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Universal vacuum much? Hello?


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8 minutes ago, MorrowDeath said:

So if finishing the mission relatively quickly isn't the point of the game what is? Enjoying the parkour and gunplay... which involves going fast.

i can tell you and i aren't even in the same book here, much less on the same page. the parkour might inherently involve moving quickly, but nothing about the gun play does in general, thats something you picked up from the speed runners most likely


13 minutes ago, MorrowDeath said:

 I am referring to very high-level missions, such as a 3 hour t4 survival. 


yea.. most players dont bother going that far, because theres no real benefit at that point. sure there might be few bonuses, but at that point you arent running for resources or mods, its usually for the mission rewards if anything

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17 minutes ago, MorrowDeath said:

I am referring to very high-level missions, such as a 3 hour t4 survival. 

  1. There is no officially sanctioned reason to play a 3 hour mission.  You're doing it because you want to do it.
  2. You don't last 3 hours into a T4 survival mission by fighting enemies. Either you're invulnerable or the enemies are CC'ed into submission, and both of those situations make it "safe" to collect loot.
  3. A player who is this far into the game and has equipment this advanced, already has everything that could possibly drop from enemies.
  4. I don't want automatic vacuum because the feature is incredibly wasteful and inefficient, picking up energy and ammo even if I can't use all of it.
  5. Speedrunning is a play style.  Not THE play style. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect that people who want to finish the mission as absolutely fast as possible should sacrifice some amount of rewards relative to people that are playing more methodically. You want it both ways with fastest EOM rewards and 100% pickups, and that seems kind of greedy.
Edited by Momaw
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1 hour ago, KaizergidorahXi said:

who for some reason think its an inconceivable tragedy that they have to walk a few feet to get their loot.


It isn't really about a single mod or 'some loot' its about everything.  Every resource, credits, mods.  To gather all of that up takes time.  Those who do not use vacuum at all will most definitely miss a good deal of stuff compared to those that do.

Meaning for people like me, who go out of their way to get loot that drops even if they do not need it, vaccuum is damn near mandatory, which means I tend to freak out and ignore pretty much the rest of the game whenever I use an animal companion.

It is much the same as gathering reactants really, I will completely ignore an objective just so I can zero in on those and ensure I get 10 asap.

Frankly I would love vacuum on warframes, and should a thing occur it would need a toggle obviously and be cancelled out if a sentinel is equipped.  And it shouldn't be more than 3 to 5 meters.  I don't mind running a few feet for loot, not at all, what I mind is having to run exactly precisely within 0.005 meters of said loot forced to physically touch each and every piece of loot that drops just to pick it up.

BTW I love mag's bullet jump, only frame I use with a kavat nowadays.

Whether you or others agree with my opinion and how I decide to play a game matters absolutely none at all and will not dissuade me or others who agree with me for our situation to change.  Therefore, You Chill.

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17 minutes ago, Xekrin said:


It isn't really about a single mod or 'some loot' its about everything.  Every resource, credits, mods.  To gather all of that up takes time.  Those who do not use vacuum at all will most definitely miss a good deal of stuff compared to those that do.

Meaning for people like me, who go out of their way to get loot that drops even if they do not need it, vaccuum is damn near mandatory, which means I tend to freak out and ignore pretty much the rest of the game whenever I use an animal companion.

It is much the same as gathering reactants really, I will completely ignore an objective just so I can zero in on those and ensure I get 10 asap.

Frankly I would love vacuum on warframes, and should a thing occur it would need a toggle obviously and be cancelled out if a sentinel is equipped.  And it shouldn't be more than 3 to 5 meters.  I don't mind running a few feet for loot, not at all, what I mind is having to run exactly precisely within 0.005 meters of said loot forced to physically touch each and every piece of loot that drops just to pick it up.

BTW I love mag's bullet jump, only frame I use with a kavat nowadays.

