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So let's talk about the upcoming glass frame.

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She'll probably get another helmet, but that rabbit ears sort of putting me off as well. But I can see her armour being Knightress like.

Syndicate frames have always been good looking so far, hope it'll not be disappointing in a finished version.

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just a thought that i had for her possible passive or maybe just a feature of her exaulted hammer ability! dont even know if something like this is even possible to do! Anyways, everytime she uses her exaulted hammer, molten glass explodes outwards from the hammer upon 1st activation and then starts dripping molten glass all over! the more she moves around, as she attacks, the more molten glass gets sprayed everywhere! if it hits enemies, or if they step on the sprayed molten glass, it could slow them down and damage them and/or apply procs, (heat and possibly blast too) or it could apply a damage multiplier to an enemy to make them more vulnerable to incomming damage, or it could have a x% chance to strip armour/shields! any one of these effects or a combination of a few of them would be cool, all of them would probably be considered too OP though! Also this dripping glass could give stacking armor bonuses to allies who happen to be close by and get coated with the glass, with lets say a max cap of 5 coats of glass with each coat giving 5% extra armor, for a total of 25% extra armour with a maxed coat! <=== ALL These numbers should probably not be influenced by power strength too much otherwise it could make her too OP! another thought i had was maybe glass frame could create her exaulted hammer from scratch everytime she uses it, so that, for example when she deactivates her exaulted hammer ability she could throw the glass hammer construct at an enemy, (or maybe even just smash it on the ground), for a final glass explosion that could potencially coat enemies in super heated glass or glass shards or both for one final bout of damage!

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So on the recent devstream, Scott said that they were scrapping the current moveset for the upcoming glass frame because he didn't like the way it performed.

I thought I might try my hand at suggesting what I thought would be a cool concept for her abilities

Heat Shards

Energy Cost - 25

<Glass Frame> summons a storm of glass shards which fly forward and impale enemies in the direction she is looking. The shards stick in enemies, dealing slash damage over time. If the enemy is affected by a heat proc, the glass will melt, dealing heat damage in addition to the slash damage while also slowing the enemy an amount dependent on how many shards they are impaled with. If the enemy is hit by a blast or impact proc the shards will shatter, dealing radial burst damage.

Molten Wall

Energy Cost - 50

<Glass Frame> crafts a wall of molten glass which solidifies after a set amount of time. When the wall is molten, players can shoot through it to gain increased heat damage and status chance. Heat Shards can be fired through the molten glass to produce a spiked wall. <Glass Frame> can walk through the molten wall to gain a layer of glass armor, providing increased damage resistance. When the wall is solid, allies can shoot through it to gain increased slash damage.

3rd ability to be decided


Exalted Hammer

Energy Cost - 25 + Energy Drain P/S

So we know the glass frame is gonna have an exalted hammer, just wanted to give my take on the idea.

<Glass Frame> summons a exalted hammer made of glass. The hammer has a decent crit chance and decent status chance. With every hit made by the hammer, it gains heat and mass, increasing it's fire damage, impact damage and status chance. When a charge attack is performed, <Glass Frame> smashes the hammer into the ground, dealing large radial heat and slash damage to enemies around her. The amount of damage is determined by the mass and heat stored in the hammer.

If the hammer is swung into Molten Wall the wall will shatter, dealing radial damage to enemies nearby.

This ability synergizes well with her first ability, as the hammer has impact and heat damage, allowing her to CC and deal extra damage thanks to the molten shards.

Just some fun suggestions I had floating around my head. Give me your opinions and stuff! Also feel free to leave suggestions to improve these abilities and stuff.


Edited by junyynyyn
Added Molten Wall, Exalted Hammer
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The skin structure and color scheme for some reason reminds me to Rhino and Volt (no suprise given the artist). The body shape meanwhile reminds me to Saryn.

The glass structures are a bit distracting, but weird parts are normal for many Warframes. The head looks a bit overloaded though. But there is always the possibility of an alt helmet fixing that for those of us who dislike that.

Overall, i don't think she looks half bad. Definetly still fitting the general art direction of Warframe.

11 hours ago, FAZZWARFRAME said:

So this is what Led Mirage's armor is supposed to look like...

Not enough bulk on her legs though, also feet are too short. Weirdly Limbo has more elements of a LED Mirage.

Would place her closer to one of the Siren types.

Edited by Othergrunty
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looks fairly cool, though I don't really get that excited for frames until I've seen what they can do. they said her originally planned powers were scrapped, but was this because they were too powerful, or just boring? either way, I hope she can do a bit of everything, jack-of-all trade frames are a welcome addition IMO.

