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Bring back Stamina for PvE Only


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Stamina was actually a great differentiator for frames. Rhino couldn't sprint or jump or fly as often as Volt could, which made him feel tankier and heavier. Now all frames feel the same, the only differences being their fashion and whether you spam 4 or 2.

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6 minutes ago, Witchydragon said:

Now all frames feel the same

While I would not mind having a way to make each frame feel different I was around when we had stamina and I do not agree that it was a great way to establish that desired difference.

A different system maybe, but not stamina.

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I liked back in time but that means plus 2 mod like the marathon and the quick rest. We already have restricted in slot if we should keep rush and stay sometime for rest then it means we need to sacrifice more slots for stamina. We don't need actually them only if they add more slots to the game like 12 for frame and weapons but separate them into 3 category each with 4 mods. Otherwise it is just slow down the game and could be troublesome when you are in a great battle and need to maneuver fast.

Edited by Sziklamester
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With that mindset , Rhino Prime shouldn't sprint faster than most of frames cuz " he is heavier " than others . Stamina was a restriction for Warframes and ppl are free to jump , sprint and use melee now , no need to bring it back.


Edited by Aeon94
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10 minutes ago, Genjinaro said:

My thoughts exactly... I'm amazed anyone would want this back. 

Bury this next to the broken lights.

yea I thought same , why would someone cripple him/herself ?

or should i say want his/her frame to be handicapped in a fast-paced game while even non-stop moving doesn't save us from death ?

It'd be good for PvP where everyone non-stop bulletjumps around and abuses it to hell but in PvE ? no , thanks.

Edited by Aeon94
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52 minutes ago, Koldraxon-732 said:

I would've liked this better if that 'PvE' was 'PvP', but since it isn't, I would gladly say 'No thanks' and then shout 'GOOD DAY SIR!' before gently slamming the door shut on my way out.

See, now this is what we say when you guys come to PvP and suggest the same S#&$.

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I'd rather not have stamina included... most of the frames I like are too slow when sprinting as it is... and volt (the speed frame) needs a buff more than most imo.

Edited by LSG501
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1 hour ago, Witchydragon said:

Stamina was actually a great differentiator for frames. Rhino couldn't sprint or jump or fly as often as Volt could, which made him feel tankier and heavier. Now all frames feel the same, the only differences being their fashion and whether you spam 4 or 2.

So basically you want in a fast paced ninja game to have everyone sprint 30 meters, stop and slow down to a walk for a few seconds and then sprint another 30 meters before repeating over and over and over again? Because that is literally what the system was.

Also you seem to be mis-remembering a few things.
First is that back when we had stamina we had coptering, sliding, and at the very end directional air melee, that made stamina utterly useless and pointless.  Every frame felt even more the same back then: either you were slow as molasses and couldn't get across small rooms without being forced to walk part of it or you just coptered/but-slid and never noticed that stamina was a thing.

Second is that with the current powers and everything else it wouldnt' be fun for anyone.
Remember the days of a frost without a copter weapon being utterly incapable of keeping up with the squad?
Remember when slower frames would go through a mission with literally nothing for them to do due to the faster frames killing 100% of enemies before the slower frame even saw them?
Remember back when Rhinos were considered dead weight in teams as they couldn't keep up and were mostly useless?
And yet you seriously want to return to that time?

Please tell me what benefit would be had by this.
Please tell me how it would make anything better.
Please tell me how a slow frame is supposed to keep up and do anything in such a system?

Stamina was a tumor that was thankfully excised and I don't want to see it come back.
It serves no purpose and was annoying and anti-fun.  Nothing good ever came of the system.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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Stamina was, in fact, not great at differentiating anything.  For one it was an entirely arbitrary limiter since it only impacted sprinting, so you could use various other means to completely ignore stamina and still move fast.  Any frame could wall slingshot, slideflip, or copter without issue and entirely ignoring the stamina system completely.  For the second point, it really just didn't belong in a game like Warframe.  This game has done a reasonable job at deviating from the more current trend of slower paced shooting type games.  Removing stamina was a big step in the right direction to meet that end even more.

Stamina's removal was one of the most univerally welcomed changes that this game has recieved.  The only thing folks have wanted stamina back for is to rework the melee blocking system.  Meaning that players could have a set X drain over each second on their stamina bar while blocking, but having a much larger damage resistance (or possibly immunity) while doing so.

If you believe all the frames feel the same, then you really didn't have a very core understanding of Warframe back when stamina did exist.  Nor one now, as the frames still have quite a few differences in playstyle approach.  Rhino and Volt, as per your example, have so much different between them in terms of playstyle options for example that it's not even close.  The only way Rhino and Volt could feel the same in terms of play is if you're just not making proper use of the options that each frame brings to the table.

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Stamina was terrible, I am glad to see it gone. Melee blocking was terrible then and is at least more reliable now. Back then you'd take one hit and all your stamina would be drained (because the drain was based on incoming damage), and then your block would drop, making it useless for high-level content. As for differentiation of mobility, each warframe currently has different sprint speeds, with Nezha having less slide friction, Titania having enhanced bullet jump, Loki having increased wall latch duration, and Zephyr having better air mobility. Furthermore, high-end content requires group coordination, and there's nothing worse than having your cc or your tank lagging behind everyone else when a time-crucial objective needs to be completed like Nightmare Law of Retribution or Jordas Verdict trial.

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Ahhhh...I get it.

It's a satire to show the double standards of those who want stamina in Conclave while using reverse psychology to prove that stamina is not a good thing for Conclave.

That's pretty smart.

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