Whether you or others agree with my opinion and how I decide to play a game matters absolutely none at all and will not dissuade me or others who agree with me for our situation to change.  Therefore, You Chill.

Why tell me to chill? I understand some people would prefer vacuum on warframes and that I won't change their opinions. But unlike you, OP wasn't nearly as coherent and came off as someone who wants "his way or the highway", which is why I responded how I did. I'm fine with the way things are, and I'd be pretty okay if they changed.

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Yes lets ditch the loot system that is part of the appeal of the game to some people and partly there to keep our power in check. Lets dumb down the game into nothing but pointing and clicking with no worry of ammo or energy. Lets put mods and resources behind missions and not enemies for even more tedious grind.

All to please some lazy and black and white minded people.

Edited by Misgenesis
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8 minutes ago, Misgenesis said:

Yes lets ditch the loot system that is part of the appeal of the game to some people and partly there to keep our power in check. Lets dumb down the game into nothing but pointing and clicking with no worry of ammo or energy. Lets put mods and resources behind missions and not enemies for even more tedious grind.

All to please some lazy and black and white minded people.

Well... Simulor and Tonkor still exist in this game - aim in general direction of any enemy of any level (with exclusion of certain enemies) and they're gone.

And DE constantly keeps our "power in check" by simply making enemies immune to warframe abilities and partially/fully immune to damage instead of making some actually interesting mechanics. So in this regard things ARE dumbed down into nothing, just not from the player side.

Also, considering how annoyingly draggy/grindy game is by default - smoothing it by making gameplay not easier but MORE COMFORTABLE (stop mistaking one for another) is always welcome.

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What's the rationale for only giving sentinels a vacuum? It feels really arbitrary to me. Having to zigzag everywhere to pick up every piece of loot takes your mind off the actiony parts of the game, and there is no logical reason that kavat/kubrow users should have to put up with that but sentinel users don't.

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4 hours ago, KaizergidorahXi said:

Walking three extra feet to pick up some items isn't going to kill you. Chill out.

It's not 3 feet though... It's an extra 12m. Or 36 feet.

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Well why don't we remove loot completely then? Might as well, since you won't even notice what you are sucking in.

DE already made their point. Loot pick up system is in the game by design and its not going away, especially since they went on and made A SEPARATE MODEL FOR EVERY RESOURCE.

Vacuum will stay a companion mod. At best it will become a warframe mod, exilus one. Are you ready to sacrifice another mod in your warframe for it?

And i don't know if the mod can even work on kubrows because it works like this: your sentinel sucks loot into itself and only by coincedence loot touches warframe's pick-up box, kubrows and kavats run all over the place, it will be funny to see a dog with a ton of loot stuck in their butt running around and you running after it to take that loot back.

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8 hours ago, KaizergidorahXi said:

But walking three feet to pick up an item isn't an issue. It's pretty simple, actually.

We can avoid it with the carrier.  We got the percentage when it went universal, and to say the least the VAST majority of us clearly don't want to walk the three feet.  That horse is dead, the l33t d000dz0rx trying to foist their walking skills lost.

The issue is no longer whether or not vacuum exists for more companions.  The issue is now the simple fact that the large percentage of the playerbase that won't leave the orbiter without vacuum still doesn't have it available to kubrows and kavats, which means a very large percentage of the player base finds these undesirable to use, but would like them to be more desirable---which would require the loot pickup ability.

It's pretty simple, actually.

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I'm not sure I like the idea of making Vacuum an innate ability, but I feel like it would make a half decent Exilus Mod. The Drift mods are currently the best Exilus mods available, but they aren't strong enough to be a make-or-break for a frame, so sacrificing a little bit of power for a huge quality of life upgrade seems reasonable. With the mod equipped, it would be possible to run with a Kubrow/Kavat and still Kirby up all the loot around you. Speaking of though...