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7 minutes ago, (Xbox One)The Neko Otaku said:

The quest can still be giving by a syndicate to go to plains for her

No, the glass frame will tie in with the the village there. And will be farmed some how on the plains. SM and AH quests will probably be next year. 

Edited by (XB1)FCastle74
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If we're tying with themes, would pair nicely with the Arbiters. That sort of serious calm and weird-but-ornate look.

Then again, Nidus didn't exactly match with Perrin's theme so I guess it doesn't have to, the quest itself just does.


But yeah as previously stated, most likely not a syndicate-quest frame.

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Well we only miss Steel Meridian and Arbiters of Hexis now. However like others have already pointed out, this Warframe will not likely be tied to syndicates and it will be gained from Plains of Eidolon instead. Future Warframes will return to the syndicates I am sure, since we have yet to discover the history and lore of two of them. Assuming they will not do Symaris and Teshin as well since they are technically syndicates as well.

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19 minutes ago, Kryogeneva said:

I don't like a single thing about it, tbh. If it was ALL glass, or something, maybe. The design itself as it stands? No way. Ugly.

I remember how i personally feel that way with inaros when he first got shown off, he was one ugly mofo. Like @Othergrunty said tho, we still have  yet to see her alt helmet (see titania's aurai, way better than her original imo)


and as cool as an all glass concept, i think it'd be weird for her to get poisoned, gassed, bleed, outerspace vaccum damage, and all that 





But yeah, i really hope we get a good alt helmet for that.

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17 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

looks fairly cool, though I don't really get that excited for frames until I've seen what they can do. they said her originally planned powers were scrapped, but was this because they were too powerful, or just boring? either way, I hope she can do a bit of everything, jack-of-all trade frames are a welcome addition IMO.

I think i recall he said they were just generaly meh on her skill set, not op.

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On 8/21/2017 at 1:28 PM, KokoroWish said:


Just judging from what was shown in the stream but... seriously? okay here i go... 

first the solid body, if she's glass themed wouldn't it be better if you style a body that then is encased in the non joint areas in a layer of glass that is semi transparent and is selected by a different color selector then the body itself for greater visual effects? it would be more elegant and less on the nose.

Another possibility would have been to go for "grinded glass powder" held into shape mostly by her power with a more granular texture on the top of the armor if that's more her thing.

 right now she looks like someone tried to combine medieval european armor with a sleeker look with shogun battle armor and failed horribly, the "glass parts" feel bolted on. Then there's the eyescream, Warframes are at least partially biological and even bleed. Judging from the angle of the glass wedge that ends in that .. whatever that is supposed to be  on her hip.. a slanted table? If I was the tenno I would not welcome the sensation of feeling the sensor feedback of having half your breast on each side cutoff, compressed by a very too small pushup or the constant fear that a strong hit from the back makes you crash into a wall or the floor, and impale your chest/throat on the broken decoration.  Yeah you can say it's "just a game" but the uncanny valley (pun intendet) of this design choice can definitely ruin the immersion for some players. 

Then there's the codpiece... or rather the jagged edge of metal between her legs... if I had a plat for every time someone called her a futaframe in reference to that I could buy primed chamber by the time of release >-<. 

Last but not least... the helmet... it looks almost like a stylized steel fullplate helmet with slits for the eyes. But there's 2 rows of "eyes" and the lower line is either a odd departure or a failed attempt at breathing slits the top and bottom junction usually meets on the nosetip height. So if warframes would need to breath ... which they do since we suffocate in a vacuum and we used to have stamina. Shogun Glass here would breath in a very unhealthy dose of CO2 within less then a minute. 


Long story short: 

The frame is overladen with slapped on feeling details and accessories. It feels like a mix and match between radically different styles of gear, and to top it off what details are there from what looks to be the inspiration, is warped and taken out of context where it creates a negative impact on the design as a whole rather then improve it. It's like people just couldn't agree what to go with... and simply slapped every idea together due to time constraints.


PS: WHY THE BELLY PIECE FROM THE CHEST GLASS? I don't know if I should scream in terror or tilt her slightly backwards to use it as a avant-garde table for a single can of juice. 



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The under part of her is rhino the upper with her wide shoulders just look silly. I see no differences because DE known by their weird sense of aesthetic. Maybe this frame will be fun to play but it can be easily a huge fail by the dev side.

That crotch on her and massive legs certainly copied from rhino but the copy is not always a bad thing. I am hoping the next frame after glass will be badass. After that I hope for the Flora or for my frame concept but honestly there are a lot cool concepts. Hennya is one of them but there are older concepts as well which I like.

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