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Migarulor? EB? Are there builds that frustrate you?


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Maximum cheese



This thread was split off from an OP that violated our CoC. The conversation it started was wonderful, and we didn't want to stifle it, so here we are!

Thanks for your patience as everything got moved over. 


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people hate mirage spamulor because it kills all the fun in a mission, idk about you, but i prefer to actually be fighting, not following someone as they kill everything before i can even get a shot in. basically, people want to play the game too

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There is nothing wrong with playing those frames.  There is nothing wrong with using their powers.

On the topic of forum posts, though, one giant stream of consciousness paragraph is hard to read and will likely get skipped.

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8 minutes ago, Sarge_Tarmus said:

What is your opinion about that?

Eye bleaching (seriously, bright particles everywhere, which my low-graphics laptop can't really do well).

And boredom. Playing with a Simulor Mirage is so boring. So mind-numbingly boring. Boring boring boring.


But hey, that's my problem, not yours. I carefully avoid public matches because they are plagued by Simulor Mirages, but this is in no way a criticism of you. You play like you want, and I play like I want, and most importantly with whom I want.

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Don't really care about any players spamming their abilties. What I do care about in this grindfest is doing as much possible in short period. Be efficient as much as you can, make the game easier for you. Ignore what they say.

Keep calm, EB away.

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Look this is my opinion on cheeseframes:

You can use them all you want, just know that killing everything and everyone in a room will take away all the fun from your team. If you're okay with that, go for it. I'm guilty of using Resonating Banshee which is one of the few combos that can kill everything in a room in a matter of seconds.

Now if you're a simulor mirage: I will love you if we're doing sorties or hard missions but I'll hate you if you purposely follow me to steal my kills, that's just a crappy move. But that's just me and it shouldn't stop you from using the gear you want.

And yeah, you're free to do whatever you want. It's your gameplay, you're the one playing the game soooo

Edited by BarryPierce
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Sure, Mirage Simulor/Tonkor, Excalibur exalted spam, Valkyr ult, etc... are useful because they can rapidely kill a lot of ennemis without effort but they also kill all the fun at the same speed, both for them and their allies.

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It's because Simulor Mirage is super freaking annoying. I make a point to leave endless type missions the first chance I get if there's simulor mirage in it. The sound is just sooooo freaking UGH! And it goes on and on and on and it keeps spamming. If I could mute it, fine. But I can't. So FK simulor mirage combo.

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Nothing is inherently wrong with using anything the game gives you as long as it's not a known exploit (or anything within that range).

However, you are being entirely inconsiderate to your team if you run into a random match and steal all the fun away from everyone else by spamming cheese builds. If that was the plan, all along, and everyone agreed to it, spamulor away. Otherwise, be wary and be considerate and don't get snarky and angry when someone asks you to stop.

Furthermore, don't die every 2 seconds when using a cheese-build. Nothing irks me more than maximum power strength Embers who think they can forego any survivability going down every time an enemy so much as looks at them.

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OP, you said that Chroma placed his Effigy in the most crowded area. I bet he had Secura Lecta equipped. So I assume that you, mindlessly spamming your attack with EB active, denied EVERYONE INCLUDING YOUR GODDAMN Self a nice little boost in the Credits department. 

I can write a lot of things  regarding the situation you described that will earn me a warning, but I guess you already know them. 

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The problem isn't that it's not fun. Nor is it that they're jelly of your "skill". It's just really @(*()$ annoying. These things (Simirage and EB Excal) make annoying, constant noise and come with visual clutter. That's it. It's not you, baby, it's me.

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Here's my two cents: I don't care how you play, I don't care what you bring, it's fun to you and that's all that matters. However, if you actively seek to ruin everyone else's time because you think you're a comedic genius, or you gloat about a stat that holds no real value,  then we got a problem.

And no, that part I got in the fissure run you came into to ensure no one has fun but you, will not be traded to you.  I'll offer it to the guy you belittled for having a low kill count when you followed them to ensure they don't.

But that's just me.

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If you're in a pug, you play with the squad you're dealt, or you leave and try another squad. That's all there is to it.