Has nobody considered that simply slapping Vacuum on a Kubrow/Kavat is a bad idea? The reason it works with Sentinels is because they stick by your side unconditionally, whereas our fuzzier companions have a tendency to frequently run off and do their own thing. They would constantly be sucking up loot near them, but not you, making it far less desirable than the Sentinel variant.

Even then though, Kubrows/Kavats really need...something. They're neat, and really awesome to have until their genetic decay (and loyalty decay when they inevitably die in high level missions) becomes more hassle than it's worth. But, that's an argument for another day.

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7 hours ago, Misgenesis said:

Yes lets ditch the loot system that is part of the appeal of the game to some people and partly there to keep our power in check. Lets dumb down the game into nothing but pointing and clicking with no worry of ammo or energy. Lets put mods and resources behind missions and not enemies for even more tedious grind.

All to please some lazy and black and white minded people.

Wait, are you seriously trying to tell me that you think that some people enjoy the task of running over things to pick them up and they would stop having fun if they couldn't?

Fact is that most people don't enjoy that kind of task as you can clearly see by how many people refused to even switch away from vacuum.

Some people really have never heard of QoL changes...

Vacuum shouldn't even be a mod, it should just passively work, just like it does in Archwing already. If people are that desperate to pick stuff up manually, they can request a switch to turn it off. Maybe they even want and option to pick everything up manually like the Ayatan Stars, so they can "enjoy" pressing a button for every single pickup.

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Universal Vacuum wasn't truly universal. I don't get some people. Some people in this thread don't use this mod but they still need to tell everyone that they are lazy and they should pick up their stuff without it. Would it really hurt these people if they would make the vacuum truly universal? You know if you constantly defend what the Devs are doing and never criticize it, then they won't change anything to the better.

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10 hours ago, Momaw said:
  • A player who is this far into the game and has equipment this advanced, already has everything that could possibly drop from enemies.
  • I don't want automatic vacuum because the feature is incredibly wasteful and inefficient, picking up energy and ammo even if I can't use all of it.

I agree with points 1 & 2. I'm perfectly fine with losing pickups if I'm speedrunning - but aside from that, agree with 5 a well.

About your 3 & 4, though:
* New mods and rare resources.
* Distinguish between 'loot' and 'tactical pickups':
- Give the frames an innate full-range vacuum - for 'loot' (i.e. resources, mods, credits).
- Leave the frames' current pickup range for 'tactical pickups' (i.e. ammo, orbs) at the current ~3m radius, and leave them subject to the Vacuum precept - the way things are now.
(This also means Reactant remains as it is).
Problem solved.
And I know the game's architecture can support this, since it's what they were going to do with the 3-mod Vacuum direction.

Edited by Chroia
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I primarily use a Kubrow and have never used Carrier outside of mastery so i've never thought it was an issue to pick things up myself. 

I do think it would be helpful to have the effect inherent to the Frame (not vacuum style, just auto pick-up in range) but I've honestly never had an issue with it the way it is. I'd say auto-pickup for anything dropped from enemies you contributed to killing but then it would just create a culture of Overextended+Stretch builds for every frame for farming.

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So much salt and so much lazyness here, rofl.
As if having to pick up some drops would be such a big problem..ever played any other game? Borderlands? MMORPGs? ARPGs? JRPGs? 99,99% of them Require you to get your own loot, Warframe is no exception.

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1 hour ago, Extroah said:

So much salt and so much lazyness here, rofl.
As if having to pick up some drops would be such a big problem..ever played any other game? Borderlands? MMORPGs? ARPGs? JRPGs? 99,99% of them Require you to get your own loot, Warframe is no exception.

Name one that is fast-paced and has just about every enemy drop something, has ammo that you may ultimately need despawn if you take too long to pick it up and also requires you to fight nonstop on many occasions. Picking up stuff is just a distraction from the game. If it was just mods, I wouldn't care, but picking up every scrap of ammo? Get lost.

