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Coming Soon: Devstream #85!


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Are we going to get anything new for Clan Dojos, besides new weapons in the Labs; Such as Decorations, possibly Mini-Games, new Challenge Rooms, new looks and paints for the rooms, etc.? Ya know, something to get players to want to go to the Dojo, besides making a weapon or whatever.

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Happy 2017 everyone! im looking forward to what DE has in store, few things im interested in...

Excalibur Umbra/other umbra frames or weapons

Dojo decorations, new rooms, labs, themes, anything

Will we see sentients as an actual faction? the trailer you showed ages back for theme sorta made me think we were going to get them as a new faction.. not 2 OP units and a scanner unit.

Zenuka Pet? Valkyr needs one

Frost/Chroma deluxe skins?

any major content additions? new mission types, tilesets or boss reworks?

will ALL tennogen items be available on consoles?

ofcourse im also wondering if the cyst thing will be changed to non viral, (instead you HAVE to sit in the chair to get it) the hidden viral effect really kills it for alot of people and im worried its going to scare the community off.. neat idea.. but a little more warning would be nice.. Cure us ):


Other than those things im really excited for all the new content, Warframes, weapons and other goodies that comes with 2017 :D

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Will there be any changes to founder items (Lato Prime and Skana Prime) or any further rewards for Warframe founders?

Having played the game since U7, I can't say much have been done for founder to reward them for their continued support. It actually has felt like we've been ignored except when it comes to bringing up the topic (ie. when we complained about the Prisma Skana vs Skana Prime).

We got 2 weapons which are useless for anything beyond level 25+ enemies (Mastery Fodder), a reskin of Excaliber (somewhat Mastery Fodder), a sigil (that looks underwelming), an extra extractor (that I never use), and our name hidden on a planet node that no one really ever pays attention to. Other things which we had exclusive to ourselves, like the design council forum, ingame council chat, etc have been given away.

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1. Simulacrum

     Add some control panel to set enemies' status, like sortie's buff, removing their armor, etc.

Also a control panel for Warframes and can invite other players to join.


2. New tileset, missions, quests and enemies

     The quest is about operator, after finishing the quest,  new mission nodes are playable. There is a huge transference distortion, so that only operator can finish these mission.

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Greetings and happy new year.

Technical Questions

1) As always, I want to ask if we'll ever see labelling for the Warframe colour palettes we can use for our Frames, Weapons, Accessories and Sentinels? With the fact that such labelling exists for Kavat and Kubrow naming, along with the Polychrome Dojo options, I personally feel this would be a positive step forward as a matter of quality of life to extend to all instances of colour customisation, not only for Colourblind players like myself, but anyone who simply wants a clear way to distinguish a specific colour amidst the palettes.

2) Will we be seeing similar door designs such as on the Kuva Fortress for other tilesets? I've personally found them much easier to appreciate for where I can/can't go despite my colourblindness, and I really hope that we'll see more of this pattern approach for Corpus and Void/Orokin tiles in time.

3) Glast Gambit had some measure of bug rendering our Alignment/Disposition skewed by how the questions were placed relative to one another, such as the Neutral choice ending up registering as the Moon choice. Will there be a fix implemented to rectify this discrepancy?

4) So far as Reworks go, what is the overall goal in mind for Limbo's review? Has it changed since last discussed?

- In relation to that, are there any plans for Oberon in mind as of yet, or will that be after Limbo has been resolved?

5) Kuva's red and black colouration makes it somewhat difficult to locate on tilesets such as Eris, due to the darker tones at play. Are there any plans to help improve its visibility? Furthermore, are there plans to ensure that a Siphon doesn't spawn in a manner so that the Kuva is absorbed practically instantly, as certain tiles such as on Ceres can be incredibly difficult to react quickly enough between finding and acquiring.

Story/teaser questions

1) Seeing as we now know that the Infested room contains the entity dubbed Helminth, I am curious whether the name choice is an allusion to Helminthic Therapy, an experimental immunotherapy intended to use Helminth parasites to treat autoimmune disorders such as Crohn's disease and Asthma. Considering both being named for a classification of parasite and the Infested, according to the Fragments, are themselves a parasitic life form, Helminth's discussion referring to broadly medical matters offers interesting potential moving forward; especially now we know it is possible to live with the Infested in a way.