If some munchkin is killing all the fodder, I can usually busy myself taking down priority targets like Nullifiers or Bursas. Hell, in a Sortie earlier, I was happy to play the support role as Volt, putting shields up around the objective and buffing my team with Shock Trooper as I watched them mop the floor with the Grineer.

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11 minutes ago, (Xbox One)ThermalStone said:

Simular mirage is fun.  We already had a whole thread on this that got locked last week.  Give it up haters.

Correction. Simular mirage is fun for 1/4 players. For the other 3/4 players it is incredibly boring, and annoying based on sound and the normal bright energy colors I see most simular users using (please just use black). Please be considerate of other players when using that combo, and leave some enemies for them to kill and some areas orb-free for relief on the eyes and ears.

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55 minutes ago, Sarge_Tarmus said:

"EXCAL STAHP SPAMMYN WITH DAT SH**TY WEPAN U NOOBLORD" - said Chroma user after placing his effigy in the most crowded place in Neo defense fissure.

You could say the same to him for disregarding chromas strengths and being useless. A chroma not getting kills is not a real chroma. Just ignore and move on. Not everyone you will meet is sane. And personally, i can't remember seeing someone complaining about kills or wanting someone to leave.

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50 minutes ago, Acersecomic said:

It's because Simulor Mirage is super freaking annoying. I make a point to leave endless type missions the first chance I get if there's simulor mirage in it. The sound is just sooooo freaking UGH! And it goes on and on and on and it keeps spamming. If I could mute it, fine. But I can't. So FK simulor mirage combo.

What this guy said. I honestly don't mind the idea of people killing things fast or beating a level efficiently. If it works, it works. What I hate more than anything is the amount of repetitive noise / colors you get with using the Simulor (Any frame. Mirage is just most often used), Sonicor spamming (Bright colors suck on this one), Exalted Blade "Swish Swish", and Telos Boltace spinning. 

Worse than hearing a leak in a faucet that continues for hours without end. *drip, drip, drip, drip, drip*

Edited by (PS4)Tsion
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EB spam is really just too much sensory overload.  If I had my way it would only shoot energy when your health was full.  I am pretty certain when they designed it, the intent was use it every now and then, not to become a laser light show turret.  In any case, I do t really mind, if spamming that is fun to you then spam on, just please don't stand right behind me and turn my screen bright flashing colors.

Simulor is the same thing, it's loud, has too much ammo, does way too much AoE damage, and paints the screen with epileptic FX.  One thing many Simulspam players don't realize is that alt-fire detonates your singularities...Please do that.  I really don't mind Simulor players, but there are times when they are loved, and when they are not.  For example, farming things, where all players just want to stand around and collect materials (like oxium a while back) this is a good simulor.  When you join a random mission where people are trying to have fun and blow off steam, you can expect a less than warm welcome.

There actually a ton of things in WF that are annoying or frustrating.

-Frost leaving snow globes everywhere

-Limbo casting cataclysm on an objective against infested

-Telos boltace for the same reason as EB and Simulor

-Ember on low level missions

Despite all of this...My number one tenet is to let players play Warframe the way they want to.  So spam on, but if you upset me, or make the mission unfun, don't be mad when everyone leaves you to play on your own.  Or for trolls to not get revived...Don't be a troll either.

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The problem I have with people using faceroll as hell builds is not that their using it, it's mostly their attitudes that make me really dislike any kind of those builds. Although I've never seen an Excal wiping everything so that other people couldn't get kills. 

Steamrolling a mission with a Mirag-ulor and after that complaining about having to 'carry' other people and 'doing all the work', sounds about right doesn't it? I mean, you pressed 1 and spent the rest of your time left-clicking (if you don't have a macro for it), huge effort. And yes, most people want to play the game as well. That's what games are usually made for. I do not say that these builds shouldn't be played, I'm just saying if you're playing faceroll, don't be a Mr. Big-Head about it.

Towards OP: Maybe that Chroma wanted to farm credits with Effigy and got annoyed that he couldn't because other people killed the guys too quickly, although why you would farm credits in a fissure mission is beyond me. If that was the case, he could have asked you to let enemys get in range so he could farm some credits for the squad, and not just as you've stated insult you immedeately.


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