But yeah, just another person who doesn't understand the concept of QoL.

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17 hours ago, MorrowDeath said:

Vacuum is just merely a small band-aid for the larger issue at hand, which is that the whole loot system of warframe is effectively broken. This isn't like another RPG or MMO where you can pick up the loot after a battle, you have to do it constantly because you are in battle. When you're in the middle of a 3-hour survival, you don't want to have to walk over to a mod, only to find it's another serration, because you risked your life trying to retrieve it. Which is why a true UNIVERSAL vacuum is required.  Also, I may add, that picking up loot is not fun, but it is what the game is without vacuum. Rather than shooting another wave of enemies, I'm busy picking up random loot, because it is all needed.

I think it's fun to pick stuff up manually. I really dislike loot flying at my face, so I prefer not to use the Vaccum mods. 

I wouldn't be opposed to a Kubrow or kavat mod adding Vaccum but I don't want it inherent to warframes. 

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I use Smeeta almost exclusively nowadays. From time to time I switch to Nekros or other frames for which I run Carrier (if I expect the sentinel to take damage) or Helios (to take blackmail photos of that perverted eximus... you know which one).

Thing is, I manage just fine with my spacecat, but when I switch to a Sentinel I don't feel lazy or anything, I just enjoy the ride. I don't even notice I'm attracting drops until I get something rare and think "Oh, right, I'm vacuuming stuff like the Mega Maid!". 

My point is vacuum is not an enabler for "lazy players", it's a huge quality of life improvement... huge like your momma ("leave my mother out of this"). Not having to chase those tiny icons in the map lets me get more immersed in the mission (and the mass murder), which I think is amazing.

Calling others lazy for not wanting to deal with unnecessary chores is nonsense. I remember a few mmos that had auto-looting and I never considered it to be a negative, nor those players to be lazy bums.

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+1 to the OP and to anyone who keeps this at the forefront of the forum discussions. I really want to use my kubrows but I don't want to keep missing loot because it's stuck to the ceiling, glitches through a wall, it's in the process of falling into a chasm when I see it, etc etc etc.

Also all the nay-sayers to this saying that people are "lazy," WF is a very, VERY fast-paced game where you are almost always under fire and pickups drop constantly. You just cannot devote a part of your brain to keeping track of every bit of loot that falls, and not having universal vacuum forces you to bring the pacing of the game to a halt during every brief pause in the combat so you can run around in boring circles on the ground. We can cross chasms in a single bound, and yet we're forced to do this menial task if we want loot, unless we use a sentinel.

'Sides, there are plenty of situations where you just don't have time to grab stuff normally. I cannot count the number of times someone has marked some mod or resource I was looking for in, say, the last wave of defense or interception, and I often ended up not having time to pick it up before the round ends, often as I am quite literally mere feet from it.

Or fire-sabotage missions, where the game is put on a timer to reach extraction and so you often just don't have the time to grab stuff and also get out in time.

Or survival missions where I would have really appreciated that 5% of life-support sitting on the ground that was 4 feet away from me as the % counter reached zero, because I was heading for the LS tower but my buddy went down and was on his last revive, etc, you get the idea.

If vacuum (the full 12m, not a measly 6m like DE tried) was a truly universal passive with no need for a mod, on all Warframes, it would make for a better game.

Edited by Jackviator
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1 hour ago, The_Doc said:

Thing is, I manage just fine with my spacecat, but when I switch to a Sentinel I don't feel lazy or anything, I just enjoy the ride. I don't even notice I'm attracting drops until I get something rare and think "Oh, right, I'm vacuuming stuff like the Mega Maid!". 

My point is vacuum is not an enabler for "lazy players", it's a huge quality of life improvement... huge like your momma ("leave my mother out of this"). Not having to chase those tiny icons in the map lets me get more immersed in the mission (and the mass murder), which I think is amazing.

I wish it were possible to upvote posts multiple times.

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