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Umbra warframes [Discussion & Appreciation][*spoilers*]

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Just now, Tesseract7777 said:

DE never adds anything without immediately giving you a way to farm it as well, however tedious and horrible said grind may be. 

So I won't vote on the poll, because the issue is totally null to begin with. It would never happen. 

Excal prime and its exclusive weapons ? what are u talking about. prime syandanas from prime acces tennogen items lol and 10000 other things not everything is farmable in game you know.

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8 minutes ago, TennoPain said:

Excal prime and its exclusive weapons ? what are u talking about. prime syandanas from prime acces tennogen items lol and 10000 other things not everything is farmable in game you know.

You are being deliberately obtuse. 

Excal Prime was only for the founders and that issue is long settled. The other stuff you mentioned is cosmetic only. 

Umbra is not cosmetic only. Umbra is not founders. Apart from those exceptions, they do NOT release stuff without giving you a way to farm them. You know this is what I meant, and what you said is common knowledge that doesn't count anyway. 

Name something that isn't cosmetic besides Excal Prime and his weapons and isn't farmable in game. You won't be able to, because there is no such thing. You are wrong. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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Just now, Tesseract7777 said:

You are being deliberately obtuse. 

Excal Prime was only for the founders and that issue is long settled. The other stuff you mentioned is cosmetic only. 

Umbra is not cosmetic only. Umbra is not founders. Apart from those exceptions, they do NOT release stuff without giving you a way to farm them. You know this is what I meant, and what you said is common knowledge that doesn't count anyway. 

Name something that isn't cosmetic besides Excal Prime and his weapons and isn't farmable in game. You won't be able to, because there is no such thing. You are wrong. 

Ill give you time to think about it.

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8 minutes ago, TennoPain said:

Ill give you time to think about it.

Nope, you need to provide evidence when you make a claim. 

Name things with mastery besides the original founders stuff that you cannot ever get through farming/grinding/events, no matter what. 

You need to provide evidence, not play mysterious.

And Lato and Braton Vandal certainly don't count as they never cost money, and were confirmed to be released again soon. 

So it's up to you to provide evidence or keep looking ridiculous and unable to back up your own argument. 

Name stuff that you can only ever get with platinum, or real money period, that provides mastery, besides founders. 

I'm still waiting, but it's clear you don't have anything to add here, or you would straight up say it instead of trying to play coy. 

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I'd be more likely to consider buying it if it was farm-able. Making it market purchaseable (for plat) only for 3 months only would also be entirely acceptable to me.

A premium exclusive?


It has no nifty story...

No player that spent oodles of hours designing and refining it for free is involved.

It's Chinese Warframe leftovers and should only be balancing the Mastery scales from Excal Prime (Yup... I said it).

That said, I am entirely comfortable with Umbra being unable to be gotten via any other means than the Market for the first few months.

If you are getting it for free you shouldn't ever have it the same day as someone who shelled out money for it (Yup...said that too)


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47 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

How would it balance the mastery scales? Founders would be able to get it too

Founders wouldn't get MR points for Umbra had I my way of it.

...At least up to the Founders pack point purchased.

The MR disparity (small as it is) is the only really valid argument I have ever heard regarding the Founders pack.

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2 hours ago, CaptainStrawberry said:

@(Xbox One)EternalDrk Mako


Here is my guess. An Umbra is what happens when a Warframe uses a Sentinet Artifact which is why Hunhow calls Stalker "Shadow" (Umbra).

The lake teaser gave me this idea.

ive thought stalker/shadow stalker sentient combo was a  proof of concept , still do , as technically sentient are orokin era tech .... but thats so far just a theory , its been around a while  

astrologically speaking though an umbra is the darkest shadow so its meaning is more than simple shadow, but darkest point of a shadow  while stalker would be something like a penumbra , not at the maximum darkness , which begs the question of if the meter is tied to umbras from TWW 


Image result for umbra

the lake:

i remember talking with someone on this.... but i dont think ive actually talked on this forum side

 excalibur [myth] is tied to a lady in a lake who bestows it, is a  good hint towards the Excalibur tie in to it i agree, but the lady also ties in with Merlin ..so maybe thats another angle of myth to look into  ...