2) Ever since I completed War Within, I've been seeing...something...during Operator Transmissions. As of yet I've not heard anything at all that may clarify if this is or isn't relevant, or simply a very specific Bug that hasn't been remedied yet. It is exceptionally difficult to believe I'm the only person who's seeing this 'shadow' if it is truly meant to be a 'thing'. Similarly, if it's meant to relate to disposition, it logically should be more of a known quantity at this juncture.

I'm stumped, honestly, with how little information I have as yet. May as well try my luck here.


jTjoGI8.jpgoSqTcq2.jpg Observe the Right hand side of the Background.

YXfd6sa.jpg More focused images of the 'shadow' CflGA1Q.jpg

 3) Are there any plans to expand upon and improve the Operator Transmission dialogue? The dialogue has remained the same since its inception, near enough. Will there be any potential to have more influence on the manner of statements, such as being related to our Alignment/Disposition in some manner, or reflect our chosen Path in some form?

Sorry for going on, as always. Any response will be appreciated all the same.

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I would like to offer a few suggestion and questions.

-Fragment reward(s) possibility when collecting all.

People wanted a bobble head type cephalon fragment for their ship but I'd like a display that looks like a fragment shape.

Since unlocking all fragments get you the picture that can be used in your ship on the displays. It would give us a chance to see what the displays can do and might entice people to buy them or the pack.

- Sentinels revives

Regen it does work but the problem is it revives so fast after its death its almost unnoticeable.

The mod could be changed to one of the following or a combination of them:

  • You could have it revive by time based
  • You could have it revive on command when you need it on out of harms way.
  • You could have it revive by a life counter like we do.

You could also add the following to the game if you do not like the idea of changing the mod.

  • You could have it revive by Ordis in gear. And he could say a catch phrase that is fix or something?
  • You could revive it by a ship that will bring back pets and sentinels by a timer like health supply/turret/alarms/bombing runs

-Character customization

Can the "eye-guard" be worn on the left eye too? Or is it purely only for the right eye? Can all character customization be swappable left and right side.

-Health conversion/energy conversion errors

They both suffer from the same errors from time to time, check link. Has came back after the war within, and with using "5" (dont what to spoil anything) it screws with the value of cubes you have when you and when going back to warframe it resets the values to a negative number for example -3x which removes any chance of survival (in health conversion) and any power strength (in energy conversion)

-Token system

What has happened to the token system?


Was it scrapped when you implemented the "Check system" Will Maroo sever any purpose in the future?

-Codex missing mods (Finally added in, Thank you)

  • Meteor Crash
  • Nebula Bore
  • Astral Slash
  • Comet Blast
  • Quasar Drill
  • Zodiac Shred

-Opened relic reward screen

When we finish the void fissure it would be nice if we had the ducat value attached with the item or rarity. Fixed added bronze, sliver, gold titles.

-Archwing focus orbs

On 2016-08-04 at 11:43 PM, JacquesTheBitter said:

I've noticed that we can apply a focus lens on archwing or archwing weapons. But I couldn't find any focus orbs during a mission which makes it almost useless to place a lens on archwings.

Is there any plan to make the focus orb available for archwing mission? If not I'd like to kindly request the developers to make it possible to get as much focus as the ground missions on archwing ones. 

And focus ability available for archwing missions maybe?

focus orbs available for archwing missions?

-Sliver grove ending missing

On 2016-08-20 at 9:09 PM, TrueHawkEye said:

I got nothing to show but if you look at mutiple youtube videos the ending of the silver grove is missing Ordis starts talking and out of no where the inbox opens and auto plays the transmission and I would like to know what Ordis said. I know I can't redo the quest but is it possible to have the text transcript for what he said?

not my footage, see the videos for what i am talking about





-Sentinels for new players quest


· Reviewing the new player experience we realized that Sentinels are incredibly useful, but there's no real tutorial that teaches players how to use them.

· We're implementing a quest that will also introduce a new Sentinel for players to get to know.

· The new Sentinel is more defensive in nature.

