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Did the Riven mods spark your love for an old weapon?


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I did stick another - forma on my amphex to fit the riven I got for it... 200% crit chance and an extra 85% elemental is nice an all. But... meh.


Even the very strong rivens I have for other weapons like zhuge and harpak won't make me want to use those. If a harpak wraith come out in very soon, maybe I'll be tempted to bother with that. I've lost the hype for getting them.


And I expect soon enough when I hit the 15/15 riven cap, those less used weaps will be the first to have their riven go bye bye

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Not at all, out of the half dozen i have gotten so far they all would have crippled already trash weapons even further.   Reroll is an option but that is just an ever increasing time expenditure to see how much worse it could have been originally.

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I've been keeping and un-structured record of the Rivens and Re-rolls I've gotten https://imgur.com/a/KC0LK

So far only the Miter mod Visi-aragidra has really been anything clearly notable. And only when used in conjuration with Mag. 



This is mainly because the Miter has some very interesting base properties (5 meter punch through, and projectile) that cause it to turn the Magnetize bubble into a death blender. I'm still rolling for +Damage, +Fire Rate, and +Status Chance. But again its only really useful/noticeable on the Mag. Dread (the bow) is still far better as a Slashing primary machine.

Frankly, after actually using the Riven system... I'm still not happy with what DE rolled out or the way they rolled it out. It could have been a much better system and a great resource sink. Instead it feels rushed in an attempted to respond to the calls for "end game" tasks that TWW development troubles delayed beyond a reasonable time frame.

And I'm someone who's gotten relativity lucky with both Rivens and Re-rolls. Counting Cerons and Vectis mods. I've also pulled Daikyu (no good rolls yet) and Glaxion.

The core problem with the Riven systems RNGness is that the lower-end weapons need very specific things to make them 'good'. Which is defeated by the RNG nature, the ever scaling Kuva costs, and the limited inventory. A Riven (like my Miter) has to both make up for and excede the Slot (on the weapon) and Mod Energy cost of at least two good mods, and things like +Max Ammo and +Capacity aren't "good" use of a Mod slots on the majority of the weapons they get rolled for.

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Nope. Of the three Riven mods I've gotten, one is for a sentinel weapon (Vulkok), another is for a meta-gun that didn't really need it (Tonkor), and the third was for a weapon I thought I'd revisit until I found out its disposition was Faint (Ignis).  If I'd gotten something like a Stradavar or Buzlok one maybe, but I'm too lazy to trade 'em because of the sheer amount of RNG-based cycling you'd have to go through after getting one.

Edited by ZephyrPhantom
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12 hours ago, --Q--Ascended-Seraphim said:

It did. 

Then I realised that I'd never get the ideal riven mod for the weapon I want based on the RNG upon RNG. 

And that killed it again. 


Basically this. The Riven system is actually a pretty cool system, in theory. Especially with the Riven Disposition system in place, I can see it actually making useless weapons into pretty ok or even good weapons. But there is just way too much RNG involved for it to actually be useful, fun, balanced or worthwhile.

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12 hours ago, Night4ce said:

Has the Riven mods brought life back to your old favorite weapon? All I see are people sharing and boasting about the top tier weapons with the mods. I know they added levels of effectiveness depending on the weapon but still.. I just want to hear if anyone picked up their olden golden guns with new hopes. (I'm looking forward to getting an Opticore Riven mod)

Nice tread OP. Ill make sure Ill reply when I get my first one.

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No. I got one for the Braton, and one for the Grinlok, both weapons I like that don't scale particularly well. 11 rolls on the Braton, and I dissolved it for endo due to getting jack. 8 on the Grinlok, I got +crit +reload +fire... and -zoom, to the point where ADS did literally nothing, on a sniper type weapon. So I dissolved that one too. Now the +damage, crit damage and reload speed Zarr I have is great, and my Zarr is now in the top row of my most used weapons. Oh, and I got one for the Boltor as well, which is already in the second row of my most used. But that's right, I bought the Zarr and Boltor rivens, so yeah, I'd say they're working exactly as intended.

