BulletsforTeeth
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Why add Nitian to the sortie drop rewards? You can already get it easy enough, AND you can make it even easyer with the WF app.

Why add forma to the sortie rewards? You can already get them EASILY with so many relics.

Why add boosters to the rewards? Yeah sure it's nice but I really don't wanna get a booster when I'm hoping for a riven mod. Also that lowers your income for boosters. but w/e.

Why would you ruin the sorties after reviving them.

Why would you lower the chance of a riven mod dropping? 

Riven mods got me back in to warframe and sorties. The fact that they can make me re-visit old weapons and make them as good as my soma prime is simply amazing. They bring a LOT of utility and strategy to the way you mod your weapons. So far  I've made 4 weapons and fused in 12 forma in to them and made builds around the riven mods I got for them. And they were even S#&$ weapons: Miter, Hind, Synapse and Attica. 

Lowering the chance of me getting a riven mod is stupid.

I'm voicing my opinion not to harass you or tell you that the game is S#&$ or anything like that. I love warframe and I hate to see something I love go in a direction I don't really think is good for it (even tho I'm not a dev and I have no right to complain since it's free) but it feels like my child just put one step further in to the grave. And honestly these changes to sorties made me cringe. 

I really hope you change what you did.


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