Quote pulled from https://warframe.com/news/devstream-71-overview

-Nekros shadow of the dead problems

  • Their is a problem when spawning a scavenger drone it will steal all the resources on the map from you instead of collecting items for you.
  • Their is a problem with the sentinel overspray you can not tell what circle is friendly and which ones will hurt you. If they could gave their orbs colored like our energy it would help.
  • Their is a problem when spawning a Hyekka master, the Hyekka's that are summoned are not always marked by your shadow ability.
  • There has not been an event (up to now) where nekros shadows of the dead ability is accessible or use-able during the events (power not available)/same with soul punch (its a little unfair since all the other frame can use all 4 abilities.
  • Would it be possible to have the shadow that Nekros summons, the health bar would be a different color. Since some energy colors are hard to tell the enemy and friendly apart.

-Nekros Prime missing motors binds

On 2016-11-22 at 1:56 PM, [DE]Megan said:

CHORDALLA PRIME (custom Auxiliary Slot attachment) 
Ceremonial ribbons, worn with pride.
*FAQ: You get the Chordalla Prime automatically on purchase of any Valkyr Prime Access tier and automatically on crafting of Valkyr Prime. You have to manually equip it in the Attachment area to see it!

That is unfair to Nekros Prime, his auxiliary slot attachment was completely ignored.

So when do would we get to see his version of the motors binds in a prime variant?

-Riven mods
I have a few problem with the riven mods:

  • the 15 card limit
  • Some powerful weapons getting "strong" disposition riven mods when they are already "god killers" Fixed
  • we have a total of 54 primary weapons (86 if you count different variants) and only allowed a 15 mod cap
  • we have a total of 56 secondary weapons (75 if you count different variants)
  • we have a total of 87 melee weapons (112 if you count different variants)
  • we have a total of 7 sentinel weapons (11 if you count different variants)
  • I dont want to imagine anything for archwing it still need a bit more work before they get it.
  • Will our frames get them too?
  • So we have a total of 204 different weapons Apparently I was wrong we have 284 weapons and only a 15 mod limit That is going to be a huge problem. What i see happening is people making mutiple accounts to store all the different mods so that can collect them all. And use them while trading with themselves.
  • Well looks like I was wrong on a certain thing, for similar weapons depend on the riven mod it is only for the unique version of weapon. (just for one only for the mutalist quanta)
  • What happens when we have 15 mods does the 16th change into another reward? Answered in "The War Within: Hotfix 19.3.1"
  • Is there a storing system were we could deposit the extra riven mods or something trade in the ones we don't need for tokens or something we could exchange for other items? Buy 3 riven mod slots for 60 plat and a total of 60 riven mod slots

Here is a few suggestions:

  • if you really want a 15 card limit make it for each category so it would be (60 in theory when the sentinels get more weapons) with out counting the sentinel category you would have 45 as a total. Which would give you a nice diversity of possibilities of playing.
  • I would love to see the ability to lock certain stats and re-roll other for something more preferred.
  • Not having mods locked on specific weapons able to choose. Example riven mod for the mutalist quanta why not just quanta there is 4 different quanta. you have the regular one, mulalist, vandal and the infested one the paracyst (if you want to count it as a quanta since it's just fully infested)
  • Here is another idea, was thinking about using 4 unwanted riven mods and transmute it into a completely new riven mod.
  • Also, when dissolving riven mods I would find it better if we got a percentage of the endo and kuva back (when upgrading it or re-rolling it.)


When would we see more information on the arcanes becoming plug-in like what was mentioned in this dev-stream moment?  As of Update 19.4.2, Arcane Distillers are no longer consumed on use, Thank you.

-Infested pets

Will we be getting a Juggernaut and a Behemoth variants too?


Edited by TrueHawkEye
Will add more and strike out more if they have been fixed or resolved
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Hi. Will you discuss the mutagen sample issue? Its the hottest topic here in the last weeks.

So for me real importend questions are (seriously):

1. Will there be more soft-paywalls in the future?

2. Is this a new strategy in the direction of pay2win?

3. If not, what are the real reasons behind? Steves answer was very unsatisfying because you acted in a different way so many times before.

4. If yes, how will you handle this?

5. What do you think about the massive community reaction? Is this influencing your decision?

Looking forward to friday.

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Snowball Shuriken Skin?