Image result for lady of the lake

also if this ties in with the pendragon mythology then along those lines we could reflect on of Arthur and medraut aka mordred  

known as the "traitor" who mortally wounded the king , mordred can also mean within bounds & moderation from latin..if i remember that right 

there are some variations of the tale were mordred is arthurs son also, from morgan le fey  

though .. he was actually more thought to be his cousin officially , but its thought he was a blood relative 

 we have a dark/light concepts there, and then possibly that could show the sacrifice angle as the original tenno/warframes were the traitors ...to the orokin , maybe we see who struck first ..id assume it was an excalibur being the first and oldest frame by lore standards 

just some thoughts ive had on this

, but thats what i can remember on the subject of Arthurian legend off hand....  

-warning graphic- 


Image result for mordred pendragon myth


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Just now, Tesseract7777 said:

Nope, you need to provide evidence when you make a claim. 

Name things with mastery besides the original founders stuff that you cannot ever get through farming/grinding/events, no matter what. 

You need to provide evidence, not play mysterious.

And Lato and Braton Vandal certainly don't count as they never cost money, and were confirmed to be released again soon. 

So it's up to you to provide evidence or keep looking ridiculous and unable to back up your own argument. 

Name stuff that you can only ever get with platinum, or real money period, that provides mastery, besides founders. 

I'm still waiting, but it's clear you don't have anything to add here, or you would straight up say it instead of trying to play coy. 

I just said not everything is farmable (not refering to stuff that give you masterty points only. read more careful.

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Well in light of the Harrow-trailer, lost souls or dead rising is even more likely.

Shadows or shades are often names for demons or souls in mythology and many other fictions.

Now we hear of evil unleashed and then human figures that move like Rells mother in the comic.


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34 minutes ago, arch111 said:

Shadows or shades are often names for demons or souls in mythology and many other fictions.

The Odyssey comes to mind as a notable example, whereby Odysseus invokes the dead to speak to shades for guidance. And as part of the invocation, Odysseus has to offer up blood for the dead are noted to be hungry.

Which considering Palladino is the Veil's spiritual medium, and the Veil's "No blood too precious, no cost too great" thing...maybe the Veil have a similar approach to entreating spirits? Though part of me wonders if it's necessarily worked in the past.

Course if the Void is, least as I suspect, responsive in a psionic manner...maybe it does work. Though of course, simply conjecture as of now.

4 hours ago, (Xbox One)EternalDrk Mako said:

excalibur [myth] is tied to a lady in a lake who bestows it, is a  good hint towards the Excalibur tie in to it i agree, but the lady also ties in with Merlin ..so maybe thats another angle of myth to look into  ...

There's also how Galatine is referred to as the shadow to Excalibur's light, a gift from the Lady of the Lake to Sir Gawain.

I admittedly doubt anything would come of that mind, what with us having the sword anyway...but it does make for considerations if that's the motif going on with the puddle.

Either way, apologies for going on, as always.

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6 hours ago, Padre_Akais said:

Founders wouldn't get MR points for Umbra had I my way of it.

...At least up to the Founders pack point purchased.

The MR disparity (small as it is) is the only really valid argument I have ever heard regarding the Founders pack.

That would just be ridiculously and pointlessly unfair... Eh, it's just a hypothetical anyway. We know they won't do that

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8 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

@Blakrana Why do you keep apologising for speaking?

A number of things which I sincerely doubt anyone wants cluttering the conversation. 

So...I'll leave it at mostly poor self esteem and always being the scapegoat in a given situation. Quoting TV Tropes


This a common trait among people with low self-esteem and lacking trust and/or social skills, as well as people who have been abused. It's a defense mechanism to prevent rejection, violence or hostility that one feels directed towards him/her, but also to dodge and avoid a conflict.

  • Polly has self-esteem issues.
  • Polly was taught as a child that it is polite to apologize, even when it isn't her fault. Polly is just exhibiting good manners.
  • Polly used to be blamed for everything as a child and it's influenced her in her adult life.

Sure. There's more to it. But not the point of the thread.

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3 minutes ago, Blakrana said:

A number of things which I sincerely doubt anyone wants cluttering the conversation. 

So...I'll leave it at mostly poor self esteem and always being the scapegoat in a given situation. Quoting TV Tropes

Sure. There's more to it. But not the point of the thread.

Lets hope you'll be alright tho :3

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