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Octavia’s Anthem: Hotfix 20.6.1


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  • Oberon’s Renewal now heals friendly summoned units (IE Nekros’ Shadows of the Dead) at 1/3 the rate but consumes 1/3 the Energy drain for doing so. The change to have Renewal not affect friendly summons was met with varying opinions, and is now further tweaked to meet a happy middle ground. 

NOBODY ASKED FOR THIS. We don't want to waste our energy healing extra units AT ALL.

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6 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Octavia’s Anthem: Hotfix 20.6.1
Oberon Changes

Obaeron, Broberon, Goat Lord...these are just a few of the names bestowed upon our faithful Oberon. With the dedicated amount of continued feedback and passionate discussions about Oberon’s changes, the time has come to release another round of changes! Oberon Prime is right around the corner so the spotlight will be on him like never before. The changes below were brought forth from Dev discussions and by you, our devoted Tenno. Our goal has always been to give synergy to Oberon’s abilities, while still giving him a way to fill multiple roles in battle. We hope these further changes do just that.

Hallowed Ground

  • Tweaked Hallowed Ground FX to reduce performance issues.
  • Range Mods now apply 75% to Range (distance from Oberon) and 75% to Arc Angle of Hallowed Ground (before was 25% to Range and 75% to Arc before).  


  • Oberon’s Renewal now heals friendly summoned units (IE Nekros’ Shadows of the Dead) at 1/3 the rate but consumes 1/3 the Energy drain for doing so. The change to have Renewal not affect friendly summons was met with varying opinions, and is now further tweaked to meet a happy middle ground. 
  • Oberon’s Renewal Armor buff will be applied to allies anytime they step on Hallowed Ground while Renewal is active on them as opposed to them having to be on Hallowed Ground when Renewal hits them.
  • Renewal no longer affects Nidus’ Maggots as to not prevent them from exploding (their intended behavior). 


  • Oberon’s Reckoning Armor debuff is now based on the target's base Armor instead of current Armor (meaning no more diminishing returns).

Mag Changes

  • Pull, Magnetize, and Polarize can now be cast while in motion - their animations now only take place on the upper body. 
  • Removed the .75 second delay at the end of Mag’s Crush cast.


  • Eximus units can now be summoned as Inaros’ Sand Shadows. 

...huh. Neat

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  • Pull, Magnetize, and Polarize can now be cast while in motion - their animations now only take place on the upper body. 
  • Removed the .75 second delay at the end of Mag’s Crush cast.

Put back the greedy pull mag and we'll be fine. 

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The oberon buff is real.  Finally, they addressed the most annoying problem with oberon's healing and I can finally enjoy using him with nekros allies.  I also love the change to allow armor buff to be easier to put on allies.  Oberon is in a much better spot now.

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Nice! The changes to the summons healing and Iron Renewal feel so much more convenient and manageable, and more distance for Hallowed Ground is always welcomed. Thank goodness for the Armor debuff for Reckoning now properly scaling!

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2 minutes ago, Epicagemo said:

Just remove the x amount of allies and make the cost for renewal fixed. I mean, trinity doesn't drain per ally right?...

Her ability isn't infinite and toggleable. This is the main reason for the change.

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This is probably too late, but here is an idea for Oberon. Give Smite a "secondary fire" by holding the button, that acts exactly as the usual cast, but makes the projectiles seek out different targets. Each target gets a debuff for several seconds. If Hallowed Ground is casted, each debuffed enemy will spawn a small patch of Hallowed Ground beneath him.

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