When will we be able to color each part of our warframe separately?

Could we please have a third sigil slot that is on our helmet?

Please buff Machete and Machete Wraith.

It would be cool if we could have our liset's appearance as part of our warframe's loadout, 
so we can have matching warframes and ships at all times.

Any chance for a Prisma Machete sold by the Void Trader soon?

Any chance we'll have Syndicate cosmetic skins and/or helmets one day?

Detron got a Void Trader variant, will Brakk be getting one too?

Will Machete receive a Augment mod or buff?
It's currently the weakest weapon in the game, and could use some love.

Will there be Vandal skins for Warframes?
I like the designs of the Vandal weapons, 
but they don't really match any of the warframes.
Would be cool if their colors where changeable, 
or at least there where matching Warframe skins.

Will we ever be getting a male Grineer themed tank/combat warframe with tons of armor?
Hopefully with a Rocket Punch power.

Would be cool is there where optional secondary missions during your main mission.
Like, during a spy mission, a officer could spawn,
and you could go capture him.
If you fail or choose not to do the optimal mission you don't fail your main mission,
it's just a chance at getting extra affinity,
and something to freshen up the game-play a little.

Would be cool for each Relay to get their own Bar where the Void Trader could go.
(he's always talking about wanting you to come to parties he's throwing.)

Would be cool of the Relays could have an Arcade, 
where you can play the different mini games like Happy Zephyr and Wyrmius.

Would be cool if the Relays could have a fighting pit where anyone in the relay can fight each other.

Also, could we get a smaller Kubrow body type?
I want to make a tiny dog, but even the smallest one isn't small enough.

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20 minutes ago, Doc-Orange said:

Hi. Will you discuss the mutagen sample issue? Its the hottest topic here in the last weeks.

So for me real importend questions are (seriously):

1. Will there be more soft-paywalls in the future?

2. Is this a new strategy in the direction of pay2win?

3. If not, what are the real reasons behind? Steves answer was very unsatisfying because you acted in a different way so many times before.

4. If yes, how will you handle this?

5. What do you think about the massive community reaction? Is this influencing your decision?

Looking forward to friday.


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An Happy Year for all DE Staff and Tenno.

I have some Question:

Do you guys have any plan for new Tenno power?

Is that a new update for Infested Fraction? Like new enemy or new boss?

Will you guys have more mission to get Riven Mod? 

Any new reward will be come to sortie mission? 

By any chance, the wall running will be back?



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One thing I always enjoyed about Dark Sector clan fights is the (star wars) "battlefront" vibe it gave me with constantly respawning enemies and teammates. Will we ever see that applied to other missions like crossfire or invasions? Right now in invasion type missions instead of fighting with a large group of allies, you just find stragglers that tend to die and don't get replaced.

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Happy new year to all at DE!! :heart:

when we are going to see tau system? :sentient:

when we are gonna see the Orokin emperor himself? :orokin:

when we are going to see the Orokin Emperor palace and throne room ? :orokin: it must be so beautiful in design and architecture.

please answer my questions i can't wait anymore its killing me... :sadcry:

May we have a year of great improvement

thank you for your hard work and for giving us a great game with a awesome story.

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Please hurry with Frost Deluxe, my body is way too ready O_O

And on that note, will there be any new Frost Deluxe content on display, like the current state of the model and such?

Edited by Kutsus
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About Steve's idea on Open World...

I would be satisfied if we had something like the Battlefield's maps, I dont know if the engine could handle it, but some of the maps they make are massive enough to give a small illusion of Open World.

We meet colonists there and actually see them fighting and we go alongside them in battle.

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Vaccines / Cure for the Infected Cyst ?
perhaps an alternative instead of draining the Cyst into the kubrow egg? 

( i was thinking something like DNA Stabilizer for the kubrow to keep them healthy, apply the same concept to the Tenno warframes. ) 
Let me know what you think!

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The number of frames and weapons keep growing.

At MR20 i got rid of all the non-prime frames that had prime equivalents and bought 5 more Arsenal Loadout slots; for all that I still couldn't obtain a slot each of the 29 remaining warframes and their weapons.

And there's still more new frames on the way. 

We we need a new, more scalable Arsenal Loadout system!

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