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9 hours ago, Insizer said:

Nice. How much crit chance and damage if I may?

so, i promised you a screen of my mod, but, by means of an little sister that used my account that mod is no longer in my possesion, but if you wonder why i'm not in the news with a title like "killed his sibling for a riven mod" is because the clever girl managed to get another mod for me, and i'm liking it more than the last one, take a look


no more crit chance, but the reload will make it work

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4 hours ago, crimson-warborn said:

so, i promised you a screen of my mod, but, by means of an little sister that used my account that mod is no longer in my possesion, but if you wonder why i'm not in the news with a title like "killed his sibling for a riven mod" is because the clever girl managed to get another mod for me, and i'm liking it more than the last one, take a look

no more crit chance, but the reload will make it work

lol, *stares at sister* "You have been spared young one"

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yes and no.

I farmed about 200-250k Kuva with resource booster since the system was introduced and after a variety of rolls for my 14 Rivens (about 9 are random bought veiled ones) stopping at about 3-5k mark depending on a roll i can say that while Rivens most certainly CAN bring back old weapons, i no longer have any desire to run Kuva missions EVER until i either get some sort of control over the RNG or Double Resource weekend when i can have quadruple the Kuva. 

Still the best mod i currently have is a Latron one which i bought for like 200 plat from someone in trade chat and he said its like a mediocre roll ~_~ Speak volumes to me. Also, Hind even with Riven is BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD. 


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Well for my friend it kinda did since he got a Tetra riven mod with + cit chance, + base damage, + puncture damage and now he's been formaing it but after comparing its final stats (with potato and 6 forma) to a boltor prime, it's still sub par.

For me, however, after spending 1.2k plat for veiled rivens and 100k kuva for rerolls, I did not get any decent stats on my 15+ rivens (I immediately discarded 3 sentinels weapons). Currently I have 2 rivens for Braton (5 cycles each), 1 for Sibarys (4 cycles), 2 for Supra(4 cycles each) and 2 for Cernos(>10 cycles each) but all of them have poor stats and after realizing that the RNG is too much on this system and grinding resources is just going to be a waste of time I decided not to dwell on these mods anymore and just stick to the meta-weapons.

I mean, I have like 7 great weapons so why do I have to grind and waste lots of resources for a bad weapon just to make it decent enough?

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Well, the Daikyu was always one of my favourite bows, it was my preferred weapon for stealth runs. However, it was definitely rather outclassed by the other bows in general, as it's Status rather than Crit, and unfortunately Status isn't amazing on such a slow firing weapon, and the Daikyu is slow.


Then I picked up this little rascal in today's Sortie, and had to roll it a couple of times before it produced the following stats:



Now, I can pack on a fully ranked Serration, Split Chamber, and Speed Trigger, plus this Riven, and then tinker with the elemental build as necessary, with Status chance at 100%, and dealing about 15k damage per shot.


So......sigh. Riven Mods, at least somewhat appearing to work as intended. Provided I never, ever see this mod, with these exact same stats, for the Soma Prime or anything else on its tier.


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On 11/30/2016 at 2:00 PM, Momo93 said:

No because they are only for Rifles atm.

Yeah my top favorite weapons are all melee ones and no Rivens for those.

I do love the Glaxion but it's always been pretty terrible. I forma'd it a lot to see how good I could make it with the Riven I got and it's pretty decent now. Not god tier as you'd expect from so many forma but it's usable now for the most part. The lack of range still kills a lot of fun this weapon could create and ammo still dies ultra fast regardless of mods/sentinel. Might try more rerolls one day, not sure. ;/ 



Attica does pretty fantastic damage with the mod I got for it. I love crossbows (R. Ballistica most used secondary in profile) but always found this one kinda &#!. Might put more effort into it one day and see how strong it can get. 



I love Grakatas. I stopped using it long ago though because it did S#&$ all against grineer ice bubbles and there were better weapons overall to use. This mod has some new potential for it though and I'm currently formaing it maor cuz Rivens are polarity bullies.



.Also wonder how this would turn out as I can't do anything with it at the moment. One of the weapons I love but never use.



As for mods I wish I had I want an Ignis Riven :>

I have a Karak and Laser Rifle Riven I'll never use. And A Simulor one that seems a bit unnecessary.


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